Research Article
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Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped with Bitter Vetch

Year 2022, , 401 - 411, 05.09.2022


The purpose of this factorial field experiment was to investigate the influence of farming systems and intercropping patterns (IPs) on the physiological aspects of safflower and bitter vetch. Treatments included high and low-input farming systems and various IPs that exchanged safflower and bitter vetch with row ratios of 2:2, 2:3, 2:4, 2:5, while sole cropping safflower and bitter vetch were used as control. The highest grain yield of both plants was obtained from the high input farming system (HIFS). The most safflower oil yield and protein yield of bitter vetch were achieved from sole cropping in the HIFS. Safflower sole cropping in the Low-input farming system (LIFS) had the highest oil content, but in other traits, HIFS had superior to LIFS. Intercropping resulted in high P and N content and low stearic acid in safflower compared with sole cropping. These novel findings demonstrate that HIFS was beneficial than LIFS in all traits of both plants except safflower oil content and some fatty acids content like palmitic acid. Also, in the 2:2 IP monetary advantage index (MAI) and the land equivalent ratio (LER=1.13) were highest that indicating that 13% additional area needed by the sole cropping system to provide an equivalent yield in HIFS.

Supporting Institution

Urmia University


  • Abdelkader M A I & Hamad E H A (2015). Evaluation of productivity and competition indices of safflower and fenugreek as affected by intercropping pattern and foliar fertilization rate. Middle East Journal of Agricultural Research 4(4): 956-966
  • Adamtey N, Musyoka M W, Zundel C, Cobo J G, Karanja E, Fiaboe K K M, Muriuki A, Mucheru-Muna M, Vanlauwe B, Berset E, Messmer M M, Gattinger A, Bhullar G S, Cadisch G, Fliessbach A, Mäder P, Niggli U & Foster D (2016). Productivity, profitability and partial nutrient balance in maize based conventional and organic farming systems in Kenya. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment 235: 61-79
  • Akbari P, Ghalavand A, Sanavy A M & Alikhani M A (2011). The effect of biofertilizers, nitrogen fertilizer and farmyard manure on grain yield and seed quality of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 7(1): 173-184 AOAC (2000). Fatty acids in oils and fats. Official methods of analysis of the AOAC, 17th Ed. AOAC, Arlington, Virginia USA.
  • Belel M D, Halim R A, Rafii M Y & Saud H M (2014). Intercropping of corn with some selected legumes for improved forage production: a review. Journal of Agricultural Science 6(3):48-62
  • Bennett A, Bending G, Chandler D, Hilton S & Mills P (2012). Meeting the demand for crop production: the challenge of yield decline in crops grown in short rotations. Biological Reviews 87: 52-71
  • Berbeć AK, Staniak M, Feledyn-Szewczyk B, Kocira A & Stalenga J (2020). Organic but also low-input conventional farming systems support high biodiversity of weed species in winter cereals. Agriculture 10(9):413
  • Cadoux S, Sauzet G, Valantin-Morison M, Pontet C, Champolivier L, Céline R, Lieven J, Flénet F, Mangenot O, Fauvin P & Landé N (2015). Intercropping frost-sensitive legume crops with winter oilseed rape reduces weed competition, insect damage, and improves nitrogen use efficiency. Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids 22(3): 1-11
  • Cai H, Ma W, X Zhangm, Ping J, Yan X, Liu J, Yuan J, Wang L & Ren J (2014). Effect of subsoil tillage depth on nutrient accumulation, root distribution, and grain yield in spring maize. Crop Journal 2: 297-307
  • Chaplin-Kramer R, Sharp R P, Mandle L, Sin S, Johnson J, Butnar I, Mila I Canals L, Eichelberger BA, Ramler I, Mueller C, Mclacclan N, Yousefi A, king H & Kareiva P M (2015). Spatial patterns of agricultural expansion determine impacts on biodiversity and carbon storage. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112: 7402-7407
  • Chapman H D & Pratt P F (1961). Method of analysis for soil, plants, and waters. University of California. Division of agricultural science. Berkeley, California, 309 p.
  • Duchene O, Vian J F & Celette F (2017). Intercropping with legume for agroecological cropping systems: Complementarity and facilitation processes and the importance of soil microorganisms: a review. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 240:148-161
  • Fetene M (2003). Intra-and inter-specific competition between seedlings of Acacia etbaica and a perennial grass (Hyparrenia hirta). Journal of Arid Environments 55(3): 441-451
  • Franco J G, king R S, Masabni G J & Volder A (2015). Plant functional diversity improves short-term yields in a low-input intercropping system. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 203: 1-10
