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Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits during Transportation

Year 2010, , 180 - 193, 05.09.2010


Turkey is one of the main fig fruits producers in the World. The protection of the fig fruit quality in the chains from
harvesting to marketing is very important. Vibration often causes some damages to perishable fruits in transportation
and reduces their quality. The fruit injury due to vibration is related to the transportation characteristics of vehicles,
packaging boxes and the conditions of the roads. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of
packaging box by different materials to decrease the damages of vertical vibration on the quality of three fresh fig
varieties (Yediveren, Sarilop and Bursa Black) during transportation. The experiments were carried out in two stages.
In the first stage; the frequency and acceleration values of truck were determined during the real transportation. In the
second stage, these values were applied on the simulator (shaker) to examine the effect of vibration on fresh figs
packaged with three different boxes. The results showed that the cardboard packaging box was not proper for
transporting of the fresh fig fruits in all road conditions. The mass loss of fresh fig fruits packed with cardboard box
were found to be 2.5 times more than extruded and expanded polystyrene boxes at 16 Hz frequency and 2.54 m s-2
acceleration. Sarilop fig variety was more damaged under the off-road. For long highway road conditions, Bursa
Black fig variety was found the most affected fig variety. 


  • Acıcan T, Alibas K & Özelkök I S (2007). Mechanical damage to apples during transport in wooden crates. Biosystems Engineering 96(2): 239–248
  • Aksoy U (1997). Why fig? An old taste and a new perspective. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Fig. Acta Horticulture 489: 25-26
  • Alayunt F N, Çakmak B, Can Z & Aksoy U (2000). A study on vibrational damage to some fig cultivars using a simulator. XXIV. HAS-ATC Research and Development Conference Proceedings. Kutatasi Es Fejlesztesi Tanacskozas. Gödöllö- Hungary No 24 Barchi G L, Berardinelli A, Guarnieri A, Ragni L &
  • Totaro F C (2002). Damage to loquats by vibrationsimulating intra-state transport. Biosystems Engineering 82(3): 305-312
  • Bollen, A F. & De La Rue, B T (1990). Handling impacts for kiwifruit, Asian pears and apples. ASAE Paper No 90-6005
  • Burton C L, Brown G K, Shulte P N L & Timm E J (1989). Apple bruising related to picking and hauling impacts. ASAE Paper No 89-6049
  • Crisosto C H, Mitchell F G & Johnson S (1995). Factors in fresh market stone fruit quality. Postharvest News and Information 6(2): 17-21 Çakmak B, Can H Z, Akdeniz R C, Alayunt F N &
  • Aksoy U (2007). Taze incirin taşınması sırasında paketleme özelliklerinin kalite kayıpları üzerine etkisi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 44(1): 123-135
  • Fischer D, Craig W L, Watada A E, Douglas W & Ashby B H (1992). Simulated intransit vibration damage to packaged fresh market grapes and strawberries. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 8(3): 363-366
  • Goff J W & Twede D (1979). Boxes Bags and Cans: Performance of Packages for the Transportation of Agricultural Products. Michigan State University Special Report 14
  • Jarimopas B, Singh S P & Saengnil W (2005). Measurement and analysis of truck transport vibration levels and damage to packaged tangerines during transit. Packaging Technology and Science 18: 179-188
  • Kasmire R F & Kader A A (1978). Handling tomatoes at wholesale and retail: A guide for better quality and greater profits. Outlook 5(3): 5-12
  • Marcondes J & Sing S B (1989). Dynamic analysis of less than truck load shipment. Paper 88-WA/EEP-17 ASME New York
  • O’Brien M & Guillou R (1969). An in-transit vibration Simulator for fruit-handling studies. Transactions of the ASAE 12(1): 94-97
  • O’Brien M, Gentry J P & Gibson R C (1965). Vibrating characteristics of fruit as related to in-transit injury. Transactions of the ASAE 8(2): 241-243
  • Öğüt H, Peker A & Aydin C (1999). Simulated transit studies on peaches: effect of container, cushion materials and vibrations on elasticity modulus. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 30(3): 59–62
  • Özgüven F & Vursavus K (2002). Domateste oluşan mekanik zedelenme üzerine taşıma sırasındaki titreşim etkilerinin araştırılması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 17(2): 33-40
  • Peleg K & Hinga S (1986). Simulation of vibration damage in produce transportation. Transactions of the ASAE 29(2): 633-641
  • Pierce C D, Singh S P & Burgess G (1992). A comparison of leaf spring with air-cushion trailer suspension in the transport environment. Packaging Technology and Science 5: 11-15
  • Singh A & Singh Y (1992). Effects of vibration during transportation on the quality of tomatoes. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 23(2): 70-72
  • Singh S P & Xu M (1993). Bruising in apples as a function of truck vibration and packaging. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 9(5): 455-460
  • Slaughter D C, Hinsch R T & Thompson J F (1993). Assessment of vibration injury to Bartlett pears. Transactions of the ASAE 36(4):1043-1047
  • Slaughter D C, Thompson J F & Hinsch R T (1998). Packaging barlett pears in polyethylene film bags to reduce vibration injury in transit. Transaction of the ASAE 41:107-114
  • Sommer N F (1957). Surface discoloration of pears. California Agriculture 11(1):3-4 Turczyn M T, Grant S W, Ashby B H & Wheaton F W
  • (1986). Potato shatter bruising during laboratory handling and transport simulation. Transactions of the ASAE 29(4): 1171-1175
  • Vergano P J, Testin R F & Newall Jr W C (1991). Peach bruising: susceptibility to impact, vibration, and compression abuse. Transactions of the ASAE 34(5): 2110–2116
  • Vursavus K & Özgüven F (2004). Determining the effects of vibration parameters and packaging method on mechanical damage in golden delicious apple variety. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 28: 311-320

