Research Article
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Year 2018, , 130 - 142, 31.03.2018



  • Adhikary P, Shil S & Patra P S (2014). Effect of herbicides on soil microorganisms in transplanted chilli. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Science 3(1): 236-238
  • Anastasi A, Tigini V & Varese G C (2012). The Bioremediation Potential of Different Ecophysiological Groups of Fungi. Soil Biology 32: 29-49
  • Angelini J, Silvina G, Taurian T, Ibáñez F, Tonelli L M, Valetti L, Soledad Anzuay M, Ludueña L, Muñoz V & Fabra A (2013). The effects of pesticides on bacterial nitrogen fixers in peanut-growing area. Archives of Microbiology 195: 683-692
  • Arbeli Z & Fuentes C L (2007). Accelerated biodegradation of pesticides: An overview of the phenomenon, its basis and possible solutions and a discussion on the tropical dimension. Crop Protection 26: 17-33
  • Baćmaga M, Boros E, Kucharski J & Wyszkowska J (2012). Enzymatic activity in soil contaminated with the Aurora 40WG herbicide. Environmental Protection and Engeneering 38(1): 91-102
  • Baćmaga M, Kucharski J, Wyszkowska J, Borowik A & Tomkiel M (2014). Responses of microorganisms and enzymes to soil contamination with metazachlor. Environmental Earth Science 72: 2251-2262
  • Bello D, Trasar-Capeda C, Leirós M C & Gill-Sotres F (2008). Evaluation of various tests for diagnosis of soil contamination by 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (2,4,5TCP). Environmental Pollution 156: 611-617
  • Bello D, Trasar-Capeda C, Leirós M C & Gill-Sotres F (2013). Modification of enzymatic activity in soils of contrasting pH contaminated with 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 56: 80-86
  • Bending G D, Lincoln S D & Edmondson R N (2006). Spatial variation in the degradation rate of the pesticides isoproturon, azoxystrobin and diflufenican in soil and its relationship with chemical and microbial properties. Environmental Pollution 139: 279-287
  • Bielińska J, Futa B & Mocek-Płóciniak A (2014). Soil enzymes as bio-indicators of soil health and quality. Libropolis Press, Lublin
  • Crouzet O, Batisson I, Besse-Hoggan P, Bonneomoy F, Bardot C, Poly F, Bohatier J & Mallet C (2010). Response of soil microbial communities to the herbicide mesotrione: A dose-effect microcosm approach. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42: 193-202
  • Cycoń M & Piotrowska-Seget Z (2009). Changes in bacterial diversity and community structure following pesticides addition to soil estimated by cultivation technique. Ecotoxicology 18(5): 632-642
  • Cycoń M, Wójcik M, Borymski S & PiotrowskaSeget Z (2013). Short-term effects of the herbicide napropamide on the activity and structure of the soil microbial community assessed by the multi approach analysis. Applied Soil Ecology 66: 8-18
  • Galbally I E, Meyer M C P, Wang Y P, Smith C J & Weeks I A (2010). Nitrous oxide emissions from a legume pasture and the influences of liming and urine addition. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 136: 262-272
  • P K, Saha M, Halder M P & Mukherjee D (2011). Effect of pesticides on microbial transformation of sulphur in soil. International Journal of Plant Animal and Environmental Science 1(2): 115-121
  • Gomez E, Ferreras L, Lovotti L & Fernandez E (2009). Impact of glyphosate application on microbial biomass and metabolic activity in Vertic Arggiudoll from Argentina. European Journal of Soil Biology 45: 163-167
  • Grabińska-Łoniewska A (1999). Laboratory classes in general microbiology. Warsaw Technology University Press, Warsaw
  • Griffiths B S & Philippot L (2013). Insights into the resistance and resilience of the soil microbial community. FEMS Microbiological Review 37: 112-129
  • GUS (2014). Central Statistical Office of Poland. Agriculture in 2014. Retrieved in March, 24, 2015 from
  • Hussain S, Siddique T, Saleem M, Arshad M & Khalid A (2009). Impact of pesticides on soil microbial diversity, enzymes and biochemical reactions. Advances in Agronomy 102: 159-200
  • Khan M S, Zaidia A & Rizvib P Q (2006). Biotoxic effects of herbicides on growth, nodulation, nitrogenase activity, and seed production in chickpeas. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37(11-12): 1783-1793
  • Kucharski J & Wyszkowska J (2008). Biological properties of soil contaminated with the herbicide Apyros 75 WG. Journal of Elementology 13(3): 357371
  • Lipşa F D, Ulea E, Chiriac I P & Coroi I G (2010). Effect of herbicide s-metolachlor on soil microorganisms. Lucrări Ştiinţifice Seria Agronomie 53(2): 110-113
  • Liu W P, Liu H J, Zheng W & Lu J H (2001). Adsorption of chloroacetanilide herbicides on soil structural influence of chloroacetanilide herbicidefor their adsorption on soils its components. Journal of Environmental Science 13(1): 37-45
