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Glucono Delta Lactone GDL 'un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış

Year 1998, , 30 - 37, 01.08.1998


Bu araşt ı rmada, beyaz peynir yap ı m ı nda glucono delta lakcone GDL kullanman ı n peynir,de baz ı nitelikler üzerine olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Peynire i ş lenecek süt üç eş it k ı sma ayrı lm ış ve her bir k ı s ı m starter kültürü ilave edilmeksizin aşağı daki oranlarda GDL ile birlikte deneme örneklerine dönü ştürülmü ştür A:% 0.0 GDL kontrol , B: % 0.2 GDL, C: % 0.5 GDL . Çiğ sütte toplam kurumadde, yağ , toplam azot, titrasyon asitli ğ i ve pH değerleri saptanm ış ; olgunlaşmaya al ı nan peynirlerde ise toplam kurumadde, yağ , tuz, toplam azot, suda eriyen azot, protein olmayan azot, tirozin, toplam uçucu ya§ asitleri, titrasyon asitli ği, pH ve penetrometre de ğerleri belirlenmi ş ve bunları n da O., 30., 60. ve 90. günlere ait değiş imi araşt ı nlm ışt ı r. Bunun yan ı s ı ra peynirlerin toplam bakteri say ı s ı , 30., 60. ve 90. günlerdeki duysal puanlar ı da bulunmuştur. An ı lan maddenin ilavesiyle üretilen peynirlerin kontrole göre daha yumu şak olduğ u ve bunlardan °/0 0.5 oran ı nda GDL katk ı l ı örnekte olgunla şman ı n 30. gününden sonra erime meydana geldiğ i görülmü ştür, Duysal analizlerde ise,GDL ilave edilmi ş örnekler kontrole göre daha dü şük puanlar almış , tüm peynirlerin yayan bir tat verdi ği belirlenmiştir.


