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Year 2014, Volume: 20 Issue: 4, 427 - 433, 16.10.2014


In this study, calpastatin (CAST) gene polimorphism was investigated in 7 native sheep breeds reared in Turkey by using PCR-RFLP method. The frequencies of M and N alleles of CAST gene in Kangal (n= 31), Awassi (n= 26), Güney Karaman (n= 23), Akkaraman (n= 21), Morkaraman (n= 34), Karayaka (n= 33), and Karakas (n= 22) sheep breeds were determined as 0.92-0.08, 0.59-0.41, 0.67-0.33, 0.69-0.31, 0.87-0.13, 0.86-0.14, 0.89-0.11 respectively. According to chi-square test, all the other populations were consistent with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, whereas Morkaraman, İvesi and Karayaka populations showed significant (P<0.05) deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the CAST gene.


  • Adams N R & Briegel J R (2005). Multiple effects of an additional growth hormone gene in adult sheep. Journal of Animal Science 83: 1868-1874
  • Casas E, White S N, Wheeler T L, Shackelford S D, Koohmaraie M, Riley D G, Chase Jr C C, Johnson D D & Smith T P L (2006). Effects of calpastatin and μ-Kalpain meakers in beef cattle on tenderness traits. Journal of Animal Science 84: 520-525
  • Chu M X, Mu Y L, Fang L, Ye S C & Sun S H (2007). Prolactin Receptor as a Candidate Gene for Prolificacy of Small Tail Han Sheep. Animal Biotechnology 18: 65–73
  • Chu M X, Yang J, Feng T, Cao GL, Fang L, Di R, Huang D W, Tang Q Q, Ma Y H, Li K & Li N (2011). GDF9 as a candidate gene for prolificacy of Small Tail Han sheep. Molecular Biology Reports 38(8): 5199-5204
  • Ciobanu D C, Bastiaansen J W M, Lonergan S M, Thomsen H, Dekkers J C M, Plastow G S & Rothschild M F (2004). New alleles in calpastatin gene are associated with meat quality traits in pigs. Journal of Animal Science 82: 2829-2839
  • Dagong M I A, Herman R, Sumantri C, Noor R R & Yamin M (2012). Carcass and physical meat characteristics of thin tail sheep (TTS) based on calpastatin gene (CAST) (Locus intron 5 – exon 6) genotypes variation. Journal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 17(1): 13-24
  • Djadid N D, Nikmard M, Zakeri S & Gholizadeh S (2011). Characterization of calpastatin gene in Iranian Afshari sheep. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 9(2): 145-149
  • Gabor M, Trakovicka A & Miluchova M (2009). Analysıs of Polymorphısm of CAST Gene and CLPG Gene in Sheep by PCR-RFLP Method. Lucrari ştiintifice Zootehnie şi Biotehnologii 42(2): 470-476
  • Gao Y, Zhang R, Hu X & Li N (2007). Application of genomic technologies to the improvement of meat quality of farm animals. Meat Science 77: 36-45
  • Gharahveysi S, Ali Abbasi H, Irani M, Abdullahpour R & Mirhabibi S (2012). Polymorphism investigation of calpastatin gene in Zel sheep population of Iran by PCR-RFLP method. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(13): 3211-3214
  • Goll D E, Thompson V F, Taylor R G & Ouali A (1998). The Kalpain system and skeletal muscle growth. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 78: 503-512
  • Hartl D L & Clark A G (1989). Principles of Population Genetics. Second Edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts, pp.37
  • He J N, Zhang B Y, Chu M X, Wang P Q, Feng T, Cao G L, Di R, Fang L, Huang D W, Tang Q Q & Li N (2012). Polymorphism of insulin-like growth factor 1 gene and its association with litter size in Small Tail Han sheep. Molecular Biology Reports 39: 9801–9807
  • Hernandez X, Bodin L, Chesneau D, Guillaume D, Chemineau P, Malpaux P & Migaud M (2005). Relationship between MT1 melatonin receptor gene polymorphism and seasonal hysiological responses in Île-de-France ewes. Reproduction Nutrition Development 45: 151–162
  • Kania M G (2012). Effect of calpastatin gene polymorphism on lamb growth and muscling. Annals of Animal Science 12(1): 63–72
  • Kapelanski W, Grajewska J K, Bocian M, Jankowiak J W (2004). Calpastatin (CAST) gene polymorphism and selected meat quality traits in pig. Animal Science Papers and Reports 22(4): 435-441
  • Karslı T & Balcıoğlu M S (2010). Türkiye’de yetiştirilen altı yerli koyun ırkında BMPR-IB (Booroola) geninde FecB allel varlığının PCR-RFLP yöntemiyle araştırılması. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16(6): 1033-1036
  • Karslı T, Şahin E, Karslı B A, Alkan S & Balcıoğlu M S (2012). An investigation of mutations (FecXG, FecXI, FecXH, FecXB) on BMP-15 gene in some local sheep breeds raised in Turkey. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 25(1): 29-33
  • Kaya M (2005). Bir kalpain inhibitörü olan AK295’in nöroprotektif etkilerinin deneysel spinal kord travması modelinde incelenmesi. Uzmanlık Tezi(Basılmamış). Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Kliniği, İSTANBUL.
  • Khederzadeh S (2011). Polymorphism of Calpastatin Gene in Crossbreed Dalagh Sheep Using PCR-RFLP. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(53): 1083910841
  • Kowalczyk M S, Wisniewska E & Mroczkowsk S (2011). Polymorphisms of calpastatin gene in sheep. Journal of Central European Agriculture 12(3): 425-432
  • Kumar P, Choudhary V, Kumar K G, Bhattacharya T K, Bhushan B, Sharma A & Mishra A (2006). Nucleotide sequencing and DNA polymorphism studies on IGFBP-3 gene in sheep and its comparison with cattle and buffalo. Small Ruminant Research 64: 285–292
  • Mohammadi M, Beigi Nasiri M T, Alami-Saeid K H, Fayazi J, Mamoee M & Sadr A S (2008). Polymorphism of calpastatin gene in Arabic sheep using PCR- RFLP. African Journal of Biotechnology 7(15): 2682-2684
  • Nanekarani S, Khederzadeh S & Kaftarkari M (2011). Genotypic Frequency of Calpastatin Gene in Atabi Sheep by PBR Method. International Conference on Food Engineering and Biotechnology. IPCBEE vol.9, IACSIT Press, Singapoore, pp.189-192
  • Nei M, (1987). Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. Columbia University Press. New York
  • Palmer B R, Robert N, Hickford J G H & Bickerstaffe G (1998). Rapid comunication: PCR-RFLP for MspI and NcoI in the ovine calpastatin gene. Journal of Animal Science 76: 1499-1500
  • Schenkel F S, Miller S P, Jiang Z, Mandell I B, Ye X, Li H & Wilton J W (2006). Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the calpastatin gene with carcass and meat quality traits of beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84: 291-299
  • Suleman M, Khan S U, Riaz M N, Yousaf M, Shah A, Ishaq R & Ghafoor A (2012). Calpastatin (CAST) gene polymorphism in Kajli, Lohi and Thalli sheep breeds. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(47): 10655-10660
  • Sutikno A, Yamin M & Sumantri C (2011). Association of polymorphisms calpastatin gene with body weight of local sheep in Jonggol, Indonesia. Media Peternakan 34: 1-6
  • Şahin E, Karslı T, Elmacı C & Balcıoğlu M S (2011). Beta-Lactoglobulin gene types in Turkish fat-tailed sheep breeds. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17(6): 1031-1033
  • Şahin Ş, Öner Y & Elmacı C (2013). Esmer ve Siyah Alaca ırkı sığırlarda bazı ekonomik özellikler ile ilişkili gen bölgelerinin PCR-RFLP tekniği ile incelenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 19: 235-244.
  • Tellam R L, Cockett N E, Vuacolo T & Bidwell CA (2012). Genes contributing to genetic variation of muscling in sheep. Frontiers in Genetics 3(164): 1-14 Zhou H, Hicford J G H, Gong H (2007). Polymorphism of the ovine calpastatin gene. Molecular and Cellular Probes 21: 242-244

Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi

Year 2014, Volume: 20 Issue: 4, 427 - 433, 16.10.2014


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de yetiştirilen 7 yerli koyun ırkında kalpastatin (CAST) gen polimorfizmi PCR-RFLP metodu kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. CAST geninin M ve N allelleri frekansları; Kangal (n= 31), İvesi (n= 26), Güney Karaman(n= 23), Akkaraman (n= 21), Morkaraman (n= 34), Karayaka (n= 33) ve Karakaş (n= 22) koyun ırklarında sırasıyla 0.92-0.08, 0.59-0.41, 0.67-0.33, 0.69-0.31, 0.87-0.13, 0.86-0.14, 0.89-0.11 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ki-kare testi CAST geni bakımından Morkaraman, İvesi ve Karayaka populasyonlarının Hardy-Weinberg dengesinden önemli düzeyde (P<0.05)saptığını, diğer populasyonların ise Hardy-Weinberg dengesinde olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Adams N R & Briegel J R (2005). Multiple effects of an additional growth hormone gene in adult sheep. Journal of Animal Science 83: 1868-1874
  • Casas E, White S N, Wheeler T L, Shackelford S D, Koohmaraie M, Riley D G, Chase Jr C C, Johnson D D & Smith T P L (2006). Effects of calpastatin and μ-Kalpain meakers in beef cattle on tenderness traits. Journal of Animal Science 84: 520-525
  • Chu M X, Mu Y L, Fang L, Ye S C & Sun S H (2007). Prolactin Receptor as a Candidate Gene for Prolificacy of Small Tail Han Sheep. Animal Biotechnology 18: 65–73
  • Chu M X, Yang J, Feng T, Cao GL, Fang L, Di R, Huang D W, Tang Q Q, Ma Y H, Li K & Li N (2011). GDF9 as a candidate gene for prolificacy of Small Tail Han sheep. Molecular Biology Reports 38(8): 5199-5204
  • Ciobanu D C, Bastiaansen J W M, Lonergan S M, Thomsen H, Dekkers J C M, Plastow G S & Rothschild M F (2004). New alleles in calpastatin gene are associated with meat quality traits in pigs. Journal of Animal Science 82: 2829-2839
  • Dagong M I A, Herman R, Sumantri C, Noor R R & Yamin M (2012). Carcass and physical meat characteristics of thin tail sheep (TTS) based on calpastatin gene (CAST) (Locus intron 5 – exon 6) genotypes variation. Journal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 17(1): 13-24
  • Djadid N D, Nikmard M, Zakeri S & Gholizadeh S (2011). Characterization of calpastatin gene in Iranian Afshari sheep. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 9(2): 145-149
  • Gabor M, Trakovicka A & Miluchova M (2009). Analysıs of Polymorphısm of CAST Gene and CLPG Gene in Sheep by PCR-RFLP Method. Lucrari ştiintifice Zootehnie şi Biotehnologii 42(2): 470-476
  • Gao Y, Zhang R, Hu X & Li N (2007). Application of genomic technologies to the improvement of meat quality of farm animals. Meat Science 77: 36-45
  • Gharahveysi S, Ali Abbasi H, Irani M, Abdullahpour R & Mirhabibi S (2012). Polymorphism investigation of calpastatin gene in Zel sheep population of Iran by PCR-RFLP method. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(13): 3211-3214
  • Goll D E, Thompson V F, Taylor R G & Ouali A (1998). The Kalpain system and skeletal muscle growth. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 78: 503-512
  • Hartl D L & Clark A G (1989). Principles of Population Genetics. Second Edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts, pp.37
  • He J N, Zhang B Y, Chu M X, Wang P Q, Feng T, Cao G L, Di R, Fang L, Huang D W, Tang Q Q & Li N (2012). Polymorphism of insulin-like growth factor 1 gene and its association with litter size in Small Tail Han sheep. Molecular Biology Reports 39: 9801–9807
  • Hernandez X, Bodin L, Chesneau D, Guillaume D, Chemineau P, Malpaux P & Migaud M (2005). Relationship between MT1 melatonin receptor gene polymorphism and seasonal hysiological responses in Île-de-France ewes. Reproduction Nutrition Development 45: 151–162
