Research Article
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Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2016, , 385 - 397, 01.05.2016


Bu çalışma, farklı sulama aralıkları SA1:2 gün, SA2:4 gün ve SA3:6 gün ve sulama suyu miktarlarının S1:Tr×1.50, S2:Tr×1.25, S3:Tr×1.00, S4:Tr×0.75, S5:Tr×0.50, S6:Tr×0.25 sera koşullarında yetiştirilen krizantem bitkisinin kalite parametrelerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla 2011 yılında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat türüne ait sprey krizantem çeşidi olan ‘Bacardi’ kullanılmıştır. Sera dışı radyasyon değerleri kullanılarak hesaplanan potansiyel bitki su tüketiminin Tr farklı oranları bitkilere sulama suyu olarak uygulanmıştır. Deneme konularına göre sulama suyu miktarı 192.1-469.4 mm arasında, ölçülen bitki su tüketimi ETa ise 300.9-510.9 mm arasında değişmiştir. Farklı sulama suyu miktarları ve sulama aralıkları, çiçek sapı uzunluğunu, çiçek sapı kalınlığını, ikincil dal sayısını, bitki başına çiçek sayısını, dal ağırlığını, yaprak alan indeksini, vazo ömrünü ve kök uzunluğunu istatistiksel olarak önemli düzeyde etkilemiştir P


  • Anonim (2002). Pery, L.P., Posharvest handling of field cut flowers (coh 29). University of Vermont Extension, Deparment of Plant and Soil Science http:/www.pss. (Erişim tarihi: 08.12.2014)
  • Anonim (2012). Product specification chrysanthemum indicum group. Ducth flower auction association (VBN),Hollanda. Productspecification 20Cutflowers/Chrysanthemum. pdf. March 2012 (Erişim tarihi: 10.12.2014)
  • Anonim (2013). International Statistics Flowers and Plants 2013. AIPH-Union Fleurs 2013, 61, 165, The Netherlands
  • Anonim (2014). web?c=cutflowers. (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2014)
  • Baille A (1999). Energy cycle. In: Ecosystems of the World-20-Greenhouse ecosystems (Stanhill G; Zvi Encoch H, eds), pp. 265-286
  • Böhm E (1979). Methods of Studying Root Systems. Springler-Verlag, Berlin
  • Budiarto K, Sulyo Y, Dwi E S N & Maaswinkel R H M (2007). Effects of irrigation frequency and leaf detachment on chrysanthemum grown in two types of plastic house. Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science 8(1): 39-42
  • Carvalho S M P & Heuvelink E (2003). Effect of assimilate availability on flower characteristics and plant height of cut chrysanthemum: An integrated study. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 78(5): 711- 720
  • Carvalho S M P & Heuvelink E (2004). Modelling external quality of cut chrysanthemum: achievements and limitations. Acta Horticulturae 654: 287-294
  • Conover C A (1969). Responses of pot-grown Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Yellow Delaware’ to media, watering and fertilizer levels. Proceeding of the Florida State Horticultural Society 82: 425-429
  • Conte e Castro A M, Macedo Junior E K, Zigiotto D C, Braga C L, Sornberger A, Baldo M, Grisa S, Bianchini M I F & Sausen C (2005). Effect of irrigation layers on varities of chrysanthemum for cutting and on soil characteristics. Scientia Agraria Paranaensis 4(2): 75-80
  • De Farias M F & Saad J C C (2005). Crescimento e qualidade de crisantemo cultivado em vaso sob ambiente protegido. Horticultura Brasileira 23(3): 740-742
  • De Farias M F, Saad J C C & Denise M C (2009). Effect of soil-water tension on cut chrysanthemum floral quality and longevity. Applied Research & Agrotechnology 2(1): 141-145
  • DMİ (2011). Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Isparta Meteoroloji Bölge Müdürlüğü Kayıtları. Isparta
  • Dole J M & Schnelle M A (2002). The care and handling of cut flowers. Oklahama State University, Oklahama Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, F-6426. http:/ (Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2014)
  • Doorenbos J & Kassam A H (1979). Yield Response to Water. Food and Agriculture Organization, Irrigation and Drainage Paper No: 33, 193. Rome
  • Fernandes A L T, Folegatti M & Pereira A R (2006). Valuation of different evapotranspiration estimate for (Chrysanthemum spp.) cultivated in plastic greenhouse. Irriga 11(2): 139-149
