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Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems

Year 2010, , 162 - 168, 05.09.2010


The effect of machine milking on udder health has been recognized for the past 100 years. Among different milking
systems, a new quarter individual milking system called the Multilactor®
(MULTI) has been developed to eliminate
some detrimental effects of conventional milking systems (CON) and conventional systems with periodic air ingress
(BIO) on udder health. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of milk flow on average liner vacuum
during the b and d phases of pulsation in all systems by using a wet-test method defined in ISO 6690 (2007).
Measurements were conducted in three different milking parlours where CON, BIO and MULTI were installed
separately. It was found that, at an average flow rate of 4.8 l min-1, the average vacuum in the liner during the bphase was 35.0 kPa in CON, 32.6 kPa in BIO and 31.1 kPa in the MULTI system, compliant with the desired
average vacuum in the liner of 32-42 kPa mentioned in ISO 5707 (2007). The average liner vacuum values during
the d-phase differs from one system to another and these values were calculated to be 34.2 kPa, 12.3 kPa and 14.8
kPa for CON, MULTI and BIO, respectively. The reason why CON differs as compared to MULTI and BIO can be
attributed to the fact that both, MULTI and BIO use the BioMilker system that allows periodic air ingress under the


  • Hamann J, Bronzo V, Moroni P, Casula A & Zecconi A (2001). Conventional and positive pressure pulsation effects on bovine teats and on immunological components of different milk fractions. Milchwissenshaft (Milk Science International) 56(8): 423-427
  • Hoefelmayr T & Maier J (1979). So arbeitet der BioMilker. Milchpraxis 17: 2-65 ISO/DIN 5707 (2007). Milking machine installations - constructions and performance. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland
  • ISO/DIN 6690 (2007). Milking machine installations - mechanical tests. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland
  • NMC (1996). Procedures for Evaluating Vacuum Levels and Air Flow in Milking Systems. The National Mastitis Council, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • Oz H, Rose S, Brunsch R & Bilgen H (2008). Wet and Dynamic Tests in Conventional and Single Tube Milking Clusters. In: Proceedings of the AgEng2008- International Conference on Agricultural Engineering–Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering for a Sustainable World, 23-25 June, Paper No. OP 495, Hersonissos-Kreta, Greece
  • Rasmussen M.D, Reinemann D.J & Mein G.A (2003). Measuring Vacuum in Milking Machines. International Dairy Federation. Bulletin-FIL-IDF (Belgium) 381, 19-32
  • Reinemann D.J, Schuring N & Bade R.D (2007). Methods for measuring and interpreting milking vacuum. In: Proceedings of Sixth International Dairy Housing Conference. 16-18 June, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Wirtz N, Oechtering K, Tholen E, Trappman W, McLean J (ed.) & Sinclair M (ed.) (2002).
  • Comparison of an automatic milking system to a conventional milking parlor. In Prooceedings of First North American Conference on Robotic Milking, III50-III-53, Toronto, Canada Worstorff H, Prediger A & Auernhammer H (1983).
  • Effect of periodical air inlet cluster on teat condition, milk yield and udder health of cows. Milchwissenschaft (Milk Science International) 38: 528-530

Geleneksel ve Pençesiz Sağım Sistemlerinin Vakum Dinamiklerinin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2010, , 162 - 168, 05.09.2010


Geçen 100 yıl boyunca sağım makinasının meme sağlığı üzerine etkileri farkedilmiştir. Farklı sağım sistemleri arasında, geleneksel sağım sistemlerinin (CON) ve periyodik hava girişi olan geleneksel sağım sistemlerinin (BIO), meme sağlığı üzerindeki zararlı etkilerini ortadan kaldırmak amacıyla Multilactor (MULTI) adı verilen yeni bir pençesiz sağım sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışmanın amacı, ISO 6690 (2007)’da tanımlanmış yaş deneme yöntemini kullanarak, üç sağım sisteminde nabız hareketinin b ve d fazlarında ortalama meme lastiği vakum basıncı değerine, süt debisinin etkisini belirlemektir. Ölçümler CON, BIO ve MULTI sağım sistemlerinin ayrı ayrı kurulu olduğu farklı sağımhanelerde gerçekleştirilmiştir. 4.8 l min-1 sağım debisinde, b fazı sırasındaki ortalama meme lastiği vakum basıncı değeri CON’da 35 kPa, BIO da 32.6 kPa ve MULTI’de 31.1 kPa olarak bulunmuştur. Bu değerler ISO 5707 (2007) de vurgulanan 32-42 kPa’lık arzu edilen basınç değerlerine uyum göstermektedir. d fazındaki meme lastigi vakum değerleri sistemler arasında farklılık göstermekte olup bu değerler CON’da 34.2 kPa,MULTI’de 12.3 kPa ve BIO’da 14.8 kPa olarak saptanmıştır. CON ile diğer iki sistem arasında ortaya çıkan bu büyük farkın sebebi, Multilactor’ün meme başı alt kısmına periyodik hava girişine izin veren “Biomilker” adı verilen sisteme sahip olmasıdır. 


