The Estimation of Live Weight from Body Measurements in Different Meat-Type Lambs
Year 2021,
, 469 - 475, 04.12.2021
Vasfiye Kader Esen
Cengiz Elmacı
The present study aimed to analyze the live weight (LW) and some body measurements to estimate the LW of lambs in five different meat-type sheep breeds reared in the same flock under intensive conditions. A total of 202 head of lambs, including both genders of Kivircik (K), Bandirma (B), Karacabey Merino (KM), Hampshire Down x Merino crossbreed (HM), and Ramlic (R), were conducted in this study. Birth weights ranged between 3.94-5.07 kg in those breeds and were affected significantly by breed and birth types (P<0.001). The effect of sex was clearly seen with the weaning period; males lambs were 2.61 kg heavier than female lambs (P<0.001). The importance of breed differences on chest circumference (CC) increased as the lambs grew older. On the other hand, sex had a significant effect on all body measurements at the pre- and post-weaning period (P<0.01 and P<0.001); however, did not on body length (BL) at the pre-weaning period (P>0.05). In contrast, the importance of birth type on BL and CC decreased as the lambs grew older (P>0.05). The results of regressing LW and body measurements show that LW was very highly (P<0.001) correlated with body measurements (r=0.682–0.892). The highest correlations were observed between LW and CC (r=0.802-0.892) in B, KM, and R lambs. These results suggest that using body measurements as a correction factor has a great benefit in those breeds, such as withers height and CC are used to estimate LW in KM and R lambs, effectively.
Supporting Institution
TAGEM (General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies)
Project Number
The present study was supported by Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agricultural Research (Project No: TAGEM/HAYSUD/B/18/A4/P2/308).
- Afolayan R A, Adeyinka I A & Lakpini C A M (2006). The estimation of live weight from body measurements in Yankasa sheep. Czech Journal of Animal Science 51(8): 343-348
- Akçapınar H (2000). Koyun Yetiştiriciliği. Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı, İsmat Matbaacılık, Ankara
- Akçapınar H, Ünal N & Özbeyaz C (2001). Kuzu Eti Üretimine Uygun Ana ve Baba Hatlarının Geliştirilmesinde Akkaraman, Sakız ve Kıvırcık Irkından Yararlanma İmkanları: II. Kuzularda Bazı Vücut Ölçüleri ve Toklularda Bazı Verim Özellikleri. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi 41(1): 25-33
- Aksoy A, Ertürk Y E, Eyduran E & Tariq M M (2019). Utility of MARS algorithm for describing non-genetic factors affecting pasture revenue of Morkaraman Breed and Romanov×Morkaraman F1 crossbred sheep under semi intensive conditions. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 51: 235-240
- Ali M, Abdella H O, Elimam M E, Sulieman A H, El-Hag F M, Eshag N A & Jadalla J B (2014). Pre-weaning Body Measurements and Performance of Desert Sheep (Tribal Subtypes Hamari and Kabashi) Lambs of Kordofan Region, Sudan. Malaysian Journal of Animal Science 17(1): 35-45
- Ambarcioglu P, Kaya U, Ozen D & Gurcan I S (2017). An Examination of the Relationships Between Live Weight and Body Measurements in Karacabey Merino Sheep Through the Path Analysis Approach. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 23(6): 853-857
- Bingöl E & Bingöl M (2015). Hamdani Kuzularda Büyüme–Gelişme ve Koyunlarda Dışyapı Özellikleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 25(2): 200-206
Cemal I, Karaca O, Altin T & Kaymakcı M (2005). Live weights of Kivircik ewes and lambs in some periods under extensive management conditions. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 29(6): 1329-1335
