Research Article
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The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut

Year 2018, , 403 - 412, 05.09.2018


This study was carried out in order to limit the biochemical and enzymatic changes occurred after harvested in a variety of (Castanea sativa Mill. cv. 'Sarıaşlama') chestnuts to prolong the stored period by reduce the loss of quality. Before samples were stored, hot (46±2 °C, 45 minutes) and cold water (15±2 °C, 8 days) treatments were performed. After the hot and cold water treatments the fruits were stored in normal (NA) and controlled atmosphere (CA). In CA storage the fruits were kept in three different atmosphere combinations: (10% CO2, 2% O2; 15% CO2, 2% O2; 20% CO2, 2% O2). In both storage methods, chestnuts were stored for 5 months in 0±1 °C temperature and 90±5% relative humidity conditions. During the storage, parameters such as weight loss (%), content of relative water (%), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) (units mg-1 protein), soluble solids (°brix), starch (mg mL-1), total sugar (mg mL-1), vitamin C (mg 100 mL-1), macro (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium) and micro (iron, magnesium) elements (mg 100 g-1) were examined in the fruit samples taken. Maximum weight loss was examined in the fruit kept in NA whereas total sugar and starch showed less of a change in CA in this present study. PPO enzymatic activity can successfully control with hot water treatment in 15% CO2, 2% O2 gas combination. When soluble solids was examined, a smaller degree of change was observed in the fruit stored in CA. Promising results were achieved with the fruit that was stored using hot water treatment and 15% CO2, 2% O2 combination in this study, which was conducted on the ‘Sarıaşlama’chestnut. 


  • Ayfer M, Soylu A, Turk R, Tuncel N & Heperkan D (1989). Mold growth and quality changes in chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) stored in different conditions. Bahce 18(1-2): 9-20
  • Bilginer S K & Serdar U (1997). The effect of different packaging materials of chestnuts storage time in cold and quality. Storage of Garden Products and Marketing Symposium, 21-24 October 1997, Yalova, Turkey, pp. 99-104
  • Bounous G, Botta R. & Beccaro G (2000). The chestnut: The ultimate energy source. Nutritional value and alimentary benefits. Nucis-Information Bulletin of the Research Network on Nuts (FAO-CIHEAM) 9: 44-50
  • Bradford M M (1976). A rapid and a sensitive method for the quantitative of microgram protein utilising the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry 72: 248 254
  • Cecchinia M, Continib M, Massantinib R, Monarcaa D & Moscettia R (2011). Effects of controlled atmospheres and low temperature on storability of chestnuts manually and mechanically harvested. Postharvest Biology and Technology 61: 131-136
  • Cetin M & Akbudak B (2012). The effect of pre-storage hot and cold water treatments on chestnuts in normal and controlled atmosphere storage. V. Storage and Marketing Symposium on Horticultural, 18-21 September, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 105-112
  • Cetin M & Akbudak B (2014). The effect of pre-storage hot and cold water treatments on chestnuts in normal and controlled atmosphere storage. VI. Storage and Marketing Symposium on Horticultural, 22-25 September, Bursa, Turkey pp. 309-315
  • Cottenie A (1980). Soil and plant testing and analysis as a basis of fertilizer recommendations. F.A.O. Soils Bulletin 38/2, pp. 95 Dassler E & Heitmann G (1991). Obst und gemüse. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, pp. 56-58
  • EC (2009). Commission Regulation (EC) No: 152/2009:2 do?ri=OJ:L:2009:054:0001:0130:EN:PDF Retrieved in 23.01.2015)
