Research Article
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Year 1996, , 45 - 49, 01.01.1996


Çeltikte çinko-demir ili şkisini belirlemek amacıyla, alüviyal büyük toprak grubundan al ınan ve bitkiye elverişli çinko kapsamı 0.4 ppm Zn olan toprak ile sera ko şullannda deneme yürütülmüştür. Toprağa çinko, ZnC12 7H20 şeklinde 0, 2.5, 5.0 ve 10.0 ppm Zn düzeylerinde, demir, FeSO4 şeklinde 0, 5.0, 10.0 ve 15.0 ppm Fe düzeylerinde uygulanmıştır. Çeltik bitkisinin kuru madde miktarları artan çinko uygulamasıyla % 21, 34 ve 44, artan demir uygulaması ile de % 7, 11 ve 6 oran ında artmıştır. Deneme bitkisinin çinko kapsamı uygulanan çinkolu gübrelemeye bağlı olarak % 49.6, 89.5 ve 126.0 artarken, demir kapsamı ise % 16.1, 27.2 ve 36.2 azalm ıştır. Demirli gübreleme ile çeltik bitkisinin demir kapsamı % 26.1, 66.0 ve 105.9 artmış, buna karşılık çinko kapsamı % 15.7, 28.6 ve 42.6 azalmıştı r.