Taze Đncir Meyvesinin Taşınması Sırasında Oluşan Kalite Kaybının Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2010, , 180 - 193, 05.09.2010


Türkiye, incir üretimiyle Dünyanın önemli üreticilerinden birisidir. Đncirin kalitesinin korunması hasattan pazara kadar büyük önem arz etmektedir. Titreşim çoğunlukla hassas meyvelere zarar vermekte ve kalitesini düşürmektedir. Titreşim nedeniyle oluşan hasarlar, taşıma yapan aracın karakteristiklerine, paketlemeye ve yol koşularına bağlı olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, üç çeşit taze incir meyvesinin (Yediveren, Sarılop ve Bursa Siyahı) taşınması sırasında titreşim hasarlarını azaltmak amacıyla farklı malzemeler kullanılarak yapılan kutuların etkinliği araştırılmıştır.
Denemeler iki aşamalı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci aşamada, gerçek taşıma koşullarında kamyondaki frekans ve titreşim değerleri saptanmıştır. Đkinci aşamada bu değerler, üç farklı kutuyla paketlenen taze incirlerin üzerindeki titreşim etkisini saptamak için simülatörde (sarsıcıda) uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar, bütün yol koşullarında karton kutuların taze incir meyvelerinin taşınması için uygun olmadığını göstermiştir. Karton kutularda taşınan meyvelerdeki kütle kaybı, ekstrüde polistiren ve ekspande polistiren taşıma kutulara göre otoyol taşıma koşularında (16 Hz – 2.54 m s-2) yaklaşık 2.5 kat daha fazla ölçülmüştür. Sarılop incir çeşidi bozuk yolda, Bursa Siyahı çeşidi ise uzun otoyol taşımasında daha fazla hasar gören çeşit olarak belirlenmiştir. 


