Research Article
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Year 2022, , 511 - 517, 05.09.2022


Supporting Institution

Bursa Uludağ Universitesi


  • AOAC. (1990) Official methods of analysis. 15th ed. Assoc. Off. Anal Chem. Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Angel R., Powers W. & Applegate T. (2008) Diet impacts for mitigating air emissions from poultry. Livestock Environment VIII. 31 August - 4 September, 2008, Iguassu Falls,Brazil
  • Alagöz T., Kumova Y., Atilgan A. & Akyüz. A. (1996). Hayvancılık Tesislerinde, Ortaya Çıkan Atıklar ve Yarattıgı Çevre Kirliligi Üzerine Bir Çalısma.,Tarım-Çevre İliskileri Simpozyumu, 13-15 Mayıs 1996, M.Ü. Mühendislik Fakültesi, Mersin.
  • Bayhan A.K. (1996) Erzurum Yöresi Besi Sığırcılığının Mekanizasyon Durumu, Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları Üzerine bir Araştırma. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Ana Bilim Dalı, Erzurum
  • Bouraoui R., Lahmar M., Majdoub A., Djemali M. & Belyea R. (2002) The relationship of temperature-humidity index with milk production of dairy cows in a Mediterranean climate. Animal Research.,51(6): 479-491.
  • Brose G., Hartung E. & Jungbluth T. (1998) Influences on and measurement of ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from dairy houses. AgEng Oslo 98, E-054.
  • Bjorneberg D.L., Leytem A.B., Westermann D.T., Griffiths P.R., Shao L. & Pollard M.J. (2009) Measurment of atmospheric ammonia, methane and nitorus oxide at concentrated dairy production facility in southern Idaho using open path FTIR spectrometry. Transaction of ASABE, 52(5): 1749-1756.
  • Bickert W.G. (2001) Ventilation and animal health. Agricultural Engineering Newsletter. Michigan State University,
  • De Rensis F. & Scaramuzzi R.J. (2003) Heat Stress and Seasonal Effects on Reproduction in the Dairy Cow—A Review. Theriogenology, 60:1139-1151.
  • Değirmencioğlu T. (2020) Possibilities to Reduce Thermal Stress in Water Buffalo [Bubalus bubalis (Linnaeus, 1758)] ANADOLU. J. of AARI., 30 (1): 117-123 DOI: 10.18615/anadolu.7271123
  • Du Preez J.H., Hatting P.I., Giesecke W.H., & Eisenberg B.E. (1990) Heat stress in dairy cattle and other livestock under Southern African conditions. III. Monthly temperature-humidity index mean values and their significance in the performance of dairy cattle. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res., 57: 243-248.
  • Fournel S., Ouellet V. & Charbonneau E. (2017) Practices for alleviating heat stress of dairy cows in humid continental climates: A literature review Animals.,7(5):37.
  • Gantner V., Mijić P., Kuterovac K., Solić D. & Gantner R. (2011) Temperature-humidity index values and their significance on the daily production. Daily production of dairy cattle, Mljekarstvo., ,61(1): 56-63.
  • Johnson H.D. (1985) Physiological responses and productivity of cattle, Stress physiology in livestock. Basic principles, Vol. 1, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 4-19.
  • Jungbluth T., Hartung E. & Brose G. (2001) Greenhouse gas emissions from animal houses and manure stores. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 60: 133-145.
  • Kılıc I. (2011) Characterization of air pollutants in animal barns. PhD Thesis. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Deparment of Biosystem Engineering. 202 pages.
  • Maghirang R.G. & Manbeck H.B. (1993) Dust, Ammonia, and carbon dioxide emission from a poultry house. ASAE. St Joseph. Michigan.Paper No. 93-4056.
  • Maynet C.S. & Gordon F.J. (1984) The Effect of Type of Concentrate and Level of Concentrate Feeding on Milk Production. Anim. Prod., 39 (1): 65- 76.
  • Merino P., Arriaga H., Salcedo G., Pinto M. & Calsamiglia S. (2008) Dietary modification in dairy cattle: field measurement to assess the effect on ammonia emissions in the Basque Country. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 123: 88-94.
  • McDowell R.E, Hooven N.W. & Camoens J.K. (1976) Effects of climate on performance of Holsteins in first lactation. J. Dairy Sc.i.59: 965-973.
  • NRC. (2001) Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. National academy press. Washington.D.C, ,341-353.
  • Negwa P.M.,. Hristov A.N., Arogo J. & Sheffield R.E. (2008) A review of ammonia emission mitigation techniques for concentrated animal feeding operations. Biosystems Engineerring. 100: 453-469.
  • Okuroglu M, & Delbas L. (1986) Hayvan Barınaklarında Uygun Çevre Kosulları. Hayvancılık Semineri. TOKB. Tokat 6l Müdürlügü, 5-8 Mayıs. TOKAT
  • Robertson J.B. & Van Soest P.J. (1981) The detergent system of analysis and its application to human foods. in the analysis of dietary fiber in food. W.P.T. James and O. Theander, Ed. Marcel Dekker, New York. NY. p. 123.
  • Sainsbury, D.W.B. (1981). Health Problems in Intensive Animal Production. Environmental Aspects of Housing for Animal Production, 439-454 p., England.
  • Schein M.V. & Hafez E.S.E. (1969) The physical environment and behaviour. In: The behaviour of domestic animals. Balliere Tindelland Cassel London. p. 63-94.
  • SPSS. (2006) Statistical package for social sciences, Pc Version 15, SPSS Inc. 444 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, USA,
  • Steevens B., & Ricketts R. (1993) Feeding and housing dairy goats. Agricultural publication G3990. University of Missouri,. Snell H.G.J., Speilt F. & Van dan Weghe H.F.A. (2003) Ventilation rates and gaseous emissions from naturally ventilated dairy houses. Biosystems Eng.,86 (1): 67-73.
  • Turan Z.M. (1995) Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları. U. Üniv. Zir. Fak. Ders Notları, Bursa, No: 62. 121s.
  • Türkmen E. (1998) A research on investigation of dairy farms supported with european union instrument for pre-accession assistance-rural development (ipard) in terms of animal welfare. PhD Thesis. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Biosystems Engineering.,148 pages
  • West J.W., Mullinix B.G. & Bernard J.K. (2003) Effects of hot, humid weather on milk temperature, dry matter intake, and milk yield of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science., 86: 232-242.
  • Zhang G., Strøm J.S.,..Li B Rom H.B., Morsing S., Dahl P. & Wang C. (2005) Emission of ammonia and other contaminant gases from naturally ventilated dairy cattle Buildings. Biosystems Engineering., 92 (3): 355-364
  • Zhang Q., .Zhou X.J., Cicek N. & Tenuta M. (2007) Measurement of odour and greenhouse gas emissions in two swine farrowing operations. Canadian Biosys.Eng., 49: 13-20.
  • Zhang G., Bjergb B., Strøma J.S., Morsinga S., Kaia P., Tongc G. & Ravna P. (2008) Emission effects of three different ventilation control strategies A scale model study. Biosystems Engineerring., 100: 96-104.
  • Zhao L.Y., Brugger M.F., Manuzan R.B., Arnold G. & Imerman E. (2007) Variations in air quality of new ohiso dairy facilities with natural ventilation systems. Appl. Engineering in Agriculture.,23 (3): 339-346.