  • Lorenc-Plucińska G, Walentynowicz M & Niewiadomska A (2013). Capabilities of alders (Alnus incana and A. glutinosa) to grow in metal-contaminated soil. Ecological Engineering 58: 214-227
  • Martin J P (1950). Use of acid, rose Bengal and streptomycin in the plate method for estimating soil fungi. Soil Science 69: 215-233
  • Martinez C O, Silva C M M S, Fay E F, Maia A H N, Abakerli R B & Durrant L R (2008). Degradation of the herbicide sulfentrazone in a Brazilian typic hapludox soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40: 879-886
  • Martins P F, Martinez C O, De Carvalho G, Irajara P, Azevedo A A, Pileggi S A, De Melo I S & Pileegi M (2007). Selection of microorganisms degrading S-metolachlor herbicide. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 50(1): 153-159
  • Niewiadomska A & Sawicka A (2002). Effect of carbendazim, imazethapyr and thiram on nitrogenase activity, number of microorganisms in soil and yield of hybrid lucerne (Medicago media). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 6: 737-744
  • Niewiadomska A, Sawińska Z & Wolna-Maruwka A (2011). Impact of selected seed dressing on soil microbiological activity in spring barley cultivation. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 20(5a): 1252-1261
  • Ohta A & Hattori T (1980). Bacteria sensitive to nutrient broth medium in terrestrial environments. Soil Science of Plant Nutrition 26: 99-107
  • Orwin K H & Wardle D H (2004). New indices for quantifying the resistance and resilience of soil biota to exogenous disturbance. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36: 1907-1912
  • Pot V, Benoit P, Le Menn M, Eklo O-M, Sveistrup T & Kvaerner J (2011). Metribuzin transport in undisturbed soil cores under controlled water potential conditions: experiments and modelling to evaluate the risk of leaching in a sandy loam soil profile. Pest Management Science 67: 397-407
  • Rahmansyah M, Antonius S & Sulistinah N (2009). Phosphatase and urease instability caused by pesticides present in soil improved by grounded rice straw. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 4(2): 56-62
  • Romero E, Fernández-Bayo J, Díaz J M C & Nogale R (2010). Enzyme activities and diuron persistence in soil amended with vermicompost derived from spent grape marc and treated with urea. Applied Soil Ecology 44: 198-204
  • Saha S, Dutta D, Karmakar R & Ray D P (2012). Structuretoxicity relationship of chloroacetanilide herbicides: relative impact on soil microorganisms. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 34: 307-314
  • Sahoo S, Adak T, Bagchi T B, Kumar U, Munda S, Saha S, Berliner J, Jena M & Mishra B B (2016). Nontarget effects of pretilachlor on microbial properties in tropical rice soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23(8): 7595-7602
  • Sawicka A (1983). The ecological aspects of dinitrogen fixation. Poznań Agricultural University Annals, Scientific Dissertations 134: 1-57
  • Sebiomo A, Ogundero V W & Bankole S A (2011). Effect of four herbicides on microbial population, soil organic matter and dehydrogenase activity. African Journal of Biotechnology 10: 770-778
  • Sharma P & Suri C R (2011). Biotransformation and biomonitoring of phenylurea herbicide diuron. Bioresources Technology 102: 3119-3125
  • Singh P & Ghoshal N (2010). Variation in total biological productivity and soil microbial biomass in rainfed agroecosystems: Impact of application of herbicide and soil amendments. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 137: 241-250
  • Tabatabai V & Bremner J (1969). Use of p-nitrophenyl phosphate for assays of soil phosphatase activity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 1: 301-307
  • Tejada M (2009). Evaluation of soil biological properties after addition of glyphosate, diflufenican and glyphosate+diflufenican herbicides. Chemosphere 76: 365-373
  • Thalmann A (1968). Zur methodik der bestimmung der dehydrogenase aktivität in boden mittels triphenyltetrazoliumchlorid (TTC). Landwirtschaftliche Forschung 21: 3-4
  • Wang Q, Zhou D & Cang L (2009). Microbial and physicochemical properties of soil contaminated with herbicide Triflurotox 250 EC. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 13: 223-231
  • Zabaloy M C, Garland J L & Gomez M A (2010). Assessment of the impact of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4D) on indigenous herbicide degrading bacteria and microbial community function in an agricultural soil. Applied Soil Ecology 46: 240-246
  • Zain N M M, Mohamad R B, Sijam K, Morshed M M & Awang Y (2013). Effects of selected herbicides on soil microbial populations in oil palm plantation of Malaysia: A microcosm experiment. African Journal of Microbiology Research 7(5): 367-374
  • Zemolin S R, Avila L A, Cassol G V, Massey J H & Camargo E R (2014). Environmental fate of s-metolachlor-a review. Planta Daninha 32(3): 655664

