Determination of Melatonin Differences between Day and Night Milk in Dairy Cattle
Year 2021,
, 449 - 453, 04.12.2021
Özcan Şahin
Fikret Akyürek
İbrahim Aytekin
Saim Boztepe
İsmail Keskin
The aim of this study was to determine the difference between melatonin hormone in night milk and melatonin concentration in day milk of Holstein cows. In this study, daytime milk obtained from 40 heads Holstein cows in the first lactation raised in a private dairy cattle farm in Karapınar district of Konya state province in Turkey and night milk samples taken from the same cows that were kept in darkness for one week were used. The milk samples were collected from day and night milking in order to determine the melatonin concentration with the help of Bovine Melatonin (MLT) Elisa Kit. In this study, melatonin concentration in day time and night time milk were determined as respectively 103.70 ± 6.61 pg mL-1 and 163.13 ± 8.96 pg mL-1. The difference between melatonin levels of day and night milk was statistically significant (P<0.01). Since significant difference occurred between melatonin concentration between day and night milk at the end of the study, it can be stated that night milk can be used for medical purposes that is used cure of some illnesses and producers can be provided with a new production source.
Supporting Institution
This research was supported by a grant from The Scientific Research Project Office of Selcuk University, Turkey
We are thankful to Gökcan Dairy Cattle Farm.
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Year 2021,
, 449 - 453, 04.12.2021
Özcan Şahin
Fikret Akyürek
İbrahim Aytekin
Saim Boztepe
İsmail Keskin
- Anonymous (2010). Melatonin. Access Date: 24.09.2010.
- Asher A, Sbabta A, Brosh A, Eitam H, Agmon R, Cohen-Zinder M, Zubidat AE & Haim A (2015). "Chrona-functional milk": The difference between melatonin concentration in night-milk versus day-milk under different illumination conditions. Chronabiol Int., 32:1409-1416.
- Bae S M, Jeong J, Jeon H J, Bang Y R, & Yoon I Y (2016). Effects of melatonin-rich milk on mild insomnia symptoms. Sleep Medicine Research, 7(2), 60-67.
- Balch P.A., 2010. Health and Fitness,, Access Date: 6.9.2010.
- Boztepe S (2019). Pinealdeki Mucize: Melatonin and its use in animal husbandry. Journal of Konya Commodity Exchange, 13: 38, 61-63.
- Gupta BBP & Spessert R (2007). Regulation of Melatonin Synthesis: Animal versus Human Studies, In: Melatonin: From molecules to Terapy, S.R. Pandi-Perumal and Daniel P. Cardinali (ed): 117-134.
- Jainudeen MR, Wahid H & Hafez ESE (2000). Sheep and Goats (Chapter 12), Reproduction in Farm Animals, Hafez E.S.E and Hafez B. (ed): 172-179.
- Jimenez A, Andres S & Sanchez J (2009). Effect of melatonin implants on somatic cell counts in dairy goats, Small Ruminant Research, 84: 116–120.
- Kesici T & Kocabaş Z (2007). Biostatistics. Ankara University Faculty of Pharmacy Biostatistics Publication No: 94 (Second Edition), Ankara University Printing Office, Ankara.
- Konturek S J, Konturek P C, Brzozowski T & Bubenik, G. A. (2007). Role of melatonin in upper gastrointestinal tract. Journal of physiology and pharmacology, 58(6), 23-52.
- Liu T & Borjigin J (2006). Relationship between noctural serotonin surge and melatonin onset in rodent pineal gland, Journal of Circadian Rythms, 4:12.
- Minitab, I (2010). Minitab 16 statistical software. URL: [Computer software]. State College, PA: Minitab, Inc. (www. minitab. com).
- Mullins K J (2010). Night time milking produces milk with extra melatonin, (SEP 7, 2010), Access Date: 16.09.2010
- Özçelik F, Erdem M, Bolu A & Gülsün, M (2013). Melatonin: General Features and its Role in Psychiatric Disorders. Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 5(2), 179-203.
- Romanini E B, Volpato A M, dos Santos J S, de Santana, E H W, de Souza CHB & Ludovico A (2019). Melatonin concentration in cow's milk and sources of its variation. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 47(1): 140-145.
- Singh R & Rao P S (2018). “High Melatonin Milk”-Milk with Intrinsic Health Benefit. Research & Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology, 5(1), 13-16.
- Valtonen M, Niskanen L, Kangas A P & Koskinen T (2005). Effect of melatonin-rich night-time milk on sleep and activity in elderly institutionalized subjects. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 59(3): 217 – 221.