  • Acar, Y., 1993. Değişik Demir Kaynaklaruun Çeltik Bitkisinin (Oryza sativa L.) Geli şmesi ve Demir Alımı Üzerine Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, A.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Toprak Anabilim Dal ı
  • Aydeniz, A., Danışman, A.R. Brohi, 1978. The Rcpronse of Zine to Rice Plant Grown on Calcareous Soil under Flooded Condition. Proceeding of IAEA at Boger, Indonesia, Sept. 11-15
  • Aydeniz, A., S. Damşman, A.R. Brohi, 1988. Efficiency of Different Sources and Method of Application of Zinc Fertilizer to Flooded Rice. Cumhuriyet Üniv. Tokat Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 4:127-146.
  • Bhuiya, Z.H., M. Idris, M.J. Uddin,1981. Respons of IRS to Zinc Fertilizer. Int. Rice Research Newsletter, 6.
  • Bohle, J.Jr., W.L. Lindsay, 1969. Micronutrients. The Fertilizer Shoe-Nails, Part 6, in the LimelightZinc, Fertilizer Solitions 13: 6.
  • Brar, M.S., G.S. Sekhon, 1976. Interaction of Zinc With Other Micronutrient Cations II. Effect of Iron on Zinc65Absorption by Rice Seedligs and its Translocation Within the Plants. Plant and Soil 45: 145-150.
  • Carvalho, Y. De., J.X. De. Almeida Neto, L.C. Walladares, R.A. Barbosa, C.A. Ribbero, L.C. Das. Neiva, 1975. Effect of Zinc Level on Rice Grown in Cerrado Soil. Anais De Escola De Agronomiae Veterinaria, 5: 31-41.
  • Chatterjee, L.N. Mandal, 1985. Zinc Sources for Rice in Soil at Different Moisture Regime and Organic Metter Levels. Plant and Soil 87:393- 404.
  • Chaudry, F.M., A. Wallace, 1976. Responses of Earlyrose Rice to Iron, Zinc and BPDS When Grown on Calcereous Soil. Commun. In Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis 7: 89-91.
  • Chaudry, F.M., A. Wallace, 1976. Zinc Uptake by Rice as Effected by Iron and a Chelator of Ferrous Iron. Plant and Soil 45: 697-700.
  • Das, D.K., 1986. A Study on Zinc Application to Rice. Journal of Meharashtra Agricultural Universities 1: 120-121.
  • Deb, D.L., C.R. Zeliang, 1975. Zinc-Iron Relationship in Soil as Measured by Crop Response. Soil and Plant Anal. Tech. 12: 126-130.
  • Duraisamy, P., G.V. Kothandaranıan, S. Chellamathu. 1988. Effect of Amendments and Zinc on Availability, Content and Uptake of zinc and Iron by Rice Bhavani in Sodic Soil. Madras Agricultural Journal, 75: 119-124.
  • Gurmani, AH., A. Bhatti, H. Rehman, 1984. Responses of Rice to Some Trace Elements. International Rice Research Newsletter 9.
  • Kacar, B.. G. Füleky, S. Taban, M. Alpaslan, 1993. Değişik Miktarlarda Kireç Kapsayan Topraklarda Yeti ştirilen Çeltik Bitkisi (Oryza sativa L.) nin Gelişmesi İ le Zn, P, Fe ve Mn Alımı Üzerine Çinko-Fosfor ilişkisinin Etkisi.
  • A.Ü. Araştı rma Fonu Nolu Proje. Kesin Rapor.
  • Lee, C.R., U.K. Craddock, H.E. Hammer, 1969. Factor Affecting Plant Growth in High Zinc Medium. I. Influence of Iron on Growth of Flax at Various Zinc Lavels. Agronomy Journal 61: 562-565.
  • Lindsay, W.L., W.A Norvell, 1969. Development of D.T.P.A. Micronutrient Soil Test. Agron. Abstr., 84.
  • Mandal, B., G.C. Hazra, A.K. Pal, 1988. Transformation of Zinc in Soils Under Submerged Condition and its Relation with Zinc Nutrition of Rice. Plant and Soil 106: 121-126.
  • Mandal, L.N., B. Mandal, 1986. Zinc Fractions in Soils in Relation to Zinc Nutrition of Lowland Rice. Soil Science 142: 141-148.
  • Rashid, A., F.M. Chaudry, M. Sharif, 1976. Micronutrient Availability to Cerales From Calcereous Soils III. Zinc Absoption by Rice and its Inhibition by Importent Ions of Submerged Soils. Plant and soil 45:613-623.
  • Rathore, V.S., J.C. Kandala, D. Sharma, 1974. Zinc-Iron Interactions in Maise Plants. Symposium on Use of Radiation and Radio-isotope in Studies of Plant Productivity Held at Pantnagar, pp 82.
  • Sakal, R., B.P. Singh, R.B. Sinha, 1984. Assesment of Some Extractants for Available Zinc in Relation to Response of Rice to Applied Zinc in SubHimalayan Hill and Forest Soils. Plant and Soil 79: 417-428.
  • Sinha, R.B., R. Sakal, 1983. Effect of Zinc and Iron Application in Calcereous Soil on Zinc and Iron Nutrition of Rice. Journal of The Indian Society of Soil Science 31:527-533.
  • Taban, S., B. Kacar, 1991. Orta Anadolu'da Çeltik Yetiştirilen Toprakların Mikroelement Durumu Doğa, Tr.J.of Agric. and Forestry, 15: 129-145.
  • Taban, S., C. Turan, 1987. De ğişik Miktarlardaki Demir ve Çinkonun Mısı r Bitkisinin Geli şmesi ve Mineral Madde Kapsamlar ı Üzerine Etkileri. Doğa, TU. Tar. Ve Or. D. 11: 448-456.
  • Taban, S., M. Alpaslan, 1993. Değişik Form ve Miktarlarda Uygulanan Demirin M ısı r Bitkisinin Gelişmesi ve Bazı Mineral Madde Kapsamları Üzerine Etkileri. Doğa Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry 17: 169-184.
  • Tanaka, A., S. Yoshida, 1970. Nutritional Disorders of the Rice Plant in Asia. Intern. Rice Res., Inst., Technical Bulletin 10.
  • Verma, T.S., B.R. Tripathi, 1983. Zinc and Iron Interaction in Submerged Paddy. Plant and Soi172: 107-116.
  • Wallace, A., R.T. Mueller, G.V. Alexander, 1976. Hight Levels of Four Heavy Metals on the Iron Status of Plants. Commun. In Soil Sci. And Plant Analysis 7: 43-46.


