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Farmers’ desire to make changes in their agricultural branches in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions: The example of Türkiye

Year 2025, , 110 - 125, 14.01.2025


The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent protectionary lockdowns have negatively impacted farmers, especially those producing perishable agricultural products worldwide and Türkiye. For this reason, most researchers began to investigate the effects of restrictions on agrarian branches during the sudden shocks of the pandemic. This study was carried out to reveal the farmers’ desire for change in agricultural production branches during the period when coronavirus pandemic restrictions were implemented in Türkiye. A survey study was conducted with broad participation and telephone interviews involving 2125 farmers in different production branches in 22 provinces. Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis was used to analyze variables. According to our analysis results, compared with other agricultural branches, it has been determined that the farmers who do vegetable farming, fruit farming, and livestock farming have a higher desire to change their bare agrarian branches. Approximately half of the farmers interviewed reported difficulties obtaining seeds, fertilizers, and chemicals and providing sufficient labor. Due to these difficulties, 16.5% of the farmers stated that if the first shock effect of the pandemic restrictions continues and this shock effect continues, they will abandon the current main agricultural branches of animal husbandry and vegetable growing. Fruit growing and switch to other farming branches that require less input and labor for agricultural production. For these reasons, policymakers should invest more in market-oriented strategies such as input supply, storage of products, logistics, and processing of manufactured products to maintain the supply chain during pandemic periods. Because these strategies require high costs and the necessary knowledge of post-harvest operations, they are investments that individual farmers cannot afford. Our study revealed that the initial shock effect of the pandemic restrictions in Türkiye had a limited impact on the production of agricultural products. Despite this little impact, 87.3% of farmers stated that their income decreased slightly during this period. We foresee that the restrictions made due to the coronavirus pandemic will affect the planning and social policy in the Turkish economy in the coming years. However, this situation will not change the basic structure of Turkish agricultural production and distribution.


  • Akbudak N & Şen Ö (2021). GLOBALGAP in the COVID-19 pandemic process. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research 8(2): 248-255 (in Turkish)
  • Akın Y, Celen B, Çelen M F & Karagöz A (2020). Agriculture and pandemic: how should Turkish agriculture change after COVID-19? EJONS International Journal on Mathematics. Engineering and Natural Sciences 36(4): 904-914. (in Turkish)
  • Ali S S, Ahmad M R, Shoaib, J U M, Sheik M A, Hoshain M I, Hall R L, Macintosh K A & Williams P N (2021). Pandemic or environmental socioeconomic stressors which have greater impact on food security in the barishal division of Bangladesh: initial perspectives from agricultural officers and farmers. Sustainability 13(10): 5457
  • Anonymous (2022). Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Plant Production. Retrieved in February 23, 2024 from
  • Aşkan E & Dağdemir V (2015). Analysis of the factors affecting the production rates of dairy livestock facilities benefitting from governmental financial supports and incentives: the sample of Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt Provinces. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics 21(2): 69-76 (in Turkish)
  • Aydın S, Görmüş A Ş & Altıntop M Y (2014). The Relationship between the satisfaction level of students and their demographic features with non-linear canonical correlation analysis: an application in Vocational High School. Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of Abant Social Sciences, 14(1): 35-58 (in Turkish).
  • Balcı A (1997). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemi Teknik ve İlkeleri. 2. Baskı. Ankara: 72 TDFO Yay. Ltd. Şt.
  • Behera U K & France J (2016). Integrated farming systems and the livelihood security of small and marginal farmers in India and other developing countries. Advances in Agronomy, Academic Press 138: 235-282
  • Biswal J, Vijayalakshmy K & Rahman H (2020). Impact of COVID-19 and associated lockdown on livestock and poultry sectors in India. Veterinary World 13(9): 1928-1933
  • Bülbül Ş & Giray S (2012). Examining of the Relationship structure between job and special life (nonwork) satisfaction with Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences 12(4): 101-116 (in Turkish).