  • FAO (2012). Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (Retrieved in 23.01.2015 )Hısıl Y & Otles S (1989). Analysis of vitamins in food and problems. Ege University Agriculture Faculty Publication,
  • B, 7(1): 69-77 Ho Jin H (2012). Change in the chemical composition of chestnuts (Castanea Crenata) from different periods. Korean Journal Food Science Technology 44(4): 393-400
  • Holland B, Unusn I D & Buss D H (1992). Fruit and nuts. The Composition of Foods. 5. edition. ed. mc cance ve widdowson, royal society of chemistry. Copyright. G.B., pp. 33-38 J
  • aynes R A (1979). Chesnuts. In: Jaynes R A (Ed) Nut Tree Culture in North America. North. Nut Grower Assoc. Inc. Hamden Connecticut 06518, 111-127, USA, pp. 89-94
  • Jermini M, Conedera M, Sieber T N, Sassella A, Scharer H, Jelmini G & Höhn E (2006). Influence of fruit treatments on perishability during cold storage of sweet chestnuts. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86: 877-885
  • Jiang Y M (1999). Purification & some properties of polyphenol oxidase of longan fruit. Food Chemistry 66: 75-79
  • Jiang Y M, Peng L T & Li JR (2004). Use of citric acid for shelf life and quality maintenance of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut. Journal of Food Engineering 63: 325-328
  • Kacar B & Inal A (2008). Plant and Soil Chemical Analysis ıı. Plant analysis. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publication, Publication No: 892
  • Kalt W, Charles F F, Fonio M & Ronald L P (1999). Antioxidant capacity, vitamin C, phenolics, and anthocyanins after fresh storage of small fruits. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47: 4638-4644
  • Karacalı I (2004). Storage of horticultural products and marketing. Ege University Agriculture Faculty Publication No: 494, Ege University Press, Bornova, İzmir
  • Kim M, Lee U, Kim S, Hwang M, Kwon Y & Lee M (2006). Postharvest nut quality, and changes of soluble solids content and kernel hardness during cold storage in Korean prevailing chestnut cultivars. Journal of Korean Forest Society 95(6): 672-679
  • Lott W L, Gallo J P & Medaff J C (1956). Leaf analysis technic in coffee research. Ibec. Research Institute II. pp. 21-24
  • Ozturk S, Cetin M & Cetin M (2010). Chemical composition and fatty acid contents of chestnuts grown in Bursa province. Asin Journal of Chemistry 22(3): 1845-1852
  • Ryall A L & Pentzer W T (1982). Handling, transportation and storage of fruits and vegetables. Vol. 2, Fruit and Tree Nuts. AVI Publicaton USA, pp. 89-94
  • Soylu A (2004a). Chestnut growing and characteristics. 1st ed. Istanbul, Turkey, Hasad Press Soylu A (2004b). Chestnut breeding and features. Harvest Publishing Ltd. 64 pp
  • Troyan A V, Alentev P N & Zadarozhnyi I M (1975). Storage of fresh sweet chestnut. Horticultural Science Abstracts 46(10): 55-90
  • TSE (1982). Chestnut Standard (TS 1072) T.S.I.,-Turkısh Standards Institution Ankara. (Retrieved in 15.01.2015)
  • TSE (2000). TS EN ISO 10520-Determination of Natural Starch-Starch Content-Ewers Polarimetric Method/November. (Retrieved in 15.01.2015)
  • Tzortzakis N & Metzidakis I (2012). Determination of heat stress and ultra low oxygen in chestnut storage under control and modified atmospheres. Food and Nutrition Sciences 3: 387-393
  • Xu J (2005). The effect of low-temperature storage on the activity of polyphenol oxidase in castaneahenryi chestnuts. Postharvest Biology and Technology 38: 91-98
  • Wang G X, Liang L S & Yang X H (2008). Effects of low O2 or high CO2 concentrations on the quality changes of chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume) during cold storage. Acta Horticulturae 768: 349-358
  • Westwood M N (1978). Temperate zone pomology. W.H. Freeman and Comp. San Francisco, USA, pp. 24-28
  • Woodroof J G (1967). Tree Nuts, Production, Processing, Products, Vol.1, AVI Publ. Comp. Inc. Westport, Connecticut, USA, pp. 67-70
Year 2018, , 403 - 412, 05.09.2018



