Siyah Alaca ineklerde kolostrum kalitesi ve kolostrum kalitesinin buzagı gelisme özelliklerine etkisi
Year 2007,
, 321 - 325, 01.11.2007
Ali Kaygısız
Kö -
Mustafa Köse
Bu çalışma Siyah Alaca ineklerin kolostrum kalitesini belirlemek için yapılmıştır. Kolostrum kalitesinin tespit edilmesinde kolostrometre kullanılmıştır. Kolostrometre antikor yoğunluğu ile yakından ilişkili olan kolostrum özgül ağırlığını saptamaktadır. Çalışmada toplanan 59 kolostrum örneğinden 12’ si % 20 düşük kaliteli, 32’si % 55 orta kaliteli ve 15’i % 25 iyi kalitede bulunmuştur.Kolostrum kalitesine buzağılama ayı ve buzağı cinsiyetinin etkisi önemsiz P>0.05 , inek yaşının ve kuruda kalma süresinin etkisi önemli P
- Anonim, 2006. Kruuse Colostrum Densimeter User’s Guide.
- Arda, M. 1985. İmmunoloji (Bağışıklık Bilimi). Cilt 1. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Yayınları : 404. Ankara Üniv. Basımevi, Ankara.
- Arthington, J. 1999. Colostrum Management in Newborn Calves. AN11000. pdf
- Besser T. E., C.C. Gay and L.C Pritchett. 1991. Comparison of three methods of feeding colostrum to dairy calves. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. 198: 419-422.
- Bernard, J.K. 2006. Developing Quality Dairy Replacement Heifers.
- Bogin, E., Y. Avidar, S. Shenkler, B.A. Israeli, N. Spiegel and R. Cohen. 1993. A Rapid Field Test For The Determination of Colostral İngestion By Calves, Based on Gamma-Glutamyltransferase. Eur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 31: 695-699.
- Brinton, A.H and L.W. Whitlow. 2005. Feeding Dairy Heifers from Birth to Weaning. extension /dairy/202D.pdf
- Devery-Pocius, J.E. and B.L. Larson, 1983. Age and Previous Lactations as Factors in The Amount Of Bovine Colostral İmmunoglobulins. J. Dairy Sci. 66(2):221-226
- Earley, B. and R.J. Fallon.1999. Effects of Quality of Maternal Colostrum Concentrations 4370/eopr-4370.pdf
- İmmunoglobulin Suckled Calves. beef/ reports/
- Erdem, H ve S. Atasever. 2005. Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Kolostrumun Önemi. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi, 20 (2):79- 84.
- Fleenor, W. A. and G. H. Stott. 1980. Hydrometer Test For Estimation of Immunoglobulin Concentration in Bovine Colostrum. J. Dairy Sci. 63: 973-977.
- Goyena, M., J.M. Ortiz and F.D. Alonso, 1997. Influence of Different Systems Of Feeding in The Appearence Of Cryptosporidiosis in Goat Kids. J. Parasitol 83 (6): 1182-1185.
- Grusenmeyer, D.J. Ryan, C.M. Galton, D.M. and T.R. Overton. 2006. Shortening the Dry Period from 60 to 40 days Does not Affect Colostrum Quality but Decreases Colostrum Yield by Holstein Cows. Journal of Animal Science, 84 (Suppl, 1): 336.
- Halliday, R. 1978. Immunity and Health in Young Lambs. Vet. Rec. 103: 489-492.
- Heinrichs, J. 2000. Measuring Colostrum Quality. Dairy Digest, April 2000.
- Hough, R.L., F.D. Mccarthy., H.D. Kent., D.E. Eversole and M.L. Wahlbexg. 1990. Influence Of Nutritional Restriction During Late Gestation On Production Measures and Passive Immunity In Beef Caltle. J. Anim. Sci. 68 (9): 2622-2627.
- Kirk, J.H. 2003. Colostrum : The Key To Control f Calfhood Diseases and Death Loss. http:// www. vetmed. ucdavis. edu/vetext/INF-DACOLOSTRUM.