- Da Silva N C, Raphael C G, Chaves A S, Luciana C G, Mendes Athayde A L, & Letícia F C (2019). Morphometric measurements of sheep fed with increasing levels of sunflower meal. Acta Scientiarum Animal Sciences 41: e42891
- Eck K, Kunz E, Mendel C, Luhken G & Medugorac I (2019). Morphometric measurements in lambs as a basis for future mapping studies. Small Ruminant Research 181: 57-64
- Ekiz B & Altinel A (2006). The Growth and Survival Characteristics of Lambs Produced by Commercial Crossbreeding Kivircik Ewes with F2 Rams with the German Black-Headed Mutton Genotype. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 30(6): 507-512
- Ibiwoye T I I, Oyatogun M O & Jolayemi J (1993). Yankasa sheep and West African dwarf goat production in the Kainji lake basin of Nigeria. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad and Tobago) 70 (2): 165–168
- Isik SA, & Aksoy A R (2015). The Growth Traits of Bafra Sheep (Chios x Karayaka B1) at Kazim Karabekir Agriculture Centre. Van Veterinary Journal 26(2): 93-99
- Kaymakçı M & Sönmez R (1996). İleri Koyun Yetiştiriciliği. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir
- Kirton A H, Carter A H, Clarke J N, Sinclair D P, Mercer G J K, & Duganzich D M (1995). A comparison between 15 ram breeds for export lamb production I. Liveweights, body components, carcass measurements, and composition. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 38(3): 347-360
- Koyuncu M & Uzun S K (2009). Growth performance of Karacabey Merino and Kivircik lambs under semi-intensive management in Turkey. Small Ruminant Research 83(1-3): 64-66
- Koyuncu M, Ipek A & Tuncel E (1999). Some Yield Characteristics of Genotype Groups Obtained by Crossbreeding Kivircik with Imported Mutton Sheep Breeds (Hampshire Down, Lincoln and Blackhead German). Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 23 (EK2): 423-428.
- Marković B, Dovč P, Marković M, Radonjić D, Adakalić M & Simčič M (2019). Differentiation of some Pramenka sheep breeds based on morphometric characteristics. Archives Animal Breeding 62: 393-402
- Minitab (2014). Minitab I: Statistical software for Windows, Release 17. Minitab Inc., USA
- Norouzian M A (2015). Effects of lambing season, birth type and sex on early performance of lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 58(1): 84-88
- Ozturk Y, Kucuk M & Karsli M (2012). A study on growth, slaughter and carcass traits of Morkaraman and Kivircik x Morkaraman (F1) lambs in semi-intensive condition. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18(1): 1-6
- Sarı M, Önk K, Aksoy A, Tilki & Işık S (2014). Hemşin Kuzularında büyüme ve bazı vücut ölçülerinin belirlenmesi. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 54(1): 15-20
- Sari M, Onk K, Aydin E, Tilki M, & Tufan T (2014). Effects of Different Fattening Systems on Fattening Performance and Body Measurements of Hemsin Male Lambs. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 20(2):209-215
- Shirzeyli F H, Lavvaf A & Asadi A (2013). Estimation of body weight from body measurements in four breeds of Iranian sheep. Songklanakarin Journal of Science & Technology 35(5): 507-511
- Silva Souza J D, do Santos Difante G, Neto J V E, Lana A M Q, da Silva Roberto F F & Ribeiro P H C (2019). Biometric measurements of Santa Inês meat sheep reared on Brachiaria brizantha pastures in Northeast Brazil. PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219343
- Şahin Ö, Boztepe S & Keskin İ (2018). Anadolu Merinosu Erkek Kuzularında Besi Dönemi Vücut Ölçülerine Ait Ortalamalardan Canlı Ağırlık, Canlı Ağırlık Artışı ve Yem Tüketiminin Tahmini. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(2), 142-145.