  • Ferrante A, Alberici A, Antonacci S & Serra G (2007). Effect of promoter and ınhibitors of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase enzyme on stem bending of cut gerbera flowers. Acta Horticulturae 755: 471-476
  • Halevy A H & Mayak S (1981). Senecence of postharvest physiology of cut flowers. Part 2. Horticultural Reviews 3: 59-143
  • Harbaugh B K, Stanley C D & Price J F (1982). Trickle irrigation rates and chrysanthemum cut flower production. HortScience 17(4): 598-599
  • Hatipoğlu A (1987). Süs Bitkileri Ders Notları. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Peyzaj Mimarlığı Bölümü. Bornova, İzmir
  • Jones H G & Tardieu F (1998). Modelling water relations of horticultural crops: A review. Scientia Horticulturae 74: 21-46
  • Katsoulas N, Kittas C, Dimokas G & Lykas C (2006). Effect of irrigation frequency on rose flower production and quality. Biosystems Engineering 93(2): 237-244
  • Kazaz S, Aşkın M A, Kılıç S & Ersoy N (2010). Effects of day length and daminozide on the flowering, some quality parameters and chlorophyll content of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Scientific Research and Essays 5(21): 3281-3288
  • Kırnak H, Doğan E, Çopur O & Gökalp Z (2013). Irrigation and yield parameters of soybean as effected by irrigation management, soil compaction and nitrogen fertilizzation. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 19: 297-309
  • Kiehl P A, Lieth J H & Burger D W (1992). Growth response of chrysanthemum to various container medium moisture levels. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 114(2): 224-229
  • Kofranek A M (1980). Cut Chrysanthemums. In: Introduction to Floriculture, Second Edition, Edited by R.A. Larson, Academic Press, 1-45, New York
  • Lin L, Li W, Shoa J, Luo W, Dai J, Yin X, Zhou Y & Zhao C (2011). Modelling the effects of soil water potential on growth and quality of cut chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium). Scientia Horticulturae 130: 275-288
  • Lü P, Cao J, He S, Liu J, Li H, Cheng G, Ding Y & Joyce D C (2010). Nano-silver pulse treatments improve water relations of cut rose cv. Movie star flowers. Postharvest Biology and Technology 57: 196-202
  • Mengüç A (1996). Kesme Çiçek Yetiştiriciliği 3 (Kasımpatı). Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 904, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları No: 486, 112-126, Eskişehir
  • Onozaki T, Ikeda H & Yamaguchi T (2001). Genetic improvement of vase life of carnation flowers by crossing and selection. Scientia Horticulturae 87: 107-120
  • Parnell J R (1989). Ornamental plant growth responses to different application rates of reclaimed water. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 102: 89-92
  • Peri P L, Moot D J & McNeil D L (2003). A canopy photosynthesis model to predict the dry matter production of cocksfoot pastures under varying temperature, nitrogen and water regimes. Grass and Forage Science 58: 416-430
  • Rego J L, Viana T V A, Azevedo B M, Bastos, F G C & Gondim R S (2004). Effects of irrigation levels on the chrysanthemum. Agronomic Science Magazine 35(2): 302-310
  • Rego J L, Viana T V A, Azevedo B M, Araşjo W F, Furlan R A & Bastos F G C (2009). Produtividade de crisântemo em função de níveis de irrigação. Horticultura Brasileira 27: 45-48
  • Schuch U K, Redak R A & Bethke J A (1998). Cultivar, fertilizer and irrigation affect vegetative growth and susceptibility of chrysanthemum to western flower thrips. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 123(4): 727-733
  • TUİK (2014a). do?istab_id=2115, (Erişim tarihi: 10 Ekim 2014)
  • TUİK (2014b). bitkisel.zul, (Erişim tarihi: 10 Ekim 2014)
  • Turan A (2013). Farklı sulama aralıkları ve su miktarlarının krizantem (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) bitkisinin verim ve kalite özelliklerine etkisi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Basılmamış), Isparta
