Research Article
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Year 2021, , 347 - 352, 04.09.2021


Supporting Institution

T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, TAGEM

Project Number



  • Anonymous (2019). Boron in Turkey, Etimaden,, Armstrong T A, Spears J W, Crenshaw T D & Nielsen F H (2000). Boron supplementation of a semipurified diet for weanling pigs ımproves feed efficiency and bone strength characteristics and alters plasma lipid metabolites. Journal of Nutrition 130 (10): 2575-2581
  • Armstrong T A & Spears J W (2001). Effect of dietary boron on growth performance, calcium and phosphorus metabolism and bone mechanical properties in growing barrows. Journal of Animal Science 79 (12): 3120-3127 Bai Y & Hunt C D (1996). Dietary boron (B) increases serum antibody concentrations in rats ımmunized with heat-killed mycobacterium tuberculosis. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10, A819
  • Bozkurt M, Küçükyılmaz K, Çatlı A U, Çınar M, Çabuk M, Mızrak C & Bintaş E (2009). Effects of boron supplementation on some blood, bone and fecal parameters in broiler feeds containing different levels of calcium and phosphorus 6. Animal Science Congress 24-26 June, Erzurum-Turkey
  • Browning L C, Antipatis C, Cowieson A J (2012). The interactive effects of vitamin D, phytase, calcium and phosphorus in broiler performance and skeletal integrity. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 23:81-84
  • Brown T F, Mccormick M E, Morris D R & Zeringue L K (1989). Effects of dietary boron on mineral balance in sheep. Nutrition Research 9(5):503–512
  • Chapin R E, Ku W W, Kenney M A, McCoy H, Gladen B, Wine R N, Wilson R & Elwell M (1997). The effects of dietary boron on bone strength in rats Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 35(2): 205-215
  • Chapin R E, Ku W W, Kenney M A & McCoy H (1998). The effects of dietary boric acid on bone strength in rats. Biological Trace Element Research 66: 395-399
  • Devirian T A & Volpe S L (2003). The physiological effects of dietary boron. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 43 (2): 219–231
  • Edwards H M Jr (1989). The effect of dietary cholecalciferol, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and 1,25-dmydroxycholecalciferol on the development of tibial dyschondroplasia in broiler chickens in the absence and presence of disulfiram. Journal of Nutrition 119:647-652
  • Fassani E J, Bertechini A G, Brito J A G, Kato R K, Fialho E T & Geraldo A (2004). Boron supplementation in broiler diets. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 6(6): 213-217
  • Fry R S (2007). Effect of dietary boron on ımmune function and disease resistance to bovine herpesvirus type1 in growing steers. Msc.Thesis, North Carolina, USA
  • Genç S & Soysal M I (2018). Parametric and nonparametric Post Hoc tests. Black Sea Journal of Engineeriring and Science 1 (1): 18-27
  • Kheiri F & Rahmani H R (2006). The effect of reducing calcium and phosphorous on broiler performance. International Journal of Poultry Science 5 (1):22-25
  • Kurtoğlu V, Coşkun B, Şeker E, Balevi T & Çetingül I S. (2005). Effects of boron supplementation on performance and some serum biochemical parameters in laying hens. Revue deMedicine Veterinary 153(12): 823-828
  • Hunt C D & Nielsen F H (1981). Interaction between boron and cholecalciferol in the chicks. Australian Academy of Science 597-600
  • Hunt C D, Herbel J L & Nielsen F H (1994). Dietary boron modifies the effects of vitamin d3 nutrition on ındices of energy substrate utilisation and mineral metabolism in the chick. Journal Bone Mineral Research 9 (2): 171–182
  • Miyamoto S, Sutoh M, Shimoto A, Yamazaki S, Nishimura K, Yonezawa C, Matsue H & Hoshi M (2000). Determination of boron in animal by reactor neutron ınduced prompt gamma-ray analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 244, (2): 307-309
  • Moseman R F (1994). Chemical disposition of boron in animals and humans, Environ Health Perspect 102 (7): 113-117
  • Newnham, R E (1994). Essentially of boron for healthy bones and joints. Environ Health Perspect 102 (7): 83-5
  • Nielsen F H, Shuler T R, Zimmerman T J & Uthus E O (1988). Dietary magnesium, manganese and boron affect the response of rats to high dietary aluminum. Magnesium 7 (3): 133-147
  • Nielsen F H, Mullen L M & Nielsen E J (1991). Dietary boron affects blood cell counts and hemoglobin concentrations in humans. The Journal of Trace Element in Experimental Medicine 4: 211-223
  • Nielsen F H (2004). Dietary fat composition modifies the effect of boron on bone characteristics and plasma lipids in rats. Biofactors 20 (3): 161–171
  • NRC (2007). Nutrient requirement of smal ruminant: sheep, goats, cervids, and new world camelids. National Academy Press 384
  • Önder H (2018). Nonparametric statistical methods used ın biological experiments. Black Sea Journal of Engineer Science 1 (1): 1-6
  • Qin X & Klandorf H (1991). Effects of dietary boron supplementation on egg production, shell quality, and calcium metabolism in aged broiler breeder hens. Poultry Science 70 (10): 2131–2138
  • Rossi A F, Miles R D, Damron B L & Flunker L K (1993). Effect of dietary boron supplementation on broilers. Poultry Science 72 (11): 2124- 2130
  • Schauss A G (2009). Under-appreciated mineral enhances cognition, bone and joint health. SPSS, 2002. SPSS for Windows release 11.0 versions, Copyright SPSS inc. NY
  • Wilson J H & Ruszler P L (1997). Effects of boron on growing pullets. Biological Trace Elements Research 56(3):287-294
  • Wilson J H & Ruszler P L (1998). Long term effects of boron on layer bone strength and production parameters. British Poultry Science 39 (1):11-15 WHO (1998). International prorammeer on chemical safety environmental health criteria 204, Ohio, USA:1-201
  • Van den Top A M (2009). Reviews on the mineral provision in ruminants (I): Calcium Metabolism And Requirements In Ruminants. VB documentatie rapport Nr 45 Yildiz A O, Olgun O & Cufadar Y (2011). Effects of boron supplementation to diet on performance and boron deposition in broilers. Archiva Zootechnica 14(3): 32-36

Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs

Year 2021, , 347 - 352, 04.09.2021


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of addition of different boron sources (ulexide, colemanite, etibor-48) to diet containing low Ca, P on bone parameters and bone strength in weaned lambs. 50 Akkaraman single male lambs weaned at 2.5 months of age were used. Lambs were divided into 5 groups. Groups were; positive control, negative control, supplementation with colemanite, supplementation with etibor-48, supplementation with ulexide. Roughage and concentrated feed was given twice in day. At the end of 90 days, 6 animals from each group were slaughtered. The weight, dry weight, length, width and ash levels of the femoral and tibial bones were significantly increased in added boron (B) sources groups compared to negative control. With the supplementation of the colemanite and ulexide to diets, the femoral and tibial Ca content was higher compared to negative control. The P content in the femoral bone increased in groups added of all boron sources than that in negative control, also in tibial P content in the colemanite and ulexide groups increased compared to negative control. The supplementation of all B sources had improved B levels and breaking strength of bones compared to controls.

Project Number



  • Anonymous (2019). Boron in Turkey, Etimaden,, Armstrong T A, Spears J W, Crenshaw T D & Nielsen F H (2000). Boron supplementation of a semipurified diet for weanling pigs ımproves feed efficiency and bone strength characteristics and alters plasma lipid metabolites. Journal of Nutrition 130 (10): 2575-2581
  • Armstrong T A & Spears J W (2001). Effect of dietary boron on growth performance, calcium and phosphorus metabolism and bone mechanical properties in growing barrows. Journal of Animal Science 79 (12): 3120-3127 Bai Y & Hunt C D (1996). Dietary boron (B) increases serum antibody concentrations in rats ımmunized with heat-killed mycobacterium tuberculosis. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 10, A819
  • Bozkurt M, Küçükyılmaz K, Çatlı A U, Çınar M, Çabuk M, Mızrak C & Bintaş E (2009). Effects of boron supplementation on some blood, bone and fecal parameters in broiler feeds containing different levels of calcium and phosphorus 6. Animal Science Congress 24-26 June, Erzurum-Turkey
  • Browning L C, Antipatis C, Cowieson A J (2012). The interactive effects of vitamin D, phytase, calcium and phosphorus in broiler performance and skeletal integrity. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 23:81-84
  • Brown T F, Mccormick M E, Morris D R & Zeringue L K (1989). Effects of dietary boron on mineral balance in sheep. Nutrition Research 9(5):503–512
  • Chapin R E, Ku W W, Kenney M A, McCoy H, Gladen B, Wine R N, Wilson R & Elwell M (1997). The effects of dietary boron on bone strength in rats Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 35(2): 205-215
  • Chapin R E, Ku W W, Kenney M A & McCoy H (1998). The effects of dietary boric acid on bone strength in rats. Biological Trace Element Research 66: 395-399
  • Devirian T A & Volpe S L (2003). The physiological effects of dietary boron. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 43 (2): 219–231
  • Edwards H M Jr (1989). The effect of dietary cholecalciferol, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and 1,25-dmydroxycholecalciferol on the development of tibial dyschondroplasia in broiler chickens in the absence and presence of disulfiram. Journal of Nutrition 119:647-652
  • Fassani E J, Bertechini A G, Brito J A G, Kato R K, Fialho E T & Geraldo A (2004). Boron supplementation in broiler diets. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 6(6): 213-217
  • Fry R S (2007). Effect of dietary boron on ımmune function and disease resistance to bovine herpesvirus type1 in growing steers. Msc.Thesis, North Carolina, USA
  • Genç S & Soysal M I (2018). Parametric and nonparametric Post Hoc tests. Black Sea Journal of Engineeriring and Science 1 (1): 18-27
  • Kheiri F & Rahmani H R (2006). The effect of reducing calcium and phosphorous on broiler performance. International Journal of Poultry Science 5 (1):22-25
  • Kurtoğlu V, Coşkun B, Şeker E, Balevi T & Çetingül I S. (2005). Effects of boron supplementation on performance and some serum biochemical parameters in laying hens. Revue deMedicine Veterinary 153(12): 823-828
  • Hunt C D & Nielsen F H (1981). Interaction between boron and cholecalciferol in the chicks. Australian Academy of Science 597-600
