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Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on Old Home x Farmingdale 333 / Pyrus elaeagrifolia in Vitro Micrografts

Year 2014, , 269 - 279, 14.08.2014


In this study, the possibility of creation of a specific pear rootstock combination by micrografting was investigated. Two genotypes; ‘Old Home x Farmingdale 333’ (Pyrus communis L.) which is a clonal semi dwarf pear rootstock resistant to fireblight and pear decline, and Pyrus elaeagrifolia known as tolerant to Fe-chlorosis, salinity and drought stresses were used to obtain a clonal, semi dwarf and tolerant to the stresses pear rootstock combination. In vitro P. elaeagrifolia seedlings were used as rootstock, and in vitro shoots of ‘OH x F 333’ were used as semi dwarf interstock. Cleft grafting was applied in micrografts. Grafted seedlings were cultured on Murashige and Skoog basal medium with ½ strength of macronutrients for 8 weeks. Cultures were incubated under white fluorescent light, 16 h per day. However, complete darkness was applied for 1 or 2 weeks at the beginning of incubation for the darkness treatments. Graft take success in the control treatment was significantly higher (97.9%) than darkness treatments (90.5% and 82.5%, respectively). Ultrastructural observations with transmission electron microscope revealed that dividing cambial initials reached to 2-3 layers and new xylem and phloem elements distinctly differentiated in transversal sections of the graft union after 8 weeks of micrografts in the control and dark treatments. The results indicated that a successful graft union formation occurred. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of in vitro micrografting on Pyrus elaeagrifolia Pallas.