- Topal M & Macit M (2004). Prediction of body weight from body measurements in Morkaraman sheep. Journal of Applied Animal Research 25(2): 97-100
- TurkStat (Turkish Statistical Institute) (2019). Livestock Statistics (accessed March 27, 2020)
- Vatankhah M, & Talebi M A (2008). Genetic parameters of body weight and fat-tail measurements in lambs. Small Ruminant Research 75(1): 1-6
- Wolf B T, Smith C, King J W B, Nicholson D (1981). Genetic parameters of growth and carcass composition in the crossbred progeny of six terminal sire breeds of sheep. Animal Production 32: 1-7
- Yılmaz A, Özcan M, Ekiz B & Akgündüz M (2002). Türk Merinosu, Sakız ve Kıvırcık Irkları Arasındaki Melezlemeler ile Et Veriminin Artırılma Olanaklarının Araştırılması II. Kuzuların Besi, Kesim ve Karkas Özellikleri. Turkish Journal Of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 26: 1333-1340
- Yılmaz O, Cemal I & Karaca O (2013). Estimation of mature live weight using some body measurements in Karya sheep. Tropical Animal Health and Production 45(2): 397-403
Year 2021,
, 469 - 475, 04.12.2021
Vasfiye Kader Esen
Cengiz Elmacı
Project Number
- Afolayan R A, Adeyinka I A & Lakpini C A M (2006). The estimation of live weight from body measurements in Yankasa sheep. Czech Journal of Animal Science 51(8): 343-348
- Akçapınar H (2000). Koyun Yetiştiriciliği. Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı, İsmat Matbaacılık, Ankara
- Akçapınar H, Ünal N & Özbeyaz C (2001). Kuzu Eti Üretimine Uygun Ana ve Baba Hatlarının Geliştirilmesinde Akkaraman, Sakız ve Kıvırcık Irkından Yararlanma İmkanları: II. Kuzularda Bazı Vücut Ölçüleri ve Toklularda Bazı Verim Özellikleri. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi 41(1): 25-33
- Aksoy A, Ertürk Y E, Eyduran E & Tariq M M (2019). Utility of MARS algorithm for describing non-genetic factors affecting pasture revenue of Morkaraman Breed and Romanov×Morkaraman F1 crossbred sheep under semi intensive conditions. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 51: 235-240
- Ali M, Abdella H O, Elimam M E, Sulieman A H, El-Hag F M, Eshag N A & Jadalla J B (2014). Pre-weaning Body Measurements and Performance of Desert Sheep (Tribal Subtypes Hamari and Kabashi) Lambs of Kordofan Region, Sudan. Malaysian Journal of Animal Science 17(1): 35-45
- Ambarcioglu P, Kaya U, Ozen D & Gurcan I S (2017). An Examination of the Relationships Between Live Weight and Body Measurements in Karacabey Merino Sheep Through the Path Analysis Approach. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 23(6): 853-857
- Bingöl E & Bingöl M (2015). Hamdani Kuzularda Büyüme–Gelişme ve Koyunlarda Dışyapı Özellikleri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 25(2): 200-206
Cemal I, Karaca O, Altin T & Kaymakcı M (2005). Live weights of Kivircik ewes and lambs in some periods under extensive management conditions. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 29(6): 1329-1335
- Da Silva N C, Raphael C G, Chaves A S, Luciana C G, Mendes Athayde A L, & Letícia F C (2019). Morphometric measurements of sheep fed with increasing levels of sunflower meal. Acta Scientiarum Animal Sciences 41: e42891
- Eck K, Kunz E, Mendel C, Luhken G & Medugorac I (2019). Morphometric measurements in lambs as a basis for future mapping studies. Small Ruminant Research 181: 57-64
- Ekiz B & Altinel A (2006). The Growth and Survival Characteristics of Lambs Produced by Commercial Crossbreeding Kivircik Ewes with F2 Rams with the German Black-Headed Mutton Genotype. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 30(6): 507-512
- Ibiwoye T I I, Oyatogun M O & Jolayemi J (1993). Yankasa sheep and West African dwarf goat production in the Kainji lake basin of Nigeria. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad and Tobago) 70 (2): 165–168
- Isik SA, & Aksoy A R (2015). The Growth Traits of Bafra Sheep (Chios x Karayaka B1) at Kazim Karabekir Agriculture Centre. Van Veterinary Journal 26(2): 93-99
- Kaymakçı M & Sönmez R (1996). İleri Koyun Yetiştiriciliği. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir
- Kirton A H, Carter A H, Clarke J N, Sinclair D P, Mercer G J K, & Duganzich D M (1995). A comparison between 15 ram breeds for export lamb production I. Liveweights, body components, carcass measurements, and composition. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 38(3): 347-360
- Koyuncu M & Uzun S K (2009). Growth performance of Karacabey Merino and Kivircik lambs under semi-intensive management in Turkey. Small Ruminant Research 83(1-3): 64-66
- Koyuncu M, Ipek A & Tuncel E (1999). Some Yield Characteristics of Genotype Groups Obtained by Crossbreeding Kivircik with Imported Mutton Sheep Breeds (Hampshire Down, Lincoln and Blackhead German). Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 23 (EK2): 423-428.
