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Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu

Year 2009, , 332 - 340, 01.11.2009


Rhizomania, şeker pancarının en zararlı hastalıklarından biridir. Hastalık, enfeksiyon şiddetine bağlı olarak, şeker pancarında % 90’a varan kök verimi ve % 70’e varan şeker verimi kayıplarına yol açmaktadır. Türkiye’de Marmara, Orta Karadeniz ve İç Anadolu’nun bazı bölgelerinde hastalığın varlığı rapor edilmiş ve hastalık, dünyada olduğu gibi diğer bölgelere giderek yayılmaktadır. Bu hastalığa pancar nekrotik sarı damar virüsü BNYVV yol açmakta ve Polymyxa betae fungusu vektörlük etmektedir. Yayılma esas olarak, bulaşık toprak veya şeker pancarının taşınmasıyla olmaktadır. Hastalığın mücadelesi, bulaşık ekim alanlarında yalnızca kültürel tedbirler alınarak yapılmaktadır. Günümüzde, en etkili kontrol tedbiri, kısmen dayanıklı şeker pancarı çeşitlerini kullanmaktır. Soğuk topraklara erken ekim, aşırı sulamanın azaltılması, toprak sıkışmasından kaçınılması ve münavebe uygulaması gibi yardımcı tedbirler topraktaki virus seviyesini düşürebilmektedir. Bu nedenle, bulaşık alanların büyük ekonomik kayıplara yol açmadan tespit edilmesi ve kültürel tedbirlerin alınması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Üç yıllık münavebe uygulamasına göre, 1996-1998, 1999-2001 ve 2002-2004 yıllarında olmak üzere, üçer yıllık üç dönem halinde 17 şeker fabrikasının 102 bölgesinin şeker pancarı ekim alanlarında sürveyler yapılarak, şeker pancarı kök örnekleri toplanmıştır. Bu örnekler DAS-ELISA ile test edilmiş ve BNYVV’nin yaygınlığı belirlenmiştir. Buna gore, 1996-1998 döneminde 4 fabrikada toplam % 19.30 46200 ha , 1999-2001 döneminde 9 fabrikada % 31.42 94140 ha ve 2002-2004 döneminde 15 fabrikada % 48.66 203640 ha Rhizomania yaygınlığı tespit edilmiştir


  • Abe, H and T. Tamada. 1986. Ascociation of beet necrotic yellow vein virus with isolates of Polymyxa betae Keskin. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 52: 235-247. Anonymous. 2006. TÜİK Tarım istatistikleri özeti. (15 Temmuz 2008).
  • Anonymous. 1996. Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. Cercospora ve Rhizomania’ya dayanıklı şeker pancarı çeşitleri verim kontrol ve tescil deneme sonuçları. Ankara.
  • Anonymous. 2006. Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. Cercospora ve Rhizomania’ya dayanıklı şeker pancarı çeşitleri verim kontrol ve tescil deneme sonuçları. Ankara.
  • Asher, M.J.C. and S.J. Blunt. 1987. The ecological requirements of Polymyxa betae. Proceedings of 50th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 45-55. 11-12 February 1987, Brussels.
  • Asher, M. and K. Thompson. 1987. Rhizomania in Europe. An article based on the July meeting of the SBREC. British Sugar Beet Review 55 (3): 24-28.
  • Asher, M.C.J. 1993. Rhizomania. p:312-346. Editors: D.A. Cooke and R.K. Scott. The Sugar Beet Crop. Chapman and Hall, London, U.K.
  • Asher, M.C.J. 1994. Rhizomania: Recent development. British Sugar Beet Review 62 (4): 10-12.
  • Asher, M.C.J. and S. Kerr. 1996. Rhizomania: Progress with resistant varieties. British Sugar Beet Review 64 (2): 19-22.
  • Barnet, O. W. 1986. Surveying for plant viruses: Design and consideration in plant virus epidemics: Monitoring, modeling and predicting outbreaks. p: 147-166. Editors: G.R. Meleon, G. Garrett and G. Ruesink. Sydney, Orlando.
  • Blunt, S. J., M. J. C. Asher and C A. Gilligan. 1991. Infection of sugar beet by P.betae in relation to soil temperature. Plant Pathology 40: 257-267.
