Year 2025,
, 100 - 109, 14.01.2025
Osman Doğan Bulut
Cengiz Sayın
- Abdoul-Azize H T (2020). Investigating the social assistance policy practices and factors affecting the household benefit levels in rural areas: case of the province of Antalya. Natural and Applied Sciences Institute. Phd Thesis (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cengiz Sayın). Antalya. (In Turkish)
- Abdoul-Azize H T & Sayın C (2022). Determining the factors affecting the levels of need for public social assistance of households: insights from the district of Konyaaltı, Antalya - Türkiye. Middle Black Sea Journal of Communication Studies 7(2): 225-240.
- Agresti A (2010.) Analysis of ordinal categorical data. Second edition. University of Florida. A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication
- Ajakaiye D O & Adeyeye V A (2001). Concepts, measurement and causes of poverty. CBN Economic and Financial Review 39(4): 8-44
- Arı A (2003). A local friend in the fight against poverty: Friendly hand. Poverty Symposium Book 3:160- 167. Deniz feneri yayınları: İstanbul (In Turkish)
- Barros R, Fox L & Mendonca R (1997). Female-headed households, poverty, and the welfare of children in urban Brazil. Economic Development and Cultural Change 45(2): 231–257
- Biyase M & Zwane T (2018). An empirical analysis of the determinants of poverty and household welfare in South Africa. The Journal of Developing Areas 52(1): 115–130.
- Boxill I & Quarless R (2005). The determinants of poverty among the youth of the Caribbean. Social and Economic Studies 54(1): 129–160
- Çağlayan E & Dayıoğlu T (2011). Comparing the parametric and semiparametric logit models: household poverty in Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Finance 3(5): 197-207
- Çetinkaya Ş (2012). Social assistance organization in Turkey: Situation analysis, problems and solution proposals. Dumlupınar University. Social Sciences Institute. Phd Thesis (Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramazan Kılıç). Kütahya. (n Turkish)
- Chen C K & Hughes J J (2004). Using ordinal regression model to analyze student satisfaction questionnaires. IR Applications 1-13
- Clayton D G (1974). Some odds ratio statistics for the analysis of ordered categorical data. Biometrika 61: 525-531
- Coulombe H & McKay A (1996). Modeling determinants of poverty in mauritania. World development 24(6): 1015-1031
- Creswell J W (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. New York: Sage
- Dama N (2016). The effect of social aid on social welfare in turkey. Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Social Sciences Institute. Phd Thesis (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Erdal Tanas Karagöl). Ankara. (In Turkish)
- Daşlı Y (2016). Public social welfare as a reason of the poverty: Example of central district of Sivas. Social Sciences Institute. Phd Thesis (Advisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Erem Sarıkoca). Erzirum. (In Turkish)
- Deaton A (2006). Measuring poverty. Understanding poverty pp. 3-15 Oxford University Press
Demissie B, S Kasie & T Asmmav (2017). “Rural Households’ Vulnerability to Poverty in Ethiopia.” Journal of Poverty 21(6): 528-542
- Dewilde C (2004). The multidimensional measurement of poverty in Belgium and Britain: A categorical approach. Social Indicators Research 68: 331–369
- Ekinci Hamamcı E D & Anık K (2020). The role of social assistance in women's struggle against poverty: An application in Erzurum. Erzurum Technical University Social Sciences Institute Journal (10): 105-131 (In Turkish)
- Garson D G (2012). Ordinal regression. Asheboro: Statistical associates publishing
General Directorate of Family and Social Services (2010). Perception of social assistance and culture of poverty. Ankara. (In Turkish)
- Grootaert C (1997). The determinants of poverty in Cote d’Ivoire in the 1980s. Journal of African Economies 6(2): 169-196
- Hair J F, Jr Anderson R E, Tatham R L & Black W C (1995). Multivariate data analysis. New York: Macmillan
Haushofer J & Fehr E (2014). On the Psychology of Poverty. Science 344(6186): 862-867
- Hoddinott J & Quisumbing A (2003). Methods for microeconometric risk and vulnerability assessments. Social Protection Discussion Paper No:0324. Washington, DC: World Bank
- Ikizoğlu M (2002). Relationship between poverty and social assistance: An empirical research in Ankara: Mamak district. Society and Social Service 13(1): 86-115 (In Turkish)
- Ishwaran H & Gatsonis CA (2000). A general class of hierarchical ordinal regression models with applications to correlated ROC analysis. The Canadian
- Jansen A, Moses M, Mujuta S & Yu D (2015). Measurements and determinants of multifaceted poverty in South Africa. Development Southern Africa 32(2):151–169
- Javed Z H & Asif A 2011. Female households and poverty: A case study of Faisalabad district. International Journal of Peace and Development Studies 2(2): 37-44
- Kerlinger F N & Lee H B (1999). Foundations of behavioral research. New York: Harcourt College Publishers
Kim K, Lee Y & Lee Y (2010). A multilevel analysis of factors related to poverty in Welfare States. Social Indicators Research 99: 391–404
- Klaeboe R, Turunen Harvik L & Madshus C (2003). Vibration In dwellings from road and rail traffic part II: Exposure– effect relationships based on ordinal logit and logistic regression models. Applied Acoustics 64:89-109
- Koletsi D & Pandis N (2018). Ordinal logistic regression, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 153(1): 157-158