  • Abousalim A & Mantell S H (1992). Micrografting of pistachio (Pistacia vera L. cv. Mateur). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 29: 231-234
  • Amiri M A (2006). In vitro techniques to study the shoot-tip grafting of Prunus avium L. (cherry) var. Seeyahe Mashad. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment 4: 151-154
  • Barba M, Cupidi A, Loreti S, Faggioli F & Martino L (1995). In vitro micrografting: a technique to eliminate peach latent mosaic viroid from peach. Acta Horticulturae 386: 531-535
  • Bell R L (1990). Pears (Pyrus). In: Moore J N & Ballington J R (Eds), Genetic Resources of Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops, International Society for Horticultural Science, Wageningen, pp. 655-696
  • Bisognin C, Ciccotti A, Salvadori A, Moser M, Grando M S & Jarausch W (2008). In vitro screening for resistance to apple proliferation in Malus species. Plant Pathology 57: 1163-1171
  • Can C, Ozaslan M, Toremen H, Sarpkaya K & Iskender E (2006). In vitro micrografting of pistachio, Pistacia vera L. var. Siirt, on wild pistachio rootstocks. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 5: 25-31
  • Conejero A, Romero C, Cunill M, Mestre M A, MartínezCalvo J, Badenes M L & Llácer G (2013). In vitro shoot-tip grafting for safe Prunus budwood exchange. Scientia Horticulturae 150: 365-370
  • Dobranszki J & Silva J A T (2010). Micropropagation of apple - A review. Biotechnology Advances 28: 462488
  • Edriss M H & Burger D W (1984). Micro-grafting shoottip culture of Citrus on three trifoliolate rootstocks. Scientia Horticulturae 23: 255-259
  • Elivar D E & Dumanoğlu H (1999). Ayaş (Ankara) koşullarında elma, armut ve ayvada bir yaşlı fidan üretiminde ilkbahar sürgün ve sonbahar durgun göz aşılarının karşılaştırılması. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 5(2): 58-64
  • Espen L, Cocucci M & Sacchi G A (2005). Differentiation and functional connection of vascular elements in compatible and incompatible pear / quince internode micrografts. Tree Physiology 25: 1419-1425
  • Estrada-Luna A A, Lopez-Peralta C & Cardenas-Soriano E (2002). In vitro micrografting and the histology of graft union formation of selected species of pricly pear cactus (Opuntia spp.). Scientia Horticulturae 92: 317-327
  • Faggioli F, Martino L & Barba M (1997). In vitro micrografting of Pyrus communis shoot tips. Advances in Horticultural Science 11: 25-29
  • Ghorbel A, Chatibi A, Thaminy, S & Kchouk M L (1999). Micrografting of almond Prunus dulcis (Miller) D.A. Webb.) cv. Achak. Acta Horticulturae 470: 429-433
  • Han Y Y, Woo J H, Sim Y G, Choi K B, Choi B S & Yeo S K (1998). Studies on the plug seedling of rose rootstock (Rosa multiflora ‘Hort No. 1’). RDA Journal of Horticulture Science 40: 82-88
  • Hartmann H T, Kester D E, Davies F T & Geneve R L (2011). Plant Propagation: Principle and Practices. Prentice-Hall, London
  • Hassanen S A (2013). In vitro grafting of pear (Pyrus spp.). World Applied Sciences Journal 21: 705-709
  • Huang S C & Millican D F (1980). In vitro micrografting of apple shoot tips. HortScience 15: 741-743
  • Isıkalan C, Namli S, Akbas F & Ak B E (2011). Micrografting of almond (Amygdalus communis) cultivar ‘Nonpareil’. Australian Journal of Crop Science 5: 61-65
  • Jarausch W, Lansac M, Bliot C & Dosbat F (1999). Phytoplasma transmission by in vitro graft inoculation as a basis for a preliminary screening method for resistance in fruit trees. Plant Pathology 48: 283-287
  • Jonard R (1986). Micrografting and its applications to tree improvement. In: Bajaj Y P S (Ed). Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Springer, Berlin, pp. 31-48
  • Ke S, Cai Q & Skirvin R M (1993). Micrografting speeds growth and fruiting of protoplast-derived clones of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Journal of Horticultural Science 68: 837-840
  • Lane W D, Bhagwat B, Armstrong J D & Wahlgren S (2003). Apple micrografting protocol to establish transgenic clones on field ready rootstock. HortTechnology 13: 641-646
  • Lombard P B & Westwood M N (1987). Pear rootstocks. In: Rom R C & Carlson R F (Eds). Rootstocks for Fruit Crops, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 145-183
  • Luft J H (1961). Improvements in epoxyresin embedding methods. The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology 9: 409-414
  • Ma F, Guo C, Liu Y, Li M, Ma T, Mei L & Hsiao A (1996). In vitro shoot-apex grafting of mulberry (Morus alba L.). HortScience 31: 460-462
  • Matsumoto K, Tamura F, Chun J P & Tanabe K (2006). Native Mediterranean Pyrus rootstock, P. amygdaliformis and P. elaeagrifolia, present higher tolerance to salinity stress compared with Asian Natives. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 75: 450-457
  • Monteuuis O (1994). Effect of technique and darkness on the success of meristem micrografting of Picea abies. Silvae Genetica 43: 91-95
  • Monteuuis O (1996). In vitro shoot apex micrografting of mature Acacia mangium. Agroforestry Systems 34: 231-217
  • Monteuuis O (2012). In vitro grafting of woody species. Propagation of Ornamental Plants 12: 11-24
  • Murashige T & Skoog F (1962). A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15: 473-497
  • Murashige T, Bitters W P, Rangan T S, Nauer E M, Roistacher C N & Holliday B P (1972). A technique of shoot apex grafting and its utilization towards recovering virus free Citrus clones. HortScience 7: 118-119
  • Musacchi S, Ganino T, Grassi S & Fabbri A (2004). Grafting in vitro shoots on acclimating plants: morphological and anatomical aspects of compatible and incompatible pear / quince combinations. Acta Horticulturae 658: 559-563
  • Nas M N & Read P E (2003). Simultaneous micrografting, rooting and acclimatization of micropropagated American chestnut, grapevine and hybrid hazelnut. European Journal of Horticultural Science 68: 234237
  • Nava R, Garcia A V, Marin C & Villegas Z (2011). Clonal propagation of elite Carica papaya L. plants using in vitro and in vivo micrografting. Interciencia 36: 517523
  • Navarro L, Roistacher C N & Murashige T (1975). Improvment of shoot tip grafting in vitro for virus free Citrus. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 100: 471-479
  • Nunes J C O, Abreu M F, Dantas A C M, Pereira A J & Pedrotti E L (2005). Morphological characterization in apple micrografts. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 27: 80-83
  • Obeidy A A & Smith M A L (1991). A versatile new tactic for fruit tree micrografting. HortTechnology 1: 91-95
  • Onay A, Pirinc V, Adıyaman F, Isıkalan C, Tilkat E & Basaran D (2003). In vivo and in vitro micrografting of pistachio, Pistacia vera L. cv. “Siirt”. Turkish Journal of Biology 27: 95-100
  • Onay A, Pirinc V, Yıldırım H & Basaran D (2004). In vitro micrografting of mature pistachio (Pistacia vera var. Siirt). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 77: 215219
  • Ozden-Tokatlı Y, Akdemir H, Tilkat E & Onay A (2010). Current status and conservation of Pistacia germplasm. Biotechnology Advances 28: 130-141
  • Ozzambak E & Schmidt H (1991). In vitro and in vivo micrografting of cherry (Prunus avium L.). Gartenbauwissenschaft 56: 221-223
  • Parthasarathy V A, Nagaraju V & Rahman S A S (1997). In vitro grafting of Citrus reticulata Blanco. Folia Horticulturae 9: 87-90
  • Sato J E (1967). A modifred method for load staining of thin sections. Journal of Electron Microscopy 16: 133 Sharma S, Singh B, Rani G, Zaidi A A, Halan V K, Nagpal A K & Virk G S (2008). In vitro production of Indian citrus ringspot virus (ICRSV) free Kinnow plants employing thermotherapy coupled with shoot 279 Volk G M, Bonnart R, Krueger R & Lee R (2012). Cryopreservation of citrus shoot tips using micrografting for recovery. CryoLetters 33: 418-426
  • Yıldırım H, Onay A & Suzerer V (2010). Micrografting of almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) cultivars “Ferragnes” and “Ferraduel”. Scientia Horticulturae 125: 361367
  • Yin H, Yan B, Sun J, Jia P, Zhang Z, Yan X, Chai J, Ren Z, Zheng G & Liu H 2012. Graft-union development: a delicate process that involves cell– cell communication between scion and stock for local auxin accumulation. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 4219-4232

Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears

Year 2014, , 269 - 279, 14.08.2014


In this study, possibility of creating a specific interstock / rootstock combination to obtain a clonal, semi dwarf, composite pear rootstock tolerant to various stresses by micrografting was investigated. In vitro shoots of ‘Old Home x Farmingdale 333’ (Pyrus communis L.) which is a clonal semi dwarf pear rootstock resistant to fireblight and pear decline was used as interstock, and in vitro Pyrus elaeagrifolia Pallas seedlings known as tolerant to Fe-chlorosis, salinity and drought stresses was used as rootstock. Cleft grafting was applied in micrografts. Grafted seedlings were cultured on Murashige and Skoog basal medium with ½ strength of macronutrients for 8 weeks under white fluorescent light for 16 h day. Cultures, except the control, received complete darkness either 1 or 2 weeks at the beginning of incubation. Graft take success in the control treatment was significantly higher (97.9%) than darkness treatments of 1 or 2 weeks (90.5% and 82.5%, respectively). Ultrastructural observations with transmission electron microscope revealed that dividing cambial initials reached to 2-3 layers, and new xylem and phloem elements distinctly differentiated in transverse sections of the graft union 8 weeks after micrografting in the control and darkness treatments. The results indicated a successful graft union formation.


  • Abousalim A & Mantell S H (1992). Micrografting of pistachio (Pistacia vera L. cv. Mateur). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 29: 231-234
  • Amiri M A (2006). In vitro techniques to study the shoot-tip grafting of Prunus avium L. (cherry) var. Seeyahe Mashad. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment 4: 151-154
  • Barba M, Cupidi A, Loreti S, Faggioli F & Martino L (1995). In vitro micrografting: a technique to eliminate peach latent mosaic viroid from peach. Acta Horticulturae 386: 531-535
  • Bell R L (1990). Pears (Pyrus). In: Moore J N & Ballington J R (Eds), Genetic Resources of Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops, International Society for Horticultural Science, Wageningen, pp. 655-696
  • Bisognin C, Ciccotti A, Salvadori A, Moser M, Grando M S & Jarausch W (2008). In vitro screening for resistance to apple proliferation in Malus species. Plant Pathology 57: 1163-1171
  • Can C, Ozaslan M, Toremen H, Sarpkaya K & Iskender E (2006). In vitro micrografting of pistachio, Pistacia vera L. var. Siirt, on wild pistachio rootstocks. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 5: 25-31
  • Conejero A, Romero C, Cunill M, Mestre M A, MartínezCalvo J, Badenes M L & Llácer G (2013). In vitro shoot-tip grafting for safe Prunus budwood exchange. Scientia Horticulturae 150: 365-370
  • Dobranszki J & Silva J A T (2010). Micropropagation of apple - A review. Biotechnology Advances 28: 462488
  • Edriss M H & Burger D W (1984). Micro-grafting shoottip culture of Citrus on three trifoliolate rootstocks. Scientia Horticulturae 23: 255-259
  • Elivar D E & Dumanoğlu H (1999). Ayaş (Ankara) koşullarında elma, armut ve ayvada bir yaşlı fidan üretiminde ilkbahar sürgün ve sonbahar durgun göz aşılarının karşılaştırılması. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 5(2): 58-64
  • Espen L, Cocucci M & Sacchi G A (2005). Differentiation and functional connection of vascular elements in compatible and incompatible pear / quince internode micrografts. Tree Physiology 25: 1419-1425
  • Estrada-Luna A A, Lopez-Peralta C & Cardenas-Soriano E (2002). In vitro micrografting and the histology of graft union formation of selected species of pricly pear cactus (Opuntia spp.). Scientia Horticulturae 92: 317-327
  • Faggioli F, Martino L & Barba M (1997). In vitro micrografting of Pyrus communis shoot tips. Advances in Horticultural Science 11: 25-29
  • Ghorbel A, Chatibi A, Thaminy, S & Kchouk M L (1999). Micrografting of almond Prunus dulcis (Miller) D.A. Webb.) cv. Achak. Acta Horticulturae 470: 429-433
  • Han Y Y, Woo J H, Sim Y G, Choi K B, Choi B S & Yeo S K (1998). Studies on the plug seedling of rose rootstock (Rosa multiflora ‘Hort No. 1’). RDA Journal of Horticulture Science 40: 82-88
  • Hartmann H T, Kester D E, Davies F T & Geneve R L (2011). Plant Propagation: Principle and Practices. Prentice-Hall, London
  • Hassanen S A (2013). In vitro grafting of pear (Pyrus spp.). World Applied Sciences Journal 21: 705-709
  • Huang S C & Millican D F (1980). In vitro micrografting of apple shoot tips. HortScience 15: 741-743
  • Isıkalan C, Namli S, Akbas F & Ak B E (2011). Micrografting of almond (Amygdalus communis) cultivar ‘Nonpareil’. Australian Journal of Crop Science 5: 61-65
  • Jarausch W, Lansac M, Bliot C & Dosbat F (1999). Phytoplasma transmission by in vitro graft inoculation as a basis for a preliminary screening method for resistance in fruit trees. Plant Pathology 48: 283-287
