Research Article
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Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) concentration in nutrient medium on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sp. Culture

Year 2024, , 658 - 667, 22.10.2024


Microalga of the genus Chlorella has developed a stable industry as dietary supplements for humans and animals based on their scientific and commercial interests. The growth of Chlorella sp. cultures has been enhanced by using a variety of nutrients to improve pigmentation, lipid content, and growth. Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) improves crops and macroalgae production, such as seaweeds. However, AMPEP has not yet been studied as a means of producing microalgae. Therefore, this study investigates microalgae production in a nutrient medium containing AMPEP. Three concentrations of AMPEP were prepared: group A (125 mg L-1 AMPEP), group B (625 mg L-1 AMPEP), and group C (0 mg L-1 AMPEP) as control. Experiments were conducted for each group for 21 days in triplicate. Results revealed that lower AMPEP (125 mg L-1) concentration added to the nutrient medium provides higher cell densities in Chlorella sp. culture. 125 mg L-1 AMPEP in a nutrient medium reached the highest cell density of 1.28 fold cell mL-1 than the control group. Additionally, the dry weight of groups A, B, and C were calculated as 2.57 ± 0.12 g L-1, 1.37 ± 0.06 g L-1, and 1.58 ± 0.16 g L-1, respectively. The cell sizes of groups A, B, and C were 4.80 ± 1.32 μm, 5.20 ± 1.87 μm, and 3.80 ± 0.79 μm, respectively. Moreover, the highest level of lipid accumulation of Chlorella sp. culture was achieved by group B with a lipid content of 10.44 ± 1.28 %, followed by group A with a lipid content of 8.55 ± 0.80 %, which was higher than the control group (group C) with a lipid content of 7.04 ± 0.93 %. Hence, the present study shows that AMPEP used in microalgae production may improve growth and lipid accumulation.


  • Ashokkumar V, Agila E, Sivakumar P, Salam Z, Rengasamy R & Ani F N (2014). Optimization and characterization of biodiesel production from microalgae Botryococcus grown at semi-continuous system. Energy conversion and management 88: 936-946
  • Aziz A & Siti Mariam O (2016). Phosphate-induced changes in fatty acid biosynthesis in Chlorella sp. KS-MA2 strain. Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology 97(4): 295-304
  • Briassoulis D, Panagakis P, Chionidis M, Tzenos D, Lalos A, Tsinos C, Berberidis P & Jacobsen A (2010). An experimental helical-tubular photobioreactor for continuous production of Nannochloropsis sp. Bioresource Technology, 101(17): 6768-6777
  • Caporgno M P, Haberkorn I, Böcker L, & Mathys A (2019). Cultivation of Chlorella protothecoides under different growth modes and its utilization in oil/water emulsions. Bioresource technology 288: 121476
  • Chia M A, Lombardi A T, Maria da Graça M & Parrish C C (2013). Lipid composition of Chlorella vulgaris (Trebouxiophyceae) as a function of different cadmium and phosphate concentrations. Aquatic Toxicology 128: 171-182
  • Cho K, Kim K N, Lim N L, Kim M S, Ha J C, Shin H H, Kim M K, Roh S W, Kim D & Oda T (2015). Enhanced biomass and lipid production by supplement of myo-inositol with oceanic microalga Dunaliella salina. Biomass and Bioenergy 72: 1-7
  • Christaki E, Bonos E, & Florou-Paneri P (2015). Innovative microalgae pigments as functional ingredients in nutrition. In Handbook of marine microalgae (pp. 233-243). Academic Press.
