Research Article
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Year 2022, , 430 - 437, 05.09.2022



  • Abdollahzadeh F, Pirmohammadi R, Farhoomand P, Fatehi F & Pazhoh F F (2010). The Effect of Ensiled Mixed Tomato and Apple Pomace on Holstein Dairy Cow. Italian Journal of Animal Science 9(2): 212-216.
  • Afzal B Y, Ganai A M & Ahmad H A. (2015). Utilisation of Apple pomace as livestock feed: A review. Indian Journal of Small Ruminants 21(2): 165-179.
  • Ajila C M, Saurabh S J, Brar S K, Godbout S, Cote M, Guay F, Verma M & Valéro J R (2015). Fermented Apple Pomace as a Feed Additive to Enhance Growth Performance of Growing Pigs and Its Effects on Emissions. Agriculture. 5(2). 313-329.
  • Alibes X, Munoz F & Rodriguez J (1984). Feeding value of apple pomace silage for sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology 11(3): 189-197.
  • Anonymous, (2020). Main Statistics. Agriculture. Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • AOAC (2000). Official Methods of Analysis, 17th Edition, Association of Official Analytical Chemist International, Washington DC.
  • Ashbell G, Weinberg Z G, Azrieli A, Hen Y & Horev B (1991). A simple system to study the aerobic deterioration of silages. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 33, 391-393.
  • Barker S B & Summerson W H (1941). The colorimetric determination of lactic acid in biological material. Journal of Biological Chemistry 138(2): 535-554.
  • Canbolat Ö, Kamalak A & Kara H (2014). The effects of urea supplementation on pomegranate pulp (Punica granatum L.) silage fermentation, aerobic stability and in vitro gas production. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 61 (3): 217-223.
  • Carson K J, Collins J L & Penfield M P (1994). Unrefined, dried apple pomace as a potential food ingredient. Journal of Food Science 59(6): 1213-1215.
  • Çelik S, Budag C, Demirel M, Bakici Y & Çelik S (2009). The Effects of adding urea and molasses to corn harvested at dough stage on silage fermentation quality, in vitro organic matter digestibility and metabolic energy contents. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8(10): 1921-1924.
  • Demirel M. & Yıldız S (2001). The effect of whole-crop barley harvested at milk stage by adding urea and molasses on silage quality and nutrient degradability in the rumen. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 11(1): 55-62.
  • Dubois M, Giles K A, Hamilton J K, Rebes P A & Smith F (1956). Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Analytical Chemistry 28(3): 350-356.
  • Fang J, Cao Y, Matsuzaki M, Suzuki H & Kimura H (2016). Effects of apple pomace-mixed silage on growth performance and meat quality in finishing pigs. Animal Science Journal 87(12): 1516-1521.
  • Filya I, Sucu E & Hanoğlu H (2004). Effects of urea application on the silage fermentation, aerobic stability ruminal degradability and fattening performance of lambs. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10 (3): 258-262.
  • Fontenot J P, Bovard K P, Oltjen R R, Rumsey T S & Priode B M (1977). Supplementation of apple pomace with non-protein nitrogen for gestating beef cows. Feed intake and performance. Journal of Animal Science 45(3): 513-522.
  • García-Rodríguez J, Ranilla M J, France J, Alaiz-Moretón H, Carro MD & López S (2019). Chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and rumen fermentation kinetics of agro-industrial by-products. Animals. 9(11): 1-13.
  • Gasa J, Castrillo C, Guada J A & Balcells J (1992). Rumen digestion of ensiled apple pomace in sheep: effect of proportion in diet and source of nitrogen supplementation. Animal Feed Science and Technology 39(3-4): 193-207.
  • Islam S, Islam M & Matsuzaki M (2014). Apple pomace silage ethanol intake and its effect on sheep. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 43(3): 224-231.
  • Islam S, Islam M N & Matsuzaki M (2018a). Nutritive value of fermented apple pomace silage and its effect in Suffolk ewes. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology 4(4): 80-91.
  • Islam S, Islam M N & Matsuzaki M (2018b). Effect of apple pomace silage on blood parameters in Suffolk ewe. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 47(2): 51-60.
  • Kaiser A G (2004). Silage additives. Chapter 7 in Successful Silage. Kaiser AG, Piltz JW, Burns HM, Griffiths NW. (eds). Dairy Australia and New South Wales Department of Primary Industries. New South Wales, Australia.
  • Kang S, Wanapat M & Nunoi A (2018). Effect of urea and molasses supplementation on quality of cassava top silage. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology 27(1): 74-80.
  • Kara K, Kocaoglu Guclu B, Baytok E, Aktug E, Karakas Oguz F, Kamalak A & Atalay A I (2018). Investigation in terms of digestive values, silages quality and nutrient content of the using pomegranate pomace in the ensiling of apple pomace with high moisture contents. Journal of Applied Animal Research 46(1): 1233-1241.
  • Kennedy M, List D, Lu Y, Newman R H, Sims I M & Bain P J S (1999). Apple pomace and products derived from apple pomace: uses, composition and analysis. In: Analysis of Plant Waste Materials, vol. 20. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 75-119.
  • MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food), (1984). Energy allowances and feedstuff systems for ruminants. ADAS Reference Book 433, HMSO, London.
  • McDonald P, Henderson A R & Heron S J E (1991). The Biochemistry of Silage (2nd ed.). Chalcombe Publ., Church Lane, Kingston, Canterbury, Kent, UK.
  • Menke K H & Steingass H (1988). Estimation of the energetic feed value obtained from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Animal Research and Development 28, 7-55.
  • Menke K H, Raab L, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D & Schneider W (1979). The estimation of the digestibility and metabolizable energy content of ruminant feedstuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor. Journal of Agricultural Science 93(1): 217-222. Minitab. (2013). Minitab® 17 Statistical Software.
  • Mirzaei-Aghsaghali A, Maheri-Sis N, Mansouri H, Razeghi ME, Shayegh J & Aghajanzadeh-Golshani A. (2011). Evaluating nutritional value of apple pomace for ruminants using in vitro gas production technique. Annals of Biological Research 2(1):100-106.
  • NRC (National Research Council). (2001). Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7th revised edn. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
  • Pirmohammadi R, Rouzbahan Y, Rezayazdi K & Zahedifar M (2006). Chemical composition, digestibility and in situ degradability of dried and ensiled apple pomace and maize silage. Small Ruminant Research 66(1-3): 150-155.
  • Rumsey T (1978). Ruminal fermentation products and plasma ammonia of fistulated steers fed apple pomace-urea diets. Journal of Animal Science 47(4): 967-976.
  • Seale D R, Pahlow G, Spoelstra S F, Lindgren S, Dellaglio F & Lowe J F (1990). Methods for the microbiological analysis of silage. Proceeding of The Eurobac Conference, 147, Uppsala.
  • Singhal K K, Thakur S S & Sharma D D (1991). Nutritive value of dried and stored apple pomace and its further processing for improved utilization. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition 8(3): 213-216.
  • Skinner R C, Gigliotti J C, Ku K M & Tou J C (2018). A comprehensive analysis of the composition, health benefits, and safety of apple pomace. Nutrition Reviews 76(12): 893-909. Snedecor G W & Cochran W (1976). Statistical methods. The Iowa State Univ. Pres Amer IA.
  • Taasoli G. & Kafilzadeh F (2008). Effects of Dried and Ensiled Apple Pomace from Puree Making on Performance of Finishing Lambs. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11(2): 294-297.
  • Van Soest P J, Robertson J B & Lewis B.A. (1991). Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science 74(10): 3583-3597.
  • Varzakas T, Zakynthinos G & Verpoort F (2016). Plant Food Residues as a Source of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. Foods. 5(4): 1-32.
  • Vrhovsek U, Rigo A, Tonon D & Mattivi F (2004). Quantitation of polyphenols in different apple varieties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(21): 6532-6538.
  • Wolter R, Durix A, Letourneau J C, Carcelen M &Veis T (1980). Estimation of total digestibility of soybean hulls, apple pomace, carob husk, grape seed oil meal. Annales de zootechnie 29(4): 377-385.
  • Yalcınkaya M Y, Baytok E & Yörük. (2012). Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Different Fruit Pulp Silages. Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Erciyes University 9(2): 95-106.

Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages

Year 2022, , 430 - 437, 05.09.2022


The aim of current experiment was to determine the effect of supplementation of urea on the nutritive value and fermentation characteristics of apple pulp silage. Apple pulp obtained from apple with Granny Smith (Malus domestica) varieties was used in the research. Apple pulp were ensiled in special glass jars with 1.5 L capacity. Urea (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5% on DM basis) was added homogeneously to apple pulp in triplicate. The experimental silos were placed in a room until opening after 45 day of preservation to determine chemical composition and silage fermentation parameters. The addition of urea to apple pulp reduced the water soluble carbohydrate (WSC), content of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) whereas the supplementation of urea significantly (P<0.01) increased crude protein (CP) contents of resultant silages. The addition of urea to apple pulp significantly (P<0.01) increased pH, lactic acid (LA), propionic acid (PA), butyric acid (BA) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) contents of the resultant silages whereas the supplementation of urea significantly (P<0.01) reduced the acetic acid (AA) contents. Addition of urea to apple pulp increased in vitro gas production, digestible organic matter (DOM), metabolic energy (ME) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and significantly reduced yeast and mold count (P<0.01). The urea supplementation also increased the aerobic stability of the resultant silages. It can be concluded that supplementation of urea to apple pulp at 2.0 and 2.5% can be recommended to improve the nutritive value and fermentation parameters of the resultant silages.