  • Ceballos F Kannan S & Kramer B (2020). Impacts of a national lockdown on smallholder farmers’ income and food security: empirical evidence from two states in India. World Development 136: 105069
  • Cevher C & Altunkaynak B (2020) Socioeconomic factors and sustainable forage crops production in Turkey Aegean Region: A Multivariate Modeling. Sustainability 12: 8061
  • Cevher C, Adanacıoğlu H & Doğan N (2021) Impacts of the first wave of the COVID-19 on the agricultural production in Turkey: assessing the roles of farmers during the pandemic. In: XII International Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, 7-10 October 2021, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Cordeiro M C, Santos L & Marujo L G (2021). COVID-19 and the fragility of Brazilian small farming resilience. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management 18(2): 1-14
  • Ding Y, Wang C, He L, Tang Y, Li T & Yin Y (2021). Effect of COVID-19 on animal breeding development in China and its countermeasures. Animal Frontiers 11(1): 39-42 FAO (2020). Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: labour market.
  • Filiz Z & Kolukısaoğlu S (2012). Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis and an application. International Journal of Management Economics and Business 8(16): 59-74 (in Turkish).
  • Frelat R, Lopez-Ridaura S, Giller K E, Herrero M, Douxchamps S, Djurfeldt A A & Van-Wijk M T (2016). Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Africa based on big data from small farms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(2): 458-463
  • Goswami R, Roy K, Dutta S Ray K, Sarkar S, Brahmachari K, Nanda M K, Mainuddin M, Banerjee H Timsina J & Majumdar K (2021). Multi-faceted impact and outcome of COVID-19 on smallholder agricultural systems: integrating qualitative research and fuzzy cognitive mapping to explore resilient strategies. Agricultural Systems 189: 103051
  • Gu H & Wang C (2020). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on vegetable production and countermeasures from an agricultural insurance perspective. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 19(12): 2866-2876
  • Gürbüz I B & Özkan G (2021). Will agriculture beat the odds against Covid-19? The Covid-19 outbreak and its effect on agricultural supply in Turkey. New Media: Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment 20(2): 15-26
  • Hatab A A, Lagerkvist C J & Esmat A (2020). Risk perception and determinants in small- and medium-sized agrifood enterprises amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Egypt. Agribusiness: An International Journal 37(1): 187-212
  • Hobbs J E (2020). Food supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 68(2): 171-176
  • Husse M, Brander M, Kassie M, Ehlert U & Bernauer T (2021). Improved storage mitigates vulnerability to food-supply shocks in smallholder agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Food Security 28: 100468.
  • IBM (2021). IBM Knowledge Center. Retrieved in February 23, 2024 from
  • Johnson R A & Wichern D W (2014). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis; Pearson: London, UK. Karakoç H & Kısa C (2023). Investigation of the effect of Covid-19 on anxiety, fear of death and obsessive compulsory disorder. Turkey Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy 6(11): 1-13 (in Turkish)
  • Ker A P & Biden S (2021). Risk management in Canada’s agricultural sector in light of COVID-19: considerations one year later. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(2): 299-305
  • Kolukısaoğlu S (2013). Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis’ application on depression anxiety and stress scale. M.Sc. Thesis, Eskisehir Osmangazi University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Statistics, Türkiye. (in Turkish)
  • Kumaran M, Geetha R, Antony J, Vasagam K P K, Anand P R, Ravisankar T, Angel J R J, Muralidhar D D M, Patil P K & Vijayan K K (2021). Prospective impact of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) related lockdown on shrimp aquaculture sector in India-a sectoral assessment. Aquaculture 531: 735922
  • Laborde D, Martin W, Swinnen J & Vos R (2020). COVID-19 risks to global food security. Science 369: 500-502 Mahajan K & Tomar S (2020). COVID-19 and supply chain disruption: evidence from food markets in India. The American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103(1): 35-52
  • Mastronardi L, Cavallo A, Romagnoli L (2020). Diversified farms facing the COVID-19 pandemic: first signals from Italian case studies. Sustainability 12 (5709)
