Research Article
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Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method with Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey

Year 2025, , 161 - 181, 14.01.2025


Among the natural disasters experienced in Turkey, floods, which cause the most loss of life and property after the earthquake, have increased their impact and frequency of occurrence over time, as well as unplanned urbanization caused by the increasing population, uncontrolled construction in stream beds, and changing climate. Therefore, it is important to accurately predict the magnitude and frequency of floods. This study investigated the possibilities of using the regional index-flood method and annual maximum series (AMS) and partial duration series (PDS) in the Susurluk River basin. Annual maximum flood series provided homogeneity in the Susurluk basin as a single region, and the Generalized Logistic (GLO) distribution fits the AMS. PDS was extracted according to the threshold levels determined using the variance-mean ratio and frequency factors. The PDS's most appropriate frequency factors (k) were determined according to the Poisson distribution, which makes the variance-mean ratio equal. k=3.5 was determined for only two stations. k=4 was suitable for seven stations, and k=5 was suitable for thirteen stations. The average number of peaks over the threshold level (λ`) varies between 1.26 and 5.31. Since PDS is not homogeneous in a single region, cluster analysis divided the basin into three regions. After homogeneity was achieved, Pearson Type 3 (PE3) and Generalized Pareto (GPA) distributions were suitable with the PDS. The study concluded that instead of annual maximum flood series, partial duration flood series can be used in many stations in the short and medium term but can be used in fewer stations in the long-term estimations. Since Regions I and II are relatively lower and flatter areas than Region III, it was observed that the flows started to accumulate at the stations in these regions, and larger floods were predicted. Region III is close to the basin upstream, and smaller floods were predicted at the stations in this region. Since partial duration flood estimations are lower than annual maximum flood ones, they can provide advantages to engineering projects with lower costs. In addition, PDS can be useful in regionalizing floods, which are very common due to the data extraction process.


  • Adamowski K (2000). Regional analysis of annual maximum and partial duration flood data by nonparametric and L-moment methods. Journal of Hydrology 229(3): 219-231 doi:10.1016/s0022-1694(00)00156-6
  • Adamowski K, Liang G & Patry G G (1998). Annual maxima and partial duration flood series analysis by parametric and non-parametric methods. Hydrological Processes 12: 1685-99
  • Agilan V, Umamahesh N V & Mujumdar P P (2020). Influence of threshold selection in modeling peaks over threshold-based nonstationary extreme rainfall series. Journal of Hydrology 593: 125625
  • Ahmad I, Laksacia A, Chikr-Elmezouar Z, Almanjahie Ibrahim M & Khan DA (2019). At-site rainfall frequency analysis of partial duration series and annual maximum series using L-moments in Rawalpindi city of Pakistan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17(4): 8351-8367.
  • Amorim R & Villarini G (2024). Assessing the performance of parametric and non‐parametric tests for trend detection in partial duration time series. Journal of Flood Risk Management 17(1): e12957
  • Anlı A S (2009). Regional frequency analysis of rainfall data in Ankara province using L-moment methods. Ankara University, PhD thesis (In Turkish).
  • Anli A S, Apaydin H & Ozturk F (2007). Regional flood frequency estimation for the Göksu river basin through L-moments. In International River Basin Management Conference, State Hydraulic Works (pp. 22-24).
  • Ashkar F & Ba I (2017) Selection between the generalized Pareto and kappa distributions in peaks-over-threshold hydrological frequency modelling. Hydrological Sciences Journal 62(7): 1167–1180.
  • Basu B & Srinivas V V (2016). Evaluation of the index-flood approach related regional frequency analysis procedures. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 21(1): 04015052.
  • Ben-Zvi A (1991). Observed advantage for negative binomial over Poisson distribution in partial duration series. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 5(2): 135–146
  • Bezak N, Brilly M & Šraj M (2014). Comparison between the peaks-over-threshold method and the annual maximum method for flood frequency analysis. Hydrological Sciences Journal 59(5): 959–977
  • Cunnane C (1979). A note on the Poisson assumption in partial duration series models. Water Resources Research 15: 489-94
  • Dalrymple T (1960). Flood frequency analyses. Water Supply Paper 1543-A, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Va.
  • Doğanülker A (2022). Flood Frequency Analysis in Susurluk River Basin. Ankara University, MSc. thesis (In Turkish).