  • Uçar Y, Kazaz S, Aşkın M A, Aydınşakir K, Kadayıfçı A & Şenyiğit U (2011). Determination of irrigation water amount and interval for carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) with pan evaporation method. Hortscience 46(1): 102-107
  • Van der Ploeg A & Heuvelink E (2006). The influence of temperature on growth and development of chrysanthemum cultivars: A review. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 81(2): 174- 182
  • Villalobos R (2014). Reduction of irrigation water consumption in the Colombian Floriculture with the use of tensiometer. ReferenceDocuments/TechnicalPapers/IA/2007/ P1642.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 31.10.2014)
  • Waterland N L, Finer J J & Jones M L (2010). Abscisic acid applications decrease stomatal conductane and delay wilting in drought-stresses chrysanthemums. HortTechnology 20(5): 896-901
  • Wenbin Y, Zhongyong H, Fengxin W, Limao S, Jinfeng Y, Jun M & Jialin H (2011). Effect of different irrigation thresholds on growth and yield of garland chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium L.) in greenhouse. Transactions of the CSAE 27(1): 94-98
  • Yoon H S, Goto T & Kageyama Y (2000). Developing a nitrogen application curve for spray chrysanthemums grown in hydroponic system and its practical use in NFT system. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 69(4): 416-422

Effects of Different Irrigation Schedulings on Quality of Chrysantmemum

Year 2016, , 385 - 397, 01.05.2016


This study was carried out to determine the effects of different irrigation intervals SA1: 2-d, SA2: 4-d, SA3 6-d and water amounts S1:Tr×1.50, S2:Tr×1.25, S3:Tr×1.00, S4:Tr×0.75, S5:Tr×0.50, S6:Tr×0.25 on quality parameters of chrysanthemum grown in the greenhouse in 2011. The spray chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat cv.1. Giriş‘Bacardi’ plant was used as plant material in this study. Different ratios of the potential evapotranspiration Tr , calculated using radiation values in outside the greenhouse, was applied as irrigation water. The irrigation water amounts applied to the experimental treatments ranged from 192.1 to 469.4 mm, and seasonal evapotranspiration Eta measured from 300.9 to 510.9 mm. Different irrigation water amounts and irrigation intervals had statistically significant effects on flower stem length, stem diameter, the number of secondary lateral branches, the number of flowers, stem weight, leaf area index, vase life root length of chrysanthemum P


  • Anonim (2002). Pery, L.P., Posharvest handling of field cut flowers (coh 29). University of Vermont Extension, Deparment of Plant and Soil Science http:/www.pss. (Erişim tarihi: 08.12.2014)
  • Anonim (2012). Product specification chrysanthemum indicum group. Ducth flower auction association (VBN),Hollanda. Productspecification 20Cutflowers/Chrysanthemum. pdf. March 2012 (Erişim tarihi: 10.12.2014)
  • Anonim (2013). International Statistics Flowers and Plants 2013. AIPH-Union Fleurs 2013, 61, 165, The Netherlands
  • Anonim (2014). web?c=cutflowers. (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2014)
  • Baille A (1999). Energy cycle. In: Ecosystems of the World-20-Greenhouse ecosystems (Stanhill G; Zvi Encoch H, eds), pp. 265-286
  • Böhm E (1979). Methods of Studying Root Systems. Springler-Verlag, Berlin
  • Budiarto K, Sulyo Y, Dwi E S N & Maaswinkel R H M (2007). Effects of irrigation frequency and leaf detachment on chrysanthemum grown in two types of plastic house. Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science 8(1): 39-42
  • Carvalho S M P & Heuvelink E (2003). Effect of assimilate availability on flower characteristics and plant height of cut chrysanthemum: An integrated study. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 78(5): 711- 720
  • Carvalho S M P & Heuvelink E (2004). Modelling external quality of cut chrysanthemum: achievements and limitations. Acta Horticulturae 654: 287-294