Year 1996, , 45 - 49, 01.01.1996


Zinc-iron relationships in rice plants were investigated under greenhouse conditions with taken from aluvial soil which has been contained available of 0.4 ppm zinc. Zinc and iron were applied in the amounts of O. 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 ppm Zn levels as ZnCl2 7H20, and 0, 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0 ppm Fe levels as FeSO4 . Dry weights of the rice plants were increased by the zinc treatments, 21 %, 34 % and 44 %, and the iron treatments increased it , 7 %, 11 % and 6 %, respectively. Increasing levels of zinc increased zinc contents of the experimental plants, 49.6 %, 89.5 % and 126.0 %,. While iron contents were decreased, 16.1 %, 27.2 % and 36.2 %, by the zinc treatments. Iron treatments increased iron content of the rice plants, 26.1 %, 66.0 % and 105.9 %,. However, it decreased zinc content, 15.7 %, 28.6 % and 42.6 %, respectively.


  • Acar, Y., 1993. Değişik Demir Kaynaklaruun Çeltik Bitkisinin (Oryza sativa L.) Geli şmesi ve Demir Alımı Üzerine Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, A.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Toprak Anabilim Dal ı
  • Aydeniz, A., Danışman, A.R. Brohi, 1978. The Rcpronse of Zine to Rice Plant Grown on Calcareous Soil under Flooded Condition. Proceeding of IAEA at Boger, Indonesia, Sept. 11-15
  • Aydeniz, A., S. Damşman, A.R. Brohi, 1988. Efficiency of Different Sources and Method of Application of Zinc Fertilizer to Flooded Rice. Cumhuriyet Üniv. Tokat Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 4:127-146.
  • Bhuiya, Z.H., M. Idris, M.J. Uddin,1981. Respons of IRS to Zinc Fertilizer. Int. Rice Research Newsletter, 6.
  • Bohle, J.Jr., W.L. Lindsay, 1969. Micronutrients. The Fertilizer Shoe-Nails, Part 6, in the LimelightZinc, Fertilizer Solitions 13: 6.
  • Brar, M.S., G.S. Sekhon, 1976. Interaction of Zinc With Other Micronutrient Cations II. Effect of Iron on Zinc65Absorption by Rice Seedligs and its Translocation Within the Plants. Plant and Soil 45: 145-150.
  • Carvalho, Y. De., J.X. De. Almeida Neto, L.C. Walladares, R.A. Barbosa, C.A. Ribbero, L.C. Das. Neiva, 1975. Effect of Zinc Level on Rice Grown in Cerrado Soil. Anais De Escola De Agronomiae Veterinaria, 5: 31-41.
  • Chatterjee, L.N. Mandal, 1985. Zinc Sources for Rice in Soil at Different Moisture Regime and Organic Metter Levels. Plant and Soil 87:393- 404.
  • Chaudry, F.M., A. Wallace, 1976. Responses of Earlyrose Rice to Iron, Zinc and BPDS When Grown on Calcereous Soil. Commun. In Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis 7: 89-91.
  • Chaudry, F.M., A. Wallace, 1976. Zinc Uptake by Rice as Effected by Iron and a Chelator of Ferrous Iron. Plant and Soil 45: 697-700.
  • Das, D.K., 1986. A Study on Zinc Application to Rice. Journal of Meharashtra Agricultural Universities 1: 120-121.
  • Deb, D.L., C.R. Zeliang, 1975. Zinc-Iron Relationship in Soil as Measured by Crop Response. Soil and Plant Anal. Tech. 12: 126-130.
  • Duraisamy, P., G.V. Kothandaranıan, S. Chellamathu. 1988. Effect of Amendments and Zinc on Availability, Content and Uptake of zinc and Iron by Rice Bhavani in Sodic Soil. Madras Agricultural Journal, 75: 119-124.
