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Year 2015, , 108 - 122, 24.12.2014


Intermediate-moisture figs obtained by rehydration of dried figs are more suitable for direct consumption. Colour and texture are the most important quality attributes, which influence the acceptability of this product. In this research the kinetic of color and texture changes in rehydrated figs were studied as a function of time and temperature (25-90 °C). All hunter colour parameters (L*, a* and b*) were used to estimate the extent of colour change during rehydration. Results indicated that among different kinetic models, a combined kinetic model provided the best fit. Moreover, texture development kinetics over all temperature ranges were satisfactorily described by means of first-order kinetic model compared with second-order, Weibull and Peleg models. Model parameters including texture softening (k) and residual constant (A) values were calculated which also confirmed the decrease in firmness of the dried figs due to the plasticization effect of water intake. The Arrhenius model described well the temperature dependence of the reaction rate constant for colour and texture parameters


  • Ansari S, Maftoon-Azad N, Hosseini E, Farahnaky A & Asadi Gh (2014). Modeling the Rehydration Behavior of Dried Figs. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 17(1): 133-144
  • AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Washington, DC, USA
  • Avila I M L B & Silva C L M (1999). Modelling kinetics of thermal degradation of colour in peach puree. Journal of Food Engineering 39(2): 161-166
  • Barreiro J A, Milano M & Sandoval A J (1997). Kinetics of colour change of double concentrated tomato paste during thermal treatment. Journal of Food
  • Comba L, Gay P, Piccarolo P & Ricauda Aimonino D (2010). Browning kinetics evaluation using image processing techniques. In: XVIIth World Comgress of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), 13-17 June, Quebec City, Canada
  • Corradini M G & Peleg M (2006). Prediction of vitamins loss during non-isothermal heat processes and storage with non-linear kinetic models. Trends in Food Science and Technology 17(1): 24-34
  • Doymaz İ (2013). Determination of Infrared Drying Characteristics and Modelling of Drying Behaviour of Carrot Pomace. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 19(1): 44-53
  • FAOSTAT (2010). Classifications and standards. Retrieved in March, 21, 2013 from http://faostat.fao. org/ site/339/ default.aspx Mulet A (2000). Effect of Rehydration Temperature on the Cell Wall Components of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. Var. italica) Plant Tissues. Journal of Food Engineering 46(3): 157-163
  • Farahnaky A, Ansari S & Majzoobi M (2010). Effects of glucose syrup and glycerol on some physichochemical properties of figs. Journal of Texture Studies 41(5): 633-650
  • Farahnaky A, Azizi R & Gavahian M (2012). Accelerated texture softening of some root vegetables by Ohmic heating. Journal of Food Engineering 113(2): 275-280
  • Garcia-Pascual P, Sanjuan N, Melis R & Mulet A (2006). Morchella esculenta (morel) rehydration process modelling. Journal of Food Engineering 72(4): 346-353
  • Garza S, Ibarz A, Pagán J & Giner J (1999). Non- enzymatic browning in peach puree during heating. Food Research International 32(5): 335-343
  • Ibarz A, Pagán J & Garza S (1999). Kinetic models for colour changes in pear puree during heating at relatively high temperatures. Journal of Food Engineering 39(4): 415-422
  • Krokida M K & Marinos-Kouris D (2003). Rehydration kinetics of dehydrated products. Journal of Food Engineering 57(1): 1-7
  • Lozano J E & Ibarz A (1997). Colour changes in concentrated fruit pulp during heating at high temperatures. Journal of Food Engineering 31(3): 365-373
  • Machado M, Oliveira F & Cunha L (1999). Effect of milk fat and total solids concentration on the kinetics of moisture uptake by ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 34(1): 47–57
  • Maftoonazad N, Foroozandeh F, Farahnaky A, Shahamirian M, Zare H & Hosseini E (2012). Production of fig juice concentrate from dried fig fruits (sabz cultivar) and evaluation of colour changes. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Science and Food Technology (accepted)
  • Maldonado S, Arnau E & Bertuzzi M A (2010). Effect of temperature and pretreatment on water diffusion during rehydration of dehydrated mangoes. Journal of Food Engineering 96(3): 333-341
  • Markowski M & Zielińska M (2011). Kinetics of water absorption and soluble-solid loss of hot-air-dried carrots during rehydration. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46(6): 1122-1128.
  • Maskan M (2001). Kinetics of colour change of kiwifruits during hot air and microwave drying. Journal of Food Engineering 48(2): 169-175
  • Maskan M (2002). Effect of processing on hydration kinetics of three wheat products of the same variety. Journal of Food Engineering 52(4): 337-341
  • Moreira R, Chenlo F, Chaguri L & Fernandes C (2008). Water absorption, texture, and color kinetics of air- dried chestnuts during rehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 86(4): 584-594
  • Nisha P, Singhal R S & Pandit A B (2006). Kinetic modelling of texture development in potato cubes (Solanum tuberosum L.), green gram whole (Vigna radiate L.) and red gram splits (Cajanus cajan L.). Journal of Food Engineering 76(4): 524-530
  • Oztekin S, Zorlugence B & Zorlugence F (2006). Effects of ozone treatment on microflora of dried figs. Journal of Food Engineering 75(2), 396-399
  • Peleg M (1988). An Empirical Model for the Description of Moisture Sorption Curves. Journal of Food Science 53(4): 1216-1217
  • Rastogi N K, Nayak C A & Raghavarao K S M S (2004). Influence of Osmotic Pre-Treatments on Rehydration Characteristics of Carrots. Journal of Food Engineering 65(2): 287-292
  • Resio A C, Aguerre R J & Suarez C (2006). Hydration kinetics of amaranth grain. Journal of Food Engineering 72(3): 247-253
  • Sacchetti G, Pittia P, Biserni M, Pinnavaia G G & Rosa M D (2003). Kinetic modelling of textural changes in ready-to-eat breakfast cereals during soaking in semi- skimmed milk. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 38(2): 135–143
  • Sanjuan N, Carcel J A, Clemente G & Mulet A (2001). Modelling of the rehydration process of brocolli florets. European Food Research and Technology 212(4): 449–453
  • Slavin J L(2006). Figs: Past, Present and Future. Nutrition Today 41(4): 180–184
  • Sopade P A, Ajisegiri E S & Badau M H (1992). The use of Peleg’s equation to model water absorption in some cereal grains during soaking. Journal of Food
  • Turhan M, Sayar S & Gunasekaran S (2002). Application of Peleg model to study water absorption in chickpea during soaking. Journal of Food Engineering 53(2): 153-159
  • Tijskens L M & Schijvens E P (1987). Preservation criteria based on texture kinetics. In: K O Paulus (Eds.), Influence of HTST Treatments on Product Quality and Nutritive Value of Food and Feed, Third Workshop COST 91 bis, Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Ernahrung, Karlsruhe
  • Veberic R, Colaric M & Stampar F (2008). Phenolic acids and flavonoids of fig fruit (Ficus carica L.) in the northern Mediterranean region. Food Chemistry 106(11): 153-157
  • Verlinden B (1996). Modeling of texture kinetics during thermal processing of vegetative tissue. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
  • Vinson J A (1999). The functional food properties of figs. Cereal Foods World 44(2): 82-87
  • Vu T S, Smout C, Sila D N, Lynguyen B, Van Loey A M L & Hendrickx M E G (2004). Effect of preheating on thermal degradation kinetics of carrot texture. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 5(1): 37-44
  • Wong M & Stanton D W (1993). Effect of Removal of Amino Acids and Phenolic Compounds on Non-enzymic Browning in Stored Kiwifruit Juice Concentrates. LWT - Food Science and Technology 26(2): 138-144
  • Yam K L & Papadakis S E (2004). A simple digital imaging method for measuring and analyzing color of food surfaces. Journal of Food Engineering 61(1): 137-142
  • Yu K, Wu Y, Hu Z, Cui S & Yu X (2011). Modeling thermal degradation of litchi texture: Comparison of WeLL model and conventional methods. Food Research International 44(7): 1970-1976

Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig

Year 2015, , 108 - 122, 24.12.2014


Intermediate-moisture figs obtained by rehydration of dried figs are more suitable for direct consumption. Colour and texture are the most important quality attributes, which influence the acceptability of this product. In this research the kinetic of color and texture changes in rehydrated figs were studied as a function of time and temperature (25-90 °C). All hunter colour parameters (L*, a* and b*) were used to estimate the extent of colour change during rehydration. Results indicated that among different kinetic models, a combined kinetic model provided the best fit. Moreover, texture development kinetics over all temperature ranges were satisfactorily described by means of first-order kinetic model compared with second-order, Weibull and Peleg models. Model parameters including texture softening (k) and residual constant (A) values were calculated which also confirmed the decrease in firmness of the dried figs due to the
plasticization effect of water intake. The Arrhenius model described well the temperature dependence of the reaction rate
constant for colour and texture parameters.

Keywords: Dried figs; Rehydration; Kinetics model; Colour; Texture


  • Ansari S, Maftoon-Azad N, Hosseini E, Farahnaky A & Asadi Gh (2014). Modeling the Rehydration Behavior of Dried Figs. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 17(1): 133-144
  • AOAC (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Washington, DC, USA
  • Avila I M L B & Silva C L M (1999). Modelling kinetics of thermal degradation of colour in peach puree. Journal of Food Engineering 39(2): 161-166
  • Barreiro J A, Milano M & Sandoval A J (1997). Kinetics of colour change of double concentrated tomato paste during thermal treatment. Journal of Food
  • Comba L, Gay P, Piccarolo P & Ricauda Aimonino D (2010). Browning kinetics evaluation using image processing techniques. In: XVIIth World Comgress of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), 13-17 June, Quebec City, Canada
  • Corradini M G & Peleg M (2006). Prediction of vitamins loss during non-isothermal heat processes and storage with non-linear kinetic models. Trends in Food Science and Technology 17(1): 24-34
  • Doymaz İ (2013). Determination of Infrared Drying Characteristics and Modelling of Drying Behaviour of Carrot Pomace. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 19(1): 44-53
  • FAOSTAT (2010). Classifications and standards. Retrieved in March, 21, 2013 from http://faostat.fao. org/ site/339/ default.aspx Mulet A (2000). Effect of Rehydration Temperature on the Cell Wall Components of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. Var. italica) Plant Tissues. Journal of Food Engineering 46(3): 157-163
  • Farahnaky A, Ansari S & Majzoobi M (2010). Effects of glucose syrup and glycerol on some physichochemical properties of figs. Journal of Texture Studies 41(5): 633-650
  • Farahnaky A, Azizi R & Gavahian M (2012). Accelerated texture softening of some root vegetables by Ohmic heating. Journal of Food Engineering 113(2): 275-280
  • Garcia-Pascual P, Sanjuan N, Melis R & Mulet A (2006). Morchella esculenta (morel) rehydration process modelling. Journal of Food Engineering 72(4): 346-353
  • Garza S, Ibarz A, Pagán J & Giner J (1999). Non- enzymatic browning in peach puree during heating. Food Research International 32(5): 335-343
  • Ibarz A, Pagán J & Garza S (1999). Kinetic models for colour changes in pear puree during heating at relatively high temperatures. Journal of Food Engineering 39(4): 415-422
  • Krokida M K & Marinos-Kouris D (2003). Rehydration kinetics of dehydrated products. Journal of Food Engineering 57(1): 1-7
  • Lozano J E & Ibarz A (1997). Colour changes in concentrated fruit pulp during heating at high temperatures. Journal of Food Engineering 31(3): 365-373
  • Machado M, Oliveira F & Cunha L (1999). Effect of milk fat and total solids concentration on the kinetics of moisture uptake by ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 34(1): 47–57