  • Abou El -Elia, W.M., El-Neshawy, A. M., Rabie, A .M. ve Emara, E.A., 1986. An attempt to produce Ras cheese by direct acidification. Food Chemistry, 19(2):81-91.
  • Acton, J.C., Dick, R.L., 1977. Cured pigment and calor development in ferrnented sausage containing gluconodelta-lactone. J. Food Prot., 40 (6): 398-401.
  • Anonim, 1989. Glucono deita lactone in cheese- making. European Dairy Magazine, No: 2, 61-66.
  • Bayoumi, S., Madkor, S., 1988. The use of glue,ono-delta-lactone (GDL) in the manufacture of yoghurt. Egy. J.Dairy Sci., 16 (2) : 233-238.
  • Bayoumi, S., Reuter, H., 1989. Effect of glucono-delta-lactone on Domiati cheese made from UF-concentrated milk and stored at room temperature. Kieler Milchwirtschaftliche Forschungsberichte, 41 (3): 167-173.
  • Bussiere, G., Lablee, J., 1988. Process for making soft cheese. DSA, 50 (4): 188.
  • Chu, K.Y., Barbano, D.M., 1992. Development of rennet-free and starter-free cheese making methods for Mozzarella cheese. JDS, Vol: 75, Supp. 1, 91 D86.
  • Deane, D.D., Hammond, E.G., 1960. Coagulation of nı ilk for cheesemaking by ester hydrolysis. JDS, 43:1421-1429.
  • Dodson, R.H., Hammond. E.G. ve Reinbold, G.W., 1965. Utilizatin of D-glucono-delta-lactone for Cheddar cheese-making. JOS, 48 (1) : 764-765.
  • Düzgüneş , O., Kesici, T., Kavuncu, O. Ve Gürbüz, F., 1987. Araşt ı rma ve Deneme Metreleri (Istatistik Metotlar ı Il). A.Ü. Ziraat Fak.Yay ı nlar ı : 1021,. Ankara,. 381 s
  • EI-Neshawy, A.A., Rabie, A.M., Abdel Baky, A A., Nasr, M.M. ve Emara, E.A., 1985. Quality and ripening changes of Ras cheese made by direct acidification. Die Nahrung, 29 (3): 255-267.
  • Eriksen, S., 1976. Flavors of milk and milk products I, The role of lactones. Milchwissenschaft, 31 (9): 549-550.
  • Gripon. J.C., Dezmazeaud, M.J., Le Bars, D. ve Bergere, J.L., 1975. Etude du role des micro-organismes et des enzymes au cours de la maturation des fromages. Le Lait, 55 (548): 502-516.
  • Hansen, J.P., 1986. A process of making portioned cheese. DSA, 48 (5):280.
  • Harrigan, W.F., McCance, M.E., 1966. Laboratory Methods in Microbiology. Academie Press, London and New York, 91- 94.
  • Hassan, H.N., Abo-Zeid, N.A., 1988. The use of accelerating ripening agents to produce soft cheese. Alexandria Science Exchange, Egypt, 9 (2): 211-219.
  • Hull, M.E., 1947. Studies on milk proteins II. Colorimetric determination of the partial hydrolysis of the protein in milk. JDS, 30:881-884.
  • I.D.F. (International Dairy Federation),. 1962. Determination of the total nitrogen content of milk by the Kjeldahi method. IDE 2.
  • Ismail, AA., Youssef, A.M., Salama, F.A. ve Selam,. S.A., 1982. Comparative studies on White Pickled Brinza cheese made from cows' and buffaloes' miik in Egypt. Egy. J. Dairy Sci., 10:253-259.
  • Karagül, Y., Sezgin, E.. 1994. Glucono Delta Lactone (GDL) Kullan ı m ı n ı n Yoeurdun Fiziksel, Kimyasal, Mikrobiyolojik ve Duyusal özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yay ı nları : 1371, Ankara, 16 s.
  • Kirk, E.R., Othmer, D.F., 1952. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Newyork, Vol. 8, 181-185.
  • Kleter, G., 1976. The ripening of Gouda cheese made under strict aseptic conditions 1. Cheese with no other bacterial enzymes than those from starter streptococcus. Neth, Milk Dairy J., 30: 254-270.
  • Kosikowski, F.V., 1978. Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods. Second Edition, Ithaca New York, 573-575.
  • Lablee, J., 1989. The development of cheesemaking theory eand the use of glucono-delta-lactone. DSA, 51 (10): 521. Mabbitt, Chapman, H.R. ve Berridge, N.J., 1955.
  • Experiments in cheesemaking without starter. J. Dairy Res., 22:365-373.
  • Nakata, K., Yoneda, Y., Musasni, K ve Tsuchiya, F., 1978. Manufacture of Cottage cheese coagulated by gluconodelta-lactone. 20th Int. Dairy Cong. June 26th-30th 1978, Paris France. 816.
  • Parliment, T.H Nawar, W.W. ve Fagerson, 1.S., 1966. Origin of deIta-lactones in heated ilk fat. JDS, 49: 109-1112.
  • Patel, R.S., Chakraborty, B.K., 1985. Acid curd cheese by direct acidification. Japanese J. of Dairy and Food Sci., 34 (3): A53-A59.
  • Petersen, K., 1985. Alternative process for curd production. OSA, 47 (5): 321.
  • Serpelloni, M., Lefevre, P. ve Dusautois, C., 1990. Glucono-deltalactone in milk ripening. Dairy . Ind. Int., 55 (2): 35-37-39.
  • Siek, T.J., Albin, 1,A., Sather, L.A. ve Lindsay, R.C., 1971. Comparison of flavor tresholds of aliphatic lactones with those of fatty. acids, esters, aldehydes, alcohols and ketones. JDS, 54 (1): 1-4
  • Soda, S., Donia, A. ve Badran, A., 1978. Acceleration of cheese ripening by the addition of the crude cell free extract of some lactobacilli to the cheese curd. JOS, Vol: 61, Supp. 1, 102.
  • T.S.E. (Türk Standartlar ı Enstitüsü). 1981. Çiğ süt TS 1018, Ankara.
  • T.S.E. (Türk Standartlar ı Enstitüsü). 1989, Beyaz peynir TS 591, Ankara.
  • Uraz, T., 1992, Peynir Teknolojisi Ders Notlar ı (bas ı lmam ı s). Uraz, T., Yildir ı m, M., 1994. Süt endüstrisinde laktonlardan yararlanma olanaklar ı . G ı da, 19 (3): 193-199.
  • Wadhwa, B.K., Jain, M.K., 1989. Lactones in milk and milk products Part Il. Factors affecting lactone potential a review. Indian J. Dairy Sci., 42 (3): 518-522.
  • Watine, P., Freres, R,, 1990. Use of glucono delta lactone in cheese manufacture, 2n° Cheese symposium 22-23
  • November 1990. National Dairy Products Research Center, Moorepark Ireland, 89-94.
  • Webb, B.H., Johnson, A.H., 1965, Fundamentals of Dairy Chemistry. The AV1 Publishing Company Inc. Connecticut, 153-154.