  • Durocher M, Burn D H & Ashkar F (2019). Comparison of estimation methods for a nonstationary index-flood model in flood frequency analysis using peaks over threshold. Water Resources Research 55(11): 9398–9416
  • Fill H D & Steiner A A (2003). Estimating instantaneous peak flow from mean daily flow data. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 6, November 1, 203: 365-369
  • Greenwood J A, Landwehr J M & Matalas N C (1979). Probability weighted moments: Definition and relation of parameters of several distributions expressible in inverse form. Water Resources Research 15: 1049-1054
  • Guru N (2016). Flood frequency analysis of partial duration series using soft computing techniques for Mahanadi River basin in India. National Institute of Technology Rourkela-769008. Doctor of Philosophy
  • Guru N (2022). Implication of partial duration series on regional flood frequency analysis, International Journal of River Basin Management, 22:2, 167-186, DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2022.2114486.
  • Gürler Ç, Anli AS & Polat H E (2024). Developing regional hydrological drought risk models through ordinary and principal component regression using low-flow indexes in Susurluk basin, Turkey. Water 16, no. 11: 1473.
  • Haktanır T (1991). Practical computation of gamma frequency factors. Hydrological Sciences 36,6: 559-610.
  • Haktanır T & Bozduman A (1995). A study on sensitivity of the probability weighted method on the choice of the plotting position formula. Journal of Hydrology 168: 265-281
  • Hosking J R (1986). Estimation of the generalized extreme value distribution by the method of probability-weighted moments. Technometrics 27: 251-261
  • Hosking J R M (1990). L-moments: Analysis and estimation of distributions using linear combinations of order statistics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 52(1): 105-124
  • Hosking J R M & Wallis J R (1993). Some statistics useful in regional flood frequency analysis. Water Resources Research 23: 271-281.
  • Hosking J R M & Wallis J R (1997). Regional frequency analysis an approach based on L-moments, Cambridge University Press.
  • Hosking J R M (2005). Fortran routines for use with the method of L-moments, Version 3.04. Research Report RC 20525, IBM Research Division, T.C. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
  • Karim F, Masud H & Marvanek S (2017). Evaluating annual maximum and partial duration series for estimating frequency of small magnitude floods, Water 9, no. 7: 481.
  • Kiran K G & Srinivas VV (2021). Distributional regression forests approach to regional frequency analysis with partial duration series. Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR029909.
  • Kjeldsen T R, Smithers J C & Schulze R E (2002). Regional flood frequency analysis in the KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa, using the index-flood method. Journal of Hydrology 255: 194-211
  • Lang M, Ouarda T B M J & Bobée B (1999). Towards operational guidelines for over-threshold modeling, Journal of Hydrology 225(3-4): 103- 117
  • Madsen H, Rasmussen P F & Rosbjerg D (1997a). Comparison of annual maximum series and partial duration series methods for modeling extreme hydrologic events. 1. At-site modeling. Water Resources Research, 33: 747-57
  • Madsen H, Pearson C P & Rosbjerg D (1997b). Comparison of annual maximum series and partial duration series methods for modeling extreme hydrologic events. 2. Regional modeling. Water Resources Research 33: 759-769
  • Öney M & Anlı A (2023). Regional drought analysis with standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI): Gediz basin, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29(4): 1032-1049.
  • Önöz B (1994). A new parameter estimation method, probability weighted moment method. DSI Technical Bulletin, 81: 49-54 (In Turkish).
  • Pan X & Rahman A (2021). Comparison of annual maximum and peaks-over-threshold methods with automated threshold selection in flood frequency analysis: a case study for Australia. Natural Haz.
  • Pan X, Rahman A, Haddad K & Ouarda T B (2022). Peaks-over-threshold model in flood frequency analysis: a scoping review. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 36(9): 2419-2435
  • Pham H X, Shamseldin A Y & Melville B (2014). Statistical properties of partial duration series: Case study of North Island, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 19(4): 807-815
  • Rahman A S, Rahman A, Zaman M A, Haddad K, Ahsan A & Imteaz M (2013). A study on selection of probability distributions for at-site flood frequency analysis in Australia. Natural Hazards 69(3): 1803-1813 Rasmussen P F & Rosbjerg D (1991). Prediction uncertainty in seasonal partial duration series. Water Resources Research 27: 2875-83.
