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Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar

Year 2016, , 370 - 376, 01.05.2016


Sığır yetiştiriciliğinde repeat breeder sendromu olarak adlandırılan döl tutma problemi önemli bir sorundur. Holştayn ırkı sığırlarda bu problemin ortaya çıkmasında bakım-beslemenin yanı sıra Robertsonian translokasyon ve faktör XI yetmezliği FXID olarak adlandırılan genetik bozukluklarında rolü olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada Kayseri ilinde bir çiftlikte bulunan repeat breederlı Holştayn ırkı ineklerde Robertsonian translokasyon ve FXID varlığının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada, repeat breeder tanısı konan 62 baş Holştayn ırkı inek incelenmiştir. Kromozomal inceleme sonucunda 62 hayvanın 58’inin normal karyotip 2n= 60 diploid , dördünün ise en sık görülen 1;29’dan farklı dört tip Robertsonian translokasyon [rob 1;21 , rob 23;26 , rob 24;26 , rob 26;29 ] profiline sahip olduğu saptanmıştır. Yapılan PCR analizi sonucunda, incelenen 62 örneğin hiçbirinde FXID’e neden olan mutasyona ait bant görüntüsü gözlenmemiştir. Çalışma sonunda, döl tutma problemi bulunan sığırlarda sitogenetik ve moleküler genetik taramaların yapılmasının kalıtsal nedenlerle gelişen repeat breeder sendromu gösteren damızlık adayların belirlenerek damızlık dışı bırakılmasına ve bu sayede özellikle damızlık yetiştiren işletmeler için çözüm yollarının aranmasına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmüştür


  • Akyüz B (2013). Türkiye’deki iki farklı işletmede yetiştirilen Holştayn boğalarda Faktör XI Yetmezliği (FXID) allel frekansının belirlenmesi. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19: 127-131
  • Akyüz B, Sarıözkan S & Bayram D (2012). Factor XI mutation in normally fertile and repeat breeding Holstein cows in the Middle Anatolian region of Turkey: A financial approach. Animal Production Science 52: 1042-1045
  • Alaçam E (1997). Büyük Ruminantlarda İnfertilite. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve Infertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. s. 269-294
  • Bage R, Gustafsson H, Larsson B, Forsberg M & Rodriguez-Martinez H (2002). Repeat breeding in dairy heifers: Follicular dynamics and estrous cycle characteristics in relation to sexual hormone patterns. Theriogenology 57: 2257-2269
  • Chaves R, Heslop-Harrison J S & Guedes-Pinto H (2000). Centromeric heterochromatin in the cattle rob (1;29) translocation: α-satellite I sequences, in-situ MspI digestion patterns, chromomycin staining and C-bands. Chromosome Research 8: 621-626
  • Citek J, Rehout V, Hajkova J & Pavkova J (2006). Monitoring of the genetic health of cattle in the Czech Republic. Veterinary Medicina Czech 51: 333-339
  • De Lorenzi L, De Giovanni A, Molteni L, Denis C, Eggen A & Parma P (2008). Characterization of a balanced reciprocal translocation, rcp(9;11)(q27;q11) in cattle. Cytogenetic Genome Research 119: 231-234
  • De Luca J C, Zufriategui L, Picco S J, Ripoli M V, Giovambattista G, Rojas F V & Dulout F N (2002). Incidence of 1/29 translocation in Bolivian Creole and Brahman Yacumeno cattle. Theriogenology 58: 1273- 1281
  • Di Meo G P, Perucatti A, Chaves R, Adega F, De Lorenzi L, Molteni L, De Giovanni A, Incarnato D, Guedes- Pinto H, Eggen A & Iannuzzi L (2006). Cattle rob (1;29) originating from complex chromosome rearrangements as revealed by both banding and FISH-mapping techniques. Chromosome Research 14: 649-655
  • El-Bayomi K M, El-Arab I E & Zaglool A W (2011). Cytogenetic analysis related to some infertility problems in cattle. Global Veterinaria 7: 323-329
  • Ghanem M E, Nishibori M, Nakao T, Nakatani K & Akita M (2005). Factor XI mutation in a Holstein cow with repeat breeding in Japan. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 67: 713-715
  • Gurgul A, Rubis D & Slota E (2009). Identification of carriers of the mutation causing coagulation factor XI deficiency in Polish Holstein-Friesian cattle. Journal of Applied Genetics 50: 149-152
  • Gustafsson H & Emanuelson U (2002). Characterisation of the repeat breeding syndrome in Swedish dairy cattle. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 43: 115-125
  • Iannuzzi L, Molteni L, Di Meo G P, Perucatti A, Lorenzi L, Incarnato D, De Giovanni A, Succi G & Gustavsson I (2001). A new balanced autosomal reciprocal translocation in cattle revealed by banding techniques and human-painting probes. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 94: 225-228
  • Joerg H, Kneubuehler J, Steiger D & Stranzinger G (1999). Progenytesting of heterozygotecarriers of the Robertsonian translocation 1/29 in Boridae. Animal Biotechnology 10: 127-131
  • Joerg H, Garner D, Rieder S, Suwattana D & Stranzinger G (2001). Molecular genetic characterization of Robertsonian translocations in cattle. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 118: 371-377
  • King W A (1990). Cromosome abnormalities and pregnancy failure in domestic animals. Advances in Veterinary Science & Comparative Medicine 34: 229- 250
  • Klug W S & Cummings M R (2003). Genetik Kavramlar. Ankara, Palme Yayıncılık
  • Kolgeci S, Kolgeci J, Azemi M, Shala R, Dakas A & Sopjani M (2013). Reproductive risk of the silent carrier of Robertsonian translocation. Medical Archives 67: 56-59
  • Miyake Y, Murakami R K & Kaneda Y (1991). Inheritance of the Robertsonian translocation (1/21) in the Holstein-Friesian cattle. I. Chromosome analysis. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 53: 113-116
  • Molteni L, Meggiolaro D, De Giovanni Macchi A, De Lorenzi L, Crepaldi P, Stacchezzini S, Cremonesi F & Ferrara F (2005). Fertility of cryoconserved sperm in three bulls with different Robertsonian translocations. Animal Reproduction Science 86: 27-36
  • Nicolae I (2007). The role of cytogenetics in the genetic improvement of cattle. In: 3rd Joint Meeting of the Network of Universities and Research Institutions of Animal Science of the South Eastern European Countries, 10-12 Feb, Thessaloniki
  • Parvatti K, Basrur P K & Bongso A T (1985). Amniocentesis for prenatal detection of sex and cytogenetic defects in cattle. In: DA Morrow (Ed), Current Therapy (Theriogenology), W B Saunders, Philadelphia, pp. 1185-1189
  • Pinton A, Ducos A, Berland H M, Seguela A, Blanc M F, Darre A, Mimar S & Darre R (1997). A new Robertsonian translocation in Holstein-Friesian cattle. Genetics Selection Evolution 29: 523-526
  • Roberts S J (1986). Gestation period embryology, fetal membranes and placenta teratology. In: SJ Roberts (Ed), Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases (Theriogenology), Edwards Brothers, Michigan. pp. 38-92
  • Rubes J, Musilova P, Borkovec L, Borkovcova Z, Svecova D & Urbanova J (1996). A new Robertsonian translocation in cattle, rob (16;20). Hereditas 124: 275-279
  • Sambrook J, Fritsch E F & Maniatis T (1989). Molecular cloning: A laboratory manual. Second Edition. New York: Cold-Spring Harbor
  • Seabright M (1971). A rapid banding technique for human chromosomes. Lancet 2: 971-972
  • Seguin B E, Zhang T Q, Lance C B, Alvin F W & Ruth G R (2000). Cytogenetic survey of Holstein bulls at a commercial artificial insemination company to determine prevalence of bulls with centric fusion and chimeric anomalies. Journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association 216: 65-67
  • Wathes D C (1992). Embryonic mortality and the uterine environment. Journal of Endocrinology 134: 321-325

Cytogenetic and Molecular Genetic Screening in Holstein Cattle Breed which Showing Repeat Breeding Problems