  • Gaj R & Gorski D (2014). Effects of different phosphorus and potassium fertilization on contents and uptake of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) in winter wheat I. Content of macronutrients. Journal of Central European Agriculture 15(4): 169-187
  • González-Verdejo C I, Fernández-Aparicio M, Córdoba E M & Nadal S (2020). Identification of Vicia ervilia germplasm resistant to orobanche crenata. Plants 9(11): 1568
  • Hamdani J S & Suradinata Y R (2015). Effects of row intercropping system of corn and potato and row spacing of corn on the growth and yields of Atlantic potato cultivar planted in medium altitude. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (3): 104-112
  • Jalilian J, Najafabadi A & Zardashti M R (2017). Intercropping patterns and different farming systems affect the yield and yield components of safflower and bitter vetch. Journal of Plant Interactions 12: 92-99
  • Khan S, Khan MA, Akmal M, Ahmad M, Zafar M & Jabeen A (2014). Efficiency of wheat brassica mixtures with different seed rates in rainfed areas of Potohar-Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 46(2): 759-766
  • Kohnaward P, Jalilian J & Pirzad A (2012). Effect of foliar application of micro-nutrients on yield and yield components of safflower under conventional and ecological cropping systems. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences 3(7): 1460-1469
  • Li Y T, Li Y, Li Y N, Liang Y, Sun Q, Li G, Liu P, Zhang Z S & Gao H Y (2020). Dynamic light caused less photosynthetic suppression, rather than more, under nitrogen deficit conditions than under sufficient nitrogen supply conditions in soybean. BMC plant biology 20(1):1-13
  • Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchère V, Alberola C & Ménassieu J (2009). Agronomy for sustainable agriculture: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 29:1-6
  • Metcalfe L D, Schmitz A A & Pelka J R (1966). Rapid preparation of fatty acid esters from lipid for gas chromatography analysis. Analytical Chemistry 38: 514-515
  • Metwally A A, Safina S A & Noaman A H (2015). Yield and land equivalent ratio of intercropping maize with Egyptian cotton. Journal of Agri-Food and Applied Sciences 3(4): 85-93
  • Nasim W, Ahmad A, Hammad H M, Chaudhary H J & Munis M F H (2012). Effect of nitrogen on growth and yield of sunflower under semi-arid conditions of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 44(2): 639-648
  • Nyoki D & Ndakidemi P A (2017). Assessing the land equivalent ratio (LER) of maize (Zea mays L.) intercropped with Rhizobium inoculated soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) at various P and K levels. International Journal of Biosciences 10 (3): 275-282
  • Onemli F (2014). Fatty acid content of seed at different development stages in canola on different soil types with low organic matter. Plant Production Science 17(3): 253-259
  • Ozturk A, Caglar O & Sahin F (2003). Yield response of wheat and barley to inoculation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria at various levels of nitrogen fertilization. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 166: 262-266
  • Rathke G W, Christen O & Diepenbrock W (2005). Effects of nitrogen source and rate on productivity and quality of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) grown in different crop rotations. Field Crops Research 94: 103-113
  • Ratna N D, Sarwono A E & Hariyono B (2015). The Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on production, sesame seed oil content, and feasibility in sandy coastal land. In: Hongladarom, S. (ed.) Food security and food safety for the twenty-first century. Springer, Singapore, pp. 119-129
  • Raven J A (2013). RNA function and phosphorus use by photosynthetic organisms. Frontiers in Plant Science 4: 1-13 Rouphael Y, Raimondi G, Paduano A, Sacchi R, Barbieri G & De Pascale S (2015). Influence of organic and conventional farming on seed yield, fatty acid composition and tocopherols of Perilla. Australian Journal of Crop Science 9(4): 303-308
  • Sarkar D, Kar S K, Chattopadhyay A, Rakshit A, Tripathi V K, Dubey P K & Abhilash P C (2020). Low input sustainable agriculture: A viable climate-smart option for boosting food production in a warming world. Ecological Indicators 115: 106412
  • SAS Institute (2003). The SAS system for windows. Release 9.1. SAS Inst., Cary, NC.
  • Vandermeer J H (1989). The ecology of intercropping. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 237 p
  • Zafaranieh M (2015). Effect of various combinations of safflower and chickpea intercropping on yield and yield components of safflower. Agriculture Science Developments 4: 31-34
  • Zarabi M & Jalai M (2012). Rate of nitrate and ammonium release from organic residues. Compost Science and Utilization 20: 222-229
Year 2022, , 401 - 411, 05.09.2022



