Research Article
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Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat

Year 2022, , 363 - 371, 05.09.2022


Double haploids (DHs) production and utilization is an important aspect of wheat breeding programs in worldwide, because, it provides many advantages over the conventional breeding program. Therefore, in vitro and in vivo responses of anther derived two bread wheat cultivars and their F1 crosses were investigated. Results showed significant genetic variation among the tested bread wheat genotypes. The pre-cold treated anther derived embryonic calli and shoot induction (%) were obtained from all genotypes that ranged 44 - 76% and 32 - 58% respectively. The highest shoot induction from embryonic calli was achieved from F1 cross of Zubkov x Atay-85, whereas, lowest induction was obtained from Atay-85 cultivar. The F1 cross (Zubkov x Atay-85) showed a better response in anther culture in term of shoots per plant and root induction than their respective parental genotypes.

The present results indicated positive and significant heterotic effects of F1 crosses for calli and shoot induction that also showed less albino plant regeneration after colchicine treatments. Total number of 114 anthers driven DHs lines from two genotypes and their F1 crosses were regenerated, confirmed by flow-cytometry and evaluated under field condition. Some DHs lines were found to be significantly superior for agronomical traits including seed yield than the parental genotypes as well as local bread wheat (control) cultivars.


The authors are thankful to Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara Univerity, Ankara, Turkey for providing facility and supporting the present research work.