Year 2016, , 370 - 376, 01.05.2016


The infertility problem named Repeat Breeder Syndrome is an important issue in cattle breeding. Beside maintenance and feed techniques, some genetic disorders such as Robertsonian Translocation and factor XI deficiency FXID are thought to be involved some problems in Holstein cattle. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the presence of Robertsonian Translocation and FXID in repeat breeder Holstein cows which grown a farm that located in the province of Kayseri. In the study 62 female Holstein cattle with Repeat Breeder Syndrome were examined. Chromosomal examination results indicated that 58 of 62 cows had a normal karyotype 2n= 60 diploid and four had different of Robertsonian translocation [Rob 1, 21 , rob 23, 26 , Rob 24, 26 , Rob 26, 29 ] profiles. None of the 62 cows was displayed the band of mutation which is the cause of FXID. As a result of the study it was determined molecular and cytogenetical screening of cows with a fertility problem could contribute to understand the reasons of repeat breeder syndrome and could be useful for the breeders to select the female breeding candidates and finding the solution for this problem.


  • Akyüz B (2013). Türkiye’deki iki farklı işletmede yetiştirilen Holştayn boğalarda Faktör XI Yetmezliği (FXID) allel frekansının belirlenmesi. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19: 127-131
  • Akyüz B, Sarıözkan S & Bayram D (2012). Factor XI mutation in normally fertile and repeat breeding Holstein cows in the Middle Anatolian region of Turkey: A financial approach. Animal Production Science 52: 1042-1045
  • Alaçam E (1997). Büyük Ruminantlarda İnfertilite. Evcil Hayvanlarda Doğum ve Infertilite. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. s. 269-294
  • Bage R, Gustafsson H, Larsson B, Forsberg M & Rodriguez-Martinez H (2002). Repeat breeding in dairy heifers: Follicular dynamics and estrous cycle characteristics in relation to sexual hormone patterns. Theriogenology 57: 2257-2269
  • Chaves R, Heslop-Harrison J S & Guedes-Pinto H (2000). Centromeric heterochromatin in the cattle rob (1;29) translocation: α-satellite I sequences, in-situ MspI digestion patterns, chromomycin staining and C-bands. Chromosome Research 8: 621-626
  • Citek J, Rehout V, Hajkova J & Pavkova J (2006). Monitoring of the genetic health of cattle in the Czech Republic. Veterinary Medicina Czech 51: 333-339
  • De Lorenzi L, De Giovanni A, Molteni L, Denis C, Eggen A & Parma P (2008). Characterization of a balanced reciprocal translocation, rcp(9;11)(q27;q11) in cattle. Cytogenetic Genome Research 119: 231-234
  • De Luca J C, Zufriategui L, Picco S J, Ripoli M V, Giovambattista G, Rojas F V & Dulout F N (2002). Incidence of 1/29 translocation in Bolivian Creole and Brahman Yacumeno cattle. Theriogenology 58: 1273- 1281
  • Di Meo G P, Perucatti A, Chaves R, Adega F, De Lorenzi L, Molteni L, De Giovanni A, Incarnato D, Guedes- Pinto H, Eggen A & Iannuzzi L (2006). Cattle rob (1;29) originating from complex chromosome rearrangements as revealed by both banding and FISH-mapping techniques. Chromosome Research 14: 649-655
  • El-Bayomi K M, El-Arab I E & Zaglool A W (2011). Cytogenetic analysis related to some infertility problems in cattle. Global Veterinaria 7: 323-329
  • Ghanem M E, Nishibori M, Nakao T, Nakatani K & Akita M (2005). Factor XI mutation in a Holstein cow with repeat breeding in Japan. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 67: 713-715
  • Gurgul A, Rubis D & Slota E (2009). Identification of carriers of the mutation causing coagulation factor XI deficiency in Polish Holstein-Friesian cattle. Journal of Applied Genetics 50: 149-152
  • Gustafsson H & Emanuelson U (2002). Characterisation of the repeat breeding syndrome in Swedish dairy cattle. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 43: 115-125
  • Iannuzzi L, Molteni L, Di Meo G P, Perucatti A, Lorenzi L, Incarnato D, De Giovanni A, Succi G & Gustavsson I (2001). A new balanced autosomal reciprocal translocation in cattle revealed by banding techniques and human-painting probes. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 94: 225-228
  • Joerg H, Kneubuehler J, Steiger D & Stranzinger G (1999). Progenytesting of heterozygotecarriers of the Robertsonian translocation 1/29 in Boridae. Animal Biotechnology 10: 127-131
  • Joerg H, Garner D, Rieder S, Suwattana D & Stranzinger G (2001). Molecular genetic characterization of Robertsonian translocations in cattle. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 118: 371-377
  • King W A (1990). Cromosome abnormalities and pregnancy failure in domestic animals. Advances in Veterinary Science & Comparative Medicine 34: 229- 250
  • Klug W S & Cummings M R (2003). Genetik Kavramlar. Ankara, Palme Yayıncılık
  • Kolgeci S, Kolgeci J, Azemi M, Shala R, Dakas A & Sopjani M (2013). Reproductive risk of the silent carrier of Robertsonian translocation. Medical Archives 67: 56-59
  • Miyake Y, Murakami R K & Kaneda Y (1991). Inheritance of the Robertsonian translocation (1/21) in the Holstein-Friesian cattle. I. Chromosome analysis. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 53: 113-116
  • Molteni L, Meggiolaro D, De Giovanni Macchi A, De Lorenzi L, Crepaldi P, Stacchezzini S, Cremonesi F & Ferrara F (2005). Fertility of cryoconserved sperm in three bulls with different Robertsonian translocations. Animal Reproduction Science 86: 27-36
  • Nicolae I (2007). The role of cytogenetics in the genetic improvement of cattle. In: 3rd Joint Meeting of the Network of Universities and Research Institutions of Animal Science of the South Eastern European Countries, 10-12 Feb, Thessaloniki
  • Parvatti K, Basrur P K & Bongso A T (1985). Amniocentesis for prenatal detection of sex and cytogenetic defects in cattle. In: DA Morrow (Ed), Current Therapy (Theriogenology), W B Saunders, Philadelphia, pp. 1185-1189
  • Pinton A, Ducos A, Berland H M, Seguela A, Blanc M F, Darre A, Mimar S & Darre R (1997). A new Robertsonian translocation in Holstein-Friesian cattle. Genetics Selection Evolution 29: 523-526
  • Roberts S J (1986). Gestation period embryology, fetal membranes and placenta teratology. In: SJ Roberts (Ed), Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases (Theriogenology), Edwards Brothers, Michigan. pp. 38-92
  • Rubes J, Musilova P, Borkovec L, Borkovcova Z, Svecova D & Urbanova J (1996). A new Robertsonian translocation in cattle, rob (16;20). Hereditas 124: 275-279
  • Sambrook J, Fritsch E F & Maniatis T (1989). Molecular cloning: A laboratory manual. Second Edition. New York: Cold-Spring Harbor
  • Seabright M (1971). A rapid banding technique for human chromosomes. Lancet 2: 971-972
  • Seguin B E, Zhang T Q, Lance C B, Alvin F W & Ruth G R (2000). Cytogenetic survey of Holstein bulls at a commercial artificial insemination company to determine prevalence of bulls with centric fusion and chimeric anomalies. Journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association 216: 65-67
  • Wathes D C (1992). Embryonic mortality and the uterine environment. Journal of Endocrinology 134: 321-325
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Korhan Arslan This is me