Use of Glucono Delta Lactone GDL in White Pickled Cheese Manufacture. I. Without Starter Culture

Year 1998, , 30 - 37, 01.08.1998


In this study, effect of using GDL on some properties of white pickled cheese was investigated. Ftaw milk was divided into three equal parts and cheese samples were manufactured by adding GDL without starter culture at the levels mentioned below A: 0.0 % GDL control , B: 0.2 % GDL, C: 0.5 % GDL . Total solids, fat, total nitrogen, titratable aciditiy and pH values in raw milk were determined In cheese samples total solids, fat, salt, total nitrogen, water soluble nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, ty ı osine, total volatile fatty acids, titratable acidity, pH and penetrometer values were analyzed. Additionally counts of total bacteria and sensory properties at the 30th, 60th and 90th days of storage were determined. Cheeses nnade by using GDL were softer than the control cheese, Also samples with 0.5 % GDL had weak and creamy consistency after the 30th day of ripening. Organoleptic scores of cheeses made by GDL were iower than that of the control cheese. In all samples flavour defects were deterrnined.


  • Abou El -Elia, W.M., El-Neshawy, A. M., Rabie, A .M. ve Emara, E.A., 1986. An attempt to produce Ras cheese by direct acidification. Food Chemistry, 19(2):81-91.
  • Acton, J.C., Dick, R.L., 1977. Cured pigment and calor development in ferrnented sausage containing gluconodelta-lactone. J. Food Prot., 40 (6): 398-401.
  • Anonim, 1989. Glucono deita lactone in cheese- making. European Dairy Magazine, No: 2, 61-66.
  • Bayoumi, S., Madkor, S., 1988. The use of glue,ono-delta-lactone (GDL) in the manufacture of yoghurt. Egy. J.Dairy Sci., 16 (2) : 233-238.
  • Bayoumi, S., Reuter, H., 1989. Effect of glucono-delta-lactone on Domiati cheese made from UF-concentrated milk and stored at room temperature. Kieler Milchwirtschaftliche Forschungsberichte, 41 (3): 167-173.
  • Bussiere, G., Lablee, J., 1988. Process for making soft cheese. DSA, 50 (4): 188.
  • Chu, K.Y., Barbano, D.M., 1992. Development of rennet-free and starter-free cheese making methods for Mozzarella cheese. JDS, Vol: 75, Supp. 1, 91 D86.
  • Deane, D.D., Hammond, E.G., 1960. Coagulation of nı ilk for cheesemaking by ester hydrolysis. JDS, 43:1421-1429.
  • Dodson, R.H., Hammond. E.G. ve Reinbold, G.W., 1965. Utilizatin of D-glucono-delta-lactone for Cheddar cheese-making. JOS, 48 (1) : 764-765.
  • Düzgüneş , O., Kesici, T., Kavuncu, O. Ve Gürbüz, F., 1987. Araşt ı rma ve Deneme Metreleri (Istatistik Metotlar ı Il). A.Ü. Ziraat Fak.Yay ı nlar ı : 1021,. Ankara,. 381 s
  • EI-Neshawy, A.A., Rabie, A.M., Abdel Baky, A A., Nasr, M.M. ve Emara, E.A., 1985. Quality and ripening changes of Ras cheese made by direct acidification. Die Nahrung, 29 (3): 255-267.
  • Eriksen, S., 1976. Flavors of milk and milk products I, The role of lactones. Milchwissenschaft, 31 (9): 549-550.
  • Gripon. J.C., Dezmazeaud, M.J., Le Bars, D. ve Bergere, J.L., 1975. Etude du role des micro-organismes et des enzymes au cours de la maturation des fromages. Le Lait, 55 (548): 502-516.
  • Hansen, J.P., 1986. A process of making portioned cheese. DSA, 48 (5):280.
  • Harrigan, W.F., McCance, M.E., 1966. Laboratory Methods in Microbiology. Academie Press, London and New York, 91- 94.
  • Hassan, H.N., Abo-Zeid, N.A., 1988. The use of accelerating ripening agents to produce soft cheese. Alexandria Science Exchange, Egypt, 9 (2): 211-219.
  • Hull, M.E., 1947. Studies on milk proteins II. Colorimetric determination of the partial hydrolysis of the protein in milk. JDS, 30:881-884.
  • I.D.F. (International Dairy Federation),. 1962. Determination of the total nitrogen content of milk by the Kjeldahi method. IDE 2.
  • Ismail, AA., Youssef, A.M., Salama, F.A. ve Selam,. S.A., 1982. Comparative studies on White Pickled Brinza cheese made from cows' and buffaloes' miik in Egypt. Egy. J. Dairy Sci., 10:253-259.
  • Karagül, Y., Sezgin, E.. 1994. Glucono Delta Lactone (GDL) Kullan ı m ı n ı n Yoeurdun Fiziksel, Kimyasal, Mikrobiyolojik ve Duyusal özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yay ı nları : 1371, Ankara, 16 s.
  • Kirk, E.R., Othmer, D.F., 1952. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Newyork, Vol. 8, 181-185.
  • Kleter, G., 1976. The ripening of Gouda cheese made under strict aseptic conditions 1. Cheese with no other bacterial enzymes than those from starter streptococcus. Neth, Milk Dairy J., 30: 254-270.
  • Kosikowski, F.V., 1978. Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods. Second Edition, Ithaca New York, 573-575.
  • Lablee, J., 1989. The development of cheesemaking theory eand the use of glucono-delta-lactone. DSA, 51 (10): 521. Mabbitt, Chapman, H.R. ve Berridge, N.J., 1955.
  • Experiments in cheesemaking without starter. J. Dairy Res., 22:365-373.
  • Nakata, K., Yoneda, Y., Musasni, K ve Tsuchiya, F., 1978. Manufacture of Cottage cheese coagulated by gluconodelta-lactone. 20th Int. Dairy Cong. June 26th-30th 1978, Paris France. 816.
  • Parliment, T.H Nawar, W.W. ve Fagerson, 1.S., 1966. Origin of deIta-lactones in heated ilk fat. JDS, 49: 109-1112.
  • Patel, R.S., Chakraborty, B.K., 1985. Acid curd cheese by direct acidification. Japanese J. of Dairy and Food Sci., 34 (3): A53-A59.
  • Petersen, K., 1985. Alternative process for curd production. OSA, 47 (5): 321.
  • Serpelloni, M., Lefevre, P. ve Dusautois, C., 1990. Glucono-deltalactone in milk ripening. Dairy . Ind. Int., 55 (2): 35-37-39.
  • Siek, T.J., Albin, 1,A., Sather, L.A. ve Lindsay, R.C., 1971. Comparison of flavor tresholds of aliphatic lactones with those of fatty. acids, esters, aldehydes, alcohols and ketones. JDS, 54 (1): 1-4
  • Soda, S., Donia, A. ve Badran, A., 1978. Acceleration of cheese ripening by the addition of the crude cell free extract of some lactobacilli to the cheese curd. JOS, Vol: 61, Supp. 1, 102.
  • T.S.E. (Türk Standartlar ı Enstitüsü). 1981. Çiğ süt TS 1018, Ankara.
  • T.S.E. (Türk Standartlar ı Enstitüsü). 1989, Beyaz peynir TS 591, Ankara.
  • Uraz, T., 1992, Peynir Teknolojisi Ders Notlar ı (bas ı lmam ı s). Uraz, T., Yildir ı m, M., 1994. Süt endüstrisinde laktonlardan yararlanma olanaklar ı . G ı da, 19 (3): 193-199.
  • Wadhwa, B.K., Jain, M.K., 1989. Lactones in milk and milk products Part Il. Factors affecting lactone potential a review. Indian J. Dairy Sci., 42 (3): 518-522.
  • Watine, P., Freres, R,, 1990. Use of glucono delta lactone in cheese manufacture, 2n° Cheese symposium 22-23
  • November 1990. National Dairy Products Research Center, Moorepark Ireland, 89-94.
  • Webb, B.H., Johnson, A.H., 1965, Fundamentals of Dairy Chemistry. The AV1 Publishing Company Inc. Connecticut, 153-154.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Gönül Yıldırım This is me

