Çarpma parametrelerinin bilinmesi, biyolojik materyallerin hasad ı nda ve iletiminde önemli bir rol oynamaktad ı r. Bu çal ışmada, zeytinin kuvvet, ivme, enerji, momentum ve temas süresi gibi çarpma parametrelerinin düşme yüksekliğ i ve kütleye ba ğ l ı olarak belirlenmesi amaçlanm ışt ı r. Çarpma denemeleri, dü şme yüksekliğ i ve yüzeyi değiştirilebilen çarpma deney düzene ğinde gerçekle ştirilmi ştir. Denemelerden önce zeytinler 5 gruba ayr ı lm ış ve sonra her grup zeytin 0.4 m'den 2 m'ye kadar de ğişen yüksekliklerden iki farkl ı çarpma yüzeyine düşürülmü ştür. Ölçülen çarpma kuvvetlerinden yararlan ı larak diğ er çarpma parametreleri hesaplanm ışt ı r. Yap ı lan varyans analizlerinde dü şme yüksekliğinin kuvvet, ivme ve temas süresi üzerine etkisi önemli bulunmuştur p
Impact parameters make an important role in harvesting and handling of biological materials. In this research, impact parameters of the olive such as impact force, impact acceleration, impact energy, momentum and impact duration was evaluated depending on drop height and mass of the olive. Impact parameters were determined by using impact testing apparatus whose drop height and impact surface was changeable. Before the impact experiments, the olives were divided into five groups and then every groups of the olives were dropped from different drop heights varying between 0.4 and 2 m onto two different impact surfaces. Other impact parameters were calculated by using measured impact force values. The analysis of variance showed that the drop height has a signifıcant effect on the impact force, impact acceleration and impact duration of the olives. As a result of the study, for each group the olives, as the drop height increases, the impact force, impact acceleration, impact energy and momentum increase , but the impact duration decreases. Furthermore, the data on impact parameters versus the drop height are illustrated together with the confidence intervals of 95 %.
olive impact force acceleration energy momentum impact duration
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | January 1, 2002 |
Submission Date | January 1, 2002 |
Published in Issue | Year 2002 |
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