Fadime Özdemir This is me

Esma Gamze İlgar This is me

Bilal Akyüz This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Arslan, K., Özdemir, F., İlgar, E. G., Akyüz, B. (2016). Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(3), 370-376.
AMA Arslan K, Özdemir F, İlgar EG, Akyüz B. Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. May 2016;22(3):370-376. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001395
Chicago Arslan, Korhan, Fadime Özdemir, Esma Gamze İlgar, and Bilal Akyüz. “Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik Ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 3 (May 2016): 370-76.
EndNote Arslan K, Özdemir F, İlgar EG, Akyüz B (May 1, 2016) Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 3 370–376.
IEEE K. Arslan, F. Özdemir, E. G. İlgar, and B. Akyüz, “Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 370–376, 2016, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001395.
ISNAD Arslan, Korhan et al. “Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik Ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/3 (May 2016), 370-376.
JAMA Arslan K, Özdemir F, İlgar EG, Akyüz B. Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:370–376.
MLA Arslan, Korhan et al. “Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik Ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 3, 2016, pp. 370-6, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001395.
Vancouver Arslan K, Özdemir F, İlgar EG, Akyüz B. Döl Tutma Problemi Olan Holştayn Irkı Sığırlarda Sitogenetik ve Moleküler Genetik Taramalar. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(3):370-6.

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