  • Abd El-Fatah B E S, El-Farash E M M, EL-Aref H M & Mohamed G I A (2017). Genetic analysis and detection molecular markers for response to anther culture in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences 48(1-1): 120-138
  • Ahmet H & Adak M S (2007). Callus induction and plant regeneration in some iraqi common wheat varieties. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13(3): 285-291
  • Al-Shaker I M (2013). Anther culture response and salt tolerance in some wheat genotypes. Annals of Agricultural Science 58(2): 139-145
  • Andersen S B, Due I K & Olesen A (1988). Results with anther culture in some important Scandinavian varieties of winter Wheat. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 38: 289–292
  • Asif M, Eudes F, Randhawa H, Amundsen E & Spaner D (2014). Induction medium osmolality ımproves microspore embryogenesis in wheat and triticale. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant 50(1): 121–126
  • Barakat M N, AL-Doss A A, Elshafei A A, Moustafa K A & Ahmed E I (2012). Anther culture response in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes with HMW alleles. Cereal Research Communications 40(4): 583–591
  • Barpete S, Gupta P, Khawar K M, Ozcan S & Kumar S (2020). In vitro approaches for shortenıng generatıon cycles and faster breedıng of low β-N-oxalyl-L-α, β -diaminopropionic acid content of grass pea (Lathyrus Sativus L.). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 29(4): 2698-2706
  • Battistelli G M, Von Pinho R G, Justus A, Couto E G O & Balestre M (2013). Production and identification of doubled haploids in tropical maize. Genetics and Molecular Research 12 (4): 4230-4242
  • Bjornstad A, Skinnes H & Thoresen K (1993). Comparisons between doubled haploid lines produced by anther culture, the Hordeum bulbosum-method and lines produced by single seed descent in barley crosses. Euphytica 66: 135–144
  • Chauhan H & Khurana P (2011) Use of doubled haploid technology for development of stable drought tolerant bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) transgenics. Plant Biotechnology Journal 9: 408–417
  • El-Hennawy M A, Abdalla A F, Shafey S A & Al-Ashkar I M (2011). Production of doubled haploid wheat lines (Triticum aestivum L.) using anther culture technique. Annals of Agricultural Science 56(2): 63-72
  • FAO (2020). World food situation. Retrieved in July, 16, 2020 from
  • Grauda D, Lepse N, Strazdina V, Kokina I, Lapina L, Mikelsone A, Lubinskis L & Rashal I (2010). Obtaining of doubled haploid lines by anther culture method for the Latvian wheat breeding. Agronomy Research 8: 545-552
  • Gürel A, Tosun M & Demir İ (1993). Reactions of some durum and common wheat genotypes to anther culture. Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute 3(2): 98-111 Hansen N J P & Andersen S B (1998). In vitro chromosome doubling with colchcine during microspore culture in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica 102: 101-108
  • Hassawi D S, Qrunfleh I & Dradkah N (2005). Production of doubled haploids from some Jordanian wheat cultivars via anther culture technique. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 3: 161–164
  • Jarzina A S, Pudelska H, Woźna J & Pniewski T (2017). Improved production of doubled haploids of winter and spring triticale hybrids via combination of colchicine treatments on anthers and regenerated plants. Journal of Applied Genetics 58: 287–295 Jauhar P P, Xu S S & Baezinger P S (2009). Haploidy in cultivated wheats: ınduction and utility in basic and applied research. Crop Science 49(3): 737–755
  • Kisana N S, Nkongolo K K, Quick J S & Johnson D L (1993). Production of doubled haploids by anther culture and wheat x maize method in a wheat breeding programme. Plant Breeding 110: 96-102
  • Konieczny P, Czaplicki A Z, Golczyk H & Przywara L (2003). Two pathways of plant regeneration in wheat anther culture. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 73: 177–187
  • Lantos C, Weyen J, Orsini JM, Gnad H, Schlieter B, Lein V, Kontowski S, Jacobi A, Mihaly R, Broughton S & Pauk J (2013). Efficient application of in vitro anther culture for different european winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding programs. Plant Breeding 132(1): 149–154
  • Liu H, Wang K, Jia Z, Gong Q, Lin Z, Du L, Pei X & Ye X (2020). Efficient induction of haploid plants in wheat by editing of TaMTL using an optimized Agrobacterium-mediated CRISPR system. Journal of Experimental Botany 71(4): 1337–1349
  • Mahmood A & Baenziger P S (2008). Creation of salt tolerant wheat doubled haploid lines from wheat x maize crosses. Cereal Research Communications 36: 361–371
  • Patel M, Darvey N L, Marshall D R & Berry J O (2004). Optimization of culture conditions for improved plant regeneration efficiency from wheat microspore culture. Euphytica 140: 197-204
  • Pauk J, Mihály R & Puolimatka M (2003). Protocol for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) anther culture. In: Maluszynski M, Kasha K J, Forster B P & Szarejko I (eds) Doubled Haploid Production in Crop Plants 59-64.
  • Picard E & De Buyser J (1973). Obtention de plantules haploides de Triticum aestivum L. a partir de cultures d'antheres in vitro. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 277: 1463-1466
  • Redha A, Islam S M S, Büter B, Stamp P & Schmid J E (2000). The improvement in regenerated doubled haploids from anther culture of wheat by anther transfer. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 63(3): 167-172
  • Snedecor G W & Cochran W G (1967). Statistical Methods. The Iowa State University
  • Sun F, Guo G, Du J, Guo W, Peng H, Ni Z, Sun Q & Yao Y (2014). Whole-genome discovery of miRNAs and their targets in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Plant Biology 14: 142
  • Tadesse W, Tawkaz S, Inagaki M N, Picard E & Baum M (2013). Methods and applications of doubled haploid technology in wheat breeding. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. 36 pp
  • Xynias I, Koufalis A, Gouli-Vavdinoudi E & Roupakias D (2014). Factors affecting doubled haploid plant production via maize technique in bread wheat. ACTA Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 56(2): 1-7
  • Yermishina N M, Kremenevskaja E M & Gukasian O N (2004). Assessment of the combining ability of triticale and secalotriticum with respect to in-vitro androgenesis characteristics. Russian Journal of Genetics 40: 282–287
  • Yorgancılar Ö, Yorgancılar A, Dikmen S, Dikmen S, Çarıkçı M, Evcen F, Van F, Uzun P, Yumurtacı A, Kutlu I & Sirel Z (2016). Obtaining the pure line in F2 generation wheat using anther culture technique. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 25 (Special issue-1): 237-242
  • Yue A, Li A, Mao X, Chang X, Li R & Jing R (2015). Identification and development of a functional marker from 6-SFT-A2 associated with grain weight in wheat. Molecular Breeding 35(2): 63
  • Zamani I, Gouli-Vavdinoudi E, Kovacs G, Xynias I, Roupakias D & Barnabas B (2003). Effect of parental genotypes and colchicine treatment on the androgenic response of wheat F1 hybrids. Plant Breeding 122: 314–317
Year 2022, , 363 - 371, 05.09.2022



