Research Article
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Year 2018, , 1 - 11, 31.03.2018



  • Acharya S, Dhaduk L K & Maliwal G L (1994). Path analysis in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under conserved moisture conditions. Gujarat Agricultural University Research Journal 20: 154-157
  • Ada R (2013). Cluster analysis and adaptation study for safflower genotypes. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 19: 103-109 Agasimani
  • C A, Patil R & Hand Radder G E (1997). Recent advances in agronomy of safflower (C. tinctorius L.) in India. In: Proceedings of IVth International Safflower Conference, 2-7 June, Bari, Italy, pp. 77-82
  • Alizadeh K (2005). Evaluation of safflower germplasm by some agronomic characteristics and their relationships on grain yield production in the cold dry land of Iran. International Journal of Agriculture Biology 3: 389391
  • Arslan B & Kucuk M (2005). Oil content and fatty acid composition of some safflower cultivars in Van, Turkey. In: Proceedings of VIth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 167-175
  • Ashri A, Urie A L & Zimmer D E (1976). Evaluation of the world collection of safflower, Carthamus tinctorius L. variability of capitulum width and outerin volucral bract dimension. Euphytica 25: 225-229
  • Bayraktar N (1995). The seed yield and yield component in the third progeny of safflower hybrids. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 1: 23-29
  • Bergman J W & Charles R F (2008). Evaluation of safflower and other oil seed crops grown in the United States Northern Plains region for biofuels/biobased products. In: Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November, Wagga Wagga, Australia
  • Bergman J, Carlson G, Kushnak G, Riveland N R, Stallknecht G, Welty L E & Wichman D (1989). Registration of “Finch” safflower. Crop Science 29: 829
  • Beyyavas V, Haliloglu H, Copur O & Yilmaz A (2011). Determination of seed yield and yield components of some safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars, lines and populations under the semi-arid conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology 10: 527-534
  • Camas N & Esendal E (2006). Estimates of broad sense heritability for seed and yield components of safflower. Hereditas 143: 55-57
  • Camas N, Cirak C & Esendal E (2007). Seed yield, oil content and fatty acids composition of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown in Northern Turkey Conditions. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 22(1): 98-104
  • Cazzato E, Borazio L & Corleto A (2001). Grain yield, oil content and earliness of flowering of hybrids and openpollinated safflower in southern Italy. In: Proceedings of Vth International Safflower Conference, 23-27 July, Wiliston, U.S.A, pp. 185-189
  • Chaudhary S K (1990). Path analysis for seed yield in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in acid soil under mid altitude conditions. International Journal Tropical Agriculture 8: 129-132
  • Consentino S L, Copani V, Cammarat M & Riggi E (1997). Relations between metereological parameters, yield and seed oil content in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Mediterranean environment. In: Proceedings of IVth International Safflower Conference, 2-7 June, Bari, Italy, pp. 149-152
  • Dajue L & Mündel H (1996). Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy, pp. 1-83
  • El-Lattief E A (2012). Evaluation of 25 safflower genotypes for seed and oil yields under arid environment in upper Egypt. Asian Journal of Crop Science 4: 72-79 Esendal E & Tosun F (1972). Research on the yield, phonological, morphological and seed characteristics of some native and foreign varieties of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under Erzurum Ecological Conditions. Atatürk University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 3: 93-115
  • Falconer D S & Mackay T F C (1981). Introduction to Quantitative Genetics, Longman. Harlow, UK FAO (2014). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. default.aspx#ancor (Access date: 05.05.2015)
  • Fernandez Martinez J, Dominguez Gimenez J, Jimenez A & Hernandez L (1986). Use of the single seed descent method in breeding safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Plant Breeding 97: 289-378 Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method,
  • Gawand P B, Reddyand B N & Tambe S I (2005). Evaluation of productivity of safflower cultivars under moisture and nutrient management in rainfeed vertisols. In: Proceedings of VIth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 205-209
  • Hang A N & Evans D W (1985). Deficit sprinkler irrigation of sunflower and safflower. Agronomy Journal 77: 588-592
  • Johnson R C, Bergman J W & Flynn C R (1999). Oil and meal characteristics of core and non-core safflower accessions from the USDA collection. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 46: 611-618
  • Khidir M O (1974). Genetic variability and interrelationship of some quantitative characters in safflower. The Journal of Agricultural Science 83: 177-202
  • Kizil S, Cakmak O, Kirici S & Inan M (2008). A comprehensive study on safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in semi-arid conditions. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 22(4): 947-953