  • Abdelkader M A I & Hamad E H A (2015). Evaluation of productivity and competition indices of safflower and fenugreek as affected by intercropping pattern and foliar fertilization rate. Middle East Journal of Agricultural Research 4(4): 956-966
  • Adamtey N, Musyoka M W, Zundel C, Cobo J G, Karanja E, Fiaboe K K M, Muriuki A, Mucheru-Muna M, Vanlauwe B, Berset E, Messmer M M, Gattinger A, Bhullar G S, Cadisch G, Fliessbach A, Mäder P, Niggli U & Foster D (2016). Productivity, profitability and partial nutrient balance in maize based conventional and organic farming systems in Kenya. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment 235: 61-79
  • Akbari P, Ghalavand A, Sanavy A M & Alikhani M A (2011). The effect of biofertilizers, nitrogen fertilizer and farmyard manure on grain yield and seed quality of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 7(1): 173-184 AOAC (2000). Fatty acids in oils and fats. Official methods of analysis of the AOAC, 17th Ed. AOAC, Arlington, Virginia USA.
  • Belel M D, Halim R A, Rafii M Y & Saud H M (2014). Intercropping of corn with some selected legumes for improved forage production: a review. Journal of Agricultural Science 6(3):48-62
  • Bennett A, Bending G, Chandler D, Hilton S & Mills P (2012). Meeting the demand for crop production: the challenge of yield decline in crops grown in short rotations. Biological Reviews 87: 52-71
  • Berbeć AK, Staniak M, Feledyn-Szewczyk B, Kocira A & Stalenga J (2020). Organic but also low-input conventional farming systems support high biodiversity of weed species in winter cereals. Agriculture 10(9):413
  • Cadoux S, Sauzet G, Valantin-Morison M, Pontet C, Champolivier L, Céline R, Lieven J, Flénet F, Mangenot O, Fauvin P & Landé N (2015). Intercropping frost-sensitive legume crops with winter oilseed rape reduces weed competition, insect damage, and improves nitrogen use efficiency. Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids 22(3): 1-11
  • Cai H, Ma W, X Zhangm, Ping J, Yan X, Liu J, Yuan J, Wang L & Ren J (2014). Effect of subsoil tillage depth on nutrient accumulation, root distribution, and grain yield in spring maize. Crop Journal 2: 297-307
  • Chaplin-Kramer R, Sharp R P, Mandle L, Sin S, Johnson J, Butnar I, Mila I Canals L, Eichelberger BA, Ramler I, Mueller C, Mclacclan N, Yousefi A, king H & Kareiva P M (2015). Spatial patterns of agricultural expansion determine impacts on biodiversity and carbon storage. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112: 7402-7407
  • Chapman H D & Pratt P F (1961). Method of analysis for soil, plants, and waters. University of California. Division of agricultural science. Berkeley, California, 309 p.
  • Duchene O, Vian J F & Celette F (2017). Intercropping with legume for agroecological cropping systems: Complementarity and facilitation processes and the importance of soil microorganisms: a review. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 240:148-161
  • Fetene M (2003). Intra-and inter-specific competition between seedlings of Acacia etbaica and a perennial grass (Hyparrenia hirta). Journal of Arid Environments 55(3): 441-451
  • Franco J G, king R S, Masabni G J & Volder A (2015). Plant functional diversity improves short-term yields in a low-input intercropping system. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 203: 1-10
  • Gaj R & Gorski D (2014). Effects of different phosphorus and potassium fertilization on contents and uptake of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) in winter wheat I. Content of macronutrients. Journal of Central European Agriculture 15(4): 169-187
  • González-Verdejo C I, Fernández-Aparicio M, Córdoba E M & Nadal S (2020). Identification of Vicia ervilia germplasm resistant to orobanche crenata. Plants 9(11): 1568
  • Hamdani J S & Suradinata Y R (2015). Effects of row intercropping system of corn and potato and row spacing of corn on the growth and yields of Atlantic potato cultivar planted in medium altitude. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (3): 104-112
  • Jalilian J, Najafabadi A & Zardashti M R (2017). Intercropping patterns and different farming systems affect the yield and yield components of safflower and bitter vetch. Journal of Plant Interactions 12: 92-99
  • Khan S, Khan MA, Akmal M, Ahmad M, Zafar M & Jabeen A (2014). Efficiency of wheat brassica mixtures with different seed rates in rainfed areas of Potohar-Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 46(2): 759-766
  • Kohnaward P, Jalilian J & Pirzad A (2012). Effect of foliar application of micro-nutrients on yield and yield components of safflower under conventional and ecological cropping systems. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences 3(7): 1460-1469
  • Li Y T, Li Y, Li Y N, Liang Y, Sun Q, Li G, Liu P, Zhang Z S & Gao H Y (2020). Dynamic light caused less photosynthetic suppression, rather than more, under nitrogen deficit conditions than under sufficient nitrogen supply conditions in soybean. BMC plant biology 20(1):1-13
  • Lichtfouse E, Navarrete M, Debaeke P, Souchère V, Alberola C & Ménassieu J (2009). Agronomy for sustainable agriculture: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 29:1-6
  • Metcalfe L D, Schmitz A A & Pelka J R (1966). Rapid preparation of fatty acid esters from lipid for gas chromatography analysis. Analytical Chemistry 38: 514-515
  • Metwally A A, Safina S A & Noaman A H (2015). Yield and land equivalent ratio of intercropping maize with Egyptian cotton. Journal of Agri-Food and Applied Sciences 3(4): 85-93
  • Nasim W, Ahmad A, Hammad H M, Chaudhary H J & Munis M F H (2012). Effect of nitrogen on growth and yield of sunflower under semi-arid conditions of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 44(2): 639-648
  • Nyoki D & Ndakidemi P A (2017). Assessing the land equivalent ratio (LER) of maize (Zea mays L.) intercropped with Rhizobium inoculated soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) at various P and K levels. International Journal of Biosciences 10 (3): 275-282
  • Onemli F (2014). Fatty acid content of seed at different development stages in canola on different soil types with low organic matter. Plant Production Science 17(3): 253-259
  • Ozturk A, Caglar O & Sahin F (2003). Yield response of wheat and barley to inoculation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria at various levels of nitrogen fertilization. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 166: 262-266
  • Rathke G W, Christen O & Diepenbrock W (2005). Effects of nitrogen source and rate on productivity and quality of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) grown in different crop rotations. Field Crops Research 94: 103-113
  • Ratna N D, Sarwono A E & Hariyono B (2015). The Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on production, sesame seed oil content, and feasibility in sandy coastal land. In: Hongladarom, S. (ed.) Food security and food safety for the twenty-first century. Springer, Singapore, pp. 119-129
  • Raven J A (2013). RNA function and phosphorus use by photosynthetic organisms. Frontiers in Plant Science 4: 1-13 Rouphael Y, Raimondi G, Paduano A, Sacchi R, Barbieri G & De Pascale S (2015). Influence of organic and conventional farming on seed yield, fatty acid composition and tocopherols of Perilla. Australian Journal of Crop Science 9(4): 303-308
  • Sarkar D, Kar S K, Chattopadhyay A, Rakshit A, Tripathi V K, Dubey P K & Abhilash P C (2020). Low input sustainable agriculture: A viable climate-smart option for boosting food production in a warming world. Ecological Indicators 115: 106412
  • SAS Institute (2003). The SAS system for windows. Release 9.1. SAS Inst., Cary, NC.
  • Vandermeer J H (1989). The ecology of intercropping. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 237 p
  • Zafaranieh M (2015). Effect of various combinations of safflower and chickpea intercropping on yield and yield components of safflower. Agriculture Science Developments 4: 31-34
  • Zarabi M & Jalai M (2012). Rate of nitrate and ammonium release from organic residues. Compost Science and Utilization 20: 222-229
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Azin Najafabadi This is me 0000-0003-3170-7458