The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture with S-metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus luteus L.)

Year 2018, , 130 - 142, 31.03.2018


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of the active substance of diflufenican and its combination with s-metolachlor or metribuzin, applied to yellow lupine, on the nitrogenase activity, the population size of selected groups of microorganisms, the activity of soil enzymes and their sensitivity to the tested preparations. All analysed preparations caused a reduction in the total number of bacteria and the number of actinobacteria and oligotrophic bacteria at the beginning of the vegetation period of yellow lupine. In the combination where diflufenican was used separately a stimulatory effect on nitrogenase activity was observed. The research revealed very high sensitivity of dehydrogenases and acid phosphatase to the soil contamination caused by application of all the tested herbicides. The dehydrogenases activity values were closely correlated with reduced populations of the groups of microorganisms. Diflufenican applied separately caused a relatively small negative effect on biological soil properties and consequently could have a smaller negative effect on soil environment contamination in comparison to other variants. 


  • Adhikary P, Shil S & Patra P S (2014). Effect of herbicides on soil microorganisms in transplanted chilli. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Science 3(1): 236-238
  • Anastasi A, Tigini V & Varese G C (2012). The Bioremediation Potential of Different Ecophysiological Groups of Fungi. Soil Biology 32: 29-49
  • Angelini J, Silvina G, Taurian T, Ibáñez F, Tonelli L M, Valetti L, Soledad Anzuay M, Ludueña L, Muñoz V & Fabra A (2013). The effects of pesticides on bacterial nitrogen fixers in peanut-growing area. Archives of Microbiology 195: 683-692
  • Arbeli Z & Fuentes C L (2007). Accelerated biodegradation of pesticides: An overview of the phenomenon, its basis and possible solutions and a discussion on the tropical dimension. Crop Protection 26: 17-33
  • Baćmaga M, Boros E, Kucharski J & Wyszkowska J (2012). Enzymatic activity in soil contaminated with the Aurora 40WG herbicide. Environmental Protection and Engeneering 38(1): 91-102
  • Baćmaga M, Kucharski J, Wyszkowska J, Borowik A & Tomkiel M (2014). Responses of microorganisms and enzymes to soil contamination with metazachlor. Environmental Earth Science 72: 2251-2262
  • Bello D, Trasar-Capeda C, Leirós M C & Gill-Sotres F (2008). Evaluation of various tests for diagnosis of soil contamination by 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (2,4,5TCP). Environmental Pollution 156: 611-617
  • Bello D, Trasar-Capeda C, Leirós M C & Gill-Sotres F (2013). Modification of enzymatic activity in soils of contrasting pH contaminated with 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 56: 80-86
  • Bending G D, Lincoln S D & Edmondson R N (2006). Spatial variation in the degradation rate of the pesticides isoproturon, azoxystrobin and diflufenican in soil and its relationship with chemical and microbial properties. Environmental Pollution 139: 279-287
  • Bielińska J, Futa B & Mocek-Płóciniak A (2014). Soil enzymes as bio-indicators of soil health and quality. Libropolis Press, Lublin
  • Crouzet O, Batisson I, Besse-Hoggan P, Bonneomoy F, Bardot C, Poly F, Bohatier J & Mallet C (2010). Response of soil microbial communities to the herbicide mesotrione: A dose-effect microcosm approach. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42: 193-202
  • Cycoń M & Piotrowska-Seget Z (2009). Changes in bacterial diversity and community structure following pesticides addition to soil estimated by cultivation technique. Ecotoxicology 18(5): 632-642
  • Cycoń M, Wójcik M, Borymski S & PiotrowskaSeget Z (2013). Short-term effects of the herbicide napropamide on the activity and structure of the soil microbial community assessed by the multi approach analysis. Applied Soil Ecology 66: 8-18
  • Galbally I E, Meyer M C P, Wang Y P, Smith C J & Weeks I A (2010). Nitrous oxide emissions from a legume pasture and the influences of liming and urine addition. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 136: 262-272
  • P K, Saha M, Halder M P & Mukherjee D (2011). Effect of pesticides on microbial transformation of sulphur in soil. International Journal of Plant Animal and Environmental Science 1(2): 115-121
  • Gomez E, Ferreras L, Lovotti L & Fernandez E (2009). Impact of glyphosate application on microbial biomass and metabolic activity in Vertic Arggiudoll from Argentina. European Journal of Soil Biology 45: 163-167
  • Grabińska-Łoniewska A (1999). Laboratory classes in general microbiology. Warsaw Technology University Press, Warsaw
  • Griffiths B S & Philippot L (2013). Insights into the resistance and resilience of the soil microbial community. FEMS Microbiological Review 37: 112-129
  • GUS (2014). Central Statistical Office of Poland. Agriculture in 2014. Retrieved in March, 24, 2015 from
  • Hussain S, Siddique T, Saleem M, Arshad M & Khalid A (2009). Impact of pesticides on soil microbial diversity, enzymes and biochemical reactions. Advances in Agronomy 102: 159-200
  • Khan M S, Zaidia A & Rizvib P Q (2006). Biotoxic effects of herbicides on growth, nodulation, nitrogenase activity, and seed production in chickpeas. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37(11-12): 1783-1793