- Liang J, Bi G & Zhan C (2020). Multinomial and ordinal logistic regression analyses with multi-categorical variables using R. Annals of translational medicine 8:16
- Lister R (2004). Poverty. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press
- Lomax R G & Hahs-Vaughn (2012). An introduction to statistical concepts. New York: Routledge
- Long J S (1997). Regression models for categorical and dependent variables. London
- Maitra P (2002). The effect of household characteristics on poverty and living standards in south Africa. Journal of Economic Development, 27(1): 75–83
- McCullagh P (1980). Regression models for ordinal data. journal of the royal statistical society: Series B (Methodological), 42(2):109-127
- Mdluli-Maziya P & Dunga S (2022). Determinants of poverty in south africa using the 2018 general household survey data. Journal of poverty 26(3): 197–213
- Midgley J & Tang K (2010). The role of social security in poverty alleviation: an international review, social policy and poverty in East Asia: the role of social security. Routledge. London-New York
- Ministry of Family and Social Services (2021). Activity report. (In Turkish)
- Morgan D L & Morgan R K (2008). Single-Case research methods for the behavioral and health sciences. Sage Publications
- Nándori E (2011). Subjective poverty and its relation to objective poverty concepts in Hungary. Social indicators research 102: 537–556.
- Osborne J W (2015). Best practices in logistic regression. Los Angeles: Sage Publications
- Patton M Q (2005). Qualitative research. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Publication
- Petrucci C J (2009). A primer for social worker researchers on how to conduct a multinomial logistic regression. Journal of social service research 35(2): 193-205
- Pituch K A & Stevens J A (2016). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (6th ed). New York: Routledge
- Ravallion M (2004). Pro-Poor growth: A primer. policy research working paper; No.3242. World Bank, Washington, D.C. World Bank
- Ringle C M, Wende S & Becker J M (2015). SmartPLS 3. Bönningstedt: SmartPLS. Sage Publications
Sekhampu T J (2013). Determinants of poverty in a South African Township. Journal of Social Science 34(2): 145–153
- Sen A (2000). Social exclusion: concept, application and scrutiny. Social Development Paper No: 01. Manila: Asian Development Bank
- Sigle-Rushton W & McLanahan S (2002). For richer or poorer? Marriage as an anti-poverty strategy in the United States. Population 57(3): 509–526
- Smith T J & McKenna C M (2013). A comparison of logistic regression pseudo R2. Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints 39: 17-26
- Tabor S R (2002). Assisting the poor with cash: Design and implementation of social transfer programs. World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper 223: 79-97
- Taşcı F (2019). Poverty and Social Work Lecture Notes. Faculty of Open and Distance Education, Istanbul University. İstanbul. (In Turkish)
- Turkish Statistical Institute (2017). Family Structure Survey 2016.;jsessionid=4l2FZ1kVpNL8JhhkfQtRLqmnJtJ6xk6
sGXGwbChqTR9N0LY1K1bp!1813643467?id=21869 (In Turkish)
- Turkish Statistical Institute (2021). Income and Living Conditions Survey. (In Turkish)
- Vogt W P, Gardner D C & Haeffele L M (2012). When to use what research design. New York: Guilford Press.
- Wagle U (2002). Rethinking poverty: Definition and measurement. International Social Science Journal 54(171): 155–165
- Zengin E, Ayhan Ş & Salih Ö (2012). Social assistance practices in Turkey. Management and Economics 19(2): 133-142 (In Turkish)
Determination of Factors Affecting “Level of Dependency on Social Aid” of Household Living in Rural Area: Iğdır Province Rural Area Example, Türkiye
Year 2025,
, 100 - 109, 14.01.2025
Osman Doğan Bulut
Cengiz Sayın
Fighting against poverty has become an increasing topic both at international and national levels. In this context, social policy programmes and particularly the implementation and delivery of social aid programs are one of key policy tools widely used in many countries to alleviate poverty and reduce hunger. Assessing the Aid Dependency Rate (ADR) of the beneficiaries is of great importance to achieve the goal of designed and delivered social assistance programs. Therefore, this study determines beneficiaries’ level of dependency on social aid and the underlying factors. Primary data were collected through face-to-face survey from 210 households actively beneficiaries of public social aid selected by use of snowball sampling. Additionally, ordinal logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the factors affecting the level of need of households for public social aid. The findings showed that 46.7% of households were in low level dependency on social aid, 28.6% in intermediate level, and 24.8% in high level. Besides, the results of the ordinary logistic regression analysis revealed that the marital status, employment status of the household and the group of delivered social aid were significant factors affecting level of need for social aid (P<0.05). Also, it shows that the odd ratio of household of being in high level increases 264.25 times if there is not any working individual compared to households with two or more working individuals (P<0.01) whereas this ratio decreases to 3.71 (P<0.05) in households by only one individual working. The study concludes that the presence of even one working individual is of great importance in order to prevent the household's dependence on social aid in high level. Consequently, designing social aid programs that consider the mentioned factors would help to fight against poverty.