  • Rosbjerg D & Madsen H (1992). On the choice of threshold level in partial duration series, Proc. Nordic Hydrological Conference, Alta (ed. G. Østrem), NHP Rep. no. 30: 604-615
  • Rosbjerg D, Madsen H & Rasmussen P F (1992). Prediction in partial duration series with generalized Pareto-distributed exceedances. Water Resources Research 28: 3001-3010
  • Seçkin N (2009). Regional flood frequency analysis with index-flood method based on L-moments, Çukurova University, PhD. Thesis, Adana.
  • Seckin N & Topcu E (2016). Regional frequency analysis of annual peak rainfall of adana and the vicinity. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 31(4): 1049-1062
  • Stedinger J R (1983). Estimating a regional flood frequency distribution. Water Resources Research 19(2): 503-510
  • Sveinsson O G B, Salas J D & Boes D C (2003). Uncertainty of quantile estimators using the population index flood method. Water Resources Research, 39(8): 1206.
  • Swetapadma S & Ojha C (2021). Technical Note: Flood frequency study using partial duration series coupled with entropy principle. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
  • SYGM (2022). Susurluk basin flood management planning report, General Directorate of Water Management, Ankara (In Turkish).
  • Topcu E & Seckin N (2016). Drought analysis of the Seyhan Basin by using standardized precipitation index SPI and L-moments. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22(2): 196-215
  • Van Campenhout J, Houbrechts G, Peeters A & Petit F (2020). Return period of characteristic discharges from the comparison between partial duration and annual series: Application to the Walloon Rivers (Belgium). Water 12: 792.
  • Wilks D S (1993). Comparison of three-parameter probability distributions for representing annual extreme and partial duration precipitation series. Water Resources Research 29: 3543-49.
  • Yue Z, Xiong L, Zha X, Liu C, Chen J & Liu D (2022). Impact of thresholds on nonstationary frequency analyses of peak over threshold extreme rainfall series in Pearl River Basin, China. Atmospheric Research 276: 106269
  • Zadeh S, Durocher M, Burn & Ashkar F (2019). Pooled flood frequency analysis: a comparison based on peaks-over threshold and annual maximum series, Hydrological Sciences Journal 64(2): 121-136, DOI:10.1080/02626667.2019.1577556.
Year 2025, , 161 - 181, 14.01.2025



  • Adamowski K (2000). Regional analysis of annual maximum and partial duration flood data by nonparametric and L-moment methods. Journal of Hydrology 229(3): 219-231 doi:10.1016/s0022-1694(00)00156-6
  • Adamowski K, Liang G & Patry G G (1998). Annual maxima and partial duration flood series analysis by parametric and non-parametric methods. Hydrological Processes 12: 1685-99
  • Agilan V, Umamahesh N V & Mujumdar P P (2020). Influence of threshold selection in modeling peaks over threshold-based nonstationary extreme rainfall series. Journal of Hydrology 593: 125625
  • Ahmad I, Laksacia A, Chikr-Elmezouar Z, Almanjahie Ibrahim M & Khan DA (2019). At-site rainfall frequency analysis of partial duration series and annual maximum series using L-moments in Rawalpindi city of Pakistan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17(4): 8351-8367.
  • Amorim R & Villarini G (2024). Assessing the performance of parametric and non‐parametric tests for trend detection in partial duration time series. Journal of Flood Risk Management 17(1): e12957
  • Anlı A S (2009). Regional frequency analysis of rainfall data in Ankara province using L-moment methods. Ankara University, PhD thesis (In Turkish).
  • Anli A S, Apaydin H & Ozturk F (2007). Regional flood frequency estimation for the Göksu river basin through L-moments. In International River Basin Management Conference, State Hydraulic Works (pp. 22-24).
  • Ashkar F & Ba I (2017) Selection between the generalized Pareto and kappa distributions in peaks-over-threshold hydrological frequency modelling. Hydrological Sciences Journal 62(7): 1167–1180.
  • Basu B & Srinivas V V (2016). Evaluation of the index-flood approach related regional frequency analysis procedures. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 21(1): 04015052.