  • Kania M G (2012). Effect of calpastatin gene polymorphism on lamb growth and muscling. Annals of Animal Science 12(1): 63–72
  • Kapelanski W, Grajewska J K, Bocian M, Jankowiak J W (2004). Calpastatin (CAST) gene polymorphism and selected meat quality traits in pig. Animal Science Papers and Reports 22(4): 435-441
  • Karslı T & Balcıoğlu M S (2010). Türkiye’de yetiştirilen altı yerli koyun ırkında BMPR-IB (Booroola) geninde FecB allel varlığının PCR-RFLP yöntemiyle araştırılması. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16(6): 1033-1036
  • Karslı T, Şahin E, Karslı B A, Alkan S & Balcıoğlu M S (2012). An investigation of mutations (FecXG, FecXI, FecXH, FecXB) on BMP-15 gene in some local sheep breeds raised in Turkey. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 25(1): 29-33
  • Kaya M (2005). Bir kalpain inhibitörü olan AK295’in nöroprotektif etkilerinin deneysel spinal kord travması modelinde incelenmesi. Uzmanlık Tezi(Basılmamış). Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Kliniği, İSTANBUL.
  • Khederzadeh S (2011). Polymorphism of Calpastatin Gene in Crossbreed Dalagh Sheep Using PCR-RFLP. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(53): 1083910841
  • Kowalczyk M S, Wisniewska E & Mroczkowsk S (2011). Polymorphisms of calpastatin gene in sheep. Journal of Central European Agriculture 12(3): 425-432
  • Kumar P, Choudhary V, Kumar K G, Bhattacharya T K, Bhushan B, Sharma A & Mishra A (2006). Nucleotide sequencing and DNA polymorphism studies on IGFBP-3 gene in sheep and its comparison with cattle and buffalo. Small Ruminant Research 64: 285–292
  • Mohammadi M, Beigi Nasiri M T, Alami-Saeid K H, Fayazi J, Mamoee M & Sadr A S (2008). Polymorphism of calpastatin gene in Arabic sheep using PCR- RFLP. African Journal of Biotechnology 7(15): 2682-2684
  • Nanekarani S, Khederzadeh S & Kaftarkari M (2011). Genotypic Frequency of Calpastatin Gene in Atabi Sheep by PBR Method. International Conference on Food Engineering and Biotechnology. IPCBEE vol.9, IACSIT Press, Singapoore, pp.189-192
  • Nei M, (1987). Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. Columbia University Press. New York
  • Palmer B R, Robert N, Hickford J G H & Bickerstaffe G (1998). Rapid comunication: PCR-RFLP for MspI and NcoI in the ovine calpastatin gene. Journal of Animal Science 76: 1499-1500
  • Schenkel F S, Miller S P, Jiang Z, Mandell I B, Ye X, Li H & Wilton J W (2006). Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the calpastatin gene with carcass and meat quality traits of beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84: 291-299
  • Suleman M, Khan S U, Riaz M N, Yousaf M, Shah A, Ishaq R & Ghafoor A (2012). Calpastatin (CAST) gene polymorphism in Kajli, Lohi and Thalli sheep breeds. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(47): 10655-10660
  • Sutikno A, Yamin M & Sumantri C (2011). Association of polymorphisms calpastatin gene with body weight of local sheep in Jonggol, Indonesia. Media Peternakan 34: 1-6
  • Şahin E, Karslı T, Elmacı C & Balcıoğlu M S (2011). Beta-Lactoglobulin gene types in Turkish fat-tailed sheep breeds. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17(6): 1031-1033
  • Şahin Ş, Öner Y & Elmacı C (2013). Esmer ve Siyah Alaca ırkı sığırlarda bazı ekonomik özellikler ile ilişkili gen bölgelerinin PCR-RFLP tekniği ile incelenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 19: 235-244.
  • Tellam R L, Cockett N E, Vuacolo T & Bidwell CA (2012). Genes contributing to genetic variation of muscling in sheep. Frontiers in Genetics 3(164): 1-14 Zhou H, Hicford J G H, Gong H (2007). Polymorphism of the ovine calpastatin gene. Molecular and Cellular Probes 21: 242-244
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Murat Balcıoğlu