Jalal Jalilian 0000-0002-6181-1320

Publication Date September 5, 2022
Submission Date January 9, 2021
Acceptance Date July 14, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Najafabadi, A., & Jalilian, J. (2022). Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped with Bitter Vetch. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(3), 401-411.
AMA Najafabadi A, Jalilian J. Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped with Bitter Vetch. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2022;28(3):401-411. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.857026
Chicago Najafabadi, Azin, and Jalal Jalilian. “Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped With Bitter Vetch”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 3 (September 2022): 401-11.
EndNote Najafabadi A, Jalilian J (September 1, 2022) Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped with Bitter Vetch. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 3 401–411.
IEEE A. Najafabadi and J. Jalilian, “Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped with Bitter Vetch”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 401–411, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.857026.
ISNAD Najafabadi, Azin - Jalilian, Jalal. “Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped With Bitter Vetch”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/3 (September 2022), 401-411.
JAMA Najafabadi A, Jalilian J. Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped with Bitter Vetch. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:401–411.
MLA Najafabadi, Azin and Jalal Jalilian. “Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped With Bitter Vetch”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 3, 2022, pp. 401-1, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.857026.
Vancouver Najafabadi A, Jalilian J. Impacts of High and Low-Input Farming Systems on the Quality Change of Safflower Oil While Intercropped with Bitter Vetch. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(3):401-1.

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