The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

Year 2022, , 511 - 517, 05.09.2022


In this study, the effects of in-shelter gas concentration on milk yield and total dry matter intake (TDMI) of buffaloes during the spring and summer periods were investigated. The research was carried out in a shelter with 20 main Anatolian buffaloes between March and July. Values for temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, and CH4, NH3, and CO2 gases were recorded in the shelter. Data records were collected continuously for 24 hours for 4 days. Milk yield and DMI of buffaloes were also determined. As it was observed, higher air velocity in the house reduces the methane gas levels (P<0.01). The regression equation between milk yield and relative humidity was Y= 6.011-0.03RH and showed a negative and low degree correlation. It was illustrated that TDMI varied between 11.00 ± 0.12-13.20 ± 0.06 kg during the summer. The difference observed between months in terms of feed intake was found to be statistically significant (P<0.05). Although the milk yield of water buffalo was low in March, it increased in April and May. However, there was a decrease in DMI (0.50 kg/day) and milk yield (264 mL/day) for an increase of + 1 °C in air temperature. The recorded values for CO2 concentration in the buffalo shelter during the summer period varied between 620-1120 ppm. Considering the obtained results, NH3 and CO2 gas levels in the shelter were below the higher limits and can be considered as not dangerous for animal and human health. It was determined that regression equation between feed intake and temperature was Y= 9.901 + 0.089T**, regression coefficient was R2= 0.19 and correlation coefficient was r= 0.44 (P<0.001).