Ethical Statement
This research was conducted with the approval of the Ethics Committee of the University of Iğdır under the reference 2022/6 on12/04/2022.
Supporting Institution
The study received no funding.
- Abdoul-Azize H T (2020). Investigating the social assistance policy practices and factors affecting the household benefit levels in rural areas: case of the province of Antalya. Natural and Applied Sciences Institute. Phd Thesis (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cengiz Sayın). Antalya. (In Turkish)
- Abdoul-Azize H T & Sayın C (2022). Determining the factors affecting the levels of need for public social assistance of households: insights from the district of Konyaaltı, Antalya - Türkiye. Middle Black Sea Journal of Communication Studies 7(2): 225-240.
- Agresti A (2010.) Analysis of ordinal categorical data. Second edition. University of Florida. A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication
- Ajakaiye D O & Adeyeye V A (2001). Concepts, measurement and causes of poverty. CBN Economic and Financial Review 39(4): 8-44
- Arı A (2003). A local friend in the fight against poverty: Friendly hand. Poverty Symposium Book 3:160- 167. Deniz feneri yayınları: İstanbul (In Turkish)
- Barros R, Fox L & Mendonca R (1997). Female-headed households, poverty, and the welfare of children in urban Brazil. Economic Development and Cultural Change 45(2): 231–257
- Biyase M & Zwane T (2018). An empirical analysis of the determinants of poverty and household welfare in South Africa. The Journal of Developing Areas 52(1): 115–130.
- Boxill I & Quarless R (2005). The determinants of poverty among the youth of the Caribbean. Social and Economic Studies 54(1): 129–160
- Çağlayan E & Dayıoğlu T (2011). Comparing the parametric and semiparametric logit models: household poverty in Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Finance 3(5): 197-207
- Çetinkaya Ş (2012). Social assistance organization in Turkey: Situation analysis, problems and solution proposals. Dumlupınar University. Social Sciences Institute. Phd Thesis (Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramazan Kılıç). Kütahya. (n Turkish)
- Chen C K & Hughes J J (2004). Using ordinal regression model to analyze student satisfaction questionnaires. IR Applications 1-13
- Clayton D G (1974). Some odds ratio statistics for the analysis of ordered categorical data. Biometrika 61: 525-531
- Coulombe H & McKay A (1996). Modeling determinants of poverty in mauritania. World development 24(6): 1015-1031
- Creswell J W (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. New York: Sage
- Dama N (2016). The effect of social aid on social welfare in turkey. Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Social Sciences Institute. Phd Thesis (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Erdal Tanas Karagöl). Ankara. (In Turkish)
- Daşlı Y (2016). Public social welfare as a reason of the poverty: Example of central district of Sivas. Social Sciences Institute. Phd Thesis (Advisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Erem Sarıkoca). Erzirum. (In Turkish)
- Deaton A (2006). Measuring poverty. Understanding poverty pp. 3-15 Oxford University Press
Demissie B, S Kasie & T Asmmav (2017). “Rural Households’ Vulnerability to Poverty in Ethiopia.” Journal of Poverty 21(6): 528-542
- Dewilde C (2004). The multidimensional measurement of poverty in Belgium and Britain: A categorical approach. Social Indicators Research 68: 331–369
- Ekinci Hamamcı E D & Anık K (2020). The role of social assistance in women's struggle against poverty: An application in Erzurum. Erzurum Technical University Social Sciences Institute Journal (10): 105-131 (In Turkish)
- Garson D G (2012). Ordinal regression. Asheboro: Statistical associates publishing
General Directorate of Family and Social Services (2010). Perception of social assistance and culture of poverty. Ankara. (In Turkish)
- Grootaert C (1997). The determinants of poverty in Cote d’Ivoire in the 1980s. Journal of African Economies 6(2): 169-196
- Hair J F, Jr Anderson R E, Tatham R L & Black W C (1995). Multivariate data analysis. New York: Macmillan
Haushofer J & Fehr E (2014). On the Psychology of Poverty. Science 344(6186): 862-867
- Hoddinott J & Quisumbing A (2003). Methods for microeconometric risk and vulnerability assessments. Social Protection Discussion Paper No:0324. Washington, DC: World Bank
- Ikizoğlu M (2002). Relationship between poverty and social assistance: An empirical research in Ankara: Mamak district. Society and Social Service 13(1): 86-115 (In Turkish)