  • Di Stasio E, Van Oosten M J, Silletti S, Raimondi G, dell’Aversana E, Carillo P, & Maggio A (2018). Ascophyllum nodosum-based algal extracts act as enhancers of growth, fruit quality, and adaptation to stress in salinized tomato plants. Journal of applied Phycology 30: 2675-2686
  • Durmaz Y (2007). Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) production by the marine microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata (Eustigmatophyceae) in nitrogen limitation. Aquaculture 272(1-4): 717-722
  • Durmaz Y & Erbil G Ç (2020). Comparison of industrial-scale tubular photobioreactor to FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) panel photobioreactor on outdoor culture of Nannochloropsis oculata in the marine hatchery. Ege Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences (EgeJFAS)/Su Ürünleri Dergisi 37(3): 303-308
  • Durmaz Y, Donato M, Monteiro M, Gouveia L, Nunes M L, Gama Pereira T, Gokpinar S & Bandarra N M (2008). Effect of Temperature on Growth and Biochemical Composition (Sterols, α-tocopherol, Carotenoids, Fatty Acid Profiles) of the Microalga, Isochrysis galbana. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh 60(3): 188-195
  • Erbil G Ç & Durmaz Y (2020). Effects of myo-inositol concentration on growth and pigments of Nannochloropsis oculata culture. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 37(2): 195-199
  • Erbil G Ç, Durmaz Y & Mahmut E L P (2021). Indoor Growth Performance of Chlorella sp. Production at Tubular Photobioreactor. Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 7(2): 90-95
  • Feng P, Deng Z, Fan L & Hu Z (2012). Lipid accumulation and growth characteristics of Chlorella zofingiensis under different nitrate and phosphate concentrations. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 114(4): 405-410
  • George B, Pancha I, Desai,C, Chokshi K, Paliwal C, Ghosh T & Mishra S (2014). Effects of different media composition, light intensity and photoperiod on morphology and physiology of freshwater microalgae Ankistrodesmus falcatus–A potential strain for bio-fuel production. Bioresource Technology 171: 367-374
  • Griffiths M J, van Hille R P & Harrison S T (2012). Lipid productivity, settling potential, and fatty acid profile of 11 microalgal species grown under nitrogen-replete and limited conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology 24: 989-1001
  • Hairol M D, Nian C T, Imlani A H, Tikmasan J & Sarri J H (2022). Effects of Crab Shellmeal Inclusions to Fishmeal Replacement on the Survival, Growth, and Feed Utilization of Mangrove Crab Scylla serrata (Forsskal 1775). Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 32(4): 714-726
  • Hasnain M, Abideen Z, Hashmi S, Naz S & Munir N (2023). Assessing the potential of nutrient deficiency for enhancement of biodiesel production in algal resources. Biofuels 14(1): 1-34
  • Hurtado A Q, & Critchley A T (2018). A review of multiple biostimulant and bioeffector benefits of AMPEP, an extract of the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum, as applied to the enhanced cultivation and micropropagation of the commercially important red algal carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii and its selected cultivars. Journal of Applied Phycology 30: 2859-2873
  • Hurtado A Q, Yunque D A, Tibubos K & Critchley A T (2009). Use of Acadian marine plant extract powder from Ascophyllum nodosum in tissue culture of Kappaphycus varieties. Journal of Applied Phycology 21: 633-639
  • Islam M A, Magnusson M, Brown R J, Ayoko G A, Nabi M N & Heimann K (2013). Microalgal species selection for biodiesel production based on fuel properties derived from fatty acid profiles. Energies 6(11): 5676-5702
  • Jaiswal K K, Banerjee I, Singh D, Sajwan P & Chhetri V (2020). Ecological stress stimulus to improve microalgae biofuel generation: a review. Octa Journal of Biosciences 8: 48-54