  • Ben-Zvi A (1991). Observed advantage for negative binomial over Poisson distribution in partial duration series. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 5(2): 135–146
  • Bezak N, Brilly M & Šraj M (2014). Comparison between the peaks-over-threshold method and the annual maximum method for flood frequency analysis. Hydrological Sciences Journal 59(5): 959–977
  • Cunnane C (1979). A note on the Poisson assumption in partial duration series models. Water Resources Research 15: 489-94
  • Dalrymple T (1960). Flood frequency analyses. Water Supply Paper 1543-A, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Va.
  • Doğanülker A (2022). Flood Frequency Analysis in Susurluk River Basin. Ankara University, MSc. thesis (In Turkish).
  • Durocher M, Burn D H & Ashkar F (2019). Comparison of estimation methods for a nonstationary index-flood model in flood frequency analysis using peaks over threshold. Water Resources Research 55(11): 9398–9416
  • Fill H D & Steiner A A (2003). Estimating instantaneous peak flow from mean daily flow data. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 6, November 1, 203: 365-369
  • Greenwood J A, Landwehr J M & Matalas N C (1979). Probability weighted moments: Definition and relation of parameters of several distributions expressible in inverse form. Water Resources Research 15: 1049-1054
  • Guru N (2016). Flood frequency analysis of partial duration series using soft computing techniques for Mahanadi River basin in India. National Institute of Technology Rourkela-769008. Doctor of Philosophy
  • Guru N (2022). Implication of partial duration series on regional flood frequency analysis, International Journal of River Basin Management, 22:2, 167-186, DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2022.2114486.
  • Gürler Ç, Anli AS & Polat H E (2024). Developing regional hydrological drought risk models through ordinary and principal component regression using low-flow indexes in Susurluk basin, Turkey. Water 16, no. 11: 1473.
  • Haktanır T (1991). Practical computation of gamma frequency factors. Hydrological Sciences 36,6: 559-610.
  • Haktanır T & Bozduman A (1995). A study on sensitivity of the probability weighted method on the choice of the plotting position formula. Journal of Hydrology 168: 265-281
  • Hosking J R (1986). Estimation of the generalized extreme value distribution by the method of probability-weighted moments. Technometrics 27: 251-261
  • Hosking J R M (1990). L-moments: Analysis and estimation of distributions using linear combinations of order statistics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 52(1): 105-124
  • Hosking J R M & Wallis J R (1993). Some statistics useful in regional flood frequency analysis. Water Resources Research 23: 271-281.
  • Hosking J R M & Wallis J R (1997). Regional frequency analysis an approach based on L-moments, Cambridge University Press.
  • Hosking J R M (2005). Fortran routines for use with the method of L-moments, Version 3.04. Research Report RC 20525, IBM Research Division, T.C. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
  • Karim F, Masud H & Marvanek S (2017). Evaluating annual maximum and partial duration series for estimating frequency of small magnitude floods, Water 9, no. 7: 481.
  • Kiran K G & Srinivas VV (2021). Distributional regression forests approach to regional frequency analysis with partial duration series. Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR029909.
  • Kjeldsen T R, Smithers J C & Schulze R E (2002). Regional flood frequency analysis in the KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa, using the index-flood method. Journal of Hydrology 255: 194-211
  • Lang M, Ouarda T B M J & Bobée B (1999). Towards operational guidelines for over-threshold modeling, Journal of Hydrology 225(3-4): 103- 117
  • Madsen H, Rasmussen P F & Rosbjerg D (1997a). Comparison of annual maximum series and partial duration series methods for modeling extreme hydrologic events. 1. At-site modeling. Water Resources Research, 33: 747-57
  • Madsen H, Pearson C P & Rosbjerg D (1997b). Comparison of annual maximum series and partial duration series methods for modeling extreme hydrologic events. 2. Regional modeling. Water Resources Research 33: 759-769
  • Öney M & Anlı A (2023). Regional drought analysis with standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI): Gediz basin, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29(4): 1032-1049.
  • Önöz B (1994). A new parameter estimation method, probability weighted moment method. DSI Technical Bulletin, 81: 49-54 (In Turkish).
  • Pan X & Rahman A (2021). Comparison of annual maximum and peaks-over-threshold methods with automated threshold selection in flood frequency analysis: a case study for Australia. Natural Haz.