  • Abdollahzadeh F, Pirmohammadi R, Farhoomand P, Fatehi F & Pazhoh F F (2010). The Effect of Ensiled Mixed Tomato and Apple Pomace on Holstein Dairy Cow. Italian Journal of Animal Science 9(2): 212-216.
  • Afzal B Y, Ganai A M & Ahmad H A. (2015). Utilisation of Apple pomace as livestock feed: A review. Indian Journal of Small Ruminants 21(2): 165-179.
  • Ajila C M, Saurabh S J, Brar S K, Godbout S, Cote M, Guay F, Verma M & Valéro J R (2015). Fermented Apple Pomace as a Feed Additive to Enhance Growth Performance of Growing Pigs and Its Effects on Emissions. Agriculture. 5(2). 313-329.
  • Alibes X, Munoz F & Rodriguez J (1984). Feeding value of apple pomace silage for sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology 11(3): 189-197.
  • Anonymous, (2020). Main Statistics. Agriculture. Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • AOAC (2000). Official Methods of Analysis, 17th Edition, Association of Official Analytical Chemist International, Washington DC.
  • Ashbell G, Weinberg Z G, Azrieli A, Hen Y & Horev B (1991). A simple system to study the aerobic deterioration of silages. Canadian Agricultural Engineering 33, 391-393.
  • Barker S B & Summerson W H (1941). The colorimetric determination of lactic acid in biological material. Journal of Biological Chemistry 138(2): 535-554.
  • Canbolat Ö, Kamalak A & Kara H (2014). The effects of urea supplementation on pomegranate pulp (Punica granatum L.) silage fermentation, aerobic stability and in vitro gas production. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 61 (3): 217-223.
  • Carson K J, Collins J L & Penfield M P (1994). Unrefined, dried apple pomace as a potential food ingredient. Journal of Food Science 59(6): 1213-1215.
  • Çelik S, Budag C, Demirel M, Bakici Y & Çelik S (2009). The Effects of adding urea and molasses to corn harvested at dough stage on silage fermentation quality, in vitro organic matter digestibility and metabolic energy contents. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8(10): 1921-1924.
  • Demirel M. & Yıldız S (2001). The effect of whole-crop barley harvested at milk stage by adding urea and molasses on silage quality and nutrient degradability in the rumen. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 11(1): 55-62.
  • Dubois M, Giles K A, Hamilton J K, Rebes P A & Smith F (1956). Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Analytical Chemistry 28(3): 350-356.
  • Fang J, Cao Y, Matsuzaki M, Suzuki H & Kimura H (2016). Effects of apple pomace-mixed silage on growth performance and meat quality in finishing pigs. Animal Science Journal 87(12): 1516-1521.
  • Filya I, Sucu E & Hanoğlu H (2004). Effects of urea application on the silage fermentation, aerobic stability ruminal degradability and fattening performance of lambs. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10 (3): 258-262.
  • Fontenot J P, Bovard K P, Oltjen R R, Rumsey T S & Priode B M (1977). Supplementation of apple pomace with non-protein nitrogen for gestating beef cows. Feed intake and performance. Journal of Animal Science 45(3): 513-522.
  • García-Rodríguez J, Ranilla M J, France J, Alaiz-Moretón H, Carro MD & López S (2019). Chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and rumen fermentation kinetics of agro-industrial by-products. Animals. 9(11): 1-13.
  • Gasa J, Castrillo C, Guada J A & Balcells J (1992). Rumen digestion of ensiled apple pomace in sheep: effect of proportion in diet and source of nitrogen supplementation. Animal Feed Science and Technology 39(3-4): 193-207.
  • Islam S, Islam M & Matsuzaki M (2014). Apple pomace silage ethanol intake and its effect on sheep. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 43(3): 224-231.
  • Islam S, Islam M N & Matsuzaki M (2018a). Nutritive value of fermented apple pomace silage and its effect in Suffolk ewes. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology 4(4): 80-91.
  • Islam S, Islam M N & Matsuzaki M (2018b). Effect of apple pomace silage on blood parameters in Suffolk ewe. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 47(2): 51-60.
  • Kaiser A G (2004). Silage additives. Chapter 7 in Successful Silage. Kaiser AG, Piltz JW, Burns HM, Griffiths NW. (eds). Dairy Australia and New South Wales Department of Primary Industries. New South Wales, Australia.
  • Kang S, Wanapat M & Nunoi A (2018). Effect of urea and molasses supplementation on quality of cassava top silage. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology 27(1): 74-80.
  • Kara K, Kocaoglu Guclu B, Baytok E, Aktug E, Karakas Oguz F, Kamalak A & Atalay A I (2018). Investigation in terms of digestive values, silages quality and nutrient content of the using pomegranate pomace in the ensiling of apple pomace with high moisture contents. Journal of Applied Animal Research 46(1): 1233-1241.