  • Juneja A, Ceballos R M & Murthy G S (2013). Effects of environmental factors and nutrient availability on the biochemical composition of algae for biofuels production: a review. Energies 6(9): 4607-4638
  • Kaparapu J (2018). Application of microalgae in aquaculture. Phykos 48(1): 21-26
  • Ketheesan B & Nirmalakhandan N (2012). Feasibility of microalgal cultivation in a pilot-scale airlift-driven raceway reactor. Bioresource Technology 108: 196-202
  • Khan M I, Shin J H & Kim J D (2018). The promising future of microalgae: current status, challenges, and optimization of a sustainable and renewable industry for biofuels, feed, and other products. Microbial cell factories 17(1): 1-21
  • Khanra S, Mondal M, Halder G, Tiwari O N, Gayen K, & Bhowmick T K (2018). Downstream processing of microalgae for pigments, protein and carbohydrate in industrial application: A review. Food and bioproducts processing 110: 60-84
  • Kumar K S, Dahms H U, Won E J, Lee J S & Shin K H (2015). Microalgae–a promising tool for heavy metal remediation. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 113: 329-352 Liu J, Qiu Y, He L, Luo K & Wang Z (2021). Effect of iron and phosphorus on the microalgae growth in co-culture. Archives of Microbiology, 203(2): 733-740
  • Liu Z Y, Wang G C & Zhou B C (2008). Effect of iron on growth and lipid accumulation in Chlorella vulgaris. Bioresource Technology 99(11): 4717-4722
  • Loureiro R R, Hurtado A Q & Critchley A T (2017). Impacts of AMPEP on epiphytes and diseases in Kappaphycus and Eucheuma cultivation. Tropical Seaweed Farming Trends, Problems and Opportunities: Focus on Kappaphycus and Eucheuma of Commerce pp. 111-119
  • Mishra S K, Suh W I, Farooq W, Moon M, Shrivastav A, Park M S & Yang J W (2014). Rapid quantification of microalgal lipids in aqueous medium by a simple colorimetric method. Bioresource Technology 155: 330-333
  • Montemezzani V, Duggan I C, Hogg I D, & Craggs R J (2015). A review of potential methods for zooplankton control in wastewater treatment High Rate Algal Ponds and algal production raceways. Algal research 11: 211-226
  • Nascimento I A, Marques S S I, Cabanelas I T D, Pereira S A, Druzian J I, de Souza C O, Vich D V, de Carvalho G C, & Nascimento M A (2013). Screening microalgae strains for biodiesel production: lipid productivity and estimation of fuel quality based on fatty acids profiles as selective criteria. Bioenergy Research 6: 1-13
  • Niccolai A, Zittelli G C, Rodolfi L, Biondi N, & Tredici M R (2019). Microalgae of interest as food source: Biochemical composition and digestibility. Algal Research 42: 101617
  • Rahman K M (2020). Food and high value products from microalgae: market opportunities and challenges. Microalgae Biotechnology for Food, Health and High Value Products pp. 3-27
  • Rana M S, Bhushan S & Prajapati S K (2020). New insights on improved growth and biogas production potential of Chlorella pyrenoidosa through intermittent iron oxide nanoparticle supplementation. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-13
  • Rizwan M, Mujtaba G, Memon S A, Lee K & Rashid N (2018). Exploring the potential of microalgae for new biotechnology applications and beyond: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92: 394-404
  • Sanuddin N B, Hairol M D, Nian C T, Robles R J F, Illud H A, Muyong J S, Ebbah J H & Sarri J H (2023). Impact of Different Nutrient Enrichment Concentrations on the Growth of Microalga Nannochloropsis sp. (Monodopsidaceae) Culture. Acta Natura & Scientia 4(1)
  • Shukla P S, Mantin E G, Adil M, Bajpai S, Critchley A T & Prithiviraj B (2019). Ascophyllum nodosum-based biostimulants: Sustainable applications in agriculture for the stimulation of plant growth, stress tolerance, and disease management. Frontiers in plant science 10: 655
  • Silva L D, Bahcevandziev K, & Pereira L (2019). Production of bio-fertilizer from Ascophyllum nodosum and Sargassum muticum (Phaeophyceae). Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 37: 918-927