  • Kucharski J & Wyszkowska J (2008). Biological properties of soil contaminated with the herbicide Apyros 75 WG. Journal of Elementology 13(3): 357371
  • Lipşa F D, Ulea E, Chiriac I P & Coroi I G (2010). Effect of herbicide s-metolachlor on soil microorganisms. Lucrări Ştiinţifice Seria Agronomie 53(2): 110-113
  • Liu W P, Liu H J, Zheng W & Lu J H (2001). Adsorption of chloroacetanilide herbicides on soil structural influence of chloroacetanilide herbicidefor their adsorption on soils its components. Journal of Environmental Science 13(1): 37-45
  • Lorenc-Plucińska G, Walentynowicz M & Niewiadomska A (2013). Capabilities of alders (Alnus incana and A. glutinosa) to grow in metal-contaminated soil. Ecological Engineering 58: 214-227
  • Martin J P (1950). Use of acid, rose Bengal and streptomycin in the plate method for estimating soil fungi. Soil Science 69: 215-233
  • Martinez C O, Silva C M M S, Fay E F, Maia A H N, Abakerli R B & Durrant L R (2008). Degradation of the herbicide sulfentrazone in a Brazilian typic hapludox soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40: 879-886
  • Martins P F, Martinez C O, De Carvalho G, Irajara P, Azevedo A A, Pileggi S A, De Melo I S & Pileegi M (2007). Selection of microorganisms degrading S-metolachlor herbicide. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 50(1): 153-159
  • Niewiadomska A & Sawicka A (2002). Effect of carbendazim, imazethapyr and thiram on nitrogenase activity, number of microorganisms in soil and yield of hybrid lucerne (Medicago media). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 6: 737-744
  • Niewiadomska A, Sawińska Z & Wolna-Maruwka A (2011). Impact of selected seed dressing on soil microbiological activity in spring barley cultivation. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 20(5a): 1252-1261
  • Ohta A & Hattori T (1980). Bacteria sensitive to nutrient broth medium in terrestrial environments. Soil Science of Plant Nutrition 26: 99-107
  • Orwin K H & Wardle D H (2004). New indices for quantifying the resistance and resilience of soil biota to exogenous disturbance. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36: 1907-1912
  • Pot V, Benoit P, Le Menn M, Eklo O-M, Sveistrup T & Kvaerner J (2011). Metribuzin transport in undisturbed soil cores under controlled water potential conditions: experiments and modelling to evaluate the risk of leaching in a sandy loam soil profile. Pest Management Science 67: 397-407
  • Rahmansyah M, Antonius S & Sulistinah N (2009). Phosphatase and urease instability caused by pesticides present in soil improved by grounded rice straw. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 4(2): 56-62
  • Romero E, Fernández-Bayo J, Díaz J M C & Nogale R (2010). Enzyme activities and diuron persistence in soil amended with vermicompost derived from spent grape marc and treated with urea. Applied Soil Ecology 44: 198-204
  • Saha S, Dutta D, Karmakar R & Ray D P (2012). Structuretoxicity relationship of chloroacetanilide herbicides: relative impact on soil microorganisms. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 34: 307-314
  • Sahoo S, Adak T, Bagchi T B, Kumar U, Munda S, Saha S, Berliner J, Jena M & Mishra B B (2016). Nontarget effects of pretilachlor on microbial properties in tropical rice soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23(8): 7595-7602
  • Sawicka A (1983). The ecological aspects of dinitrogen fixation. Poznań Agricultural University Annals, Scientific Dissertations 134: 1-57
  • Sebiomo A, Ogundero V W & Bankole S A (2011). Effect of four herbicides on microbial population, soil organic matter and dehydrogenase activity. African Journal of Biotechnology 10: 770-778
  • Sharma P & Suri C R (2011). Biotransformation and biomonitoring of phenylurea herbicide diuron. Bioresources Technology 102: 3119-3125
  • Singh P & Ghoshal N (2010). Variation in total biological productivity and soil microbial biomass in rainfed agroecosystems: Impact of application of herbicide and soil amendments. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 137: 241-250
  • Tabatabai V & Bremner J (1969). Use of p-nitrophenyl phosphate for assays of soil phosphatase activity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 1: 301-307
  • Tejada M (2009). Evaluation of soil biological properties after addition of glyphosate, diflufenican and glyphosate+diflufenican herbicides. Chemosphere 76: 365-373
  • Thalmann A (1968). Zur methodik der bestimmung der dehydrogenase aktivität in boden mittels triphenyltetrazoliumchlorid (TTC). Landwirtschaftliche Forschung 21: 3-4
  • Wang Q, Zhou D & Cang L (2009). Microbial and physicochemical properties of soil contaminated with herbicide Triflurotox 250 EC. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 13: 223-231
  • Zabaloy M C, Garland J L & Gomez M A (2010). Assessment of the impact of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4D) on indigenous herbicide degrading bacteria and microbial community function in an agricultural soil. Applied Soil Ecology 46: 240-246
  • Zain N M M, Mohamad R B, Sijam K, Morshed M M & Awang Y (2013). Effects of selected herbicides on soil microbial populations in oil palm plantation of Malaysia: A microcosm experiment. African Journal of Microbiology Research 7(5): 367-374
  • Zemolin S R, Avila L A, Cassol G V, Massey J H & Camargo E R (2014). Environmental fate of s-metolachlor-a review. Planta Daninha 32(3): 655664
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Alicja Nıewıadomska This is me