  • Maftoonazad N, Foroozandeh F, Farahnaky A, Shahamirian M, Zare H & Hosseini E (2012). Production of fig juice concentrate from dried fig fruits (sabz cultivar) and evaluation of colour changes. Iranian Journal of Nutrition Science and Food Technology (accepted)
  • Maldonado S, Arnau E & Bertuzzi M A (2010). Effect of temperature and pretreatment on water diffusion during rehydration of dehydrated mangoes. Journal of Food Engineering 96(3): 333-341
  • Markowski M & Zielińska M (2011). Kinetics of water absorption and soluble-solid loss of hot-air-dried carrots during rehydration. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46(6): 1122-1128.
  • Maskan M (2001). Kinetics of colour change of kiwifruits during hot air and microwave drying. Journal of Food Engineering 48(2): 169-175
  • Maskan M (2002). Effect of processing on hydration kinetics of three wheat products of the same variety. Journal of Food Engineering 52(4): 337-341
  • Moreira R, Chenlo F, Chaguri L & Fernandes C (2008). Water absorption, texture, and color kinetics of air- dried chestnuts during rehydration. Journal of Food Engineering 86(4): 584-594
  • Nisha P, Singhal R S & Pandit A B (2006). Kinetic modelling of texture development in potato cubes (Solanum tuberosum L.), green gram whole (Vigna radiate L.) and red gram splits (Cajanus cajan L.). Journal of Food Engineering 76(4): 524-530
  • Oztekin S, Zorlugence B & Zorlugence F (2006). Effects of ozone treatment on microflora of dried figs. Journal of Food Engineering 75(2), 396-399
  • Peleg M (1988). An Empirical Model for the Description of Moisture Sorption Curves. Journal of Food Science 53(4): 1216-1217
  • Rastogi N K, Nayak C A & Raghavarao K S M S (2004). Influence of Osmotic Pre-Treatments on Rehydration Characteristics of Carrots. Journal of Food Engineering 65(2): 287-292
  • Resio A C, Aguerre R J & Suarez C (2006). Hydration kinetics of amaranth grain. Journal of Food Engineering 72(3): 247-253
  • Sacchetti G, Pittia P, Biserni M, Pinnavaia G G & Rosa M D (2003). Kinetic modelling of textural changes in ready-to-eat breakfast cereals during soaking in semi- skimmed milk. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 38(2): 135–143
  • Sanjuan N, Carcel J A, Clemente G & Mulet A (2001). Modelling of the rehydration process of brocolli florets. European Food Research and Technology 212(4): 449–453
  • Slavin J L(2006). Figs: Past, Present and Future. Nutrition Today 41(4): 180–184
  • Sopade P A, Ajisegiri E S & Badau M H (1992). The use of Peleg’s equation to model water absorption in some cereal grains during soaking. Journal of Food
  • Turhan M, Sayar S & Gunasekaran S (2002). Application of Peleg model to study water absorption in chickpea during soaking. Journal of Food Engineering 53(2): 153-159
  • Tijskens L M & Schijvens E P (1987). Preservation criteria based on texture kinetics. In: K O Paulus (Eds.), Influence of HTST Treatments on Product Quality and Nutritive Value of Food and Feed, Third Workshop COST 91 bis, Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Ernahrung, Karlsruhe
  • Veberic R, Colaric M & Stampar F (2008). Phenolic acids and flavonoids of fig fruit (Ficus carica L.) in the northern Mediterranean region. Food Chemistry 106(11): 153-157
  • Verlinden B (1996). Modeling of texture kinetics during thermal processing of vegetative tissue. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
  • Vinson J A (1999). The functional food properties of figs. Cereal Foods World 44(2): 82-87
  • Vu T S, Smout C, Sila D N, Lynguyen B, Van Loey A M L & Hendrickx M E G (2004). Effect of preheating on thermal degradation kinetics of carrot texture. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 5(1): 37-44
  • Wong M & Stanton D W (1993). Effect of Removal of Amino Acids and Phenolic Compounds on Non-enzymic Browning in Stored Kiwifruit Juice Concentrates. LWT - Food Science and Technology 26(2): 138-144
  • Yam K L & Papadakis S E (2004). A simple digital imaging method for measuring and analyzing color of food surfaces. Journal of Food Engineering 61(1): 137-142
  • Yu K, Wu Y, Hu Z, Cui S & Yu X (2011). Modeling thermal degradation of litchi texture: Comparison of WeLL model and conventional methods. Food Research International 44(7): 1970-1976
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Sara Ansarı