Tumar Uraz This is me

Publication Date August 1, 1998
Submission Date January 1, 1998
Published in Issue Year 1998


APA Yıldırım, G., & Uraz, T. (1998). Glucono Delta Lactone GDL ’un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 04(03), 30-37.
AMA Yıldırım G, Uraz T. Glucono Delta Lactone GDL ’un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 1998;04(03):30-37. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000810
Chicago Yıldırım, Gönül, and Tumar Uraz. “Glucono Delta Lactone GDL ’un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 04, no. 03 (August 1998): 30-37.
EndNote Yıldırım G, Uraz T (August 1, 1998) Glucono Delta Lactone GDL ’un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 04 03 30–37.
IEEE G. Yıldırım and T. Uraz, “Glucono Delta Lactone GDL ’un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 04, no. 03, pp. 30–37, 1998, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000810.
ISNAD Yıldırım, Gönül - Uraz, Tumar. “Glucono Delta Lactone GDL ’un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 04/03 (August 1998), 30-37.
JAMA Yıldırım G, Uraz T. Glucono Delta Lactone GDL ’un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1998;04:30–37.
MLA Yıldırım, Gönül and Tumar Uraz. “Glucono Delta Lactone GDL ’un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 04, no. 03, 1998, pp. 30-37, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000810.
Vancouver Yıldırım G, Uraz T. Glucono Delta Lactone GDL ’un Beyaz Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması . I.Starter Kültürü Katılmamış. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1998;04(03):30-7.

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