  • Gurmani, AH., A. Bhatti, H. Rehman, 1984. Responses of Rice to Some Trace Elements. International Rice Research Newsletter 9.
  • Kacar, B.. G. Füleky, S. Taban, M. Alpaslan, 1993. Değişik Miktarlarda Kireç Kapsayan Topraklarda Yeti ştirilen Çeltik Bitkisi (Oryza sativa L.) nin Gelişmesi İ le Zn, P, Fe ve Mn Alımı Üzerine Çinko-Fosfor ilişkisinin Etkisi.
  • A.Ü. Araştı rma Fonu Nolu Proje. Kesin Rapor.
  • Lee, C.R., U.K. Craddock, H.E. Hammer, 1969. Factor Affecting Plant Growth in High Zinc Medium. I. Influence of Iron on Growth of Flax at Various Zinc Lavels. Agronomy Journal 61: 562-565.
  • Lindsay, W.L., W.A Norvell, 1969. Development of D.T.P.A. Micronutrient Soil Test. Agron. Abstr., 84.
  • Mandal, B., G.C. Hazra, A.K. Pal, 1988. Transformation of Zinc in Soils Under Submerged Condition and its Relation with Zinc Nutrition of Rice. Plant and Soil 106: 121-126.
  • Mandal, L.N., B. Mandal, 1986. Zinc Fractions in Soils in Relation to Zinc Nutrition of Lowland Rice. Soil Science 142: 141-148.
  • Rashid, A., F.M. Chaudry, M. Sharif, 1976. Micronutrient Availability to Cerales From Calcereous Soils III. Zinc Absoption by Rice and its Inhibition by Importent Ions of Submerged Soils. Plant and soil 45:613-623.
  • Rathore, V.S., J.C. Kandala, D. Sharma, 1974. Zinc-Iron Interactions in Maise Plants. Symposium on Use of Radiation and Radio-isotope in Studies of Plant Productivity Held at Pantnagar, pp 82.
  • Sakal, R., B.P. Singh, R.B. Sinha, 1984. Assesment of Some Extractants for Available Zinc in Relation to Response of Rice to Applied Zinc in SubHimalayan Hill and Forest Soils. Plant and Soil 79: 417-428.
  • Sinha, R.B., R. Sakal, 1983. Effect of Zinc and Iron Application in Calcereous Soil on Zinc and Iron Nutrition of Rice. Journal of The Indian Society of Soil Science 31:527-533.
  • Taban, S., B. Kacar, 1991. Orta Anadolu'da Çeltik Yetiştirilen Toprakların Mikroelement Durumu Doğa, Tr.J.of Agric. and Forestry, 15: 129-145.
  • Taban, S., C. Turan, 1987. De ğişik Miktarlardaki Demir ve Çinkonun Mısı r Bitkisinin Geli şmesi ve Mineral Madde Kapsamlar ı Üzerine Etkileri. Doğa, TU. Tar. Ve Or. D. 11: 448-456.
  • Taban, S., M. Alpaslan, 1993. Değişik Form ve Miktarlarda Uygulanan Demirin M ısı r Bitkisinin Gelişmesi ve Bazı Mineral Madde Kapsamları Üzerine Etkileri. Doğa Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry 17: 169-184.
  • Tanaka, A., S. Yoshida, 1970. Nutritional Disorders of the Rice Plant in Asia. Intern. Rice Res., Inst., Technical Bulletin 10.
  • Verma, T.S., B.R. Tripathi, 1983. Zinc and Iron Interaction in Submerged Paddy. Plant and Soi172: 107-116.
  • Wallace, A., R.T. Mueller, G.V. Alexander, 1976. Hight Levels of Four Heavy Metals on the Iron Status of Plants. Commun. In Soil Sci. And Plant Analysis 7: 43-46.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Alpaslan This is me

Süleyman Taban This is me

Publication Date January 1, 1996
Submission Date January 1, 1996
Published in Issue Year 1996


APA Alpaslan, M., & Taban, S. (1996). ÇELTIK Oryza sativa L. ’TE ÇINKO-DEMIR İLİŞKİSİ. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 02(01), 45-49.

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