  • Conover C A (1969). Responses of pot-grown Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Yellow Delaware’ to media, watering and fertilizer levels. Proceeding of the Florida State Horticultural Society 82: 425-429
  • Conte e Castro A M, Macedo Junior E K, Zigiotto D C, Braga C L, Sornberger A, Baldo M, Grisa S, Bianchini M I F & Sausen C (2005). Effect of irrigation layers on varities of chrysanthemum for cutting and on soil characteristics. Scientia Agraria Paranaensis 4(2): 75-80
  • De Farias M F & Saad J C C (2005). Crescimento e qualidade de crisantemo cultivado em vaso sob ambiente protegido. Horticultura Brasileira 23(3): 740-742
  • De Farias M F, Saad J C C & Denise M C (2009). Effect of soil-water tension on cut chrysanthemum floral quality and longevity. Applied Research & Agrotechnology 2(1): 141-145
  • DMİ (2011). Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Isparta Meteoroloji Bölge Müdürlüğü Kayıtları. Isparta
  • Dole J M & Schnelle M A (2002). The care and handling of cut flowers. Oklahama State University, Oklahama Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, F-6426. http:/ (Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2014)
  • Doorenbos J & Kassam A H (1979). Yield Response to Water. Food and Agriculture Organization, Irrigation and Drainage Paper No: 33, 193. Rome
  • Fernandes A L T, Folegatti M & Pereira A R (2006). Valuation of different evapotranspiration estimate for (Chrysanthemum spp.) cultivated in plastic greenhouse. Irriga 11(2): 139-149
  • Ferrante A, Alberici A, Antonacci S & Serra G (2007). Effect of promoter and ınhibitors of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase enzyme on stem bending of cut gerbera flowers. Acta Horticulturae 755: 471-476
  • Halevy A H & Mayak S (1981). Senecence of postharvest physiology of cut flowers. Part 2. Horticultural Reviews 3: 59-143
  • Harbaugh B K, Stanley C D & Price J F (1982). Trickle irrigation rates and chrysanthemum cut flower production. HortScience 17(4): 598-599
  • Hatipoğlu A (1987). Süs Bitkileri Ders Notları. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Peyzaj Mimarlığı Bölümü. Bornova, İzmir
  • Jones H G & Tardieu F (1998). Modelling water relations of horticultural crops: A review. Scientia Horticulturae 74: 21-46
  • Katsoulas N, Kittas C, Dimokas G & Lykas C (2006). Effect of irrigation frequency on rose flower production and quality. Biosystems Engineering 93(2): 237-244
  • Kazaz S, Aşkın M A, Kılıç S & Ersoy N (2010). Effects of day length and daminozide on the flowering, some quality parameters and chlorophyll content of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Scientific Research and Essays 5(21): 3281-3288
  • Kırnak H, Doğan E, Çopur O & Gökalp Z (2013). Irrigation and yield parameters of soybean as effected by irrigation management, soil compaction and nitrogen fertilizzation. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 19: 297-309
  • Kiehl P A, Lieth J H & Burger D W (1992). Growth response of chrysanthemum to various container medium moisture levels. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 114(2): 224-229
  • Kofranek A M (1980). Cut Chrysanthemums. In: Introduction to Floriculture, Second Edition, Edited by R.A. Larson, Academic Press, 1-45, New York
  • Lin L, Li W, Shoa J, Luo W, Dai J, Yin X, Zhou Y & Zhao C (2011). Modelling the effects of soil water potential on growth and quality of cut chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium). Scientia Horticulturae 130: 275-288
  • Lü P, Cao J, He S, Liu J, Li H, Cheng G, Ding Y & Joyce D C (2010). Nano-silver pulse treatments improve water relations of cut rose cv. Movie star flowers. Postharvest Biology and Technology 57: 196-202
  • Mengüç A (1996). Kesme Çiçek Yetiştiriciliği 3 (Kasımpatı). Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 904, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları No: 486, 112-126, Eskişehir
  • Onozaki T, Ikeda H & Yamaguchi T (2001). Genetic improvement of vase life of carnation flowers by crossing and selection. Scientia Horticulturae 87: 107-120