- Ishwaran H & Gatsonis CA (2000). A general class of hierarchical ordinal regression models with applications to correlated ROC analysis. The Canadian
- Jansen A, Moses M, Mujuta S & Yu D (2015). Measurements and determinants of multifaceted poverty in South Africa. Development Southern Africa 32(2):151–169
- Javed Z H & Asif A 2011. Female households and poverty: A case study of Faisalabad district. International Journal of Peace and Development Studies 2(2): 37-44
- Kerlinger F N & Lee H B (1999). Foundations of behavioral research. New York: Harcourt College Publishers
Kim K, Lee Y & Lee Y (2010). A multilevel analysis of factors related to poverty in Welfare States. Social Indicators Research 99: 391–404
- Klaeboe R, Turunen Harvik L & Madshus C (2003). Vibration In dwellings from road and rail traffic part II: Exposure– effect relationships based on ordinal logit and logistic regression models. Applied Acoustics 64:89-109
- Koletsi D & Pandis N (2018). Ordinal logistic regression, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 153(1): 157-158
- Liang J, Bi G & Zhan C (2020). Multinomial and ordinal logistic regression analyses with multi-categorical variables using R. Annals of translational medicine 8:16
- Lister R (2004). Poverty. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press
- Lomax R G & Hahs-Vaughn (2012). An introduction to statistical concepts. New York: Routledge
- Long J S (1997). Regression models for categorical and dependent variables. London
- Maitra P (2002). The effect of household characteristics on poverty and living standards in south Africa. Journal of Economic Development, 27(1): 75–83
- McCullagh P (1980). Regression models for ordinal data. journal of the royal statistical society: Series B (Methodological), 42(2):109-127
- Mdluli-Maziya P & Dunga S (2022). Determinants of poverty in south africa using the 2018 general household survey data. Journal of poverty 26(3): 197–213
- Midgley J & Tang K (2010). The role of social security in poverty alleviation: an international review, social policy and poverty in East Asia: the role of social security. Routledge. London-New York
- Ministry of Family and Social Services (2021). Activity report. (In Turkish)
- Morgan D L & Morgan R K (2008). Single-Case research methods for the behavioral and health sciences. Sage Publications
- Nándori E (2011). Subjective poverty and its relation to objective poverty concepts in Hungary. Social indicators research 102: 537–556.
- Osborne J W (2015). Best practices in logistic regression. Los Angeles: Sage Publications
- Patton M Q (2005). Qualitative research. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Publication
- Petrucci C J (2009). A primer for social worker researchers on how to conduct a multinomial logistic regression. Journal of social service research 35(2): 193-205
- Pituch K A & Stevens J A (2016). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (6th ed). New York: Routledge
- Ravallion M (2004). Pro-Poor growth: A primer. policy research working paper; No.3242. World Bank, Washington, D.C. World Bank
- Ringle C M, Wende S & Becker J M (2015). SmartPLS 3. Bönningstedt: SmartPLS. Sage Publications
Sekhampu T J (2013). Determinants of poverty in a South African Township. Journal of Social Science 34(2): 145–153
- Sen A (2000). Social exclusion: concept, application and scrutiny. Social Development Paper No: 01. Manila: Asian Development Bank
- Sigle-Rushton W & McLanahan S (2002). For richer or poorer? Marriage as an anti-poverty strategy in the United States. Population 57(3): 509–526
- Smith T J & McKenna C M (2013). A comparison of logistic regression pseudo R2. Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints 39: 17-26
- Tabor S R (2002). Assisting the poor with cash: Design and implementation of social transfer programs. World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper 223: 79-97
- Taşcı F (2019). Poverty and Social Work Lecture Notes. Faculty of Open and Distance Education, Istanbul University. İstanbul. (In Turkish)
- Turkish Statistical Institute (2017). Family Structure Survey 2016.;jsessionid=4l2FZ1kVpNL8JhhkfQtRLqmnJtJ6xk6
sGXGwbChqTR9N0LY1K1bp!1813643467?id=21869 (In Turkish)
- Turkish Statistical Institute (2021). Income and Living Conditions Survey. (In Turkish)
- Vogt W P, Gardner D C & Haeffele L M (2012). When to use what research design. New York: Guilford Press.
- Wagle U (2002). Rethinking poverty: Definition and measurement. International Social Science Journal 54(171): 155–165
- Zengin E, Ayhan Ş & Salih Ö (2012). Social assistance practices in Turkey. Management and Economics 19(2): 133-142 (In Turkish)