  • Bouzoubaa, S., V. Ziegler, D. Beck, , H. Guilley, K. Richards and G. Jonard. 1986. Nucleotide sequence of beet necrotic yellow vein virus RNA-2. Journal of General Virology 67: 1689-1700.
  • Bouzoubaa, S., L. Quillet, H. Guilley, G. Jonard and K. Richards. 1987. Nucleotide sequence of beet necrotic yellow vein virus RNA-1. Journal of General Virology 68: 615-626.
  • Bürcky, K. 1994. Rhizomania-diagnose 1994, Deutsche Zuckerrübenzeitung 4.
  • Büttner, G. and K. Bürcky. 1987. Verbesserung der nachweisempfındlichkeit von ELISA beim test auf BNYVV. Proceedings of 50th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 289-294. 11-12 February 1987, Bruxelles.
  • Campbell, R.N. 1996. Fungal transmission of plant viruses. Annual Review of Phytopathology 34: 87-108.
  • Canova, A. 1959. Appunti di patologia della barbabietola. Informatore Fitopatologico 9: 390-396.
  • Cariolle, M. 1987. Rhizomanie - mesures de prophylaxie en france et dans d’autres pays. Proceedings of 50th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 63-79. 11-12 February 1987, Bruxelles.
  • Clark, M.F. and A.N. Adams. 1977. Characteristic of the microplate method of enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses. Journal of General Virology 33: 475-483.
  • Duffus, I.E. 1991. Rhizomania. p: 29-30. Editors: E.D. Whitney and C.E. Duffus. Compendium of Beet Diseases and Insects. APS Press, USA.
  • Erdiller, G. and O. Özgür. 1994. Distribution of rhizomania in sugar beet growing areas of Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 23 (1): 53-55.
  • Ertunç, F. 1998. Polymyxa betae (Keskin)'nin şeker pancarı kılcal köklerindeki biyolojik dönemleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları: 1495, Ankara, 17 s.
  • Ertunç, F., K. Erzurum, A. Karakaya, D. İlhan and S. Maden. 1998. Incidence of rhizomania disease on sugar beet in Çorum, Kastamonu and Turhal sugar rafinery regions. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 27 (1): 39-46.
  • Harju, V.A., R. A. Mumford, A. Blockley, N. Boonham, G. R. G. Clover, R. Weekes and C. M. Henry. 2002. Occurrence in the United Kingdom of beet necrotic yellow vein virus isolates which contain RNA 5. Plant Pathology 51 (6): 811.
  • Heijbroek, W. 1987. Dissemination of rhizomania by water, soil and manure. Proceedings of 50th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 35-43. 11-12 February 1987, Bruxelles.
  • Hofmeester, Y. and G. Tuitert. 1989. Development of rhizomania in an artificially infested field. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent 54/2b.
  • İlhan, D. 2004. Şeker pancarı nekrotik sarı damar virüsü (beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus-BNYVV)’nün moleküler olarak tanılanması (Doktora Tezi, 75s). Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Bitki Koruma Anabilim Dalı.
  • Kaya, R. and G. Erdiller. 1998. Alpullu Şeker Fabrikası’nın ekim alanlarında rhizomania hastalığının yayılma durumu. Türkiye Fitopatoloji Kongresi. Bildirileri. 79-83. 21-25 Eylül 1998, Ankara.
  • Kaya, R. and G. Erdiller. 2001. Alpullu Şeker Fabrikası’nın ekim alanlarında rhizomania hastalığının toprak özellikleri ile ilişkisi. Türkiye Fitopatoloji Kongresi Bildirileri. 168-180. 3-8 Eylül 2001, Tekirdağ.
  • Kajiyama, T., A. Yoshizawa, T. Yoshida, A. Yanagisawa, Y. Yoshimura, K. Ohtsuchi, H. Abe and T. Niura. 1990. Response of sugar beet varieties to rhizomania disease of sugar beet. I. The yield and quality of sugar beet. Proceedings of Japanese Society of Sugar Beet Technologists 32: 53-58
  • Keskin, B. 1964. Polymyxa betae n.sp., ein parasit in den wurzeln von Beta vulgaris Tournefort, besonders weahrend der jungendentwicklung der zuckerrübe. Archiv für Microbiologie 49: 348-378.