  • Acıcan T, Alibas K & Özelkök I S (2007). Mechanical damage to apples during transport in wooden crates. Biosystems Engineering 96(2): 239–248
  • Aksoy U (1997). Why fig? An old taste and a new perspective. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Fig. Acta Horticulture 489: 25-26
  • Alayunt F N, Çakmak B, Can Z & Aksoy U (2000). A study on vibrational damage to some fig cultivars using a simulator. XXIV. HAS-ATC Research and Development Conference Proceedings. Kutatasi Es Fejlesztesi Tanacskozas. Gödöllö- Hungary No 24 Barchi G L, Berardinelli A, Guarnieri A, Ragni L &
  • Totaro F C (2002). Damage to loquats by vibrationsimulating intra-state transport. Biosystems Engineering 82(3): 305-312
  • Bollen, A F. & De La Rue, B T (1990). Handling impacts for kiwifruit, Asian pears and apples. ASAE Paper No 90-6005
  • Burton C L, Brown G K, Shulte P N L & Timm E J (1989). Apple bruising related to picking and hauling impacts. ASAE Paper No 89-6049
  • Crisosto C H, Mitchell F G & Johnson S (1995). Factors in fresh market stone fruit quality. Postharvest News and Information 6(2): 17-21 Çakmak B, Can H Z, Akdeniz R C, Alayunt F N &
  • Aksoy U (2007). Taze incirin taşınması sırasında paketleme özelliklerinin kalite kayıpları üzerine etkisi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 44(1): 123-135
  • Fischer D, Craig W L, Watada A E, Douglas W & Ashby B H (1992). Simulated intransit vibration damage to packaged fresh market grapes and strawberries. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 8(3): 363-366
  • Goff J W & Twede D (1979). Boxes Bags and Cans: Performance of Packages for the Transportation of Agricultural Products. Michigan State University Special Report 14
  • Jarimopas B, Singh S P & Saengnil W (2005). Measurement and analysis of truck transport vibration levels and damage to packaged tangerines during transit. Packaging Technology and Science 18: 179-188
  • Kasmire R F & Kader A A (1978). Handling tomatoes at wholesale and retail: A guide for better quality and greater profits. Outlook 5(3): 5-12
  • Marcondes J & Sing S B (1989). Dynamic analysis of less than truck load shipment. Paper 88-WA/EEP-17 ASME New York
  • O’Brien M & Guillou R (1969). An in-transit vibration Simulator for fruit-handling studies. Transactions of the ASAE 12(1): 94-97
  • O’Brien M, Gentry J P & Gibson R C (1965). Vibrating characteristics of fruit as related to in-transit injury. Transactions of the ASAE 8(2): 241-243
  • Öğüt H, Peker A & Aydin C (1999). Simulated transit studies on peaches: effect of container, cushion materials and vibrations on elasticity modulus. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 30(3): 59–62
  • Özgüven F & Vursavus K (2002). Domateste oluşan mekanik zedelenme üzerine taşıma sırasındaki titreşim etkilerinin araştırılması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 17(2): 33-40
  • Peleg K & Hinga S (1986). Simulation of vibration damage in produce transportation. Transactions of the ASAE 29(2): 633-641
  • Pierce C D, Singh S P & Burgess G (1992). A comparison of leaf spring with air-cushion trailer suspension in the transport environment. Packaging Technology and Science 5: 11-15
  • Singh A & Singh Y (1992). Effects of vibration during transportation on the quality of tomatoes. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 23(2): 70-72
  • Singh S P & Xu M (1993). Bruising in apples as a function of truck vibration and packaging. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 9(5): 455-460
  • Slaughter D C, Hinsch R T & Thompson J F (1993). Assessment of vibration injury to Bartlett pears. Transactions of the ASAE 36(4):1043-1047
  • Slaughter D C, Thompson J F & Hinsch R T (1998). Packaging barlett pears in polyethylene film bags to reduce vibration injury in transit. Transaction of the ASAE 41:107-114
  • Sommer N F (1957). Surface discoloration of pears. California Agriculture 11(1):3-4 Turczyn M T, Grant S W, Ashby B H & Wheaton F W
  • (1986). Potato shatter bruising during laboratory handling and transport simulation. Transactions of the ASAE 29(4): 1171-1175
  • Vergano P J, Testin R F & Newall Jr W C (1991). Peach bruising: susceptibility to impact, vibration, and compression abuse. Transactions of the ASAE 34(5): 2110–2116
  • Vursavus K & Özgüven F (2004). Determining the effects of vibration parameters and packaging method on mechanical damage in golden delicious apple variety. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 28: 311-320
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Bülent Çakmak

Fazilet Alayunt

Cengiz Akdeniz This is me

Zafer Can This is me

Uygun Aksoy This is me

Publication Date September 5, 2010
Submission Date March 6, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010


APA Çakmak, B., Alayunt, F., Akdeniz, C., Can, Z., et al. (2010). Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits during Transportation. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16(3), 180-193.
AMA Çakmak B, Alayunt F, Akdeniz C, Can Z, Aksoy U. Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits during Transportation. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2010;16(3):180-193. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001137
Chicago Çakmak, Bülent, Fazilet Alayunt, Cengiz Akdeniz, Zafer Can, and Uygun Aksoy. “Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits During Transportation”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16, no. 3 (September 2010): 180-93.
EndNote Çakmak B, Alayunt F, Akdeniz C, Can Z, Aksoy U (September 1, 2010) Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits during Transportation. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16 3 180–193.
IEEE B. Çakmak, F. Alayunt, C. Akdeniz, Z. Can, and U. Aksoy, “Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits during Transportation”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 180–193, 2010, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001137.
ISNAD Çakmak, Bülent et al. “Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits During Transportation”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16/3 (September 2010), 180-193.
JAMA Çakmak B, Alayunt F, Akdeniz C, Can Z, Aksoy U. Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits during Transportation. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2010;16:180–193.
MLA Çakmak, Bülent et al. “Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits During Transportation”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 16, no. 3, 2010, pp. 180-93, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001137.
Vancouver Çakmak B, Alayunt F, Akdeniz C, Can Z, Aksoy U. Assessment of the Quality Losses of Fresh Fig Fruits during Transportation. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2010;16(3):180-93.

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