Research Article
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Year 2022, , 545 - 554, 05.09.2022



  • Abasi H, Khodaverdiloo H, Ghorbani Dashtaki S & Ahmadi Moghadam P (2014). The effect of some tillage methods on soil physical quality index in arid and semi-arid region. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization 1(2): 37-45
  • Abbaspour-Gilandeha Y & Rahimi-Ajdadi F (2016). Design, construction and field evaluation of a multiple blade soil mechanical resistance sensor. Soil & Tillage Research 157: 93–100
  • Aikins S H M & Afuakwa J J (2012). Effect of four different tillage practices on soil physical properties under cowpea. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 3: 17–24
  • Alletto L & Coquet Y (2009). Temporal and spatial variability of soil bulk density and near saturated hydraulic conductivity under two contrasted tillage management systems. Geoderma 152: 85–94
  • Al-Suhaibani S A & Ghaly A E (2013). Comparative study of the kinetic parameters of three chiselPlows operating at different depthsand forward speed in a sandy Soil. The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) 2: 42-59
  • Asghari Meidani J, Karimi E & Mousavi S B (2012). Tillage Effects on Wheat Yield and Soil Water Content and Bulk Density in Dryland Wheat-Fallow Rotation in Maragheh. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 16: 119-129
  • Baker B J, Fausey N R & Islam K R (2004). Comparison of soil physical properties under two different water table management regimes. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (6): 1973-1981
  • Bayat H, Mahbobi A A, Hajabbasi M A & mosaddeghi M R (2008). Tillage and Tractor Effects on Bulk Density, Cone Index and Structural Stability of a Sandy Loam Soil. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 11(42): 451-461
  • Celik I (2011). Effects of tillage methods on penetration resistance, bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity in a clayey soil conditions. Journal of Agricultural Science 17: 143–156
  • Chaudhry M & Sidhu M (2001). Impact of sub surface drainage on soil salinity and crops yield under farmers management practices. Journal of Drainage and Water Management 5 (2): 35-45
  • Elder J W & Lal L (2008). Tillage effects on physical properties of agricultural organic soils of north central Ohio. Soil & Tillage Research 98(2): 208–210 Fernandez-Ugalde O, Virto I, Bescansa P, Imaz M J, Enrique A & Karlen D L (2009). No tillage improvement of soil physical quality in calcareous degradation-prone semiarid soils. Soil Tillage Research 106: 29–35
  • Freebarin D M, Wockner G H & Silburn D M (1986). Effects of catchment management on runoff, water quality and yield potential from Vertisols. Agricultural Water Management 12: 1-19
  • Gee G W & Or D (2002). Particle-size analysis. In: J H Dane & C Topp G C (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4- Physical methods. Agronomy Monograph, Madison, pp. 255-293
  • Ghasemi Abdoalmalaki Y, Ghajar Sepanlou M & Bahmanyar M A (2015). Effects of Different Methods of Tillage on Some Physical Characteristics of Soil. Journal of Soil Research 29(3): 309-320 (In Persian)
  • Gill S M (2012). Temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties under different soil management practices. PhD Thesis, University of Guelph. Ontario, Canada Gozubuyuk K, Sahin U, Ozturk I, Celik A & Cemal Adiguzel M (2014). Tillage effects on certain physical and hydraulic properties of a loamy soil under a crop rotation in a semi-arid region with a cool climate Catena 118: 195-205
  • Hajabbasi M A & Hemmat A (2000). Tillage impacts on aggregate stability and crop productivity in a clay-loam soil in central Iran. Soil Tillage Research 56: 205-212
  • Hajabbasi M A, Mirlohi A F& Sadrarhami M (1999). Impact of converting Rangelands to cultivated Land on physical and chemical properties of soils in West and Sounwest of Isfahan. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 3(3): 18-24
  • Hati K M, Chaudhary R S, Mandal K G, Bandyopadhyay K K, Singh R K, Sinha N K, Mohanty M, Somasundaram J & Saha R (2015). Effects of tillage, residue and fertilizer nitrogen on crop yields, and soil physical properties under soybean–wheat rotation in vertisols of central India. Agricultural Research 4 (1): 48–56
  • Hill R L & Cruse R M (1985). Tillage effect on bulk density and soil strength of two Mollisols. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74: 1270-1273
  • Jabro J D, Stevens W B, Evans R G & Iversen W M (2009). Tillage effects on physical properties in two soils of the Northern Great Plains, Applied Engineering in Agriculture 25(3): 377–382
  • Jiang X, Hu Y, Bedell J H, Xie D & Wright A L (2015). Soil organic carbon and nutrient content in aggregate‐size fractions of a subtropical rice soil under variable tillage. Soil Use Manage. 27(1): 28–35
  • Kemper W D & Rosenau R C (1996). Aggregate Stability and size distribution. In: A Klute (Ed.), Methods of soil Analysis, Part 1: physical and Mineralogical Methods, 2nd Ed.,) American Society of Agronomy. Madison, W.I. pp. 425-442