  • Kıymaz, B. and F. Ertunç. 1996. Research on the detection of virus diseases in sugar beet in Ankara. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 25 (1-2): 55-63.
  • Koch, F. 1987. Bericht über eine reise in verschiedene zuckerrübenanbaugebiete der Türkşeker in Anatolien und Thrazien zum studium von wurzelerkrankungen, KWS Kleinwanzlebener Saatzucht AG, Einbeck / Germany.
  • Koenig, R., A.M. Haerberle and U. Commendeur. 1997. Detection and characterization of a distinct type of beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus RNA-5 in a sugar beet growing area in Europe. Archives of Virology 142 (7): 1499-1504.
  • Koenig R. and B.L. Lennefors. 2000. Molecular analyses of European A, B and P type sources of beet necrotic yellow vein virus and detection of the rare P type in Kazakhstan. Archives of Virology 145: 1561-1570.
  • Kutluk, N.D. and Y. Yanar. 2001. Study on the distribution of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) in sugar beet growing area of Tokat-Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 30: 21-25.
  • Kutluk, N.D. and Y. Yanar. 2002. Kastamonu ili şeker pancarı üretim alanlarında şeker pancarı nekrotik sarı damar virüsü (BNYVV) ve şeker pancarı toprak kaynaklı virüs (BSBV-2) Gaziosmanpaşa Üniv., Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19 (1): 1-4.
  • Özer, G.and F. Ertunç. 2005. Amasya Şeker Fabrikası şekerpancarı ekim alanlarında rhizomania hastalığının belirlenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 11 (3): 339-343.
  • Putz, C., D. Merdinoglu, O. Lemaire, B. Stocky, P. Valentin and S. Wiedemann. 1990. Beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus, causal agent of rhizomania. Review of Plant Pathology 69 (5): 247-254.
  • Richards, K. and T. Tamada. 1992. Mapping functions on the multipartite genome of beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus. Annual Review of Phytopathology 30: 291- 313.
  • Richard-Molard, M. 1996. Enquete rhizomanie 1996. Groupe de travail IIRB - Parasites et Maladies, Suede - 3-5 juillet.
  • Rush, C.M. and O.B. Heidel. 1995. Furovirus diseases of sugar beet in the United States. Plant Disease 79 (9): 868-875.
  • Suarez, M.B., I. Grondona, P. Garcia-Benavides, E. Monte and I. Garcia-Acha. 1999. Characterization of beet necrotic yellow vein furovirus from Spanish sugar beet. Int. Microbiology 2 (2): 87-92.
  • Tamada, T. 1975. Beet necrotic yellow vein virus. CMI/AAB. Description of Plant Viruses 144.
  • Tamada, T., Y. Shirako, H. Abe, M. Saito, T. Kiguchi and T. Harada. 1989. Production and pathogenicity of isolates of beet necrotic yellow vein virus with different numbers of RNA components. Journal of General Virology 70: 3399-3409.
  • Tamada, T., T. Kusume, H. Uchino, T. Kiguchi and M. Saito. 1996. Evidence that beet necrotic yellow vein virus RNA 5 is involved in symptom development of sugar beet roots. Proceedings of 3rd Symposium of International Working Group Plant Viruses Fungal Vectors, 49-52.
  • Tosic, M., D. Sutic and M. Milovanovic. 1985. Investigations of sugar-beet rhizomania in Yugoslavia. Proceedings of 48th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 431-445. 13-14 Fabruary 1985, Bruxelles.
  • Tuitert, G. and Y. Hofmeester. 1992. Epidemiology of beet necrotic yellow vein virus in sugar beet at different initial inoculum levels in the presence or absence of irrigation: Dynamics of inoculum. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 98: 343-360.
  • Vardar, B. and S. Erkan. 1992. The first studies on detection of beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus in sugar beet in Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 21 (2-3): 74- 76.
  • Whitney, E.D. and J.E. Duffus. 1991. Compendium of Beet Diseases and Insects. APS Press, USA.
  • Wisler, G.C., H.Y. Liu and J.E. Duffus. 1994. Beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus and its relationship eight sugar beet furo-like viruses from the United States. Plant Disease 78 (10): 995-1001.