  • Ayfer M, Soylu A, Turk R, Tuncel N & Heperkan D (1989). Mold growth and quality changes in chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) stored in different conditions. Bahce 18(1-2): 9-20
  • Bilginer S K & Serdar U (1997). The effect of different packaging materials of chestnuts storage time in cold and quality. Storage of Garden Products and Marketing Symposium, 21-24 October 1997, Yalova, Turkey, pp. 99-104
  • Bounous G, Botta R. & Beccaro G (2000). The chestnut: The ultimate energy source. Nutritional value and alimentary benefits. Nucis-Information Bulletin of the Research Network on Nuts (FAO-CIHEAM) 9: 44-50
  • Bradford M M (1976). A rapid and a sensitive method for the quantitative of microgram protein utilising the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry 72: 248 254
  • Cecchinia M, Continib M, Massantinib R, Monarcaa D & Moscettia R (2011). Effects of controlled atmospheres and low temperature on storability of chestnuts manually and mechanically harvested. Postharvest Biology and Technology 61: 131-136
  • Cetin M & Akbudak B (2012). The effect of pre-storage hot and cold water treatments on chestnuts in normal and controlled atmosphere storage. V. Storage and Marketing Symposium on Horticultural, 18-21 September, İzmir, Turkey, pp. 105-112
  • Cetin M & Akbudak B (2014). The effect of pre-storage hot and cold water treatments on chestnuts in normal and controlled atmosphere storage. VI. Storage and Marketing Symposium on Horticultural, 22-25 September, Bursa, Turkey pp. 309-315
  • Cottenie A (1980). Soil and plant testing and analysis as a basis of fertilizer recommendations. F.A.O. Soils Bulletin 38/2, pp. 95 Dassler E & Heitmann G (1991). Obst und gemüse. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin, pp. 56-58
  • EC (2009). Commission Regulation (EC) No: 152/2009:2 do?ri=OJ:L:2009:054:0001:0130:EN:PDF Retrieved in 23.01.2015)
  • FAO (2012). Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (Retrieved in 23.01.2015 )Hısıl Y & Otles S (1989). Analysis of vitamins in food and problems. Ege University Agriculture Faculty Publication,
  • B, 7(1): 69-77 Ho Jin H (2012). Change in the chemical composition of chestnuts (Castanea Crenata) from different periods. Korean Journal Food Science Technology 44(4): 393-400
  • Holland B, Unusn I D & Buss D H (1992). Fruit and nuts. The Composition of Foods. 5. edition. ed. mc cance ve widdowson, royal society of chemistry. Copyright. G.B., pp. 33-38 J
  • aynes R A (1979). Chesnuts. In: Jaynes R A (Ed) Nut Tree Culture in North America. North. Nut Grower Assoc. Inc. Hamden Connecticut 06518, 111-127, USA, pp. 89-94
  • Jermini M, Conedera M, Sieber T N, Sassella A, Scharer H, Jelmini G & Höhn E (2006). Influence of fruit treatments on perishability during cold storage of sweet chestnuts. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86: 877-885
  • Jiang Y M (1999). Purification & some properties of polyphenol oxidase of longan fruit. Food Chemistry 66: 75-79
  • Jiang Y M, Peng L T & Li JR (2004). Use of citric acid for shelf life and quality maintenance of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut. Journal of Food Engineering 63: 325-328
  • Kacar B & Inal A (2008). Plant and Soil Chemical Analysis ıı. Plant analysis. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publication, Publication No: 892
  • Kalt W, Charles F F, Fonio M & Ronald L P (1999). Antioxidant capacity, vitamin C, phenolics, and anthocyanins after fresh storage of small fruits. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47: 4638-4644
  • Karacalı I (2004). Storage of horticultural products and marketing. Ege University Agriculture Faculty Publication No: 494, Ege University Press, Bornova, İzmir
  • Kim M, Lee U, Kim S, Hwang M, Kwon Y & Lee M (2006). Postharvest nut quality, and changes of soluble solids content and kernel hardness during cold storage in Korean prevailing chestnut cultivars. Journal of Korean Forest Society 95(6): 672-679
  • Lott W L, Gallo J P & Medaff J C (1956). Leaf analysis technic in coffee research. Ibec. Research Institute II. pp. 21-24
  • Ozturk S, Cetin M & Cetin M (2010). Chemical composition and fatty acid contents of chestnuts grown in Bursa province. Asin Journal of Chemistry 22(3): 1845-1852
  • Ryall A L & Pentzer W T (1982). Handling, transportation and storage of fruits and vegetables. Vol. 2, Fruit and Tree Nuts. AVI Publicaton USA, pp. 89-94
  • Soylu A (2004a). Chestnut growing and characteristics. 1st ed. Istanbul, Turkey, Hasad Press Soylu A (2004b). Chestnut breeding and features. Harvest Publishing Ltd. 64 pp
  • Troyan A V, Alentev P N & Zadarozhnyi I M (1975). Storage of fresh sweet chestnut. Horticultural Science Abstracts 46(10): 55-90
  • TSE (1982). Chestnut Standard (TS 1072) T.S.I.,-Turkısh Standards Institution Ankara. (Retrieved in 15.01.2015)
  • TSE (2000). TS EN ISO 10520-Determination of Natural Starch-Starch Content-Ewers Polarimetric Method/November. (Retrieved in 15.01.2015)
  • Tzortzakis N & Metzidakis I (2012). Determination of heat stress and ultra low oxygen in chestnut storage under control and modified atmospheres. Food and Nutrition Sciences 3: 387-393
  • Xu J (2005). The effect of low-temperature storage on the activity of polyphenol oxidase in castaneahenryi chestnuts. Postharvest Biology and Technology 38: 91-98
  • Wang G X, Liang L S & Yang X H (2008). Effects of low O2 or high CO2 concentrations on the quality changes of chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume) during cold storage. Acta Horticulturae 768: 349-358
  • Westwood M N (1978). Temperate zone pomology. W.H. Freeman and Comp. San Francisco, USA, pp. 24-28
  • Woodroof J G (1967). Tree Nuts, Production, Processing, Products, Vol.1, AVI Publ. Comp. Inc. Westport, Connecticut, USA, pp. 67-70
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Murat Çetin This is me

Bülent Akbudak This is me

M. Hakan Özer This is me

Publication Date September 5, 2018
Submission Date June 30, 2017
Acceptance Date October 2, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Çetin, M., Akbudak, B., & Özer, M. H. (2018). The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(3), 403-412.
AMA Çetin M, Akbudak B, Özer MH. The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2018;24(3):403-412. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.456668
Chicago Çetin, Murat, Bülent Akbudak, and M. Hakan Özer. “The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24, no. 3 (September 2018): 403-12.
EndNote Çetin M, Akbudak B, Özer MH (September 1, 2018) The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 3 403–412.
IEEE M. Çetin, B. Akbudak, and M. H. Özer, “The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 403–412, 2018, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.456668.
ISNAD Çetin, Murat et al. “The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24/3 (September 2018), 403-412.
JAMA Çetin M, Akbudak B, Özer MH. The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24:403–412.
MLA Çetin, Murat et al. “The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 24, no. 3, 2018, pp. 403-12, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.456668.
Vancouver Çetin M, Akbudak B, Özer MH. The Effects of Hot and Cold Water Treatment on Quality Parameters and Enzymatic Activity in Chestnut. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2018;24(3):403-12.

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