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The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions

Year 2014, , 446 - 453, 16.10.2014


Grain yield estimate from early segregating populations is an interesting feature of today’s wheat breeding programs, and F populations are generally recommended as the most suitable population by researchers. In the present study, we evaluated the population vigor of diallel F offsprings of six bread wheat genotypes (Sultan, Bezostaya, Süzen, Harmankaya, Altay and Gerek) under irrigated (IR) and rain-fed conditions (RF). The experiment as two sets under IR and RF were established in the field of Anatolian Agricultural Research Institute, Eskişehir. The mean of grain yield (5468 kg ha) of F populations in RF and IR had been lower than the mean of genotypes (5654 kg ha). The mean of grain yield of genotypes (7062 kg ha) under IR was higher than F populations (6703 kg ha), while genotypes and Fpopulations were nearly similar under RF (4246 kg haand 4234 kg ha, respectively). The mid-variety population vigor for grain yield varied from -6.70% (Hrm/Grk) to 8.77% (Bez/Grk) under RF, and from -22.58% (Sltn/Alty) to 10.87% (Bez/Süzen) under IR. There was not positive significance population vigor in Fs. According to results under RF and IR, F populations are observed as the most suitable populations for realistically estimation of grain yield performance of populations.


  • Akbar M, Anwar J, Hussain M, Iqbal, M M & Sabir W (2010). Heterosis and heterobeltiosis for grain yield improvement in bread wheat. Heterosis and heterobeltiosis for wheat grain yield. Journal of Agriculture Research 48(1): 15-23
  • Awan S I, Niaz S, Malik M F A & Ali S (2007). Analysis of variability and relationship among seedling traits and plant height in semi-dwarf wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agriculture and Social Science 3(2): 59-62
  • Beche E, Lemes da Silva C, Pagliosa E S, Capelin M A, Franke J, Matei G & Benin G (2013). Hybrid performance and heterosis in early segregant populations of Brazilian spring wheat. Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(1): 51-57
  • Bhullar G S, Gill K S & Khehra A S (1977). Heritability of Yield and Other Traits Measured Over F 2 -F 5 Diallel Crosses in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Breeding Abstract 47(5): 345
  • Budak N & Yildirim M B (1996). Heterosis in bread wheat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 20(4): 345-347
  • Cress C E (1966). Heterosis of the hybrid related to gene frequency differences between two populations. Genetics 53: 269-74
  • Dagustu N & Bolek M (2002). Heterosis for some agronomic traits in diallel crosses of seven bread wheat
  • (Triticum aestivum L.). Bursa Uludag University Journal of Agriculture Faculty 16(1): 211-223 Dagustu N (2008). Combining ability analysis in relation to heterosis for grain yield per spike and agronomic traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 13(2): 49-61
  • Erkul A, Unay A, Konak C (2010). Inheritance of yield and yield components in a bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cross. .). Turkish Journal Field Crops 15(2): 137-140
  • Gulnaz S, Khan S H, Shahzad M, Nasim W & Sajjad M (2012). Genetic evaluation of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm for yield and seedling vigor traits. Journal of Agriculture and Society Science 8: 123‒128
  • Josekutty P C (2008). Defining the genetic and physiological basis of Triticum sphaerococcum Perc.: Methods in wheat breeding. University of Canterbury, pp. 19-25
  • Kalayci M (2005). JMP usage examples and analysis of variance models for agricultural research. Anatolian Agricultural Research Institute. Publication No:21, pp. 259-267
  • Krystkowiak K, Adamski T, Surma M & Kaczmark Z (2009). Relationship between phenotypic and genetic diversity of parental genotypes and the specific combining ability and heterosis effects in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Eupheytica 165: 419-434
  • Kusaksiz T & Dere S (2010). A study on the determination of genotypic variation for seed yield and its utilization through selection in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) mutant populations. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 15:188–192
  • Lonnquist J H & Gardner C O (1961). Heterosis in intervarietal crosses in maize and its implication in breeding procedures. Crop Science 1: 179-183
  • Mohammed M I (2009). Genotype x environment interaction in bread wheat in Northern Sudan using AMMI analysis. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture & Environment Science 6(4): 427-433
  • Mohammadi M, Karimizadeh R & Sabaghnia N (2012). Genotype × environment interaction and yield stability analysis of new improved bread wheat genotypes. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17(1): 67-73
  • Najaphy A & Geravandi M (2010). Assessment of indices to identify wheat genotypes adapted to irrigated and rain-fed. Advances in Environmental Biology 5(10): 3212-3218
  • Ozgen M (1989). Hybrid vigor at winter bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 13(3b): 1190-1201
  • Panse V G & Sukhatme P V (1961). Statistical methods of agricultural workers. Indian Council of Agriculture Research, 2 nd edit., New Delhi
  • Qasem J R (2011). Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations. Herbicides and Environment 32: 644-646
  • TSI (2012). Degree of self-sufficiency and human consumption per capita of selected crop production and selected field crop production (wheat). Turkey’s Statistical Yearbook. Turkish Statistical Institute. Ankara, Turkey. Publication Number: 3933, pp. 200203
  • Tuhina-Khatun M, Bari M A A, Zaman M A, Begum H & Akter S (2010). Heterosis estimates in F 2 diallel population of spring wheat at two different cultural conditions. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture Research 35(3): 413-422
  • Yildirim M (2005). A study on heredity of some agronomical, physiological and quality characteristics in diallel F 1 offsprings of selected six bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Natural Science of Cukurova Univ. PhD thesis (unpublished). Register No: 893, pp. 47-70
  • Yildirim M, Bolat N, Cakmak M, Belen S, Karaduman K & Tulek A (2008). Determination of grain yield and some grain quality characteristics in off-type material selected from certified bread wheat varieties. National Cereal Symposium, Konya, Turkey, pp. 309-315
  • Zadoks J C, Chang T T & Konzak C F (1974). A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Weed Research 14: 415-421
  • Zhou X B & Chen Y H (2011). Yield response of winter wheat to row spacing under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 17: 158-166