Distribution of Rhizomania Disease in Sugar Beet Growing Areas of Turkey

Year 2009, , 332 - 340, 01.11.2009


Rhizomania is one of the most destructive diseases affecting sugar beet. It leads to a severe loss in terms of root yield and sugar content up to 90 % and up to 70 % respectively, depending on the disease severity. It was reported in some regions of Marmara, Central Black Sea, and Central Anatolia and tends to spread in other regions in Turkey. The disease is caused by Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Benyvirus BNYVV and transmitted by a fungus, Polymyxa betae. The primary source of its spread is through the movement of infested soils or beets. Only cultural control methods are employed to control this disease. At present, the most effective control measure is to use of partially resistant sugar beet cultivars. The other additional measures like planting early into cool soils, minimizing watering, avoiding soil compaction, and employing crop rotations can reduce levels of the virus in the soil. Therefore, it is essential to determine the infested areas and take cultural measures before the disease causes economically important yield losses. Based on a three-year crop rotation, surveys were conducted and sugar beet root samples were collected from the growing areas in 102 regions of 17 sugar factory boundaries and in three periods including 1996-1998, 1999-2001 and 2002-2004. These root samples were tested by means of DAS-ELISA and distribution of BNYVV was determined. Rhizomania was detected in the sugar beet production areas of 4, 9 and 15 sugar factories in 1996-1998 1999-2001, and 20022004 at the rates of 19.30% 46200 ha , 31.42% 94140 ha , and 48.66% 203640 ha , respectively


  • Abe, H and T. Tamada. 1986. Ascociation of beet necrotic yellow vein virus with isolates of Polymyxa betae Keskin. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 52: 235-247. Anonymous. 2006. TÜİK Tarım istatistikleri özeti. (15 Temmuz 2008).
  • Anonymous. 1996. Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. Cercospora ve Rhizomania’ya dayanıklı şeker pancarı çeşitleri verim kontrol ve tescil deneme sonuçları. Ankara.
  • Anonymous. 2006. Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. Cercospora ve Rhizomania’ya dayanıklı şeker pancarı çeşitleri verim kontrol ve tescil deneme sonuçları. Ankara.
  • Asher, M.J.C. and S.J. Blunt. 1987. The ecological requirements of Polymyxa betae. Proceedings of 50th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 45-55. 11-12 February 1987, Brussels.
  • Asher, M. and K. Thompson. 1987. Rhizomania in Europe. An article based on the July meeting of the SBREC. British Sugar Beet Review 55 (3): 24-28.
  • Asher, M.C.J. 1993. Rhizomania. p:312-346. Editors: D.A. Cooke and R.K. Scott. The Sugar Beet Crop. Chapman and Hall, London, U.K.
  • Asher, M.C.J. 1994. Rhizomania: Recent development. British Sugar Beet Review 62 (4): 10-12.
  • Asher, M.C.J. and S. Kerr. 1996. Rhizomania: Progress with resistant varieties. British Sugar Beet Review 64 (2): 19-22.
  • Barnet, O. W. 1986. Surveying for plant viruses: Design and consideration in plant virus epidemics: Monitoring, modeling and predicting outbreaks. p: 147-166. Editors: G.R. Meleon, G. Garrett and G. Ruesink. Sydney, Orlando.
  • Blunt, S. J., M. J. C. Asher and C A. Gilligan. 1991. Infection of sugar beet by P.betae in relation to soil temperature. Plant Pathology 40: 257-267.
  • Bouzoubaa, S., V. Ziegler, D. Beck, , H. Guilley, K. Richards and G. Jonard. 1986. Nucleotide sequence of beet necrotic yellow vein virus RNA-2. Journal of General Virology 67: 1689-1700.
  • Bouzoubaa, S., L. Quillet, H. Guilley, G. Jonard and K. Richards. 1987. Nucleotide sequence of beet necrotic yellow vein virus RNA-1. Journal of General Virology 68: 615-626.
  • Bürcky, K. 1994. Rhizomania-diagnose 1994, Deutsche Zuckerrübenzeitung 4.
  • Büttner, G. and K. Bürcky. 1987. Verbesserung der nachweisempfındlichkeit von ELISA beim test auf BNYVV. Proceedings of 50th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 289-294. 11-12 February 1987, Bruxelles.