  • Abd El-Fatah B E S, El-Farash E M M, EL-Aref H M & Mohamed G I A (2017). Genetic analysis and detection molecular markers for response to anther culture in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences 48(1-1): 120-138
  • Ahmet H & Adak M S (2007). Callus induction and plant regeneration in some iraqi common wheat varieties. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13(3): 285-291
  • Al-Shaker I M (2013). Anther culture response and salt tolerance in some wheat genotypes. Annals of Agricultural Science 58(2): 139-145
  • Andersen S B, Due I K & Olesen A (1988). Results with anther culture in some important Scandinavian varieties of winter Wheat. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 38: 289–292
  • Asif M, Eudes F, Randhawa H, Amundsen E & Spaner D (2014). Induction medium osmolality ımproves microspore embryogenesis in wheat and triticale. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant 50(1): 121–126
  • Barakat M N, AL-Doss A A, Elshafei A A, Moustafa K A & Ahmed E I (2012). Anther culture response in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes with HMW alleles. Cereal Research Communications 40(4): 583–591
  • Barpete S, Gupta P, Khawar K M, Ozcan S & Kumar S (2020). In vitro approaches for shortenıng generatıon cycles and faster breedıng of low β-N-oxalyl-L-α, β -diaminopropionic acid content of grass pea (Lathyrus Sativus L.). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 29(4): 2698-2706
  • Battistelli G M, Von Pinho R G, Justus A, Couto E G O & Balestre M (2013). Production and identification of doubled haploids in tropical maize. Genetics and Molecular Research 12 (4): 4230-4242
  • Bjornstad A, Skinnes H & Thoresen K (1993). Comparisons between doubled haploid lines produced by anther culture, the Hordeum bulbosum-method and lines produced by single seed descent in barley crosses. Euphytica 66: 135–144
  • Chauhan H & Khurana P (2011) Use of doubled haploid technology for development of stable drought tolerant bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) transgenics. Plant Biotechnology Journal 9: 408–417
  • El-Hennawy M A, Abdalla A F, Shafey S A & Al-Ashkar I M (2011). Production of doubled haploid wheat lines (Triticum aestivum L.) using anther culture technique. Annals of Agricultural Science 56(2): 63-72
  • FAO (2020). World food situation. Retrieved in July, 16, 2020 from
  • Grauda D, Lepse N, Strazdina V, Kokina I, Lapina L, Mikelsone A, Lubinskis L & Rashal I (2010). Obtaining of doubled haploid lines by anther culture method for the Latvian wheat breeding. Agronomy Research 8: 545-552
  • Gürel A, Tosun M & Demir İ (1993). Reactions of some durum and common wheat genotypes to anther culture. Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute 3(2): 98-111 Hansen N J P & Andersen S B (1998). In vitro chromosome doubling with colchcine during microspore culture in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica 102: 101-108
  • Hassawi D S, Qrunfleh I & Dradkah N (2005). Production of doubled haploids from some Jordanian wheat cultivars via anther culture technique. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 3: 161–164
  • Jarzina A S, Pudelska H, Woźna J & Pniewski T (2017). Improved production of doubled haploids of winter and spring triticale hybrids via combination of colchicine treatments on anthers and regenerated plants. Journal of Applied Genetics 58: 287–295 Jauhar P P, Xu S S & Baezinger P S (2009). Haploidy in cultivated wheats: ınduction and utility in basic and applied research. Crop Science 49(3): 737–755
  • Kisana N S, Nkongolo K K, Quick J S & Johnson D L (1993). Production of doubled haploids by anther culture and wheat x maize method in a wheat breeding programme. Plant Breeding 110: 96-102
  • Konieczny P, Czaplicki A Z, Golczyk H & Przywara L (2003). Two pathways of plant regeneration in wheat anther culture. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 73: 177–187
  • Lantos C, Weyen J, Orsini JM, Gnad H, Schlieter B, Lein V, Kontowski S, Jacobi A, Mihaly R, Broughton S & Pauk J (2013). Efficient application of in vitro anther culture for different european winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding programs. Plant Breeding 132(1): 149–154
  • Liu H, Wang K, Jia Z, Gong Q, Lin Z, Du L, Pei X & Ye X (2020). Efficient induction of haploid plants in wheat by editing of TaMTL using an optimized Agrobacterium-mediated CRISPR system. Journal of Experimental Botany 71(4): 1337–1349
  • Mahmood A & Baenziger P S (2008). Creation of salt tolerant wheat doubled haploid lines from wheat x maize crosses. Cereal Research Communications 36: 361–371
  • Patel M, Darvey N L, Marshall D R & Berry J O (2004). Optimization of culture conditions for improved plant regeneration efficiency from wheat microspore culture. Euphytica 140: 197-204
  • Pauk J, Mihály R & Puolimatka M (2003). Protocol for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) anther culture. In: Maluszynski M, Kasha K J, Forster B P & Szarejko I (eds) Doubled Haploid Production in Crop Plants 59-64.
  • Picard E & De Buyser J (1973). Obtention de plantules haploides de Triticum aestivum L. a partir de cultures d'antheres in vitro. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 277: 1463-1466
  • Redha A, Islam S M S, Büter B, Stamp P & Schmid J E (2000). The improvement in regenerated doubled haploids from anther culture of wheat by anther transfer. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 63(3): 167-172
  • Snedecor G W & Cochran W G (1967). Statistical Methods. The Iowa State University
  • Sun F, Guo G, Du J, Guo W, Peng H, Ni Z, Sun Q & Yao Y (2014). Whole-genome discovery of miRNAs and their targets in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Plant Biology 14: 142
  • Tadesse W, Tawkaz S, Inagaki M N, Picard E & Baum M (2013). Methods and applications of doubled haploid technology in wheat breeding. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. 36 pp
  • Xynias I, Koufalis A, Gouli-Vavdinoudi E & Roupakias D (2014). Factors affecting doubled haploid plant production via maize technique in bread wheat. ACTA Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 56(2): 1-7
  • Yermishina N M, Kremenevskaja E M & Gukasian O N (2004). Assessment of the combining ability of triticale and secalotriticum with respect to in-vitro androgenesis characteristics. Russian Journal of Genetics 40: 282–287
  • Yorgancılar Ö, Yorgancılar A, Dikmen S, Dikmen S, Çarıkçı M, Evcen F, Van F, Uzun P, Yumurtacı A, Kutlu I & Sirel Z (2016). Obtaining the pure line in F2 generation wheat using anther culture technique. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute 25 (Special issue-1): 237-242
  • Yue A, Li A, Mao X, Chang X, Li R & Jing R (2015). Identification and development of a functional marker from 6-SFT-A2 associated with grain weight in wheat. Molecular Breeding 35(2): 63
  • Zamani I, Gouli-Vavdinoudi E, Kovacs G, Xynias I, Roupakias D & Barnabas B (2003). Effect of parental genotypes and colchicine treatment on the androgenic response of wheat F1 hybrids. Plant Breeding 122: 314–317
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Hussein Abdullah Ahmed Ahmed 0000-0003-2634-6854