- Marković B, Dovč P, Marković M, Radonjić D, Adakalić M & Simčič M (2019). Differentiation of some Pramenka sheep breeds based on morphometric characteristics. Archives Animal Breeding 62: 393-402
- Minitab (2014). Minitab I: Statistical software for Windows, Release 17. Minitab Inc., USA
- Norouzian M A (2015). Effects of lambing season, birth type and sex on early performance of lambs. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 58(1): 84-88
- Ozturk Y, Kucuk M & Karsli M (2012). A study on growth, slaughter and carcass traits of Morkaraman and Kivircik x Morkaraman (F1) lambs in semi-intensive condition. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18(1): 1-6
- Sarı M, Önk K, Aksoy A, Tilki & Işık S (2014). Hemşin Kuzularında büyüme ve bazı vücut ölçülerinin belirlenmesi. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 54(1): 15-20
- Sari M, Onk K, Aydin E, Tilki M, & Tufan T (2014). Effects of Different Fattening Systems on Fattening Performance and Body Measurements of Hemsin Male Lambs. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 20(2):209-215
- Shirzeyli F H, Lavvaf A & Asadi A (2013). Estimation of body weight from body measurements in four breeds of Iranian sheep. Songklanakarin Journal of Science & Technology 35(5): 507-511
- Silva Souza J D, do Santos Difante G, Neto J V E, Lana A M Q, da Silva Roberto F F & Ribeiro P H C (2019). Biometric measurements of Santa Inês meat sheep reared on Brachiaria brizantha pastures in Northeast Brazil. PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219343
- Şahin Ö, Boztepe S & Keskin İ (2018). Anadolu Merinosu Erkek Kuzularında Besi Dönemi Vücut Ölçülerine Ait Ortalamalardan Canlı Ağırlık, Canlı Ağırlık Artışı ve Yem Tüketiminin Tahmini. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(2), 142-145.
- Topal M & Macit M (2004). Prediction of body weight from body measurements in Morkaraman sheep. Journal of Applied Animal Research 25(2): 97-100
- TurkStat (Turkish Statistical Institute) (2019). Livestock Statistics (accessed March 27, 2020)
- Vatankhah M, & Talebi M A (2008). Genetic parameters of body weight and fat-tail measurements in lambs. Small Ruminant Research 75(1): 1-6
- Wolf B T, Smith C, King J W B, Nicholson D (1981). Genetic parameters of growth and carcass composition in the crossbred progeny of six terminal sire breeds of sheep. Animal Production 32: 1-7
- Yılmaz A, Özcan M, Ekiz B & Akgündüz M (2002). Türk Merinosu, Sakız ve Kıvırcık Irkları Arasındaki Melezlemeler ile Et Veriminin Artırılma Olanaklarının Araştırılması II. Kuzuların Besi, Kesim ve Karkas Özellikleri. Turkish Journal Of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 26: 1333-1340
- Yılmaz O, Cemal I & Karaca O (2013). Estimation of mature live weight using some body measurements in Karya sheep. Tropical Animal Health and Production 45(2): 397-403