  • Martínez-Azúa B C. López-Salazar P E & Sama-Berrocal C (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agrifood companies in the region of Extremadura (Spain). Agronomy 11(5): 971
  • Menon A & Schmidt-Vogt D (2022). Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on farmers and their responses: a study of three farming systems in Kerala, South India. Land 11: 144
  • Meuwissen M P M, Feindt P H, Spiegel A, Termeer C J A M, Mathijs E, Finger R, Balmann A, Wauters E, Urquhart J, Vigani M, Zawalińska K, Herrera H, Nicholas-Davies P, Hansson H, Paas W, Slijper T, Coopmans I, Vroege W, Ciechomska A, Accatino F, Kopainsky B, Poortvliet M P, Candel J J L. Maye D, Severini S, Senni S, Soriano B, Lagerkvist C J, Peneva M, Gavrilescu C, Reidsma P (2019). A framework to assess the resilience of farming systems. Agricultural Systems 176: 102656
  • Middendorf B J, Faye A, Middendorf G, Stewart Z P, Jha P K & Vara-Prasad P V (2021). Smallholder farmer perceptions about the impact of COVID-19 on agriculture and livelihoods in Senegal. Agricultural Systems 190: 103108
  • Mishra A, Bruno E & Zilberman D (2021). Compound natural and human disasters: managing drought and COVID-19 to sustain global agriculture and food sectors. Science of The Total Environment 754: 142210
  • Meulman J J & Heiser W J (2005). SPSS categories 14.0 SPSS Inc.
  • Nzekwe C A, Onwudinjo L E & Okonkwo P N (2018). The challenges and prospects of small-scale farmers in Enugu state, Nigeria. International Journal of Novel Research in Humanities, Social Science and Management 1(1): 19-24
  • Obayelu A E, Obayelu, O A, Bolarinwa, K B, Oyeyinka, R A (2021). Assessment of the Immediate and potential long-term effects of COVID-19 outbreak on socioeconomics, agriculture, security of food and dietary intake in Nigeria. Food Ethics 6: 5
  • OECD (2020). Evaluation of the Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Fruit and Vegetables Trade. 1-14. Retrieved in February 23, 2024 from
  • Orden D (2021). Agrifood markets and support in the United States after 1 year of COVID-19 pandemic. The Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(3): 243-249
  • Özkan M (2019). Evaluation of selected demographic and socio-cultural concepts by Nonlinear Correlation Analysis. Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences 14(2): 391-408 (in Turkish)
  • Paarlberg R (2021). Resetting the table: straight talk about the food we grow and eat. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Perrin A & Martin G (2021) Resilience of French organic dairy cattle farms and supply chains to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Agricultural Systems 190: 103082
  • Pu M & Zhong Y (2020). Rising concerns over agricultural production as COVID-19 spreads: lessons from China. Global Food Security 26: 100409
  • Rahman M S & Das G C (2021). Effect of COVID-19 on the livestock sector in Bangladesh and recommendations. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4: 100128
  • Ragasa C, Lambrecht L, Mahrt K, Aung Z. W & Wang W (2021). Immediate impacts of COVID-19 on female and male farmers in central Myanmar: phone-based household survey evidence. Agricultural Economics 52(3): 505-523
  • Savary S, Akter S, Almekinders C, Harris J, Korsten L, Rötter R, Waddington S & Watson D (2020). Mapping disruption and resilience mechanisms in food systems. Food Security 12: 695-717
  • Stephens E C, Martin G, Wijk M V, Timsina J, Snow V (2020). Editorial: impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural and food systems worldwide and on progress to the sustainable development goals. Agricultural Systems 83: 102873
  • Stephens E, Timsina J, Martin G, Wijk M V, Klerkx L, Reidsma P, Snow V (2022). The immediate impact of the first waves of the global COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural systems worldwide: reflections on the COVID-19 special issue for agricultural systems. Agricultural Systems 201: 103436
  • Snow V, Rodriguez D, Dynes R, Kaye-Blake W, Mallawaarachchi T, Zydenbos S, Cong L, Obadovic I Agnew R, Amery N (2021). Resilience Achieved via multiple compensating subsystems: the immediate impacts of COVID-19 control measures on the agrifood systems of Australia and New Zealand. Agricultural Systems 187: 103025
  • Taylor D E, Farias L M, Kahan L M, Talamo J, Surdoval A, McCoy E.D, Daupan, S M (2022). Understanding the challenges faced by Michigan’s family farmers: race/ethnicity and the impacts of a pandemic. Agriculture and Human Values 39: 1077-1096.