Güray Akdogan 0000-0002-1192-3615

Sancar Fatih Özcan This is me 0000-0002-7398-6478

Surendra Barpete This is me 0000-0002-5547-8488

Publication Date September 5, 2022
Submission Date November 13, 2020
Acceptance Date May 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Ahmed, H. A. A., Akdogan, G., Özcan, S. F., Barpete, S. (2022). Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(3), 363-371.
AMA Ahmed HAA, Akdogan G, Özcan SF, Barpete S. Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2022;28(3):363-371. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.825434
Chicago Ahmed, Hussein Abdullah Ahmed, Güray Akdogan, Sancar Fatih Özcan, and Surendra Barpete. “Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 3 (September 2022): 363-71.
EndNote Ahmed HAA, Akdogan G, Özcan SF, Barpete S (September 1, 2022) Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 3 363–371.
IEEE H. A. A. Ahmed, G. Akdogan, S. F. Özcan, and S. Barpete, “Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 363–371, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.825434.
ISNAD Ahmed, Hussein Abdullah Ahmed et al. “Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/3 (September 2022), 363-371.
JAMA Ahmed HAA, Akdogan G, Özcan SF, Barpete S. Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:363–371.
MLA Ahmed, Hussein Abdullah Ahmed et al. “Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 3, 2022, pp. 363-71, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.825434.
Vancouver Ahmed HAA, Akdogan G, Özcan SF, Barpete S. Effect of Parental Genotypes and Their Reciprocal Crosses on Haploid Plant Production by Anther Culture and Confirmation of Double Haploids by Flow Cytometry in Bread Wheat. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(3):363-71.

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