  • Hamann J, Bronzo V, Moroni P, Casula A & Zecconi A (2001). Conventional and positive pressure pulsation effects on bovine teats and on immunological components of different milk fractions. Milchwissenshaft (Milk Science International) 56(8): 423-427
  • Hoefelmayr T & Maier J (1979). So arbeitet der BioMilker. Milchpraxis 17: 2-65 ISO/DIN 5707 (2007). Milking machine installations - constructions and performance. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland
  • ISO/DIN 6690 (2007). Milking machine installations - mechanical tests. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland
  • NMC (1996). Procedures for Evaluating Vacuum Levels and Air Flow in Milking Systems. The National Mastitis Council, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • Oz H, Rose S, Brunsch R & Bilgen H (2008). Wet and Dynamic Tests in Conventional and Single Tube Milking Clusters. In: Proceedings of the AgEng2008- International Conference on Agricultural Engineering–Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering for a Sustainable World, 23-25 June, Paper No. OP 495, Hersonissos-Kreta, Greece
  • Rasmussen M.D, Reinemann D.J & Mein G.A (2003). Measuring Vacuum in Milking Machines. International Dairy Federation. Bulletin-FIL-IDF (Belgium) 381, 19-32
  • Reinemann D.J, Schuring N & Bade R.D (2007). Methods for measuring and interpreting milking vacuum. In: Proceedings of Sixth International Dairy Housing Conference. 16-18 June, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Wirtz N, Oechtering K, Tholen E, Trappman W, McLean J (ed.) & Sinclair M (ed.) (2002).
  • Comparison of an automatic milking system to a conventional milking parlor. In Prooceedings of First North American Conference on Robotic Milking, III50-III-53, Toronto, Canada Worstorff H, Prediger A & Auernhammer H (1983).
  • Effect of periodical air inlet cluster on teat condition, milk yield and udder health of cows. Milchwissenschaft (Milk Science International) 38: 528-530
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Hülya Öz

Sandra Rose-meıerhöfer This is me

Ulrich Ströbel This is me

Christian Ammon This is me

Publication Date September 5, 2010
Submission Date February 10, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010


APA Öz, H., Rose-meıerhöfer, S., Ströbel, U., Ammon, C. (2010). Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16(3), 162-168.
AMA Öz H, Rose-meıerhöfer S, Ströbel U, Ammon C. Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2010;16(3):162-168. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001135
Chicago Öz, Hülya, Sandra Rose-meıerhöfer, Ulrich Ströbel, and Christian Ammon. “Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16, no. 3 (September 2010): 162-68.
EndNote Öz H, Rose-meıerhöfer S, Ströbel U, Ammon C (September 1, 2010) Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16 3 162–168.
IEEE H. Öz, S. Rose-meıerhöfer, U. Ströbel, and C. Ammon, “Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 162–168, 2010, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001135.
ISNAD Öz, Hülya et al. “Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16/3 (September 2010), 162-168.
JAMA Öz H, Rose-meıerhöfer S, Ströbel U, Ammon C. Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2010;16:162–168.
MLA Öz, Hülya et al. “Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 16, no. 3, 2010, pp. 162-8, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001135.
Vancouver Öz H, Rose-meıerhöfer S, Ströbel U, Ammon C. Comparison of the Vacuum Dynamics of Conventional and Quarter Individual Milking Systems. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2010;16(3):162-8.

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