  • TurkStat (2021). Production of cereals and other crops. Retrieved in February 23, 2023 from
  • Uğur A & Buruklar T (2020). Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on agrifood production and farmers. Food Science and Technology 42, 1-10.
  • Ullah A, Zeb A, Liu J, Mahmood N & Kächele H (2021). Transhumant pastoralist knowledge of infectious diseases and adoption of alternative land use strategies in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan (HKH) region of Pakistan. Land Use Policy 109: 105729.
  • Varshney D, Kumar A, Mishra A K, Rashid S & Joshi P K (2021). COVID-19, Government transfer payments, and investment decisions in farming business: evidence from Northern India. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43(1): 248-269
  • Worku A & Ülkü M A (2021). Analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vegetable market supply in Northwestern Ethiopia. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 12(3): 371-385
  • Yegbemey RN, Komlan Ahihou CM, Olorunnipa I, Benali M, Afari-Sefa V, Schreinemachers P (2021). COVID-19 effects and resilience of vegetable farmers in North-Western Nigeria. Agronomy 11(9): 1808
  • Yoshida S & Yagi H (2021). Long-term development of urban agriculture: resilience and sustainability of farmers facing the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. Sustainability 13: 4316
  • Yılmaz E & Pulatsü S (2021). Evaluation of fishermen opinions about inland fisheries with nonlinear canonical correlation analysis. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 38(1): 11-19 (in Turkish)
Year 2025, , 110 - 125, 14.01.2025



  • Akbudak N & Şen Ö (2021). GLOBALGAP in the COVID-19 pandemic process. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research 8(2): 248-255 (in Turkish)
  • Akın Y, Celen B, Çelen M F & Karagöz A (2020). Agriculture and pandemic: how should Turkish agriculture change after COVID-19? EJONS International Journal on Mathematics. Engineering and Natural Sciences 36(4): 904-914. (in Turkish)
  • Ali S S, Ahmad M R, Shoaib, J U M, Sheik M A, Hoshain M I, Hall R L, Macintosh K A & Williams P N (2021). Pandemic or environmental socioeconomic stressors which have greater impact on food security in the barishal division of Bangladesh: initial perspectives from agricultural officers and farmers. Sustainability 13(10): 5457
  • Anonymous (2022). Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Plant Production. Retrieved in February 23, 2024 from
  • Aşkan E & Dağdemir V (2015). Analysis of the factors affecting the production rates of dairy livestock facilities benefitting from governmental financial supports and incentives: the sample of Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt Provinces. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics 21(2): 69-76 (in Turkish)
  • Aydın S, Görmüş A Ş & Altıntop M Y (2014). The Relationship between the satisfaction level of students and their demographic features with non-linear canonical correlation analysis: an application in Vocational High School. Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of Abant Social Sciences, 14(1): 35-58 (in Turkish).
  • Balcı A (1997). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemi Teknik ve İlkeleri. 2. Baskı. Ankara: 72 TDFO Yay. Ltd. Şt.
  • Behera U K & France J (2016). Integrated farming systems and the livelihood security of small and marginal farmers in India and other developing countries. Advances in Agronomy, Academic Press 138: 235-282
  • Biswal J, Vijayalakshmy K & Rahman H (2020). Impact of COVID-19 and associated lockdown on livestock and poultry sectors in India. Veterinary World 13(9): 1928-1933
  • Bülbül Ş & Giray S (2012). Examining of the Relationship structure between job and special life (nonwork) satisfaction with Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences 12(4): 101-116 (in Turkish).