Altı Ekmeklik Buğday Genotipinin Diallel F4 Melez Döllerinde Sulu ve Yağmura Dayalı Koşullar Altında Populasyon Güçleri

Year 2014, , 446 - 453, 16.10.2014


Erken dönemde açılan populasyonlardan verim tahmini yapmak günümüz ıslah programlarında ilgi çekici bir özellik olup, genellikle F1 populasyonlarının bu amaçla kullanımı araştırmacılar tarafından önerilir. Sunulan bu çalışmada, yağmura dayalı (RF) ve sulu şartlar altında (IR) altı ekmeklik buğdayın (Sultan, Bezostaya, Süzen Harmankaya, Altay ve Gerek) diallel F4 melez döllerinde populasyon güçleri değerlendirilmiştir. Deneme, IR ve RF şeklinde iki set olarak Eskişehir Anadolu Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü arazisinde kurulmuştur. RF ve IR’deki F4 populasyonlarının dane verim ortalamaları (5468 kg ha-1) çeşitlerin ortalamasından daha düşüktü (5654 kg ha-1). IR’de çeşitlerin dane verimi ortalaması (7062 kg ha-1) F4 populasyonlarından  (6703 kg ha-1) yüksek çıkarken, RF altında hemen hemen yakın çıkmıştır (sırası ile 4246 kg ha-1 and 4234 kg ha-1). Dane verimi açısından ebeveyn ortalamasına göre populasyon gücü RF altında -6.70% (Hrm/Grk) ve 8.77% (Bez/Grk) arasında değişirken, IR altında -22.58% (Sltn/Alty) ve 10.87% (Bez/Süzen) arasında değişmiştir. F4 populasyonlarına ait populasyon güçlerinin hiç birinde pozitif önemli bir sonuç çıkmamıştır. RF ve IR altındaki sonuçlara göre, F4 populasyonlarının gerçekçi dane verim performansı tahmini için en uygun populasyonlar olduğu gözlenmektedir.