  • Jonard R (1986). Micrografting and its applications to tree improvement. In: Bajaj Y P S (Ed). Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Springer, Berlin, pp. 31-48
  • Ke S, Cai Q & Skirvin R M (1993). Micrografting speeds growth and fruiting of protoplast-derived clones of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Journal of Horticultural Science 68: 837-840
  • Lane W D, Bhagwat B, Armstrong J D & Wahlgren S (2003). Apple micrografting protocol to establish transgenic clones on field ready rootstock. HortTechnology 13: 641-646
  • Lombard P B & Westwood M N (1987). Pear rootstocks. In: Rom R C & Carlson R F (Eds). Rootstocks for Fruit Crops, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 145-183
  • Luft J H (1961). Improvements in epoxyresin embedding methods. The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology 9: 409-414
  • Ma F, Guo C, Liu Y, Li M, Ma T, Mei L & Hsiao A (1996). In vitro shoot-apex grafting of mulberry (Morus alba L.). HortScience 31: 460-462
  • Matsumoto K, Tamura F, Chun J P & Tanabe K (2006). Native Mediterranean Pyrus rootstock, P. amygdaliformis and P. elaeagrifolia, present higher tolerance to salinity stress compared with Asian Natives. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 75: 450-457
  • Monteuuis O (1994). Effect of technique and darkness on the success of meristem micrografting of Picea abies. Silvae Genetica 43: 91-95
  • Monteuuis O (1996). In vitro shoot apex micrografting of mature Acacia mangium. Agroforestry Systems 34: 231-217
  • Monteuuis O (2012). In vitro grafting of woody species. Propagation of Ornamental Plants 12: 11-24
  • Murashige T & Skoog F (1962). A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15: 473-497
  • Murashige T, Bitters W P, Rangan T S, Nauer E M, Roistacher C N & Holliday B P (1972). A technique of shoot apex grafting and its utilization towards recovering virus free Citrus clones. HortScience 7: 118-119
  • Musacchi S, Ganino T, Grassi S & Fabbri A (2004). Grafting in vitro shoots on acclimating plants: morphological and anatomical aspects of compatible and incompatible pear / quince combinations. Acta Horticulturae 658: 559-563
  • Nas M N & Read P E (2003). Simultaneous micrografting, rooting and acclimatization of micropropagated American chestnut, grapevine and hybrid hazelnut. European Journal of Horticultural Science 68: 234237
  • Nava R, Garcia A V, Marin C & Villegas Z (2011). Clonal propagation of elite Carica papaya L. plants using in vitro and in vivo micrografting. Interciencia 36: 517523
  • Navarro L, Roistacher C N & Murashige T (1975). Improvment of shoot tip grafting in vitro for virus free Citrus. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 100: 471-479
  • Nunes J C O, Abreu M F, Dantas A C M, Pereira A J & Pedrotti E L (2005). Morphological characterization in apple micrografts. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 27: 80-83
  • Obeidy A A & Smith M A L (1991). A versatile new tactic for fruit tree micrografting. HortTechnology 1: 91-95
  • Onay A, Pirinc V, Adıyaman F, Isıkalan C, Tilkat E & Basaran D (2003). In vivo and in vitro micrografting of pistachio, Pistacia vera L. cv. “Siirt”. Turkish Journal of Biology 27: 95-100
  • Onay A, Pirinc V, Yıldırım H & Basaran D (2004). In vitro micrografting of mature pistachio (Pistacia vera var. Siirt). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 77: 215219
  • Ozden-Tokatlı Y, Akdemir H, Tilkat E & Onay A (2010). Current status and conservation of Pistacia germplasm. Biotechnology Advances 28: 130-141
  • Ozzambak E & Schmidt H (1991). In vitro and in vivo micrografting of cherry (Prunus avium L.). Gartenbauwissenschaft 56: 221-223
  • Parthasarathy V A, Nagaraju V & Rahman S A S (1997). In vitro grafting of Citrus reticulata Blanco. Folia Horticulturae 9: 87-90
  • Sato J E (1967). A modifred method for load staining of thin sections. Journal of Electron Microscopy 16: 133 Sharma S, Singh B, Rani G, Zaidi A A, Halan V K, Nagpal A K & Virk G S (2008). In vitro production of Indian citrus ringspot virus (ICRSV) free Kinnow plants employing thermotherapy coupled with shoot 279 Volk G M, Bonnart R, Krueger R & Lee R (2012). Cryopreservation of citrus shoot tips using micrografting for recovery. CryoLetters 33: 418-426
  • Yıldırım H, Onay A & Suzerer V (2010). Micrografting of almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) cultivars “Ferragnes” and “Ferraduel”. Scientia Horticulturae 125: 361367
  • Yin H, Yan B, Sun J, Jia P, Zhang Z, Yan X, Chai J, Ren Z, Zheng G & Liu H 2012. Graft-union development: a delicate process that involves cell– cell communication between scion and stock for local auxin accumulation. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 4219-4232
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Hatice Dumanoğlu