- Morin, D.E. P.D. Constable, F.P. Maunsell and G.C. McCoy, 2001. Factors Associated With Colostral Specific Gravity in Dairy Cows. J. Dairy Sci. 84 (4): 937-943. Muller, L.D. and D.K. Ellinger. 1981. Colostral
- Immunoglobulin Concentrations Among Breeds of Dairy
- Cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 64 (8): 1727-1730
- Özhan, M., N. Tüzemen ve M. Yanar. 2004. Büyükbaş Hayvan Yetiştirme. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayın No : 134. Erzurum.
- Quigley, J. 1998. Using the Colostrometer to Measure Colostrum Quality.
- Rusch, J. 2001. Calving and Colostrum. http://www.
- Selk, G.E. 2003. Disease Protection for Baby Calves. http://
- Sellers, R. 2001. A Guide to Colostrum and Colostrum Management For Dairy Calves.http://www.aphis.usda. gov Colostrum.pdf bamn /BAMN
- Shearer, J. H.O Mohammed, J.S Brenneman and T.Q. Tran, 1992. Factors Associated With Concentrations Of Immunoglobulins in Colostrum At The First Milking Post-Calving. Pre.Vet. Med. 14 (1-2) : 143-154.
- Thomas, H.S. 2003. Calves Need Colostrum to Build Immunities. archive /2002/ March/CT195.shtml
- Valenta, J. and J. Zilkova. 1988. A Practical Method Of Grading, Preservation and Use Of Colostrum For Calves in The First Day Of Life. Veterinarstvi. 38 (6): 276-279.
- Vann, R. C. and J. F. Baker. 2001. Calf Serum IgG Concentrations Affect Weaning Performance. J. Dairy Sci. 79 (1):223-224.
- Vaz, A. K., A.C Furtado., A. Marca, and M.R. 2004The quality of Bovine Colostrum and the Transfer of İmmunity to Newborn Calves in Lages, SC, Brazil. Revista de Ciencias Agroveterinarias 3 (2): 116-120.
- Waterman, D. 1998. Colostrum : The Beginning of a Successful http://www.dqacenter. org / university /moreinfo/ rh53.htm Raising Program.
- Wattiaux, M.A. 2006. Heifer Raising Birth to Weaning 28 Importance Of Colostrum Feedıng. http://Babcock.Cals. Wisc. Edu/Downloads/De/28.En.Pdf.
The Quality of Colostrum and Its Effects on Calves Growth Characteristics in Holstein Cattle
Year 2007,
, 321 - 325, 01.11.2007
Ali Kaygısız
Kö -
Mustafa Köse
This study was carried out to determine colostrum quality in Holstein Cows. Colostrum quality has been estimated by using a colostrometer. The colostrometer works by measuring the specific gravity of colostrum and then takein advantage of the linear relationship between the specific gravity of colostrum and its Ig concentration. Among the 59 colostrum samples tested, 15 25% samples were found to be good, 32 samples 55 % were intermediate and the other12 samples 20% were low concentration. The effect of age of dam and dry period on colostrum quality were found to be significant P0.05 . The effect of age of dam and colostrum quality on calf birth weight were found to be significant P
- Anonim, 2006. Kruuse Colostrum Densimeter User’s Guide.
- Arda, M. 1985. İmmunoloji (Bağışıklık Bilimi). Cilt 1. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Yayınları : 404. Ankara Üniv. Basımevi, Ankara.
- Arthington, J. 1999. Colostrum Management in Newborn Calves. AN11000. pdf
- Besser T. E., C.C. Gay and L.C Pritchett. 1991. Comparison of three methods of feeding colostrum to dairy calves. J. Am. Vet. Med. Ass. 198: 419-422.
- Bernard, J.K. 2006. Developing Quality Dairy Replacement Heifers.
- Bogin, E., Y. Avidar, S. Shenkler, B.A. Israeli, N. Spiegel and R. Cohen. 1993. A Rapid Field Test For The Determination of Colostral İngestion By Calves, Based on Gamma-Glutamyltransferase. Eur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 31: 695-699.