  • Ceballos F Kannan S & Kramer B (2020). Impacts of a national lockdown on smallholder farmers’ income and food security: empirical evidence from two states in India. World Development 136: 105069
  • Cevher C & Altunkaynak B (2020) Socioeconomic factors and sustainable forage crops production in Turkey Aegean Region: A Multivariate Modeling. Sustainability 12: 8061
  • Cevher C, Adanacıoğlu H & Doğan N (2021) Impacts of the first wave of the COVID-19 on the agricultural production in Turkey: assessing the roles of farmers during the pandemic. In: XII International Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2021”, 7-10 October 2021, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Cordeiro M C, Santos L & Marujo L G (2021). COVID-19 and the fragility of Brazilian small farming resilience. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management 18(2): 1-14
  • Ding Y, Wang C, He L, Tang Y, Li T & Yin Y (2021). Effect of COVID-19 on animal breeding development in China and its countermeasures. Animal Frontiers 11(1): 39-42 FAO (2020). Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: labour market.
  • Filiz Z & Kolukısaoğlu S (2012). Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis and an application. International Journal of Management Economics and Business 8(16): 59-74 (in Turkish).
  • Frelat R, Lopez-Ridaura S, Giller K E, Herrero M, Douxchamps S, Djurfeldt A A & Van-Wijk M T (2016). Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Africa based on big data from small farms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(2): 458-463
  • Goswami R, Roy K, Dutta S Ray K, Sarkar S, Brahmachari K, Nanda M K, Mainuddin M, Banerjee H Timsina J & Majumdar K (2021). Multi-faceted impact and outcome of COVID-19 on smallholder agricultural systems: integrating qualitative research and fuzzy cognitive mapping to explore resilient strategies. Agricultural Systems 189: 103051
  • Gu H & Wang C (2020). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on vegetable production and countermeasures from an agricultural insurance perspective. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 19(12): 2866-2876
  • Gürbüz I B & Özkan G (2021). Will agriculture beat the odds against Covid-19? The Covid-19 outbreak and its effect on agricultural supply in Turkey. New Media: Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment 20(2): 15-26
  • Hatab A A, Lagerkvist C J & Esmat A (2020). Risk perception and determinants in small- and medium-sized agrifood enterprises amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Egypt. Agribusiness: An International Journal 37(1): 187-212
  • Hobbs J E (2020). Food supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 68(2): 171-176
  • Husse M, Brander M, Kassie M, Ehlert U & Bernauer T (2021). Improved storage mitigates vulnerability to food-supply shocks in smallholder agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Food Security 28: 100468.
  • IBM (2021). IBM Knowledge Center. Retrieved in February 23, 2024 from
  • Johnson R A & Wichern D W (2014). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis; Pearson: London, UK. Karakoç H & Kısa C (2023). Investigation of the effect of Covid-19 on anxiety, fear of death and obsessive compulsory disorder. Turkey Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy 6(11): 1-13 (in Turkish)
  • Ker A P & Biden S (2021). Risk management in Canada’s agricultural sector in light of COVID-19: considerations one year later. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(2): 299-305
  • Kolukısaoğlu S (2013). Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis’ application on depression anxiety and stress scale. M.Sc. Thesis, Eskisehir Osmangazi University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Statistics, Türkiye. (in Turkish)
  • Kumaran M, Geetha R, Antony J, Vasagam K P K, Anand P R, Ravisankar T, Angel J R J, Muralidhar D D M, Patil P K & Vijayan K K (2021). Prospective impact of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) related lockdown on shrimp aquaculture sector in India-a sectoral assessment. Aquaculture 531: 735922
  • Laborde D, Martin W, Swinnen J & Vos R (2020). COVID-19 risks to global food security. Science 369: 500-502 Mahajan K & Tomar S (2020). COVID-19 and supply chain disruption: evidence from food markets in India. The American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103(1): 35-52
  • Mastronardi L, Cavallo A, Romagnoli L (2020). Diversified farms facing the COVID-19 pandemic: first signals from Italian case studies. Sustainability 12 (5709)