Taki Karslı

Emine Şahin This is me

Zafer Ulutaş

Yüksel Aksoy

Publication Date October 16, 2014
Submission Date December 27, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 20 Issue: 4


APA Balcıoğlu, M., Karslı, T., Şahin, E., Ulutaş, Z., et al. (2014). Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20(4), 427-433.
AMA Balcıoğlu M, Karslı T, Şahin E, Ulutaş Z, Aksoy Y. Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. October 2014;20(4):427-433. doi:10.15832/tbd.87050
Chicago Balcıoğlu, Murat, Taki Karslı, Emine Şahin, Zafer Ulutaş, and Yüksel Aksoy. “Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20, no. 4 (October 2014): 427-33.
EndNote Balcıoğlu M, Karslı T, Şahin E, Ulutaş Z, Aksoy Y (October 1, 2014) Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20 4 427–433.
IEEE M. Balcıoğlu, T. Karslı, E. Şahin, Z. Ulutaş, and Y. Aksoy, “Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 427–433, 2014, doi: 10.15832/tbd.87050.
ISNAD Balcıoğlu, Murat et al. “Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20/4 (October 2014), 427-433.
JAMA Balcıoğlu M, Karslı T, Şahin E, Ulutaş Z, Aksoy Y. Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;20:427–433.
MLA Balcıoğlu, Murat et al. “Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 20, no. 4, 2014, pp. 427-33, doi:10.15832/tbd.87050.
Vancouver Balcıoğlu M, Karslı T, Şahin E, Ulutaş Z, Aksoy Y. Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerli Koyun Irklarında Kalpastatin (CAST) Geni Polimorfizminin PCR-RFLP Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;20(4):427-33.

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