  • Koutroubas S D & Papadoska D K (2005). Adaptation, grain yield and oil content of safflower in Greece. In: Proceedings of VIth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 161-167
  • Kose A (2013). Research on yield and quality characteristics of some safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) lines and varieties under dry and irrigated conditions in Turkey. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 11(1): 553-556
  • Kose A, Hatipoglu H, Kose T F, Arslan H, Kosar F & Karakus M (2011). Determining the performances in Eskisehir and Sanliurfa conditions. In: GAP VIth Agriculture Congress, 9-12 May, Sanliurfa, Turkey, pp. 286-291 Malleshappa S M, Hiremath I & Ravikumar R I (2003). Negative associations between important quantitative traits in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Sesame and Safflower Newsletter 18: 80-84
  • Muralidharudu Y & Nagaraj H (1990). Effect of location and genotype on safflower oil and its quality. Field Crops Abstracts 43(5): 3516 Mündel H H (2008). Major achievements in safflower breeding and future challenges. In: Proceedings of Products, VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November, Wagga Wagga, Australia
  • Omidi A H, Hassan A, Khazaei H, Monneveux P & Stoddard F (2012). Effect of cultivar and water regime on yield and yield components in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17: 10-15
  • Omidi Tabrizi A H (2000). Correlation between characters and path analysis for grain and oil yield in spring safflower. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter 15: 78-80
  • Pascal Villalobos M J & Alburquerque N (1996). Genetic variation of a safflower germplasm collection grown as a winter crop in Southern Spain. Euphytica 3: 327332
  • Patil V D, Reddy M V S & Nerkar Y S (1994). Efficiency of early generation selections for yield and related characters in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Theorotical and Applied Genetics 89: 293-296
  • Poehlman, M J (1978). Breeding Field Crops. The Avi Publishing Company,
  • U.S.A Rahamatalla A B, Babiker E E, Krishna A G & El-Tinay A H (2001). Changes in fatty acids composition during seed growth and physicochemical characteristics of oil extracted from four safflower cultivars. Plant Foods Human Nutrient 56: 385-395
  • Rajput G R, Khawale V S, Mankar P S, Sharma S K & Kumbhare M D (2007). Effect of sowing dates and nutrient management in safflower. Journal of Soils and Crops 17(1): 110-113
  • Reinbrecht C, Barth S, VonWithzke-Ehbrecht S, Frick C, Elfadl E, Kahnt G, Becker H C & Claupein W (2005). Screening of a worldwide safflower collection adaptation to humid temperate climates and cultivation in organic farming. In: Proceedings of VIth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 236-242
  • Rudolphi S, Becker H C, Schierholt A & Witzke-Ehbrecht S (2012). Improved estimation of oil, linoleic and oleic acid and seed hull fractions in safflower by NIRS. Journal of American Oil Chemists Society 89: 363-369
  • Shinwari Z K, Rehman H & Rabbani M A (2014). Morphological traits based genetic diversity in safflower. Pakistan Journal of Botany 46(4): 13891395
  • Singh V & Nimbkar N (2007). Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). In: R J Singh (Ed), Genetic Recources Chomosome Engineering and Crop Improvement, CRC Press, Baco Raton, pp. 167-194
  • Sujatha M (2008). Biotechnological interventions for genetic improvement of safflower. In: Proceedings Tek Bitki Seleksiyonu Islahı ile Geliştirilmiş Bazı Aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Hatlarının Tarımsal Performansları, 24 (2018) 1-11 11 of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November, Wagga Wagga, Australia TSI (2014). Turkish Statistical Institute. http://www.tuik. (Access date: 05.05.2015)
  • Uher J (2008). Safflower in European Floriculture. In: Proceeding of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November, Wagga Wagga, Australia
  • Uslu N, Tutluer I, Taner Y, Kunter B, Sagel Z & Peskircioglu H (2002). Effects of temperature and moisture stress during elongation and branching on development and yield of safflower. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter 17: 117-122
  • Uysal N, Baydar H & Erbas S (2006). Determination of agricultural and technological properties of safflower (Carthamus tinctorus L.) lines developed from Isparta population. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 1(1): 52-63
  • Vorpsi V, Harizaj F, Bardhi N, Vladi V & Dodona E (2010). Carthamus tinctorius L, the quality of safflower seeds cultivated in Albania. Research Journal of Agricultural Science 42(1): 326-331
  • Zarei G, Shamsi H & Fazeli F (2011). Effect of planting density on yield and yield components of safflower cultivars in spring. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 5(12): 118-120
  • Zhang Z & Chen Y (2005). Studies on adaptability of safflower germplasms in Xinjiang China. In: Proceedings of IVth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 132-139
  • Weiss E A (2000). Safflower. In: Oilseed Crops, Blackwell Science, Victoria, Australia, pp. 93-12

Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method

Year 2018, , 1 - 11, 31.03.2018


This study was carried out to determine seed and oil yield with their components of some safflower lines and varieties under Eskisehir ecological conditions. This research was conducted at the experimental fields of Transitional Zone Agricultural Research Institute (TZARI), during 2010, 2011 and 2012. Both twenty-one safflower lines and four varieties (Yenice, Dincer, Remzibey and Balci) originating from TZARI-Eskisehir were evaluated in this research. The lines used in this study are developed by using single plant selection method. Three years data were collected and analyzed according to randomized block design with three replications. Means of seed yield, number of head per plant, head diameter, 1000 seed weight, oil content, oil yield were found 1330.3-1990.9 and 1210.1 kg ha-1, 11.2-12.3 and 9.6 number plant-1, 2.28-2.42 and 2.54 cm, 41.6-45.7 and 44.1 g, 36.1-36.6 and 35.6%, 470.9-730.0 and 430.0 kg ha-1 in 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively. According to all years and combined analysis results of this study, lines GE-ESYA-36-36, GE-ES-YA-36-7 in terms of seed yield, lines GE-ES-YA-36-30, GE-ES-YA-36-25, GE-ES-YA-36-26, GEES-YA-36-27 in terms of oil content and lines GE-ES-YA-36-36, GE-ES-YA-36-7, GE-ES-YA-36-4 terms of oil yield were listed at the highest statistical group. As a result of this study, it was decided that these lines could be candidate varieties with regard to these different characteristics. 