  • Martínez-Azúa B C. López-Salazar P E & Sama-Berrocal C (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agrifood companies in the region of Extremadura (Spain). Agronomy 11(5): 971
  • Menon A & Schmidt-Vogt D (2022). Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on farmers and their responses: a study of three farming systems in Kerala, South India. Land 11: 144
  • Meuwissen M P M, Feindt P H, Spiegel A, Termeer C J A M, Mathijs E, Finger R, Balmann A, Wauters E, Urquhart J, Vigani M, Zawalińska K, Herrera H, Nicholas-Davies P, Hansson H, Paas W, Slijper T, Coopmans I, Vroege W, Ciechomska A, Accatino F, Kopainsky B, Poortvliet M P, Candel J J L. Maye D, Severini S, Senni S, Soriano B, Lagerkvist C J, Peneva M, Gavrilescu C, Reidsma P (2019). A framework to assess the resilience of farming systems. Agricultural Systems 176: 102656
  • Middendorf B J, Faye A, Middendorf G, Stewart Z P, Jha P K & Vara-Prasad P V (2021). Smallholder farmer perceptions about the impact of COVID-19 on agriculture and livelihoods in Senegal. Agricultural Systems 190: 103108
  • Mishra A, Bruno E & Zilberman D (2021). Compound natural and human disasters: managing drought and COVID-19 to sustain global agriculture and food sectors. Science of The Total Environment 754: 142210
  • Meulman J J & Heiser W J (2005). SPSS categories 14.0 SPSS Inc.
  • Nzekwe C A, Onwudinjo L E & Okonkwo P N (2018). The challenges and prospects of small-scale farmers in Enugu state, Nigeria. International Journal of Novel Research in Humanities, Social Science and Management 1(1): 19-24
  • Obayelu A E, Obayelu, O A, Bolarinwa, K B, Oyeyinka, R A (2021). Assessment of the Immediate and potential long-term effects of COVID-19 outbreak on socioeconomics, agriculture, security of food and dietary intake in Nigeria. Food Ethics 6: 5
  • OECD (2020). Evaluation of the Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Fruit and Vegetables Trade. 1-14. Retrieved in February 23, 2024 from
  • Orden D (2021). Agrifood markets and support in the United States after 1 year of COVID-19 pandemic. The Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(3): 243-249
  • Özkan M (2019). Evaluation of selected demographic and socio-cultural concepts by Nonlinear Correlation Analysis. Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences 14(2): 391-408 (in Turkish)
  • Paarlberg R (2021). Resetting the table: straight talk about the food we grow and eat. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Perrin A & Martin G (2021) Resilience of French organic dairy cattle farms and supply chains to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Agricultural Systems 190: 103082
  • Pu M & Zhong Y (2020). Rising concerns over agricultural production as COVID-19 spreads: lessons from China. Global Food Security 26: 100409
  • Rahman M S & Das G C (2021). Effect of COVID-19 on the livestock sector in Bangladesh and recommendations. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 4: 100128
  • Ragasa C, Lambrecht L, Mahrt K, Aung Z. W & Wang W (2021). Immediate impacts of COVID-19 on female and male farmers in central Myanmar: phone-based household survey evidence. Agricultural Economics 52(3): 505-523
  • Savary S, Akter S, Almekinders C, Harris J, Korsten L, Rötter R, Waddington S & Watson D (2020). Mapping disruption and resilience mechanisms in food systems. Food Security 12: 695-717
  • Stephens E C, Martin G, Wijk M V, Timsina J, Snow V (2020). Editorial: impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural and food systems worldwide and on progress to the sustainable development goals. Agricultural Systems 83: 102873
  • Stephens E, Timsina J, Martin G, Wijk M V, Klerkx L, Reidsma P, Snow V (2022). The immediate impact of the first waves of the global COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural systems worldwide: reflections on the COVID-19 special issue for agricultural systems. Agricultural Systems 201: 103436
  • Snow V, Rodriguez D, Dynes R, Kaye-Blake W, Mallawaarachchi T, Zydenbos S, Cong L, Obadovic I Agnew R, Amery N (2021). Resilience Achieved via multiple compensating subsystems: the immediate impacts of COVID-19 control measures on the agrifood systems of Australia and New Zealand. Agricultural Systems 187: 103025
  • Taylor D E, Farias L M, Kahan L M, Talamo J, Surdoval A, McCoy E.D, Daupan, S M (2022). Understanding the challenges faced by Michigan’s family farmers: race/ethnicity and the impacts of a pandemic. Agriculture and Human Values 39: 1077-1096.
