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Clavellotis briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey

Year 2015, , 152 - 157, 24.12.2014


There is increasing interest in the striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) as an alternative fish species in aquaculture in the Mediterranean region. This paper provided information on the infestation of species of Clavellotis briani Benmansour et al (2001) (Lernaeopodidae) collected from striped seabream in Northeast Mediterranean Sea waters off the Turkish coast. A total of 234 fish were examined between May 2011 and April 2012 and female parasites were collected from the branchial arches of fish and identified. During a 12-month survey the prevalence was calculated as 3.4% for C. briani. The striped seabream is known as an alternative culture species for Mersin Bay. This is the first report of Clavellotis briani in wild population of L. mormyrus from Mersin Bay (Northeast Mediterranean Sea) and Turkish waters


  • Akmırza A (2000). Seasonal distribution of parasites detected in fish belonging to the Sparidae family found near Gökçeada. Acta Parasitologica Turcica 24(1): 435-441
  • Ben Hassine K, Essafi K & Raibaut A (1978). Les lernaeopodidés, copépodes parasites de Sparidae de Tunisie. Archives de l’Institut Pasteur de Tunis 55(4): 431-454
  • Benkirane O, Coste F & Raibaut A (1999). On the morphological variability of the attachment organ of Lernaeopodidae (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida). Folia Parasitologica 46(1): 67-75
  • Benmansour B & Ben Hassine O K (1997). Preliminary analysis of parasitic copepod species richness among coastal fishes of Tunisia. Italian Journal of Zoology 65: 341-344
  • Benmansour B, Ben Hassine O K, Diebakate D & Raibaut A (2001). Sur deux espèces de Copépodes Lernaeopodidae (Siphonostomatoida) parasites du marbré Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces, Sparidae). Zoosystema 23: 695-703
  • Bush A O, Fernández J C, Esch G W & Seed J R (2001). Parasitism: The diversity and ecology of animal parasites. pp. 488-500, in: Bush, A. O., J. C. Fernández, G. W. Esch, and J. R. Seed (eds.), Parasitism: The diversity and ecology of animal parasites Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
  • Boxshall G A (2013). Lernaeopodidae. In: World of Copepods database (Eds. T.C. Walter & G.Boxshall). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at aphia. php?p= taxdetails & id =135525 on 2014-01-30
  • Boxhall G A & Defaye D (1993). Pathogens of wild and farmed fish: sea lice. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, pp.378
  • Brian A (1906). Copepodi parassiti dei pesci d’Italia: 1-191, pls. 1-21. Stab. Tipo Litografico R. Istituto Sordomuti, Genova 1-191, 1-21. (SIL q QL444 .C7B7Z)
  • Brian A (1924). Copepoda. Copepodes commensaux et parasites des cotes mauritaniennes. In: Parasitologica Mauritanica. Matériaux pour la faune parasitologique en Mauritanie 1(1): 1-66
  • Castro R & González T M (2005). Clavellotis sebastidis sp. nov. (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) parasitic on sebastes oculatus valenciennes, 1833 from Argentina. Acta Parasitologica 50(1): 74-79
  • Castro R R & Baeza K H (1984). Clavellotis, new genus (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae), and edescription of Clavellotis dilatata (Krİyer, 1863). Journal of Crustacean Biology 4(4): 688-694
  • Daszak P, Cunningham A A & Hyatt A D (2000). Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife - threats to biodiversity and human health. Science (Washington, D.C.), 287 (5452): 443–449. doi:10.1126/ science.287.5452.443. PMID: 10642539
  • Emre Y, Balık İ, Sümer Ç, Oskay D A & Yesilçimen H Ö (2010). Age, growth, length-weight relationship and reproduction of the striped seabream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) (Sparidae) in the Beymelek Lagoon (Antalya, Turkey). Turk Journal of Zoology 34: 93-100
  • FAO (2008). Fishery country profile. FID/CP/TUR. The Republic 6f Turkey. /fi/ document/ fcp/en/FI_CP_TR.pdf
  • Fırat K, Saka Ş & Kamacı H O (2005). Embryonic and Yolk-Sac Larval Development of Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus Lin., 1758). The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture 57(2): 131-140
  • Genc E (2011). Diseases in wild and cultured fish in Turkey. In: Aquaculture in the Middle East and North Africa – Status and Research Needs (Eds. I.S. Azad, & S. Al-Ablani), Nova Science Publications, N.Y., USA.URL: product_info. php? Products _id=22355
  • Gonzalez G P (2005). Parasitofauna branquial de Dentex dentex (Linneo, 1758) (pisces; sparidae). PhD Thesis, València University (unpublished), Spanish
  • Kabata Z (1979). Parasitic Copepoda of British fishes: i-xii, 1-468. The Ray Society London
  • Kabata Z (1990). Revision of the genus Clavellopsis Wilson, 1915 (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 2564-2566
  • Kabata Z (2004). Some comments on the genus Lernaeopodina Siphonostomatoida: Lernaeopodidae). Systematic Parasitology 57: 15- 17
  • Kallianiotis A, Torre M & Argyri A (2005). Age, growth, mortality, reproduction, and feeding habits of the striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Pisces: Sparidae), int the coastal waters of the Thracian Sea, Greece. Scientia Marina 69: 391-404
  • Karaytug S, Sak S & Alper A (2004). Parasitic copepod Lernaeopoda galei Krİyer, 1837 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida): a first record from Turkish seas. Turkish Journal of Zoology 28: 123-128
  • Kusku H, Bulut M, Güroy D, Ergün S, Bilen S & Tekinay A A (2011). Effect of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth and feed utilization of wild-caught striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus, Journal of Applied Lchthyology 27(3): 897-900. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439- 0426.2010.01602.x
  • Macdonald D W & Laurenson M K (2006). Infectious disease: inextricable linkages between human and ecosystem health. Biological Conservation 131(2): 143–150. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2006.05.007
  • McCallum H & Dobson A P (1995). Detecting disease and parasite threats to endangered species and ecosystems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 10(5): 190–194
  • Nuñes-Ruivo L P (1954). Copépodes parasites de poissons. Résultats des Campagnes de Pr.Lacaze- Duthiers. Vie et Milieu 3: 115-138
  • Öktener A & Trilles J P (2004b). Two lernaeopodids and one pennellid copepod determined on three marine fishes collected in Turkey. Journal Black Sea/ Mediterranean Environment 10(2): 143-153
  • Öktener A & Trilles J P (2004a). Three new parasitic copepod species for the parasite fauna of marine fishes of Turkey. Journal Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 10(1): 771-780
  • Öktener A, Alas A & Solak K (2008). Clavellotis strumosa (Brian 1906) (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae), a gill parasite of Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces, Sparidae) from the Sea of Marmara Crustaceana 81(5): 631-636
  • Price M H H, Morton A V & Reynolds J D (2010). Evidence of farm-induced parasite infestations on wild juvenile salmon in multiple regions of coastal
  • Radujkovic B M & Raibaut A (1989). Parasites des poissons marins du Montenegro. Acta Adriatica 30 (1-2): 237-278
  • Scholz T (1999). Parasites in cultured and feral fish. Veterinary Parasitology 84: 317-335
  • Thirgood S (2009). New perspectives on managing wildlife diseases. Jornal of Applied Ecoology 46(2): 454–456
  • Yavuzcan Y H (2008). Reference biochemical values for three cultured Sparid fish: striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus; common dentex, Dentex dentex; and gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, Journal of Comparative Clinical Pathology 18: 23-27
  • Yavuzcan Y H, Pulatsü S & Atay D (2009) Deniz levreğinde (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) su kalite özelliklerine bağlı olarak bazı kan parametreleri. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(3): 82-86