Aysun Çelik This is me

Nurhan Büyükkartal

Saeed Dousti This is me

Publication Date August 14, 2014
Submission Date December 3, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Dumanoğlu, H., Çelik, A., Büyükkartal, N., Dousti, S. (2014). Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20(3), 269-279.
AMA Dumanoğlu H, Çelik A, Büyükkartal N, Dousti S. Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 2014;20(3):269-279. doi:10.15832/tbd.65549
Chicago Dumanoğlu, Hatice, Aysun Çelik, Nurhan Büyükkartal, and Saeed Dousti. “Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus Elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20, no. 3 (August 2014): 269-79.
EndNote Dumanoğlu H, Çelik A, Büyükkartal N, Dousti S (August 1, 2014) Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20 3 269–279.
IEEE H. Dumanoğlu, A. Çelik, N. Büyükkartal, and S. Dousti, “Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 269–279, 2014, doi: 10.15832/tbd.65549.
ISNAD Dumanoğlu, Hatice et al. “Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus Elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20/3 (August 2014), 269-279.
JAMA Dumanoğlu H, Çelik A, Büyükkartal N, Dousti S. Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;20:269–279.
MLA Dumanoğlu, Hatice et al. “Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus Elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 20, no. 3, 2014, pp. 269-7, doi:10.15832/tbd.65549.
Vancouver Dumanoğlu H, Çelik A, Büyükkartal N, Dousti S. Morphological and Anatomical Investigations on in Vitro Micrografts of OHxF 333 / Pyrus elaeagrifolia Interstock / Rootstock Combination in Pears. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;20(3):269-7.

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