  • Pan X, Rahman A, Haddad K & Ouarda T B (2022). Peaks-over-threshold model in flood frequency analysis: a scoping review. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 36(9): 2419-2435
  • Pham H X, Shamseldin A Y & Melville B (2014). Statistical properties of partial duration series: Case study of North Island, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 19(4): 807-815
  • Rahman A S, Rahman A, Zaman M A, Haddad K, Ahsan A & Imteaz M (2013). A study on selection of probability distributions for at-site flood frequency analysis in Australia. Natural Hazards 69(3): 1803-1813 Rasmussen P F & Rosbjerg D (1991). Prediction uncertainty in seasonal partial duration series. Water Resources Research 27: 2875-83.
  • Rosbjerg D & Madsen H (1992). On the choice of threshold level in partial duration series, Proc. Nordic Hydrological Conference, Alta (ed. G. Østrem), NHP Rep. no. 30: 604-615
  • Rosbjerg D, Madsen H & Rasmussen P F (1992). Prediction in partial duration series with generalized Pareto-distributed exceedances. Water Resources Research 28: 3001-3010
  • Seçkin N (2009). Regional flood frequency analysis with index-flood method based on L-moments, Çukurova University, PhD. Thesis, Adana.
  • Seckin N & Topcu E (2016). Regional frequency analysis of annual peak rainfall of adana and the vicinity. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 31(4): 1049-1062
  • Stedinger J R (1983). Estimating a regional flood frequency distribution. Water Resources Research 19(2): 503-510
  • Sveinsson O G B, Salas J D & Boes D C (2003). Uncertainty of quantile estimators using the population index flood method. Water Resources Research, 39(8): 1206.
  • Swetapadma S & Ojha C (2021). Technical Note: Flood frequency study using partial duration series coupled with entropy principle. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
  • SYGM (2022). Susurluk basin flood management planning report, General Directorate of Water Management, Ankara (In Turkish).
  • Topcu E & Seckin N (2016). Drought analysis of the Seyhan Basin by using standardized precipitation index SPI and L-moments. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22(2): 196-215
  • Van Campenhout J, Houbrechts G, Peeters A & Petit F (2020). Return period of characteristic discharges from the comparison between partial duration and annual series: Application to the Walloon Rivers (Belgium). Water 12: 792.
  • Wilks D S (1993). Comparison of three-parameter probability distributions for representing annual extreme and partial duration precipitation series. Water Resources Research 29: 3543-49.
  • Yue Z, Xiong L, Zha X, Liu C, Chen J & Liu D (2022). Impact of thresholds on nonstationary frequency analyses of peak over threshold extreme rainfall series in Pearl River Basin, China. Atmospheric Research 276: 106269
  • Zadeh S, Durocher M, Burn & Ashkar F (2019). Pooled flood frequency analysis: a comparison based on peaks-over threshold and annual maximum series, Hydrological Sciences Journal 64(2): 121-136, DOI:10.1080/02626667.2019.1577556.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Water Resources Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Ayşe Doğanülker 0000-0002-4748-4714

Alper Serdar Anlı 0000-0002-8528-5230

Havva Eylem Polat 0000-0002-2159-0666

Publication Date January 14, 2025
Submission Date July 1, 2024
Acceptance Date August 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Doğanülker, A., Anlı, A. S., & Polat, H. E. (2025). Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method with Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(1), 161-181.
AMA Doğanülker A, Anlı AS, Polat HE. Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method with Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2025;31(1):161-181. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1508286
Chicago Doğanülker, Ayşe, Alper Serdar Anlı, and Havva Eylem Polat. “Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method With Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 31, no. 1 (January 2025): 161-81.
EndNote Doğanülker A, Anlı AS, Polat HE (January 1, 2025) Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method with Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 31 1 161–181.
IEEE A. Doğanülker, A. S. Anlı, and H. E. Polat, “Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method with Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 161–181, 2025, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1508286.
ISNAD Doğanülker, Ayşe et al. “Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method With Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 31/1 (January 2025), 161-181.
JAMA Doğanülker A, Anlı AS, Polat HE. Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method with Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2025;31:161–181.
MLA Doğanülker, Ayşe et al. “Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method With Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 31, no. 1, 2025, pp. 161-8, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1508286.
Vancouver Doğanülker A, Anlı AS, Polat HE. Possibilities of Using Regional Index-Flood Method with Annual Maximum and Partial Duration Series: A Case Study of Susurluk River Basin, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2025;31(1):161-8.

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