  • Acharya S, Dhaduk L K & Maliwal G L (1994). Path analysis in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under conserved moisture conditions. Gujarat Agricultural University Research Journal 20: 154-157
  • Ada R (2013). Cluster analysis and adaptation study for safflower genotypes. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 19: 103-109 Agasimani
  • C A, Patil R & Hand Radder G E (1997). Recent advances in agronomy of safflower (C. tinctorius L.) in India. In: Proceedings of IVth International Safflower Conference, 2-7 June, Bari, Italy, pp. 77-82
  • Alizadeh K (2005). Evaluation of safflower germplasm by some agronomic characteristics and their relationships on grain yield production in the cold dry land of Iran. International Journal of Agriculture Biology 3: 389391
  • Arslan B & Kucuk M (2005). Oil content and fatty acid composition of some safflower cultivars in Van, Turkey. In: Proceedings of VIth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 167-175
  • Ashri A, Urie A L & Zimmer D E (1976). Evaluation of the world collection of safflower, Carthamus tinctorius L. variability of capitulum width and outerin volucral bract dimension. Euphytica 25: 225-229
  • Bayraktar N (1995). The seed yield and yield component in the third progeny of safflower hybrids. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 1: 23-29
  • Bergman J W & Charles R F (2008). Evaluation of safflower and other oil seed crops grown in the United States Northern Plains region for biofuels/biobased products. In: Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November, Wagga Wagga, Australia
  • Bergman J, Carlson G, Kushnak G, Riveland N R, Stallknecht G, Welty L E & Wichman D (1989). Registration of “Finch” safflower. Crop Science 29: 829
  • Beyyavas V, Haliloglu H, Copur O & Yilmaz A (2011). Determination of seed yield and yield components of some safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars, lines and populations under the semi-arid conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology 10: 527-534
  • Camas N & Esendal E (2006). Estimates of broad sense heritability for seed and yield components of safflower. Hereditas 143: 55-57
  • Camas N, Cirak C & Esendal E (2007). Seed yield, oil content and fatty acids composition of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown in Northern Turkey Conditions. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 22(1): 98-104
  • Cazzato E, Borazio L & Corleto A (2001). Grain yield, oil content and earliness of flowering of hybrids and openpollinated safflower in southern Italy. In: Proceedings of Vth International Safflower Conference, 23-27 July, Wiliston, U.S.A, pp. 185-189
  • Chaudhary S K (1990). Path analysis for seed yield in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in acid soil under mid altitude conditions. International Journal Tropical Agriculture 8: 129-132
  • Consentino S L, Copani V, Cammarat M & Riggi E (1997). Relations between metereological parameters, yield and seed oil content in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Mediterranean environment. In: Proceedings of IVth International Safflower Conference, 2-7 June, Bari, Italy, pp. 149-152
  • Dajue L & Mündel H (1996). Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy, pp. 1-83
  • El-Lattief E A (2012). Evaluation of 25 safflower genotypes for seed and oil yields under arid environment in upper Egypt. Asian Journal of Crop Science 4: 72-79 Esendal E & Tosun F (1972). Research on the yield, phonological, morphological and seed characteristics of some native and foreign varieties of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under Erzurum Ecological Conditions. Atatürk University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 3: 93-115
  • Falconer D S & Mackay T F C (1981). Introduction to Quantitative Genetics, Longman. Harlow, UK FAO (2014). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. default.aspx#ancor (Access date: 05.05.2015)
  • Fernandez Martinez J, Dominguez Gimenez J, Jimenez A & Hernandez L (1986). Use of the single seed descent method in breeding safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Plant Breeding 97: 289-378 Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method,
  • Gawand P B, Reddyand B N & Tambe S I (2005). Evaluation of productivity of safflower cultivars under moisture and nutrient management in rainfeed vertisols. In: Proceedings of VIth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 205-209
  • Hang A N & Evans D W (1985). Deficit sprinkler irrigation of sunflower and safflower. Agronomy Journal 77: 588-592
  • Johnson R C, Bergman J W & Flynn C R (1999). Oil and meal characteristics of core and non-core safflower accessions from the USDA collection. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 46: 611-618
  • Khidir M O (1974). Genetic variability and interrelationship of some quantitative characters in safflower. The Journal of Agricultural Science 83: 177-202
  • Kizil S, Cakmak O, Kirici S & Inan M (2008). A comprehensive study on safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in semi-arid conditions. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 22(4): 947-953
  • Koutroubas S D & Papadoska D K (2005). Adaptation, grain yield and oil content of safflower in Greece. In: Proceedings of VIth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 161-167
  • Kose A (2013). Research on yield and quality characteristics of some safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) lines and varieties under dry and irrigated conditions in Turkey. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 11(1): 553-556
  • Kose A, Hatipoglu H, Kose T F, Arslan H, Kosar F & Karakus M (2011). Determining the performances in Eskisehir and Sanliurfa conditions. In: GAP VIth Agriculture Congress, 9-12 May, Sanliurfa, Turkey, pp. 286-291 Malleshappa S M, Hiremath I & Ravikumar R I (2003). Negative associations between important quantitative traits in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Sesame and Safflower Newsletter 18: 80-84