  • Silva S C, Ferreira I C, Dias M M, & Barreiro M F (2020). Microalgae-derived pigments: A 10-year bibliometric review and industry and market trend analysis. Molecules 25(15): 3406
  • Sulochana S B & Arumugam M (2020). Targeted metabolomic and biochemical changes during nitrogen stress mediated lipid accumulation in Scenedesmus quadricauda CASA CC202. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8: 585632
  • Tahiluddin A B, Andon A & Burahim M (2022). Effects of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) and ammonium phosphate as Nutrient Enrichment on the ice-ice disease occurrence and growth performance of Seaweed Kappaphycus striatus. Mediterranean Fisheries and Aquaculture Research 5(2): 37-46
  • Tayemeh M B, Esmailbeigi M, Shirdel I, Joo H S, Johari S A, Banan A, Nourani H, Mashhadi H, Jami M J & Tabarrok M (2020). Perturbation of fatty acid composition, pigments, and growth indices of Chlorella vulgaris in response to silver ions and nanoparticles: A new holistic understanding of hidden ecotoxicological aspect of pollutants. Chemosphere 238: 124576
  • Udayan A, Pandey A K, Sirohi R, Sreekumar N, Sang B I, Sim S J, Kim S H & Pandey A (2023). Production of microalgae with high lipid content and their potential as sources of nutraceuticals. Phytochemistry Reviews pp. 833-860
  • Umanzor S, Shin S, Marty-Rivera M, Augyte S, Yarish C & Kim J K (2019). Preliminary assessment on the effects of the commercial seaweed extract, AMPEP, on growth and thermal tolerance of the kelp Saccharina spp. from the Northwest Atlantic. Journal of Applied Phycology 31: 3823-3829
  • Vismara R, Vestri S, Kusmic C, Barsanti L & Gualtieri P (2003). Natural vitamin E enrichment of Artemia salina fed freshwater and marine microalgae. Journal of Applied Phycology 15(1): 75-80
  • Wahidin S, Idris A & Shaleh S R M (2013). The influence of light intensity and photoperiod on the growth and lipid content of microalgae Nannochloropsis sp. Bioresource Technology 129: 7-11
  • Xin L, Hong-Ying H, Ke G & Ying-Xue S (2010). Effects of different nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on the growth, nutrient uptake, and lipid accumulation of a freshwater microalga Scenedesmus sp. Bioresource Technology 101(14): 5494-5500
  • Zhu L (2015). Biorefinery as a promising approach to promote microalgae industry: An innovative framework. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41: 1376-1384
Year 2024, , 658 - 667, 22.10.2024



  • Ashokkumar V, Agila E, Sivakumar P, Salam Z, Rengasamy R & Ani F N (2014). Optimization and characterization of biodiesel production from microalgae Botryococcus grown at semi-continuous system. Energy conversion and management 88: 936-946
  • Aziz A & Siti Mariam O (2016). Phosphate-induced changes in fatty acid biosynthesis in Chlorella sp. KS-MA2 strain. Journal of Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Bionanotechnology 97(4): 295-304
  • Briassoulis D, Panagakis P, Chionidis M, Tzenos D, Lalos A, Tsinos C, Berberidis P & Jacobsen A (2010). An experimental helical-tubular photobioreactor for continuous production of Nannochloropsis sp. Bioresource Technology, 101(17): 6768-6777
  • Caporgno M P, Haberkorn I, Böcker L, & Mathys A (2019). Cultivation of Chlorella protothecoides under different growth modes and its utilization in oil/water emulsions. Bioresource technology 288: 121476
  • Chia M A, Lombardi A T, Maria da Graça M & Parrish C C (2013). Lipid composition of Chlorella vulgaris (Trebouxiophyceae) as a function of different cadmium and phosphate concentrations. Aquatic Toxicology 128: 171-182
  • Cho K, Kim K N, Lim N L, Kim M S, Ha J C, Shin H H, Kim M K, Roh S W, Kim D & Oda T (2015). Enhanced biomass and lipid production by supplement of myo-inositol with oceanic microalga Dunaliella salina. Biomass and Bioenergy 72: 1-7
  • Christaki E, Bonos E, & Florou-Paneri P (2015). Innovative microalgae pigments as functional ingredients in nutrition. In Handbook of marine microalgae (pp. 233-243). Academic Press.