Türkiye’nin Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz Kıyısından Çizgili Mercan (Lithognathus mormyrus: Sparidae) Balığında, Parazit Clavellotis briani (Copepoda, Lernaepodidae) Enfestasyonu

Year 2015, , 152 - 157, 24.12.2014


Çizgili mercan, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) Akdeniz’de artan bir ilgi ile alternatif tür yetiştiriciliği
için dikkati çeken bir türdür. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin Kuzey-Doğu Akdeniz kıyılarından yakalanan çizgili
mercan (Lithognathus mormyrus) balıklarının solungaç kemerlerinden Clavellotis briani Benmansour et al (2001)
(Lernaeopodidae) izole edilmiş ve tanımlanmıştır. Mayıs 2011 ile Nisan 2012 aralığında 12 aylık örnekleme ile incelenen
234 balıkta bulunan C. briani (dişi) prevalansı % 3.4 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çalışma, yetiştiricilik açısından önemli bir
türün doğal popülasyonunda ve gelecekte en popüler yetiştiricilik sahalarından biri olan Mersin Körfezi’nden ve Türkiye
sularından Clavellotis briani için ilk rapordur.


  • Akmırza A (2000). Seasonal distribution of parasites detected in fish belonging to the Sparidae family found near Gökçeada. Acta Parasitologica Turcica 24(1): 435-441
  • Ben Hassine K, Essafi K & Raibaut A (1978). Les lernaeopodidés, copépodes parasites de Sparidae de Tunisie. Archives de l’Institut Pasteur de Tunis 55(4): 431-454
  • Benkirane O, Coste F & Raibaut A (1999). On the morphological variability of the attachment organ of Lernaeopodidae (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida). Folia Parasitologica 46(1): 67-75
  • Benmansour B & Ben Hassine O K (1997). Preliminary analysis of parasitic copepod species richness among coastal fishes of Tunisia. Italian Journal of Zoology 65: 341-344
  • Benmansour B, Ben Hassine O K, Diebakate D & Raibaut A (2001). Sur deux espèces de Copépodes Lernaeopodidae (Siphonostomatoida) parasites du marbré Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces, Sparidae). Zoosystema 23: 695-703
  • Bush A O, Fernández J C, Esch G W & Seed J R (2001). Parasitism: The diversity and ecology of animal parasites. pp. 488-500, in: Bush, A. O., J. C. Fernández, G. W. Esch, and J. R. Seed (eds.), Parasitism: The diversity and ecology of animal parasites Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
  • Boxshall G A (2013). Lernaeopodidae. In: World of Copepods database (Eds. T.C. Walter & G.Boxshall). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at aphia. php?p= taxdetails & id =135525 on 2014-01-30
  • Boxhall G A & Defaye D (1993). Pathogens of wild and farmed fish: sea lice. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, pp.378
  • Brian A (1906). Copepodi parassiti dei pesci d’Italia: 1-191, pls. 1-21. Stab. Tipo Litografico R. Istituto Sordomuti, Genova 1-191, 1-21. (SIL q QL444 .C7B7Z)
  • Brian A (1924). Copepoda. Copepodes commensaux et parasites des cotes mauritaniennes. In: Parasitologica Mauritanica. Matériaux pour la faune parasitologique en Mauritanie 1(1): 1-66
  • Castro R & González T M (2005). Clavellotis sebastidis sp. nov. (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) parasitic on sebastes oculatus valenciennes, 1833 from Argentina. Acta Parasitologica 50(1): 74-79
  • Castro R R & Baeza K H (1984). Clavellotis, new genus (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae), and edescription of Clavellotis dilatata (Krİyer, 1863). Journal of Crustacean Biology 4(4): 688-694
  • Daszak P, Cunningham A A & Hyatt A D (2000). Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife - threats to biodiversity and human health. Science (Washington, D.C.), 287 (5452): 443–449. doi:10.1126/ science.287.5452.443. PMID: 10642539
  • Emre Y, Balık İ, Sümer Ç, Oskay D A & Yesilçimen H Ö (2010). Age, growth, length-weight relationship and reproduction of the striped seabream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) (Sparidae) in the Beymelek Lagoon (Antalya, Turkey). Turk Journal of Zoology 34: 93-100
  • FAO (2008). Fishery country profile. FID/CP/TUR. The Republic 6f Turkey. /fi/ document/ fcp/en/FI_CP_TR.pdf