  • Kribaa M, Hallaire V, Curmi P & Lahmar R (2001). Effect of various cultivation methods on the structure and hydraulic properties of a soil in a semi arid climate. Soil and Tillage Research 60: 43-53
  • Lal R & Taylor G S (1969). Drainage and nutrient effects in a field lysimeter study. Corn yield and soil conditions. Science Society of America Journal 33(6): 937–941 Liu E, Chen B, Yan C, Zhang Y, Mei X & Wang J (2015). Seasonal changes and vertical distributions of soil organic carbon pools under conventional and No-till practices on Loess Plateau in China. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79: 517–526
  • Mirzaee M & mahmoodabadai M (2014). The effect of kind and different crop residues management on some of physical properties and infiltration. Iranian journal of Soil and Water Research 28(4): 659-671 (In Persian)
  • Nakajima T & Lal R (2014). Tillage and drainage management effect on soil gas diffusivity. Soil & Tillage Research 135: 71–78
  • Naseri H, Gholami Parashkoohi M, Ranjbar I & Mohammad Zamani D (2020). Sustainability of quantitative and qualitative indicators of sugarcane production under different tillage systems (case study: Khuzestan province of Iran). Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 8, 100046
  • Nelson D W & Sommers L E (1996). Total carbone organic carbone and organic matter. In: D L Sparks (Ed.), Methods of soil analysis, Part 3- chemical methods. Agronomy Monograph, ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI. Pp. 961-1010
  • Osunbitan J A, Oyedele D J & Adekalu K O (2005). Tillage effects on bulk density, hydraulic conductivity and strength of a loamy sand soil in southwestern Nigeria. Soil & Tillage Research 82: 57-64
  • Rahimi Ajdadi F, Abbaspour Gilandeh Y, Mollazade K & Hasanzadeh R P R (2016). Application of machine vision for classification of soil aggregate size. Soil & Tillage Research 162: 8–17
  • Randall G W & Iragavarapu T K (1995). Impact of long-term tillage systems for continuous corn on nitrate leaching to tile drainage. Journal of Environmental Quality 24: 360–366
  • Rashidi M & Keshavarzpour F (2011). Effect of different tillage methods on some physical and mechanical properties of soil in the arid lands of Iran. World Applied Science Journal 14: 1555–1558
  • Rasooli-Sharabiani V & Abbaspour-Gilandeh Y (2008). Effects of tillage methods on soil physical properties. In: Proceeding of the 5th National Congress on Agricultural Machinery Engineering and Mechanization of Iran, 27-28 August, Mashhad, pp. 1-7
  • Ren B, Li X, Dong S, Liu P, Zhao B & Zhang J (2018). Soil physical properties and maize root growth under different tillage systems in the North China Plain. The Crop Journal 6(6): 669-676
  • Roldan A, Salinas-Garsia J R, Alguacil M M & Caravaca F (2007). Soil sustainability indicators following conservation tillage practices under subtropical maize and bean crops. Soil & Tillage Research 93: 273-282
  • Roseberg R J & McCoy E L (1992). Tillage- and traffic-induced changes in macroporosity and macropore continuity: air permeability assessment. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56: 1261-1267
  • Sadeghnezhad H R & Eslami K (2006). The comparison of wheat yield under different tillage methods. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12 (1): 103-112 Safadoust A, Mosaddeghi M R, Mahboubi A A, Nouroozi A & Asadian G (2007). Short-Term Tillage and Manure Influences on Soil Structural Properties. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 11(41): 91-101 (In Iran).
  • Sekwakwa O & Dikinya O (2012). Tillage-induced compaction: effects on physical properties of agricultural loamy soils. Scientific Research and Essays 7: 1584–1591 Seyed Olama S N, Asadi H & Zavareh M (2016). Effect of Tillage Erosion on Soil Displacement and productivity (Case Study: Tutkabon, Guilan). Journal of Soil and water Research 46(4) 769-780 (In Persian)
  • Tadesse H K, Moriasi D N, Gowda P H , Wagle P, Starks P J, Steiner J L, Talebizadeh M, Neel J P S & Nelson A M (2020). Comparison of Evapotranspiration and Biomass Simulation in Winter Wheat under Conventional and Conservation Tillage Systems using APEX Model. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology In Press.
  • Thomas G W (1996). Soil pH and soil activity. In: D L Sparks (Ed), Methods of soil analysis, Part 3- Chemical Methods. Agronomy Monograph, ASA and SSSA, Madison. WI, pp. 475-490
  • Wang H, Wang S, Yu Q, Zhang Y, Wang R, Li J & Wang X (2020). No tillage increases soil organic carbon storage and decreases carbon dioxide emission in the crop residue-returned farming system. Journal of Environmental Management 261: 110261.
  • Wang X, Qi J Y, Zhang X Z, Li S S, Virk A L, Zhao X, Xiao X P & Zhang H L (2019). Effects of tillage and residue management on soil aggregates and associated carbon storage in a double paddy cropping system. Soil & Tillage Research 194: 104339.
  • West T O & Marland G (2002). A synthesis of carbon sequestration, carbon emissions, and net carbon flux in agriculture: comparing tillage practices in the United States. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 91(1-3): 217–232 doi:10.1016/S0167-8809(01)00233-X.