  • Hunt C D, Herbel J L & Nielsen F H (1994). Dietary boron modifies the effects of vitamin d3 nutrition on ındices of energy substrate utilisation and mineral metabolism in the chick. Journal Bone Mineral Research 9 (2): 171–182
  • Miyamoto S, Sutoh M, Shimoto A, Yamazaki S, Nishimura K, Yonezawa C, Matsue H & Hoshi M (2000). Determination of boron in animal by reactor neutron ınduced prompt gamma-ray analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 244, (2): 307-309
  • Moseman R F (1994). Chemical disposition of boron in animals and humans, Environ Health Perspect 102 (7): 113-117
  • Newnham, R E (1994). Essentially of boron for healthy bones and joints. Environ Health Perspect 102 (7): 83-5
  • Nielsen F H, Shuler T R, Zimmerman T J & Uthus E O (1988). Dietary magnesium, manganese and boron affect the response of rats to high dietary aluminum. Magnesium 7 (3): 133-147
  • Nielsen F H, Mullen L M & Nielsen E J (1991). Dietary boron affects blood cell counts and hemoglobin concentrations in humans. The Journal of Trace Element in Experimental Medicine 4: 211-223
  • Nielsen F H (2004). Dietary fat composition modifies the effect of boron on bone characteristics and plasma lipids in rats. Biofactors 20 (3): 161–171
  • NRC (2007). Nutrient requirement of smal ruminant: sheep, goats, cervids, and new world camelids. National Academy Press 384
  • Önder H (2018). Nonparametric statistical methods used ın biological experiments. Black Sea Journal of Engineer Science 1 (1): 1-6
  • Qin X & Klandorf H (1991). Effects of dietary boron supplementation on egg production, shell quality, and calcium metabolism in aged broiler breeder hens. Poultry Science 70 (10): 2131–2138
  • Rossi A F, Miles R D, Damron B L & Flunker L K (1993). Effect of dietary boron supplementation on broilers. Poultry Science 72 (11): 2124- 2130
  • Schauss A G (2009). Under-appreciated mineral enhances cognition, bone and joint health. SPSS, 2002. SPSS for Windows release 11.0 versions, Copyright SPSS inc. NY
  • Wilson J H & Ruszler P L (1997). Effects of boron on growing pullets. Biological Trace Elements Research 56(3):287-294
  • Wilson J H & Ruszler P L (1998). Long term effects of boron on layer bone strength and production parameters. British Poultry Science 39 (1):11-15 WHO (1998). International prorammeer on chemical safety environmental health criteria 204, Ohio, USA:1-201
  • Van den Top A M (2009). Reviews on the mineral provision in ruminants (I): Calcium Metabolism And Requirements In Ruminants. VB documentatie rapport Nr 45 Yildiz A O, Olgun O & Cufadar Y (2011). Effects of boron supplementation to diet on performance and boron deposition in broilers. Archiva Zootechnica 14(3): 32-36
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Zehra Sarıçiçek 0000-0003-2138-793X

Birgül Yıldırım This is me 0000-0001-6910-4121

Project Number TAGEM-2013/ARGE-28
Publication Date September 4, 2021
Submission Date February 14, 2020
Acceptance Date June 3, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Sarıçiçek, Z., & Yıldırım, B. (2021). Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 27(3), 347-352.
AMA Sarıçiçek Z, Yıldırım B. Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2021;27(3):347-352. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.689355
Chicago Sarıçiçek, Zehra, and Birgül Yıldırım. “Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 27, no. 3 (September 2021): 347-52.
EndNote Sarıçiçek Z, Yıldırım B (September 1, 2021) Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 27 3 347–352.
IEEE Z. Sarıçiçek and B. Yıldırım, “Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 347–352, 2021, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.689355.
ISNAD Sarıçiçek, Zehra - Yıldırım, Birgül. “Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 27/3 (September 2021), 347-352.
JAMA Sarıçiçek Z, Yıldırım B. Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2021;27:347–352.
MLA Sarıçiçek, Zehra and Birgül Yıldırım. “Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 347-52, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.689355.
Vancouver Sarıçiçek Z, Yıldırım B. Effect of Adding Different Boron Sources to Diets Containing Low Calcium and Phosphorus on Some Bone Parameters of Weaned Akkaraman Lambs. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2021;27(3):347-52.

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