Year 2023,
, 665 - 676, 31.03.2023
Süleyman Karaman
Burhan Özkan
Furkan Yigit
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- Cagatay S & Guzel A (2003). Review of agriculture and trade policies in Turkey, BSEC Trade Facilitation Project, FAO TCP/REP/2901.
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- Lafay G (1992). The measurement of revealed comparative advantages. In: Dagenais M G, Plunet, P.-A. (Eds.), International TradeModelling. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 209–236.
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- Liu H, Minoru T & Dongsheng S (2009). Changing patterns in comparative advantage for agricultural trade in East Asian countries. China Agricultural Economic Review 1(2):227 – 238.
- Nakiboglu A, Turan Z & Levent M (2017). The economic performance of Russıa in Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Route Educational and Social Science Journal 4(2):13-32. (in Turkish).
- Pantucci R & Petersen A (2013). Turkey: abandoning the EU for the SCO? Retrieved in May, 09, 2021 from
- Telatar G (2019). The rise of Eurasia option in Turkish foreign policy. The International Journal of Economic and Social Research 3(15): 351-369.
- TSI (2019). Turkey Foreign Trade Statistics Database. Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara. (in Turkish).
- Yercan M & Isikli E (2009). Domestic resource cost approach for the international competitiveness of Turkish horticultural products. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(9):864-869.
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Export Competitiveness of Türkiye Agri-food Products in the European Union and The Shanghai Cooperation Markets
Year 2023,
, 665 - 676, 31.03.2023
Süleyman Karaman
Burhan Özkan
Furkan Yigit
The purpose of this study was to investigate the competitive advantage and long-term viability of Türkiye agri-food exports to the European Union (EU) and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) markets. The Lafay index and trade ratios were utilized to investigate comparative and competitive advantage, while the survival function was employed to estimate export competition for the EU and SCO markets. The results indicate that Türkiye has a competitive edge in the export of fruits and vegetables to the EU and SCO states. However, the period of comparative advantage experienced by EU and SCO countries was not similar, nor was the benefit consistent. Despite fluctuations in Türkiye’s international trade balance with SCO members, its foreign trade with EU members has increased. Hence, Türkiye should continue to trade in agri-food with the EU while simultaneously expanding business networks with SCO countries.
- Balassa B (1965). “Trade liberalization and “revealed” comparative advantage”. The Manchester School of Economics and Social Studies 33(3): 99–123.
- Balassa B. (1977). Revealed comparative advantage revisited. The Manchester School of Economics and Social Studies 45(4): 327–344.
- Benesova I, Maitah M, Smutka L, Tomsik K & Ishchukova N (2017). Perspectives of the Russian agricultural exports in terms of comparative advantage. Agricultural Economics ‐ Czech 63(7): 318–330.
- Bojnec S & Fertö I (2009). Agro-food trade competitiveness of Central European and Balkan countries. Food Policy 34(5): 417–425.
- Cagatay S & Guzel A (2003). Review of agriculture and trade policies in Turkey, BSEC Trade Facilitation Project, FAO TCP/REP/2901.
- Cleves M A, Gould W W & Gutierrez R G (2010). An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using STATA. Stata Press, College Station, Texas.
- Erdem T (2020). Competitiveness of dried sector: A case study of World and Turkey. Agricultural Economics ‐ Czech 66(8): 365–372.
- Bashimov G (2017). Comparative advantage in agro-food products of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 4(3):319–330.
- Isik N (2016). The analyzing of foreign trade flows between Turkey and Shanghai Cooperation Organization. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies 1(17):151-174. (in Turkish).
- Kaplan E L & Meier P (1958). Nonparametric estimation from ıncomplete observations. Journal of The American Statistical Association 53(282):457-481.
- Lafay G (1992). The measurement of revealed comparative advantages. In: Dagenais M G, Plunet, P.-A. (Eds.), International TradeModelling. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 209–236.
- Liefert W M & Liefert O (2020). Russian agricultural trade and world markets. Russian Journal of Economics 6(1): 56–70.
- Liu H, Minoru T & Dongsheng S (2009). Changing patterns in comparative advantage for agricultural trade in East Asian countries. China Agricultural Economic Review 1(2):227 – 238.
- Nakiboglu A, Turan Z & Levent M (2017). The economic performance of Russıa in Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Route Educational and Social Science Journal 4(2):13-32. (in Turkish).
- Pantucci R & Petersen A (2013). Turkey: abandoning the EU for the SCO? Retrieved in May, 09, 2021 from
- Telatar G (2019). The rise of Eurasia option in Turkish foreign policy. The International Journal of Economic and Social Research 3(15): 351-369.
- TSI (2019). Turkey Foreign Trade Statistics Database. Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara. (in Turkish).
- Yercan M & Isikli E (2009). Domestic resource cost approach for the international competitiveness of Turkish horticultural products. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(9):864-869.
- Zaghini A (2003). Trade advantages and specialization dynamics in acceding countries. WorkingPaper No. 249, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main: 4–15.