  • Di Stasio E, Van Oosten M J, Silletti S, Raimondi G, dell’Aversana E, Carillo P, & Maggio A (2018). Ascophyllum nodosum-based algal extracts act as enhancers of growth, fruit quality, and adaptation to stress in salinized tomato plants. Journal of applied Phycology 30: 2675-2686
  • Durmaz Y (2007). Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) production by the marine microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata (Eustigmatophyceae) in nitrogen limitation. Aquaculture 272(1-4): 717-722
  • Durmaz Y & Erbil G Ç (2020). Comparison of industrial-scale tubular photobioreactor to FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) panel photobioreactor on outdoor culture of Nannochloropsis oculata in the marine hatchery. Ege Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences (EgeJFAS)/Su Ürünleri Dergisi 37(3): 303-308
  • Durmaz Y, Donato M, Monteiro M, Gouveia L, Nunes M L, Gama Pereira T, Gokpinar S & Bandarra N M (2008). Effect of Temperature on Growth and Biochemical Composition (Sterols, α-tocopherol, Carotenoids, Fatty Acid Profiles) of the Microalga, Isochrysis galbana. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh 60(3): 188-195
  • Erbil G Ç & Durmaz Y (2020). Effects of myo-inositol concentration on growth and pigments of Nannochloropsis oculata culture. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 37(2): 195-199
  • Erbil G Ç, Durmaz Y & Mahmut E L P (2021). Indoor Growth Performance of Chlorella sp. Production at Tubular Photobioreactor. Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 7(2): 90-95
  • Feng P, Deng Z, Fan L & Hu Z (2012). Lipid accumulation and growth characteristics of Chlorella zofingiensis under different nitrate and phosphate concentrations. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 114(4): 405-410
  • George B, Pancha I, Desai,C, Chokshi K, Paliwal C, Ghosh T & Mishra S (2014). Effects of different media composition, light intensity and photoperiod on morphology and physiology of freshwater microalgae Ankistrodesmus falcatus–A potential strain for bio-fuel production. Bioresource Technology 171: 367-374
  • Griffiths M J, van Hille R P & Harrison S T (2012). Lipid productivity, settling potential, and fatty acid profile of 11 microalgal species grown under nitrogen-replete and limited conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology 24: 989-1001
  • Hairol M D, Nian C T, Imlani A H, Tikmasan J & Sarri J H (2022). Effects of Crab Shellmeal Inclusions to Fishmeal Replacement on the Survival, Growth, and Feed Utilization of Mangrove Crab Scylla serrata (Forsskal 1775). Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 32(4): 714-726
  • Hasnain M, Abideen Z, Hashmi S, Naz S & Munir N (2023). Assessing the potential of nutrient deficiency for enhancement of biodiesel production in algal resources. Biofuels 14(1): 1-34
  • Hurtado A Q, & Critchley A T (2018). A review of multiple biostimulant and bioeffector benefits of AMPEP, an extract of the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum, as applied to the enhanced cultivation and micropropagation of the commercially important red algal carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii and its selected cultivars. Journal of Applied Phycology 30: 2859-2873
  • Hurtado A Q, Yunque D A, Tibubos K & Critchley A T (2009). Use of Acadian marine plant extract powder from Ascophyllum nodosum in tissue culture of Kappaphycus varieties. Journal of Applied Phycology 21: 633-639
  • Islam M A, Magnusson M, Brown R J, Ayoko G A, Nabi M N & Heimann K (2013). Microalgal species selection for biodiesel production based on fuel properties derived from fatty acid profiles. Energies 6(11): 5676-5702
  • Jaiswal K K, Banerjee I, Singh D, Sajwan P & Chhetri V (2020). Ecological stress stimulus to improve microalgae biofuel generation: a review. Octa Journal of Biosciences 8: 48-54
  • Juneja A, Ceballos R M & Murthy G S (2013). Effects of environmental factors and nutrient availability on the biochemical composition of algae for biofuels production: a review. Energies 6(9): 4607-4638
  • Kaparapu J (2018). Application of microalgae in aquaculture. Phykos 48(1): 21-26
  • Ketheesan B & Nirmalakhandan N (2012). Feasibility of microalgal cultivation in a pilot-scale airlift-driven raceway reactor. Bioresource Technology 108: 196-202