Effects of tillage method and drainage management on some soil physical properties

Year 2022, , 545 - 554, 05.09.2022


Tillage is one of the most important practices affecting soil physical and hydraulic properties. Its effects may vary intensely according to the tillage method. This study aims to evaluate the effects of different tillage methods (moldboard plow+disk harrow, moldboard plow+rotary tiller and chisel plow+disk harrow) and drainage (subsurface drainage and non-drainage) on soil physical properties in a clay loam soil. The experiment was conducted in split-plot in time statistical design. Soil bulk density, aeration porosity, organic matter, aggregate mean weight diameter (MWD) and water infiltration rate were measured after planting and after harvesting of winter-wheat crop. Results revealed that the tillage method had significant effect on organic matter content, such that the lowest (1.18%) and highest (1.35%) values were observed in moldboard plow/disk harrow and chisel treatment, respectively. Tillage effect was significant on saturated moisture content, MWD, aeration porosity and infiltration rate. The effect of time was significant on all investigated factors. The effect of drainage was significant on MWD and infiltration rate. Evaluating the interaction effect of tillage and drainage indicated that the contribution of drainage on changing MWD is higher than the tillage methods. Further, it was concluded that the selection of tillage method had an important role on aeration porosity and MWD in no drainage condition, so that moldboard plow makes much more aeration porosity (25.48% against 17.17%) and less MWD (2.40 against 2.80 mm) compared to chisel. According to the result, the treatment combination including drainage/after planting/moldboard plow and disk harrow had the lowest MWD and also, combined treatment of no drainage/after harvesting/chisel plow) had the highest MWD. The application of chisel is not recommended in no-drained areas having high level of groundwater, because of the highest saturated moisture content and MWD along with the lowest aeration porosity compared to moldboard plow.