  • Kennedy M, List D, Lu Y, Newman R H, Sims I M & Bain P J S (1999). Apple pomace and products derived from apple pomace: uses, composition and analysis. In: Analysis of Plant Waste Materials, vol. 20. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 75-119.
  • MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food), (1984). Energy allowances and feedstuff systems for ruminants. ADAS Reference Book 433, HMSO, London.
  • McDonald P, Henderson A R & Heron S J E (1991). The Biochemistry of Silage (2nd ed.). Chalcombe Publ., Church Lane, Kingston, Canterbury, Kent, UK.
  • Menke K H & Steingass H (1988). Estimation of the energetic feed value obtained from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Animal Research and Development 28, 7-55.
  • Menke K H, Raab L, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D & Schneider W (1979). The estimation of the digestibility and metabolizable energy content of ruminant feedstuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor. Journal of Agricultural Science 93(1): 217-222. Minitab. (2013). Minitab® 17 Statistical Software.
  • Mirzaei-Aghsaghali A, Maheri-Sis N, Mansouri H, Razeghi ME, Shayegh J & Aghajanzadeh-Golshani A. (2011). Evaluating nutritional value of apple pomace for ruminants using in vitro gas production technique. Annals of Biological Research 2(1):100-106.
  • NRC (National Research Council). (2001). Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7th revised edn. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
  • Pirmohammadi R, Rouzbahan Y, Rezayazdi K & Zahedifar M (2006). Chemical composition, digestibility and in situ degradability of dried and ensiled apple pomace and maize silage. Small Ruminant Research 66(1-3): 150-155.
  • Rumsey T (1978). Ruminal fermentation products and plasma ammonia of fistulated steers fed apple pomace-urea diets. Journal of Animal Science 47(4): 967-976.
  • Seale D R, Pahlow G, Spoelstra S F, Lindgren S, Dellaglio F & Lowe J F (1990). Methods for the microbiological analysis of silage. Proceeding of The Eurobac Conference, 147, Uppsala.
  • Singhal K K, Thakur S S & Sharma D D (1991). Nutritive value of dried and stored apple pomace and its further processing for improved utilization. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition 8(3): 213-216.
  • Skinner R C, Gigliotti J C, Ku K M & Tou J C (2018). A comprehensive analysis of the composition, health benefits, and safety of apple pomace. Nutrition Reviews 76(12): 893-909. Snedecor G W & Cochran W (1976). Statistical methods. The Iowa State Univ. Pres Amer IA.
  • Taasoli G. & Kafilzadeh F (2008). Effects of Dried and Ensiled Apple Pomace from Puree Making on Performance of Finishing Lambs. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11(2): 294-297.
  • Van Soest P J, Robertson J B & Lewis B.A. (1991). Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science 74(10): 3583-3597.
  • Varzakas T, Zakynthinos G & Verpoort F (2016). Plant Food Residues as a Source of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. Foods. 5(4): 1-32.
  • Vrhovsek U, Rigo A, Tonon D & Mattivi F (2004). Quantitation of polyphenols in different apple varieties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(21): 6532-6538.
  • Wolter R, Durix A, Letourneau J C, Carcelen M &Veis T (1980). Estimation of total digestibility of soybean hulls, apple pomace, carob husk, grape seed oil meal. Annales de zootechnie 29(4): 377-385.
  • Yalcınkaya M Y, Baytok E & Yörük. (2012). Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Different Fruit Pulp Silages. Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Erciyes University 9(2): 95-106.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Önder Canbolat 0000-0001-7139-1334

Publication Date September 5, 2022
Submission Date April 16, 2021
Acceptance Date July 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Canbolat, Ö. (2022). Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(3), 430-437.
AMA Canbolat Ö. Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2022;28(3):430-437. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.917540
Chicago Canbolat, Önder. “Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 3 (September 2022): 430-37.
EndNote Canbolat Ö (September 1, 2022) Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 3 430–437.
IEEE Ö. Canbolat, “Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 430–437, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.917540.
ISNAD Canbolat, Önder. “Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/3 (September 2022), 430-437.
JAMA Canbolat Ö. Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:430–437.
MLA Canbolat, Önder. “Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 3, 2022, pp. 430-7, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.917540.
Vancouver Canbolat Ö. Effect of Supplementation of Urea on the Nutritive Value and Fermentation Characteristics of Apple Pulp Silages. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(3):430-7.

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