  • Fırat K, Saka Ş & Kamacı H O (2005). Embryonic and Yolk-Sac Larval Development of Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus Lin., 1758). The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture 57(2): 131-140
  • Genc E (2011). Diseases in wild and cultured fish in Turkey. In: Aquaculture in the Middle East and North Africa – Status and Research Needs (Eds. I.S. Azad, & S. Al-Ablani), Nova Science Publications, N.Y., USA.URL: product_info. php? Products _id=22355
  • Gonzalez G P (2005). Parasitofauna branquial de Dentex dentex (Linneo, 1758) (pisces; sparidae). PhD Thesis, València University (unpublished), Spanish
  • Kabata Z (1979). Parasitic Copepoda of British fishes: i-xii, 1-468. The Ray Society London
  • Kabata Z (1990). Revision of the genus Clavellopsis Wilson, 1915 (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 2564-2566
  • Kabata Z (2004). Some comments on the genus Lernaeopodina Siphonostomatoida: Lernaeopodidae). Systematic Parasitology 57: 15- 17
  • Kallianiotis A, Torre M & Argyri A (2005). Age, growth, mortality, reproduction, and feeding habits of the striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Pisces: Sparidae), int the coastal waters of the Thracian Sea, Greece. Scientia Marina 69: 391-404
  • Karaytug S, Sak S & Alper A (2004). Parasitic copepod Lernaeopoda galei Krİyer, 1837 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida): a first record from Turkish seas. Turkish Journal of Zoology 28: 123-128
  • Kusku H, Bulut M, Güroy D, Ergün S, Bilen S & Tekinay A A (2011). Effect of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth and feed utilization of wild-caught striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus, Journal of Applied Lchthyology 27(3): 897-900. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439- 0426.2010.01602.x
  • Macdonald D W & Laurenson M K (2006). Infectious disease: inextricable linkages between human and ecosystem health. Biological Conservation 131(2): 143–150. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2006.05.007
  • McCallum H & Dobson A P (1995). Detecting disease and parasite threats to endangered species and ecosystems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 10(5): 190–194
  • Nuñes-Ruivo L P (1954). Copépodes parasites de poissons. Résultats des Campagnes de Pr.Lacaze- Duthiers. Vie et Milieu 3: 115-138
  • Öktener A & Trilles J P (2004b). Two lernaeopodids and one pennellid copepod determined on three marine fishes collected in Turkey. Journal Black Sea/ Mediterranean Environment 10(2): 143-153
  • Öktener A & Trilles J P (2004a). Three new parasitic copepod species for the parasite fauna of marine fishes of Turkey. Journal Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 10(1): 771-780
  • Öktener A, Alas A & Solak K (2008). Clavellotis strumosa (Brian 1906) (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae), a gill parasite of Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces, Sparidae) from the Sea of Marmara Crustaceana 81(5): 631-636
  • Price M H H, Morton A V & Reynolds J D (2010). Evidence of farm-induced parasite infestations on wild juvenile salmon in multiple regions of coastal
  • Radujkovic B M & Raibaut A (1989). Parasites des poissons marins du Montenegro. Acta Adriatica 30 (1-2): 237-278
  • Scholz T (1999). Parasites in cultured and feral fish. Veterinary Parasitology 84: 317-335
  • Thirgood S (2009). New perspectives on managing wildlife diseases. Jornal of Applied Ecoology 46(2): 454–456
  • Yavuzcan Y H (2008). Reference biochemical values for three cultured Sparid fish: striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus; common dentex, Dentex dentex; and gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, Journal of Comparative Clinical Pathology 18: 23-27
  • Yavuzcan Y H, Pulatsü S & Atay D (2009) Deniz levreğinde (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) su kalite özelliklerine bağlı olarak bazı kan parametreleri. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5(3): 82-86
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Cafer Koyuncu