  • Abasi H, Khodaverdiloo H, Ghorbani Dashtaki S & Ahmadi Moghadam P (2014). The effect of some tillage methods on soil physical quality index in arid and semi-arid region. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization 1(2): 37-45
  • Abbaspour-Gilandeha Y & Rahimi-Ajdadi F (2016). Design, construction and field evaluation of a multiple blade soil mechanical resistance sensor. Soil & Tillage Research 157: 93–100
  • Aikins S H M & Afuakwa J J (2012). Effect of four different tillage practices on soil physical properties under cowpea. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 3: 17–24
  • Alletto L & Coquet Y (2009). Temporal and spatial variability of soil bulk density and near saturated hydraulic conductivity under two contrasted tillage management systems. Geoderma 152: 85–94
  • Al-Suhaibani S A & Ghaly A E (2013). Comparative study of the kinetic parameters of three chiselPlows operating at different depthsand forward speed in a sandy Soil. The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) 2: 42-59
  • Asghari Meidani J, Karimi E & Mousavi S B (2012). Tillage Effects on Wheat Yield and Soil Water Content and Bulk Density in Dryland Wheat-Fallow Rotation in Maragheh. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 16: 119-129
  • Baker B J, Fausey N R & Islam K R (2004). Comparison of soil physical properties under two different water table management regimes. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (6): 1973-1981
  • Bayat H, Mahbobi A A, Hajabbasi M A & mosaddeghi M R (2008). Tillage and Tractor Effects on Bulk Density, Cone Index and Structural Stability of a Sandy Loam Soil. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 11(42): 451-461
  • Celik I (2011). Effects of tillage methods on penetration resistance, bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity in a clayey soil conditions. Journal of Agricultural Science 17: 143–156
  • Chaudhry M & Sidhu M (2001). Impact of sub surface drainage on soil salinity and crops yield under farmers management practices. Journal of Drainage and Water Management 5 (2): 35-45
  • Elder J W & Lal L (2008). Tillage effects on physical properties of agricultural organic soils of north central Ohio. Soil & Tillage Research 98(2): 208–210 Fernandez-Ugalde O, Virto I, Bescansa P, Imaz M J, Enrique A & Karlen D L (2009). No tillage improvement of soil physical quality in calcareous degradation-prone semiarid soils. Soil Tillage Research 106: 29–35
  • Freebarin D M, Wockner G H & Silburn D M (1986). Effects of catchment management on runoff, water quality and yield potential from Vertisols. Agricultural Water Management 12: 1-19
  • Gee G W & Or D (2002). Particle-size analysis. In: J H Dane & C Topp G C (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4- Physical methods. Agronomy Monograph, Madison, pp. 255-293
  • Ghasemi Abdoalmalaki Y, Ghajar Sepanlou M & Bahmanyar M A (2015). Effects of Different Methods of Tillage on Some Physical Characteristics of Soil. Journal of Soil Research 29(3): 309-320 (In Persian)
  • Gill S M (2012). Temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties under different soil management practices. PhD Thesis, University of Guelph. Ontario, Canada Gozubuyuk K, Sahin U, Ozturk I, Celik A & Cemal Adiguzel M (2014). Tillage effects on certain physical and hydraulic properties of a loamy soil under a crop rotation in a semi-arid region with a cool climate Catena 118: 195-205
  • Hajabbasi M A & Hemmat A (2000). Tillage impacts on aggregate stability and crop productivity in a clay-loam soil in central Iran. Soil Tillage Research 56: 205-212
  • Hajabbasi M A, Mirlohi A F& Sadrarhami M (1999). Impact of converting Rangelands to cultivated Land on physical and chemical properties of soils in West and Sounwest of Isfahan. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 3(3): 18-24
  • Hati K M, Chaudhary R S, Mandal K G, Bandyopadhyay K K, Singh R K, Sinha N K, Mohanty M, Somasundaram J & Saha R (2015). Effects of tillage, residue and fertilizer nitrogen on crop yields, and soil physical properties under soybean–wheat rotation in vertisols of central India. Agricultural Research 4 (1): 48–56
  • Hill R L & Cruse R M (1985). Tillage effect on bulk density and soil strength of two Mollisols. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74: 1270-1273
  • Jabro J D, Stevens W B, Evans R G & Iversen W M (2009). Tillage effects on physical properties in two soils of the Northern Great Plains, Applied Engineering in Agriculture 25(3): 377–382
  • Jiang X, Hu Y, Bedell J H, Xie D & Wright A L (2015). Soil organic carbon and nutrient content in aggregate‐size fractions of a subtropical rice soil under variable tillage. Soil Use Manage. 27(1): 28–35
  • Kemper W D & Rosenau R C (1996). Aggregate Stability and size distribution. In: A Klute (Ed.), Methods of soil Analysis, Part 1: physical and Mineralogical Methods, 2nd Ed.,) American Society of Agronomy. Madison, W.I. pp. 425-442
  • Kribaa M, Hallaire V, Curmi P & Lahmar R (2001). Effect of various cultivation methods on the structure and hydraulic properties of a soil in a semi arid climate. Soil and Tillage Research 60: 43-53