- Brinton, A.H and L.W. Whitlow. 2005. Feeding Dairy Heifers from Birth to Weaning. extension /dairy/202D.pdf
- Devery-Pocius, J.E. and B.L. Larson, 1983. Age and Previous Lactations as Factors in The Amount Of Bovine Colostral İmmunoglobulins. J. Dairy Sci. 66(2):221-226
- Earley, B. and R.J. Fallon.1999. Effects of Quality of Maternal Colostrum Concentrations 4370/eopr-4370.pdf
- İmmunoglobulin Suckled Calves. beef/ reports/
- Erdem, H ve S. Atasever. 2005. Yeni Doğan Buzağılarda Kolostrumun Önemi. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi, 20 (2):79- 84.
- Fleenor, W. A. and G. H. Stott. 1980. Hydrometer Test For Estimation of Immunoglobulin Concentration in Bovine Colostrum. J. Dairy Sci. 63: 973-977.
- Goyena, M., J.M. Ortiz and F.D. Alonso, 1997. Influence of Different Systems Of Feeding in The Appearence Of Cryptosporidiosis in Goat Kids. J. Parasitol 83 (6): 1182-1185.
- Grusenmeyer, D.J. Ryan, C.M. Galton, D.M. and T.R. Overton. 2006. Shortening the Dry Period from 60 to 40 days Does not Affect Colostrum Quality but Decreases Colostrum Yield by Holstein Cows. Journal of Animal Science, 84 (Suppl, 1): 336.
- Halliday, R. 1978. Immunity and Health in Young Lambs. Vet. Rec. 103: 489-492.
- Heinrichs, J. 2000. Measuring Colostrum Quality. Dairy Digest, April 2000.
- Hough, R.L., F.D. Mccarthy., H.D. Kent., D.E. Eversole and M.L. Wahlbexg. 1990. Influence Of Nutritional Restriction During Late Gestation On Production Measures and Passive Immunity In Beef Caltle. J. Anim. Sci. 68 (9): 2622-2627.
- Kirk, J.H. 2003. Colostrum : The Key To Control f Calfhood Diseases and Death Loss. http:// www. vetmed. ucdavis. edu/vetext/INF-DACOLOSTRUM.
- Morin, D.E. P.D. Constable, F.P. Maunsell and G.C. McCoy, 2001. Factors Associated With Colostral Specific Gravity in Dairy Cows. J. Dairy Sci. 84 (4): 937-943. Muller, L.D. and D.K. Ellinger. 1981. Colostral
- Immunoglobulin Concentrations Among Breeds of Dairy
- Cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 64 (8): 1727-1730
- Özhan, M., N. Tüzemen ve M. Yanar. 2004. Büyükbaş Hayvan Yetiştirme. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayın No : 134. Erzurum.
- Quigley, J. 1998. Using the Colostrometer to Measure Colostrum Quality.
- Rusch, J. 2001. Calving and Colostrum. http://www.
- Selk, G.E. 2003. Disease Protection for Baby Calves. http://
- Sellers, R. 2001. A Guide to Colostrum and Colostrum Management For Dairy Calves.http://www.aphis.usda. gov Colostrum.pdf bamn /BAMN
- Shearer, J. H.O Mohammed, J.S Brenneman and T.Q. Tran, 1992. Factors Associated With Concentrations Of Immunoglobulins in Colostrum At The First Milking Post-Calving. Pre.Vet. Med. 14 (1-2) : 143-154.
- Thomas, H.S. 2003. Calves Need Colostrum to Build Immunities. archive /2002/ March/CT195.shtml
- Valenta, J. and J. Zilkova. 1988. A Practical Method Of Grading, Preservation and Use Of Colostrum For Calves in The First Day Of Life. Veterinarstvi. 38 (6): 276-279.
- Vann, R. C. and J. F. Baker. 2001. Calf Serum IgG Concentrations Affect Weaning Performance. J. Dairy Sci. 79 (1):223-224.
- Vaz, A. K., A.C Furtado., A. Marca, and M.R. 2004The quality of Bovine Colostrum and the Transfer of İmmunity to Newborn Calves in Lages, SC, Brazil. Revista de Ciencias Agroveterinarias 3 (2): 116-120.
- Waterman, D. 1998. Colostrum : The Beginning of a Successful http://www.dqacenter. org / university /moreinfo/ rh53.htm Raising Program.
- Wattiaux, M.A. 2006. Heifer Raising Birth to Weaning 28 Importance Of Colostrum Feedıng. http://Babcock.Cals. Wisc. Edu/Downloads/De/28.En.Pdf.