Some plant nutrient contents of orchid plant Orchis mascula L. grown in natural flora and some physical and chemical characteristics of orchid grown soils in Kahramanmara ş region were analysed. It was determined that nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of above ground part were found to be higher than that of tuber part in orchid plant. Soils generally have sandy clay loam and olay !cam texture, low CaCO3, slightly alkaline reaction, low total nitrogen, high plant available phosphorus and, enough and high level of exchangeable potassium. It was also determined that there was a differences between orchid varieties in view of plant nutrient contents.
Kahramanmaraş yöresinde doğal florada yetişen salep bitkisinin Orchis mascula L. baz ı bitki besin içerikleri ile salep bitkisinin yeti ştiğ i toprakları n baz ı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri belirlenmi ştir. Salep bitkisinin tepe aksam ı n ı n azot, fosfor ve potasyum içeri ğinin yumru aksam ı ndan daha yüksek olduğ u, topraklar ı n genellikle kumlu killi t ı n ve killi t ı n tekstürlü, kireç miktar ı n ı n düşük, hafif alkali reaksiyonlu, azot yönünden yoksul, bitkiye yarayışl ı fosforca zengin, değişebilir potasyumu yeter ve yüksek düzeyde içerdiği ve bitki besin içerikleri yönünden salep çeşitleri aras ı nda ayr ı ml ı l ı k olduğ u belirlenmiştir.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Engineering |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | August 1, 1996 |
Submission Date | August 1, 1996 |
Published in Issue | Year 1996 |
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