  • Campbell, R.N. 1996. Fungal transmission of plant viruses. Annual Review of Phytopathology 34: 87-108.
  • Canova, A. 1959. Appunti di patologia della barbabietola. Informatore Fitopatologico 9: 390-396.
  • Cariolle, M. 1987. Rhizomanie - mesures de prophylaxie en france et dans d’autres pays. Proceedings of 50th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 63-79. 11-12 February 1987, Bruxelles.
  • Clark, M.F. and A.N. Adams. 1977. Characteristic of the microplate method of enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses. Journal of General Virology 33: 475-483.
  • Duffus, I.E. 1991. Rhizomania. p: 29-30. Editors: E.D. Whitney and C.E. Duffus. Compendium of Beet Diseases and Insects. APS Press, USA.
  • Erdiller, G. and O. Özgür. 1994. Distribution of rhizomania in sugar beet growing areas of Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 23 (1): 53-55.
  • Ertunç, F. 1998. Polymyxa betae (Keskin)'nin şeker pancarı kılcal köklerindeki biyolojik dönemleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları: 1495, Ankara, 17 s.
  • Ertunç, F., K. Erzurum, A. Karakaya, D. İlhan and S. Maden. 1998. Incidence of rhizomania disease on sugar beet in Çorum, Kastamonu and Turhal sugar rafinery regions. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 27 (1): 39-46.
  • Harju, V.A., R. A. Mumford, A. Blockley, N. Boonham, G. R. G. Clover, R. Weekes and C. M. Henry. 2002. Occurrence in the United Kingdom of beet necrotic yellow vein virus isolates which contain RNA 5. Plant Pathology 51 (6): 811.
  • Heijbroek, W. 1987. Dissemination of rhizomania by water, soil and manure. Proceedings of 50th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 35-43. 11-12 February 1987, Bruxelles.
  • Hofmeester, Y. and G. Tuitert. 1989. Development of rhizomania in an artificially infested field. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent 54/2b.
  • İlhan, D. 2004. Şeker pancarı nekrotik sarı damar virüsü (beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus-BNYVV)’nün moleküler olarak tanılanması (Doktora Tezi, 75s). Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Bitki Koruma Anabilim Dalı.
  • Kaya, R. and G. Erdiller. 1998. Alpullu Şeker Fabrikası’nın ekim alanlarında rhizomania hastalığının yayılma durumu. Türkiye Fitopatoloji Kongresi. Bildirileri. 79-83. 21-25 Eylül 1998, Ankara.
  • Kaya, R. and G. Erdiller. 2001. Alpullu Şeker Fabrikası’nın ekim alanlarında rhizomania hastalığının toprak özellikleri ile ilişkisi. Türkiye Fitopatoloji Kongresi Bildirileri. 168-180. 3-8 Eylül 2001, Tekirdağ.
  • Kajiyama, T., A. Yoshizawa, T. Yoshida, A. Yanagisawa, Y. Yoshimura, K. Ohtsuchi, H. Abe and T. Niura. 1990. Response of sugar beet varieties to rhizomania disease of sugar beet. I. The yield and quality of sugar beet. Proceedings of Japanese Society of Sugar Beet Technologists 32: 53-58
  • Keskin, B. 1964. Polymyxa betae n.sp., ein parasit in den wurzeln von Beta vulgaris Tournefort, besonders weahrend der jungendentwicklung der zuckerrübe. Archiv für Microbiologie 49: 348-378.
  • Kıymaz, B. and F. Ertunç. 1996. Research on the detection of virus diseases in sugar beet in Ankara. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 25 (1-2): 55-63.
  • Koch, F. 1987. Bericht über eine reise in verschiedene zuckerrübenanbaugebiete der Türkşeker in Anatolien und Thrazien zum studium von wurzelerkrankungen, KWS Kleinwanzlebener Saatzucht AG, Einbeck / Germany.
  • Koenig, R., A.M. Haerberle and U. Commendeur. 1997. Detection and characterization of a distinct type of beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus RNA-5 in a sugar beet growing area in Europe. Archives of Virology 142 (7): 1499-1504.
  • Koenig R. and B.L. Lennefors. 2000. Molecular analyses of European A, B and P type sources of beet necrotic yellow vein virus and detection of the rare P type in Kazakhstan. Archives of Virology 145: 1561-1570.