  • TurkStat (2021). Production of cereals and other crops. Retrieved in February 23, 2023 from
  • Uğur A & Buruklar T (2020). Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on agrifood production and farmers. Food Science and Technology 42, 1-10.
  • Ullah A, Zeb A, Liu J, Mahmood N & Kächele H (2021). Transhumant pastoralist knowledge of infectious diseases and adoption of alternative land use strategies in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan (HKH) region of Pakistan. Land Use Policy 109: 105729.
  • Varshney D, Kumar A, Mishra A K, Rashid S & Joshi P K (2021). COVID-19, Government transfer payments, and investment decisions in farming business: evidence from Northern India. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43(1): 248-269
  • Worku A & Ülkü M A (2021). Analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vegetable market supply in Northwestern Ethiopia. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 12(3): 371-385
  • Yegbemey RN, Komlan Ahihou CM, Olorunnipa I, Benali M, Afari-Sefa V, Schreinemachers P (2021). COVID-19 effects and resilience of vegetable farmers in North-Western Nigeria. Agronomy 11(9): 1808
  • Yoshida S & Yagi H (2021). Long-term development of urban agriculture: resilience and sustainability of farmers facing the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. Sustainability 13: 4316
  • Yılmaz E & Pulatsü S (2021). Evaluation of fishermen opinions about inland fisheries with nonlinear canonical correlation analysis. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 38(1): 11-19 (in Turkish)
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Makaleler

Celal Cevher 0000-0002-3631-0321

Yener Ataseven 0000-0002-9350-5512

Şule Coşkun Cevher 0000-0001-6204-2845

Publication Date January 14, 2025
Submission Date November 7, 2023
Acceptance Date August 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Cevher, C., Ataseven, Y., & Cevher, Ş. C. (2025). Farmers’ desire to make changes in their agricultural branches in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions: The example of Türkiye. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(1), 110-125.
AMA Cevher C, Ataseven Y, Cevher ŞC. Farmers’ desire to make changes in their agricultural branches in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions: The example of Türkiye. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2025;31(1):110-125. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1387490
Chicago Cevher, Celal, Yener Ataseven, and Şule Coşkun Cevher. “Farmers’ Desire to Make Changes in Their Agricultural Branches in the First Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions: The Example of Türkiye”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 31, no. 1 (January 2025): 110-25.
EndNote Cevher C, Ataseven Y, Cevher ŞC (January 1, 2025) Farmers’ desire to make changes in their agricultural branches in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions: The example of Türkiye. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 31 1 110–125.
IEEE C. Cevher, Y. Ataseven, and Ş. C. Cevher, “Farmers’ desire to make changes in their agricultural branches in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions: The example of Türkiye”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 110–125, 2025, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1387490.
ISNAD Cevher, Celal et al. “Farmers’ Desire to Make Changes in Their Agricultural Branches in the First Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions: The Example of Türkiye”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 31/1 (January 2025), 110-125.
JAMA Cevher C, Ataseven Y, Cevher ŞC. Farmers’ desire to make changes in their agricultural branches in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions: The example of Türkiye. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2025;31:110–125.
MLA Cevher, Celal et al. “Farmers’ Desire to Make Changes in Their Agricultural Branches in the First Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions: The Example of Türkiye”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 1, 2025, pp. 110-25, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1387490.
Vancouver Cevher C, Ataseven Y, Cevher ŞC. Farmers’ desire to make changes in their agricultural branches in the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions: The example of Türkiye. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2025;31(1):110-25.

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