  • AOAC. (1990) Official methods of analysis. 15th ed. Assoc. Off. Anal Chem. Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Angel R., Powers W. & Applegate T. (2008) Diet impacts for mitigating air emissions from poultry. Livestock Environment VIII. 31 August - 4 September, 2008, Iguassu Falls,Brazil
  • Alagöz T., Kumova Y., Atilgan A. & Akyüz. A. (1996). Hayvancılık Tesislerinde, Ortaya Çıkan Atıklar ve Yarattıgı Çevre Kirliligi Üzerine Bir Çalısma.,Tarım-Çevre İliskileri Simpozyumu, 13-15 Mayıs 1996, M.Ü. Mühendislik Fakültesi, Mersin.
  • Bayhan A.K. (1996) Erzurum Yöresi Besi Sığırcılığının Mekanizasyon Durumu, Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları Üzerine bir Araştırma. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Ana Bilim Dalı, Erzurum
  • Bouraoui R., Lahmar M., Majdoub A., Djemali M. & Belyea R. (2002) The relationship of temperature-humidity index with milk production of dairy cows in a Mediterranean climate. Animal Research.,51(6): 479-491.
  • Brose G., Hartung E. & Jungbluth T. (1998) Influences on and measurement of ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from dairy houses. AgEng Oslo 98, E-054.
  • Bjorneberg D.L., Leytem A.B., Westermann D.T., Griffiths P.R., Shao L. & Pollard M.J. (2009) Measurment of atmospheric ammonia, methane and nitorus oxide at concentrated dairy production facility in southern Idaho using open path FTIR spectrometry. Transaction of ASABE, 52(5): 1749-1756.
  • Bickert W.G. (2001) Ventilation and animal health. Agricultural Engineering Newsletter. Michigan State University,
  • De Rensis F. & Scaramuzzi R.J. (2003) Heat Stress and Seasonal Effects on Reproduction in the Dairy Cow—A Review. Theriogenology, 60:1139-1151.
  • Değirmencioğlu T. (2020) Possibilities to Reduce Thermal Stress in Water Buffalo [Bubalus bubalis (Linnaeus, 1758)] ANADOLU. J. of AARI., 30 (1): 117-123 DOI: 10.18615/anadolu.7271123
  • Du Preez J.H., Hatting P.I., Giesecke W.H., & Eisenberg B.E. (1990) Heat stress in dairy cattle and other livestock under Southern African conditions. III. Monthly temperature-humidity index mean values and their significance in the performance of dairy cattle. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res., 57: 243-248.
  • Fournel S., Ouellet V. & Charbonneau E. (2017) Practices for alleviating heat stress of dairy cows in humid continental climates: A literature review Animals.,7(5):37.
  • Gantner V., Mijić P., Kuterovac K., Solić D. & Gantner R. (2011) Temperature-humidity index values and their significance on the daily production. Daily production of dairy cattle, Mljekarstvo., ,61(1): 56-63.
  • Johnson H.D. (1985) Physiological responses and productivity of cattle, Stress physiology in livestock. Basic principles, Vol. 1, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 4-19.
  • Jungbluth T., Hartung E. & Brose G. (2001) Greenhouse gas emissions from animal houses and manure stores. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 60: 133-145.
  • Kılıc I. (2011) Characterization of air pollutants in animal barns. PhD Thesis. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Deparment of Biosystem Engineering. 202 pages.
  • Maghirang R.G. & Manbeck H.B. (1993) Dust, Ammonia, and carbon dioxide emission from a poultry house. ASAE. St Joseph. Michigan.Paper No. 93-4056.
  • Maynet C.S. & Gordon F.J. (1984) The Effect of Type of Concentrate and Level of Concentrate Feeding on Milk Production. Anim. Prod., 39 (1): 65- 76.
  • Merino P., Arriaga H., Salcedo G., Pinto M. & Calsamiglia S. (2008) Dietary modification in dairy cattle: field measurement to assess the effect on ammonia emissions in the Basque Country. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 123: 88-94.
  • McDowell R.E, Hooven N.W. & Camoens J.K. (1976) Effects of climate on performance of Holsteins in first lactation. J. Dairy Sc.i.59: 965-973.
  • NRC. (2001) Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. National academy press. Washington.D.C, ,341-353.
  • Negwa P.M.,. Hristov A.N., Arogo J. & Sheffield R.E. (2008) A review of ammonia emission mitigation techniques for concentrated animal feeding operations. Biosystems Engineerring. 100: 453-469.