  • Kutluk, N.D. and Y. Yanar. 2001. Study on the distribution of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) in sugar beet growing area of Tokat-Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 30: 21-25.
  • Kutluk, N.D. and Y. Yanar. 2002. Kastamonu ili şeker pancarı üretim alanlarında şeker pancarı nekrotik sarı damar virüsü (BNYVV) ve şeker pancarı toprak kaynaklı virüs (BSBV-2) Gaziosmanpaşa Üniv., Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19 (1): 1-4.
  • Özer, G.and F. Ertunç. 2005. Amasya Şeker Fabrikası şekerpancarı ekim alanlarında rhizomania hastalığının belirlenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 11 (3): 339-343.
  • Putz, C., D. Merdinoglu, O. Lemaire, B. Stocky, P. Valentin and S. Wiedemann. 1990. Beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus, causal agent of rhizomania. Review of Plant Pathology 69 (5): 247-254.
  • Richards, K. and T. Tamada. 1992. Mapping functions on the multipartite genome of beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus. Annual Review of Phytopathology 30: 291- 313.
  • Richard-Molard, M. 1996. Enquete rhizomanie 1996. Groupe de travail IIRB - Parasites et Maladies, Suede - 3-5 juillet.
  • Rush, C.M. and O.B. Heidel. 1995. Furovirus diseases of sugar beet in the United States. Plant Disease 79 (9): 868-875.
  • Suarez, M.B., I. Grondona, P. Garcia-Benavides, E. Monte and I. Garcia-Acha. 1999. Characterization of beet necrotic yellow vein furovirus from Spanish sugar beet. Int. Microbiology 2 (2): 87-92.
  • Tamada, T. 1975. Beet necrotic yellow vein virus. CMI/AAB. Description of Plant Viruses 144.
  • Tamada, T., Y. Shirako, H. Abe, M. Saito, T. Kiguchi and T. Harada. 1989. Production and pathogenicity of isolates of beet necrotic yellow vein virus with different numbers of RNA components. Journal of General Virology 70: 3399-3409.
  • Tamada, T., T. Kusume, H. Uchino, T. Kiguchi and M. Saito. 1996. Evidence that beet necrotic yellow vein virus RNA 5 is involved in symptom development of sugar beet roots. Proceedings of 3rd Symposium of International Working Group Plant Viruses Fungal Vectors, 49-52.
  • Tosic, M., D. Sutic and M. Milovanovic. 1985. Investigations of sugar-beet rhizomania in Yugoslavia. Proceedings of 48th International Institute Sugar Beet Research Winter Congress. 431-445. 13-14 Fabruary 1985, Bruxelles.
  • Tuitert, G. and Y. Hofmeester. 1992. Epidemiology of beet necrotic yellow vein virus in sugar beet at different initial inoculum levels in the presence or absence of irrigation: Dynamics of inoculum. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 98: 343-360.
  • Vardar, B. and S. Erkan. 1992. The first studies on detection of beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus in sugar beet in Turkey. Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 21 (2-3): 74- 76.
  • Whitney, E.D. and J.E. Duffus. 1991. Compendium of Beet Diseases and Insects. APS Press, USA.
  • Wisler, G.C., H.Y. Liu and J.E. Duffus. 1994. Beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus and its relationship eight sugar beet furo-like viruses from the United States. Plant Disease 78 (10): 995-1001.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Rıza Kaya This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2009
Submission Date November 6, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009


APA Kaya, R. (2009). Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(04), 332-340.
AMA Kaya R. Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. November 2009;15(04):332-340. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001108
Chicago Kaya, Rıza. “Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15, no. 04 (November 2009): 332-40.
EndNote Kaya R (November 1, 2009) Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15 04 332–340.
IEEE R. Kaya, “Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 15, no. 04, pp. 332–340, 2009, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001108.
ISNAD Kaya, Rıza. “Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15/04 (November 2009), 332-340.
JAMA Kaya R. Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2009;15:332–340.
MLA Kaya, Rıza. “Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 15, no. 04, 2009, pp. 332-40, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001108.
Vancouver Kaya R. Türkiye’de Şeker Pancarı Ekim Alanlarında Rhizomania Hastalığının Yayılma Durumu. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2009;15(04):332-40.

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