Raul Romero This is me

Ercüment Genç

Publication Date December 24, 2014
Submission Date February 6, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Koyuncu, C., Romero, R., & Genç, E. (2014). Clavellotis briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(1), 152-157.
AMA Koyuncu C, Romero R, Genç E. Clavellotis briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. December 2014;21(1):152-157. doi:10.15832/tbd.71968
Chicago Koyuncu, Cafer, Raul Romero, and Ercüment Genç. “Clavellotis Briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus Mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21, no. 1 (December 2014): 152-57.
EndNote Koyuncu C, Romero R, Genç E (December 1, 2014) Clavellotis briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21 1 152–157.
IEEE C. Koyuncu, R. Romero, and E. Genç, “Clavellotis briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 152–157, 2014, doi: 10.15832/tbd.71968.
ISNAD Koyuncu, Cafer et al. “Clavellotis Briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus Mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21/1 (December 2014), 152-157.
JAMA Koyuncu C, Romero R, Genç E. Clavellotis briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;21:152–157.
MLA Koyuncu, Cafer et al. “Clavellotis Briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus Mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 21, no. 1, 2014, pp. 152-7, doi:10.15832/tbd.71968.
Vancouver Koyuncu C, Romero R, Genç E. Clavellotis briani (Copepoda, Lernaeopodidae) Infestation on Striped Seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) from the Northeast Mediterranean Sea, Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;21(1):152-7.

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