  • Okuroglu M, & Delbas L. (1986) Hayvan Barınaklarında Uygun Çevre Kosulları. Hayvancılık Semineri. TOKB. Tokat 6l Müdürlügü, 5-8 Mayıs. TOKAT
  • Robertson J.B. & Van Soest P.J. (1981) The detergent system of analysis and its application to human foods. in the analysis of dietary fiber in food. W.P.T. James and O. Theander, Ed. Marcel Dekker, New York. NY. p. 123.
  • Sainsbury, D.W.B. (1981). Health Problems in Intensive Animal Production. Environmental Aspects of Housing for Animal Production, 439-454 p., England.
  • Schein M.V. & Hafez E.S.E. (1969) The physical environment and behaviour. In: The behaviour of domestic animals. Balliere Tindelland Cassel London. p. 63-94.
  • SPSS. (2006) Statistical package for social sciences, Pc Version 15, SPSS Inc. 444 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, USA,
  • Steevens B., & Ricketts R. (1993) Feeding and housing dairy goats. Agricultural publication G3990. University of Missouri,. Snell H.G.J., Speilt F. & Van dan Weghe H.F.A. (2003) Ventilation rates and gaseous emissions from naturally ventilated dairy houses. Biosystems Eng.,86 (1): 67-73.
  • Turan Z.M. (1995) Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları. U. Üniv. Zir. Fak. Ders Notları, Bursa, No: 62. 121s.
  • Türkmen E. (1998) A research on investigation of dairy farms supported with european union instrument for pre-accession assistance-rural development (ipard) in terms of animal welfare. PhD Thesis. Uludag University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Biosystems Engineering.,148 pages
  • West J.W., Mullinix B.G. & Bernard J.K. (2003) Effects of hot, humid weather on milk temperature, dry matter intake, and milk yield of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science., 86: 232-242.
  • Zhang G., Strøm J.S.,..Li B Rom H.B., Morsing S., Dahl P. & Wang C. (2005) Emission of ammonia and other contaminant gases from naturally ventilated dairy cattle Buildings. Biosystems Engineering., 92 (3): 355-364
  • Zhang Q., .Zhou X.J., Cicek N. & Tenuta M. (2007) Measurement of odour and greenhouse gas emissions in two swine farrowing operations. Canadian Biosys.Eng., 49: 13-20.
  • Zhang G., Bjergb B., Strøma J.S., Morsinga S., Kaia P., Tongc G. & Ravna P. (2008) Emission effects of three different ventilation control strategies A scale model study. Biosystems Engineerring., 100: 96-104.
  • Zhao L.Y., Brugger M.F., Manuzan R.B., Arnold G. & Imerman E. (2007) Variations in air quality of new ohiso dairy facilities with natural ventilation systems. Appl. Engineering in Agriculture.,23 (3): 339-346.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Taşkın Değirmencioğlu 0000-0002-1512-1302

Publication Date September 5, 2022
Submission Date June 30, 2021
Acceptance Date October 9, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Değirmencioğlu, T. (2022). The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(3), 511-517.
AMA Değirmencioğlu T. The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2022;28(3):511-517. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.960280
Chicago Değirmencioğlu, Taşkın. “The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk Yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 3 (September 2022): 511-17.
EndNote Değirmencioğlu T (September 1, 2022) The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 3 511–517.
IEEE T. Değirmencioğlu, “The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 511–517, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.960280.
ISNAD Değirmencioğlu, Taşkın. “The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk Yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/3 (September 2022), 511-517.
JAMA Değirmencioğlu T. The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:511–517.
MLA Değirmencioğlu, Taşkın. “The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk Yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 3, 2022, pp. 511-7, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.960280.
Vancouver Değirmencioğlu T. The Effects of Gas Changes in the Shelter in the Summer Period on the Milk yield and Dry Material Consumption of Anatolian Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(3):511-7.

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