Neda Maftoon-azad This is me

Ebrahim Hosseını This is me

Asgar Farahnaky This is me

Gholam-hassan Asadı This is me

Publication Date December 24, 2014
Submission Date February 12, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Ansarı, S., Maftoon-azad, N., Hosseını, E., Farahnaky, A., et al. (2014). Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(1), 108-122.
AMA Ansarı S, Maftoon-azad N, Hosseını E, Farahnaky A, Asadı Gh. Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. December 2014;21(1):108-122. doi:10.15832/tbd.47774
Chicago Ansarı, Sara, Neda Maftoon-azad, Ebrahim Hosseını, Asgar Farahnaky, and Gholam-hassan Asadı. “Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21, no. 1 (December 2014): 108-22.
EndNote Ansarı S, Maftoon-azad N, Hosseını E, Farahnaky A, Asadı G-h (December 1, 2014) Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21 1 108–122.
IEEE S. Ansarı, N. Maftoon-azad, E. Hosseını, A. Farahnaky, and G.-h. Asadı, “Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 108–122, 2014, doi: 10.15832/tbd.47774.
ISNAD Ansarı, Sara et al. “Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21/1 (December 2014), 108-122.
JAMA Ansarı S, Maftoon-azad N, Hosseını E, Farahnaky A, Asadı G-h. Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;21:108–122.
MLA Ansarı, Sara et al. “Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 21, no. 1, 2014, pp. 108-22, doi:10.15832/tbd.47774.
Vancouver Ansarı S, Maftoon-azad N, Hosseını E, Farahnaky A, Asadı G-h. Kinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Fig. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;21(1):108-22.

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