  • Khan M I, Shin J H & Kim J D (2018). The promising future of microalgae: current status, challenges, and optimization of a sustainable and renewable industry for biofuels, feed, and other products. Microbial cell factories 17(1): 1-21
  • Khanra S, Mondal M, Halder G, Tiwari O N, Gayen K, & Bhowmick T K (2018). Downstream processing of microalgae for pigments, protein and carbohydrate in industrial application: A review. Food and bioproducts processing 110: 60-84
  • Kumar K S, Dahms H U, Won E J, Lee J S & Shin K H (2015). Microalgae–a promising tool for heavy metal remediation. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 113: 329-352 Liu J, Qiu Y, He L, Luo K & Wang Z (2021). Effect of iron and phosphorus on the microalgae growth in co-culture. Archives of Microbiology, 203(2): 733-740
  • Liu Z Y, Wang G C & Zhou B C (2008). Effect of iron on growth and lipid accumulation in Chlorella vulgaris. Bioresource Technology 99(11): 4717-4722
  • Loureiro R R, Hurtado A Q & Critchley A T (2017). Impacts of AMPEP on epiphytes and diseases in Kappaphycus and Eucheuma cultivation. Tropical Seaweed Farming Trends, Problems and Opportunities: Focus on Kappaphycus and Eucheuma of Commerce pp. 111-119
  • Mishra S K, Suh W I, Farooq W, Moon M, Shrivastav A, Park M S & Yang J W (2014). Rapid quantification of microalgal lipids in aqueous medium by a simple colorimetric method. Bioresource Technology 155: 330-333
  • Montemezzani V, Duggan I C, Hogg I D, & Craggs R J (2015). A review of potential methods for zooplankton control in wastewater treatment High Rate Algal Ponds and algal production raceways. Algal research 11: 211-226
  • Nascimento I A, Marques S S I, Cabanelas I T D, Pereira S A, Druzian J I, de Souza C O, Vich D V, de Carvalho G C, & Nascimento M A (2013). Screening microalgae strains for biodiesel production: lipid productivity and estimation of fuel quality based on fatty acids profiles as selective criteria. Bioenergy Research 6: 1-13
  • Niccolai A, Zittelli G C, Rodolfi L, Biondi N, & Tredici M R (2019). Microalgae of interest as food source: Biochemical composition and digestibility. Algal Research 42: 101617
  • Rahman K M (2020). Food and high value products from microalgae: market opportunities and challenges. Microalgae Biotechnology for Food, Health and High Value Products pp. 3-27
  • Rana M S, Bhushan S & Prajapati S K (2020). New insights on improved growth and biogas production potential of Chlorella pyrenoidosa through intermittent iron oxide nanoparticle supplementation. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-13
  • Rizwan M, Mujtaba G, Memon S A, Lee K & Rashid N (2018). Exploring the potential of microalgae for new biotechnology applications and beyond: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92: 394-404
  • Sanuddin N B, Hairol M D, Nian C T, Robles R J F, Illud H A, Muyong J S, Ebbah J H & Sarri J H (2023). Impact of Different Nutrient Enrichment Concentrations on the Growth of Microalga Nannochloropsis sp. (Monodopsidaceae) Culture. Acta Natura & Scientia 4(1)
  • Shukla P S, Mantin E G, Adil M, Bajpai S, Critchley A T & Prithiviraj B (2019). Ascophyllum nodosum-based biostimulants: Sustainable applications in agriculture for the stimulation of plant growth, stress tolerance, and disease management. Frontiers in plant science 10: 655
  • Silva L D, Bahcevandziev K, & Pereira L (2019). Production of bio-fertilizer from Ascophyllum nodosum and Sargassum muticum (Phaeophyceae). Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 37: 918-927
  • Silva S C, Ferreira I C, Dias M M, & Barreiro M F (2020). Microalgae-derived pigments: A 10-year bibliometric review and industry and market trend analysis. Molecules 25(15): 3406
  • Sulochana S B & Arumugam M (2020). Targeted metabolomic and biochemical changes during nitrogen stress mediated lipid accumulation in Scenedesmus quadricauda CASA CC202. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8: 585632
  • Tahiluddin A B, Andon A & Burahim M (2022). Effects of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) and ammonium phosphate as Nutrient Enrichment on the ice-ice disease occurrence and growth performance of Seaweed Kappaphycus striatus. Mediterranean Fisheries and Aquaculture Research 5(2): 37-46
  • Tayemeh M B, Esmailbeigi M, Shirdel I, Joo H S, Johari S A, Banan A, Nourani H, Mashhadi H, Jami M J & Tabarrok M (2020). Perturbation of fatty acid composition, pigments, and growth indices of Chlorella vulgaris in response to silver ions and nanoparticles: A new holistic understanding of hidden ecotoxicological aspect of pollutants. Chemosphere 238: 124576