Grzegorz Skrzypczak This is me

łukasz Sobıech This is me

Agnieszka Wolnamaruwka This is me

Klaudia Borowıak This is me

Anna Budka This is me

Publication Date March 31, 2018
Submission Date January 4, 216
Acceptance Date June 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Nıewıadomska, A., Skrzypczak, G., Sobıech, ł., Wolnamaruwka, A., et al. (2018). The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture with S-metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus luteus L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(1), 130-142.
AMA Nıewıadomska A, Skrzypczak G, Sobıech ł, Wolnamaruwka A, Borowıak K, Budka A. The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture with S-metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus luteus L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2018;24(1):130-142. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.446412
Chicago Nıewıadomska, Alicja, Grzegorz Skrzypczak, łukasz Sobıech, Agnieszka Wolnamaruwka, Klaudia Borowıak, and Anna Budka. “The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture With S-Metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus Luteus L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24, no. 1 (March 2018): 130-42.
EndNote Nıewıadomska A, Skrzypczak G, Sobıech ł, Wolnamaruwka A, Borowıak K, Budka A (March 1, 2018) The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture with S-metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus luteus L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 1 130–142.
IEEE A. Nıewıadomska, G. Skrzypczak, ł. Sobıech, A. Wolnamaruwka, K. Borowıak, and A. Budka, “The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture with S-metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus luteus L.)”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 130–142, 2018, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.446412.
ISNAD Nıewıadomska, Alicja et al. “The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture With S-Metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus Luteus L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24/1 (March 2018), 130-142.
JAMA Nıewıadomska A, Skrzypczak G, Sobıech ł, Wolnamaruwka A, Borowıak K, Budka A. The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture with S-metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus luteus L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24:130–142.
MLA Nıewıadomska, Alicja et al. “The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture With S-Metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus Luteus L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 24, no. 1, 2018, pp. 130-42, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.446412.
Vancouver Nıewıadomska A, Skrzypczak G, Sobıech ł, Wolnamaruwka A, Borowıak K, Budka A. The Effect of Diflufenican and Its Mixture with S-metolachlor and Metribuzin on Nitrogenase and Microbial Activity of Soil under Yellow Lupine (Lupinus luteus L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24(1):130-42.

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