  • Lal R & Taylor G S (1969). Drainage and nutrient effects in a field lysimeter study. Corn yield and soil conditions. Science Society of America Journal 33(6): 937–941 Liu E, Chen B, Yan C, Zhang Y, Mei X & Wang J (2015). Seasonal changes and vertical distributions of soil organic carbon pools under conventional and No-till practices on Loess Plateau in China. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79: 517–526
  • Mirzaee M & mahmoodabadai M (2014). The effect of kind and different crop residues management on some of physical properties and infiltration. Iranian journal of Soil and Water Research 28(4): 659-671 (In Persian)
  • Nakajima T & Lal R (2014). Tillage and drainage management effect on soil gas diffusivity. Soil & Tillage Research 135: 71–78
  • Naseri H, Gholami Parashkoohi M, Ranjbar I & Mohammad Zamani D (2020). Sustainability of quantitative and qualitative indicators of sugarcane production under different tillage systems (case study: Khuzestan province of Iran). Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 8, 100046
  • Nelson D W & Sommers L E (1996). Total carbone organic carbone and organic matter. In: D L Sparks (Ed.), Methods of soil analysis, Part 3- chemical methods. Agronomy Monograph, ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI. Pp. 961-1010
  • Osunbitan J A, Oyedele D J & Adekalu K O (2005). Tillage effects on bulk density, hydraulic conductivity and strength of a loamy sand soil in southwestern Nigeria. Soil & Tillage Research 82: 57-64
  • Rahimi Ajdadi F, Abbaspour Gilandeh Y, Mollazade K & Hasanzadeh R P R (2016). Application of machine vision for classification of soil aggregate size. Soil & Tillage Research 162: 8–17
  • Randall G W & Iragavarapu T K (1995). Impact of long-term tillage systems for continuous corn on nitrate leaching to tile drainage. Journal of Environmental Quality 24: 360–366
  • Rashidi M & Keshavarzpour F (2011). Effect of different tillage methods on some physical and mechanical properties of soil in the arid lands of Iran. World Applied Science Journal 14: 1555–1558
  • Rasooli-Sharabiani V & Abbaspour-Gilandeh Y (2008). Effects of tillage methods on soil physical properties. In: Proceeding of the 5th National Congress on Agricultural Machinery Engineering and Mechanization of Iran, 27-28 August, Mashhad, pp. 1-7
  • Ren B, Li X, Dong S, Liu P, Zhao B & Zhang J (2018). Soil physical properties and maize root growth under different tillage systems in the North China Plain. The Crop Journal 6(6): 669-676
  • Roldan A, Salinas-Garsia J R, Alguacil M M & Caravaca F (2007). Soil sustainability indicators following conservation tillage practices under subtropical maize and bean crops. Soil & Tillage Research 93: 273-282
  • Roseberg R J & McCoy E L (1992). Tillage- and traffic-induced changes in macroporosity and macropore continuity: air permeability assessment. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56: 1261-1267
  • Sadeghnezhad H R & Eslami K (2006). The comparison of wheat yield under different tillage methods. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12 (1): 103-112 Safadoust A, Mosaddeghi M R, Mahboubi A A, Nouroozi A & Asadian G (2007). Short-Term Tillage and Manure Influences on Soil Structural Properties. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 11(41): 91-101 (In Iran).
  • Sekwakwa O & Dikinya O (2012). Tillage-induced compaction: effects on physical properties of agricultural loamy soils. Scientific Research and Essays 7: 1584–1591 Seyed Olama S N, Asadi H & Zavareh M (2016). Effect of Tillage Erosion on Soil Displacement and productivity (Case Study: Tutkabon, Guilan). Journal of Soil and water Research 46(4) 769-780 (In Persian)
  • Tadesse H K, Moriasi D N, Gowda P H , Wagle P, Starks P J, Steiner J L, Talebizadeh M, Neel J P S & Nelson A M (2020). Comparison of Evapotranspiration and Biomass Simulation in Winter Wheat under Conventional and Conservation Tillage Systems using APEX Model. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology In Press.
  • Thomas G W (1996). Soil pH and soil activity. In: D L Sparks (Ed), Methods of soil analysis, Part 3- Chemical Methods. Agronomy Monograph, ASA and SSSA, Madison. WI, pp. 475-490
  • Wang H, Wang S, Yu Q, Zhang Y, Wang R, Li J & Wang X (2020). No tillage increases soil organic carbon storage and decreases carbon dioxide emission in the crop residue-returned farming system. Journal of Environmental Management 261: 110261.
  • Wang X, Qi J Y, Zhang X Z, Li S S, Virk A L, Zhao X, Xiao X P & Zhang H L (2019). Effects of tillage and residue management on soil aggregates and associated carbon storage in a double paddy cropping system. Soil & Tillage Research 194: 104339.
  • West T O & Marland G (2002). A synthesis of carbon sequestration, carbon emissions, and net carbon flux in agriculture: comparing tillage practices in the United States. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 91(1-3): 217–232 doi:10.1016/S0167-8809(01)00233-X.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Mahmoud Shabanpour This is me 0000-0003-0862-7804