  • Parnell J R (1989). Ornamental plant growth responses to different application rates of reclaimed water. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 102: 89-92
  • Peri P L, Moot D J & McNeil D L (2003). A canopy photosynthesis model to predict the dry matter production of cocksfoot pastures under varying temperature, nitrogen and water regimes. Grass and Forage Science 58: 416-430
  • Rego J L, Viana T V A, Azevedo B M, Bastos, F G C & Gondim R S (2004). Effects of irrigation levels on the chrysanthemum. Agronomic Science Magazine 35(2): 302-310
  • Rego J L, Viana T V A, Azevedo B M, Araşjo W F, Furlan R A & Bastos F G C (2009). Produtividade de crisântemo em função de níveis de irrigação. Horticultura Brasileira 27: 45-48
  • Schuch U K, Redak R A & Bethke J A (1998). Cultivar, fertilizer and irrigation affect vegetative growth and susceptibility of chrysanthemum to western flower thrips. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 123(4): 727-733
  • TUİK (2014a). do?istab_id=2115, (Erişim tarihi: 10 Ekim 2014)
  • TUİK (2014b). bitkisel.zul, (Erişim tarihi: 10 Ekim 2014)
  • Turan A (2013). Farklı sulama aralıkları ve su miktarlarının krizantem (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat) bitkisinin verim ve kalite özelliklerine etkisi. Yüksek lisans tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Basılmamış), Isparta
  • Uçar Y, Kazaz S, Aşkın M A, Aydınşakir K, Kadayıfçı A & Şenyiğit U (2011). Determination of irrigation water amount and interval for carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) with pan evaporation method. Hortscience 46(1): 102-107
  • Van der Ploeg A & Heuvelink E (2006). The influence of temperature on growth and development of chrysanthemum cultivars: A review. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 81(2): 174- 182
  • Villalobos R (2014). Reduction of irrigation water consumption in the Colombian Floriculture with the use of tensiometer. ReferenceDocuments/TechnicalPapers/IA/2007/ P1642.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 31.10.2014)
  • Waterland N L, Finer J J & Jones M L (2010). Abscisic acid applications decrease stomatal conductane and delay wilting in drought-stresses chrysanthemums. HortTechnology 20(5): 896-901
  • Wenbin Y, Zhongyong H, Fengxin W, Limao S, Jinfeng Y, Jun M & Jialin H (2011). Effect of different irrigation thresholds on growth and yield of garland chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium L.) in greenhouse. Transactions of the CSAE 27(1): 94-98
  • Yoon H S, Goto T & Kageyama Y (2000). Developing a nitrogen application curve for spray chrysanthemums grown in hydroponic system and its practical use in NFT system. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 69(4): 416-422
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Yusuf Uçar

Soner Kazaz This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Uçar, Y., & Kazaz, S. (2016). Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(3), 385-397.
AMA Uçar Y, Kazaz S. Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. May 2016;22(3):385-397. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001397
Chicago Uçar, Yusuf, and Soner Kazaz. “Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 3 (May 2016): 385-97.
EndNote Uçar Y, Kazaz S (May 1, 2016) Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 3 385–397.
IEEE Y. Uçar and S. Kazaz, “Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 385–397, 2016, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001397.
ISNAD Uçar, Yusuf - Kazaz, Soner. “Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/3 (May 2016), 385-397.
JAMA Uçar Y, Kazaz S. Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:385–397.
MLA Uçar, Yusuf and Soner Kazaz. “Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 3, 2016, pp. 385-97, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001397.
Vancouver Uçar Y, Kazaz S. Farklı Sulama Programlarının Krizantemin Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(3):385-97.

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