  • Muralidharudu Y & Nagaraj H (1990). Effect of location and genotype on safflower oil and its quality. Field Crops Abstracts 43(5): 3516 Mündel H H (2008). Major achievements in safflower breeding and future challenges. In: Proceedings of Products, VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November, Wagga Wagga, Australia
  • Omidi A H, Hassan A, Khazaei H, Monneveux P & Stoddard F (2012). Effect of cultivar and water regime on yield and yield components in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17: 10-15
  • Omidi Tabrizi A H (2000). Correlation between characters and path analysis for grain and oil yield in spring safflower. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter 15: 78-80
  • Pascal Villalobos M J & Alburquerque N (1996). Genetic variation of a safflower germplasm collection grown as a winter crop in Southern Spain. Euphytica 3: 327332
  • Patil V D, Reddy M V S & Nerkar Y S (1994). Efficiency of early generation selections for yield and related characters in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Theorotical and Applied Genetics 89: 293-296
  • Poehlman, M J (1978). Breeding Field Crops. The Avi Publishing Company,
  • U.S.A Rahamatalla A B, Babiker E E, Krishna A G & El-Tinay A H (2001). Changes in fatty acids composition during seed growth and physicochemical characteristics of oil extracted from four safflower cultivars. Plant Foods Human Nutrient 56: 385-395
  • Rajput G R, Khawale V S, Mankar P S, Sharma S K & Kumbhare M D (2007). Effect of sowing dates and nutrient management in safflower. Journal of Soils and Crops 17(1): 110-113
  • Reinbrecht C, Barth S, VonWithzke-Ehbrecht S, Frick C, Elfadl E, Kahnt G, Becker H C & Claupein W (2005). Screening of a worldwide safflower collection adaptation to humid temperate climates and cultivation in organic farming. In: Proceedings of VIth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 236-242
  • Rudolphi S, Becker H C, Schierholt A & Witzke-Ehbrecht S (2012). Improved estimation of oil, linoleic and oleic acid and seed hull fractions in safflower by NIRS. Journal of American Oil Chemists Society 89: 363-369
  • Shinwari Z K, Rehman H & Rabbani M A (2014). Morphological traits based genetic diversity in safflower. Pakistan Journal of Botany 46(4): 13891395
  • Singh V & Nimbkar N (2007). Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). In: R J Singh (Ed), Genetic Recources Chomosome Engineering and Crop Improvement, CRC Press, Baco Raton, pp. 167-194
  • Sujatha M (2008). Biotechnological interventions for genetic improvement of safflower. In: Proceedings Tek Bitki Seleksiyonu Islahı ile Geliştirilmiş Bazı Aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Hatlarının Tarımsal Performansları, 24 (2018) 1-11 11 of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November, Wagga Wagga, Australia TSI (2014). Turkish Statistical Institute. http://www.tuik. (Access date: 05.05.2015)
  • Uher J (2008). Safflower in European Floriculture. In: Proceeding of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November, Wagga Wagga, Australia
  • Uslu N, Tutluer I, Taner Y, Kunter B, Sagel Z & Peskircioglu H (2002). Effects of temperature and moisture stress during elongation and branching on development and yield of safflower. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter 17: 117-122
  • Uysal N, Baydar H & Erbas S (2006). Determination of agricultural and technological properties of safflower (Carthamus tinctorus L.) lines developed from Isparta population. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 1(1): 52-63
  • Vorpsi V, Harizaj F, Bardhi N, Vladi V & Dodona E (2010). Carthamus tinctorius L, the quality of safflower seeds cultivated in Albania. Research Journal of Agricultural Science 42(1): 326-331
  • Zarei G, Shamsi H & Fazeli F (2011). Effect of planting density on yield and yield components of safflower cultivars in spring. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 5(12): 118-120
  • Zhang Z & Chen Y (2005). Studies on adaptability of safflower germplasms in Xinjiang China. In: Proceedings of IVth International Safflower Conference, 6-10 June, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 132-139
  • Weiss E A (2000). Safflower. In: Oilseed Crops, Blackwell Science, Victoria, Australia, pp. 93-12
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Arzu Köse

Ferda Koşar This is me

Özlem Bilir This is me

Publication Date March 31, 2018
Submission Date June 24, 2015
Acceptance Date July 14, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Köse, A., Koşar, F., & Bilir, Ö. (2018). Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(1), 1-11.
AMA Köse A, Koşar F, Bilir Ö. Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2018;24(1):1-11. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.446334
Chicago Köse, Arzu, Ferda Koşar, and Özlem Bilir. “Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24, no. 1 (March 2018): 1-11.
EndNote Köse A, Koşar F, Bilir Ö (March 1, 2018) Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 1 1–11.
IEEE A. Köse, F. Koşar, and Ö. Bilir, “Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 1–11, 2018, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.446334.
ISNAD Köse, Arzu et al. “Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24/1 (March 2018), 1-11.
JAMA Köse A, Koşar F, Bilir Ö. Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24:1–11.
MLA Köse, Arzu et al. “Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 24, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-11, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.446334.
Vancouver Köse A, Koşar F, Bilir Ö. Agricultural Performances of Some Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Lines Developed by Single Plant Selection Method. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24(1):1-11.

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