Salman Fekrı This is me

Iraj Bagherı This is me 0000-0003-4315-562X

Sayed Hossein Payman This is me 0000-0002-2482-8772

Fatemeh Rahimi-ajdadi 0000-0002-3547-0403

Publication Date September 5, 2022
Submission Date January 8, 2021
Acceptance Date July 17, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Shabanpour, M., Fekrı, S., Bagherı, I., Payman, S. H., et al. (2022). Effects of tillage method and drainage management on some soil physical properties. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(3), 545-554.
AMA Shabanpour M, Fekrı S, Bagherı I, Payman SH, Rahimi-ajdadi F. Effects of tillage method and drainage management on some soil physical properties. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2022;28(3):545-554. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.856328
Chicago Shabanpour, Mahmoud, Salman Fekrı, Iraj Bagherı, Sayed Hossein Payman, and Fatemeh Rahimi-ajdadi. “Effects of Tillage Method and Drainage Management on Some Soil Physical Properties”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 3 (September 2022): 545-54.
EndNote Shabanpour M, Fekrı S, Bagherı I, Payman SH, Rahimi-ajdadi F (September 1, 2022) Effects of tillage method and drainage management on some soil physical properties. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 3 545–554.
IEEE M. Shabanpour, S. Fekrı, I. Bagherı, S. H. Payman, and F. Rahimi-ajdadi, “Effects of tillage method and drainage management on some soil physical properties”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 545–554, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.856328.
ISNAD Shabanpour, Mahmoud et al. “Effects of Tillage Method and Drainage Management on Some Soil Physical Properties”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/3 (September 2022), 545-554.
JAMA Shabanpour M, Fekrı S, Bagherı I, Payman SH, Rahimi-ajdadi F. Effects of tillage method and drainage management on some soil physical properties. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:545–554.
MLA Shabanpour, Mahmoud et al. “Effects of Tillage Method and Drainage Management on Some Soil Physical Properties”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 3, 2022, pp. 545-54, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.856328.
Vancouver Shabanpour M, Fekrı S, Bagherı I, Payman SH, Rahimi-ajdadi F. Effects of tillage method and drainage management on some soil physical properties. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(3):545-54.

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