  • Udayan A, Pandey A K, Sirohi R, Sreekumar N, Sang B I, Sim S J, Kim S H & Pandey A (2023). Production of microalgae with high lipid content and their potential as sources of nutraceuticals. Phytochemistry Reviews pp. 833-860
  • Umanzor S, Shin S, Marty-Rivera M, Augyte S, Yarish C & Kim J K (2019). Preliminary assessment on the effects of the commercial seaweed extract, AMPEP, on growth and thermal tolerance of the kelp Saccharina spp. from the Northwest Atlantic. Journal of Applied Phycology 31: 3823-3829
  • Vismara R, Vestri S, Kusmic C, Barsanti L & Gualtieri P (2003). Natural vitamin E enrichment of Artemia salina fed freshwater and marine microalgae. Journal of Applied Phycology 15(1): 75-80
  • Wahidin S, Idris A & Shaleh S R M (2013). The influence of light intensity and photoperiod on the growth and lipid content of microalgae Nannochloropsis sp. Bioresource Technology 129: 7-11
  • Xin L, Hong-Ying H, Ke G & Ying-Xue S (2010). Effects of different nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on the growth, nutrient uptake, and lipid accumulation of a freshwater microalga Scenedesmus sp. Bioresource Technology 101(14): 5494-5500
  • Zhu L (2015). Biorefinery as a promising approach to promote microalgae industry: An innovative framework. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41: 1376-1384
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Aquaculture
Journal Section Makaleler

Jurmin Sarri 0000-0002-4798-0566

Gökhun Çağatay Erbil 0000-0002-6704-5073

Mahmut Elp 0000-0001-6811-5048

Publication Date October 22, 2024
Submission Date December 5, 2023
Acceptance Date April 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Sarri, J., Erbil, G. Ç., & Elp, M. (2024). Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) concentration in nutrient medium on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sp. Culture. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(4), 658-667.
AMA Sarri J, Erbil GÇ, Elp M. Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) concentration in nutrient medium on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sp. Culture. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. October 2024;30(4):658-667. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1400863
Chicago Sarri, Jurmin, Gökhun Çağatay Erbil, and Mahmut Elp. “Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) Concentration in Nutrient Medium on the Growth and Lipid Accumulation of Chlorella Sp. Culture”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30, no. 4 (October 2024): 658-67.
EndNote Sarri J, Erbil GÇ, Elp M (October 1, 2024) Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) concentration in nutrient medium on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sp. Culture. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30 4 658–667.
IEEE J. Sarri, G. Ç. Erbil, and M. Elp, “Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) concentration in nutrient medium on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sp. Culture”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 658–667, 2024, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1400863.
ISNAD Sarri, Jurmin et al. “Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) Concentration in Nutrient Medium on the Growth and Lipid Accumulation of Chlorella Sp. Culture”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30/4 (October 2024), 658-667.
JAMA Sarri J, Erbil GÇ, Elp M. Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) concentration in nutrient medium on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sp. Culture. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2024;30:658–667.
MLA Sarri, Jurmin et al. “Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) Concentration in Nutrient Medium on the Growth and Lipid Accumulation of Chlorella Sp. Culture”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 30, no. 4, 2024, pp. 658-67, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1400863.
Vancouver Sarri J, Erbil GÇ, Elp M. Impact of Acadian Marine Plant Extract Powder (AMPEP) concentration in nutrient medium on the growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sp. Culture. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2024;30(4):658-67.

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