  • Akbar M, Anwar J, Hussain M, Iqbal, M M & Sabir W (2010). Heterosis and heterobeltiosis for grain yield improvement in bread wheat. Heterosis and heterobeltiosis for wheat grain yield. Journal of Agriculture Research 48(1): 15-23
  • Awan S I, Niaz S, Malik M F A & Ali S (2007). Analysis of variability and relationship among seedling traits and plant height in semi-dwarf wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agriculture and Social Science 3(2): 59-62
  • Beche E, Lemes da Silva C, Pagliosa E S, Capelin M A, Franke J, Matei G & Benin G (2013). Hybrid performance and heterosis in early segregant populations of Brazilian spring wheat. Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(1): 51-57
  • Bhullar G S, Gill K S & Khehra A S (1977). Heritability of Yield and Other Traits Measured Over F 2 -F 5 Diallel Crosses in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Breeding Abstract 47(5): 345
  • Budak N & Yildirim M B (1996). Heterosis in bread wheat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 20(4): 345-347
  • Cress C E (1966). Heterosis of the hybrid related to gene frequency differences between two populations. Genetics 53: 269-74
  • Dagustu N & Bolek M (2002). Heterosis for some agronomic traits in diallel crosses of seven bread wheat
  • (Triticum aestivum L.). Bursa Uludag University Journal of Agriculture Faculty 16(1): 211-223 Dagustu N (2008). Combining ability analysis in relation to heterosis for grain yield per spike and agronomic traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 13(2): 49-61
  • Erkul A, Unay A, Konak C (2010). Inheritance of yield and yield components in a bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cross. .). Turkish Journal Field Crops 15(2): 137-140
  • Gulnaz S, Khan S H, Shahzad M, Nasim W & Sajjad M (2012). Genetic evaluation of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm for yield and seedling vigor traits. Journal of Agriculture and Society Science 8: 123‒128
  • Josekutty P C (2008). Defining the genetic and physiological basis of Triticum sphaerococcum Perc.: Methods in wheat breeding. University of Canterbury, pp. 19-25
  • Kalayci M (2005). JMP usage examples and analysis of variance models for agricultural research. Anatolian Agricultural Research Institute. Publication No:21, pp. 259-267
  • Krystkowiak K, Adamski T, Surma M & Kaczmark Z (2009). Relationship between phenotypic and genetic diversity of parental genotypes and the specific combining ability and heterosis effects in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Eupheytica 165: 419-434
  • Kusaksiz T & Dere S (2010). A study on the determination of genotypic variation for seed yield and its utilization through selection in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) mutant populations. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 15:188–192
  • Lonnquist J H & Gardner C O (1961). Heterosis in intervarietal crosses in maize and its implication in breeding procedures. Crop Science 1: 179-183
  • Mohammed M I (2009). Genotype x environment interaction in bread wheat in Northern Sudan using AMMI analysis. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture & Environment Science 6(4): 427-433
  • Mohammadi M, Karimizadeh R & Sabaghnia N (2012). Genotype × environment interaction and yield stability analysis of new improved bread wheat genotypes. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17(1): 67-73
  • Najaphy A & Geravandi M (2010). Assessment of indices to identify wheat genotypes adapted to irrigated and rain-fed. Advances in Environmental Biology 5(10): 3212-3218
  • Ozgen M (1989). Hybrid vigor at winter bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 13(3b): 1190-1201
  • Panse V G & Sukhatme P V (1961). Statistical methods of agricultural workers. Indian Council of Agriculture Research, 2 nd edit., New Delhi
  • Qasem J R (2011). Herbicides Applications: Problems and Considerations. Herbicides and Environment 32: 644-646
  • TSI (2012). Degree of self-sufficiency and human consumption per capita of selected crop production and selected field crop production (wheat). Turkey’s Statistical Yearbook. Turkish Statistical Institute. Ankara, Turkey. Publication Number: 3933, pp. 200203
  • Tuhina-Khatun M, Bari M A A, Zaman M A, Begum H & Akter S (2010). Heterosis estimates in F 2 diallel population of spring wheat at two different cultural conditions. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture Research 35(3): 413-422
  • Yildirim M (2005). A study on heredity of some agronomical, physiological and quality characteristics in diallel F 1 offsprings of selected six bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Natural Science of Cukurova Univ. PhD thesis (unpublished). Register No: 893, pp. 47-70
  • Yildirim M, Bolat N, Cakmak M, Belen S, Karaduman K & Tulek A (2008). Determination of grain yield and some grain quality characteristics in off-type material selected from certified bread wheat varieties. National Cereal Symposium, Konya, Turkey, pp. 309-315
  • Zadoks J C, Chang T T & Konzak C F (1974). A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Weed Research 14: 415-421
  • Zhou X B & Chen Y H (2011). Yield response of winter wheat to row spacing under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 17: 158-166
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Mustafa Yıldırım

Mustafa Çakmak This is me

Publication Date October 16, 2014
Submission Date January 14, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Yıldırım, M., & Çakmak, M. (2014). The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20(4), 446-453.
AMA Yıldırım M, Çakmak M. The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. October 2014;20(4):446-453. doi:10.15832/tbd.27218
Chicago Yıldırım, Mustafa, and Mustafa Çakmak. “The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20, no. 4 (October 2014): 446-53.
EndNote Yıldırım M, Çakmak M (October 1, 2014) The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20 4 446–453.
IEEE M. Yıldırım and M. Çakmak, “The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 446–453, 2014, doi: 10.15832/tbd.27218.
ISNAD Yıldırım, Mustafa - Çakmak, Mustafa. “The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20/4 (October 2014), 446-453.
JAMA Yıldırım M, Çakmak M. The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;20:446–453.
MLA Yıldırım, Mustafa and Mustafa Çakmak. “The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 20, no. 4, 2014, pp. 446-53, doi:10.15832/tbd.27218.
Vancouver Yıldırım M, Çakmak M. The Population Vigors of Diallel F4 Offsprings of Six Bread Wheat Genotypes for Grain Yield under Irrigated and Rain-Fed Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;20(4):446-53.

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