Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 11 - 20, 13.03.2019



  • Anonymous (2012). Crop Production Statistics (online). Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara. Visited on February of 2017
  • Beyhan N & Karakaş B (2009). Investigation of the fertilization biology of some sweet cherry cultivars grown in The Central Northern Anatolian Region of Turkey. Scientia Horticulturae 121(3): 320-326
  • Chapman P J & Catlin G A (1976). Growth stages in fruit trees-from dormant to fruit set. Plant Science, New York's Food and Life Sciences Bulletin 58: 1-12.
  • Choi C & Andersen R L (2001). Variable fruit set in self-fertile sweet cherry. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 81: 753-760
  • Crisosto C H, Crisosto G M & Metheney P (2003). Consumer acceptance of ‘Brooks’ and ‘Bing’ cherries is mainly dependent on fruit SSC and visual skin color. Postharvest Biology and Technology 28: 159-167 Drake S R & Fellman J K (1987). Indicators of maturity and storage quality of Rainier sweet cherry Indicateurs de maturité et d'aptitude à l'entreposage des cerises douces Rainier. HortScience 22(2): 283-285
  • Drake S R & Elfving D C (2002). Indicators of maturity and storage quality of ‘Lapins’ sweet cherry. HortTechnology 12(4): 687-690
  • Ekinci N, Delice A, Gür E & Özdüven F (2007). Değişik dozlarda kalsiyum uygulamalarının 0900 Ziraat kiraz çeşidinin kalite kriterleri üzerine etkileri, Türkiye V. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi Bildiriler: 4-7 Eylül, Erzurum, s. 464-468
  • Fadón E, Herrero M & Rodrigo J (2015). Flower development in sweet cherry framed in the BBCH scale. Scientia Horticulturae 192: 141-147
  • FAO (2015). Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. Visited on February of 2017.
  • Fischer R R, Von Elbe J H, Schuler R T, Bruhn H D & Moore J D (1996). Some physical properties of sour cherries. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 175-179
  • Gonçalves B, Moutinho-Pereira J, Santos A, Silva A P, Bacelar E, Correia C & Rosa E (2006). Scion-rootstock interaction affects the physiology and fruit quality of sweet cherry. Tree Physiology 26(1): 93-104
  • Grzyb Z S & Rozpara E (2009). Effect of various rootstocks and tree spacing on the size of Vanda. Acta Horticulturae 814: 401-404
  • Ipek A, Gulen H, Akçay M E., Ipek M, Ergin S & Eris A (2011). Determination of self-incompatibility groups of Sweet Cherry Genotypes from Turkey. Genetics and Molecular Research 10(1): 253-260
  • Kappel F, Fisher–Fleming B & Hogue E (1996). Fruit characteristics and sensory attributes of an ideal sweet cherry. HortScience 31(3): 443-446
  • Kader A A (1983). Post-harvest quality maintenance of fruits and vegetables in developing countries. Post-Havest Physiology and Crop Production, Plenum, New York, pp. 455-470
  • Lichev V, Govedarov G & Tabakov S (2004). Evaluation of sweet cherry cultivars recently introduced into Bulgaria compared with two Bulgarian cultivars. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research 286(12): 281-286
  • O’Rourke D (2007). World Cherry Review, A Publication of Belros Inc. Ortega.
  • Oztürk P, Kacal E, Sarısu C, Karamursel D & Emre M (2009). Economic evaluation of preharvest and harvest losses in 0900 Ziraat sweet cherry cultivar: Isparta (Turkey) Province. 6th International Postharvest Symposium, 8-12 April, Antalya, Sarısu H C, Gür İ & Cengiz Ö Y (2016). 0900 Ziraat kiraz çeşidi için kaliteli tozlayıcı çeşitler. VII. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi Bildirileri Bahçe (Özel Sayı) Cilt I: Meyvecilik 45: 1234-1238
  • Sarısu H C, Karamürsel Ö F, Gür İ, Koçal H, Cengiz Ö Y, Demirtaş İ & Ozturk F P (2016). The performance of ‘0900 Ziraat’ sweet cherry cultivar on different rootstocks. Acta Horticultural Proceedings, III. Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing, 16-18 September, 167-172
  • Schick J L & Toivonen P M A (2000). Optimizing cherry stem quality. En:16th Annual Postharvest Conference, Yakima, WA, March 14-15 de marzo, pp. 4
  • Schuster M (2012). Incompatible (S-) genotypes of sweet cherry cultivars (Prunus avium L.). Scientia Horticulturae 148: 59-73
  • Stehr R (2008). Further experiences with dwarfing sweet cherry rootstocks in Northern Germany. Acta Horticulturae 148: 59-73
  • Stojanovic M, Milatovic D, Kulina M & Zlatka Alic-Dzanovic Z (2012). Pomological properties of sweet cherry cultivars on Gisela 5 rootstock in the region of Sarajevo. Third International Scientific Symposium "Agrosym Jahorina 2012". 10.7251/AGSY1203183S UDK 634.1/.7(497.15 Sarajevo) pp. 183-187
  • Usenik V, Fajt N, Mikulic-Petkovsek M, Slatner A, Stampar F & Veberic R (2010). Sweet cherry pomological and biochemical characteristics influenced by rootstock. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58: 4928-4933
  • Webster A D & Loney N E (1996). Cherries Crop Physiology, Production and Uses. (Ed: Webster AD, Looney NE), World Distribution of Sweet and Sour Cherry Production, National statistics. Cab International, USA, pp. 25-69
  • Wünsch A & Hormaza J I (2004). S-Allele Identification by PCR analysis in sweet cherry cultivars. Plant Breeding 123: 327-331
  • Younce F L & Davis D C (1985). A Dynamic sensor for cherry firmness. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 38(5): 1467-1476

Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas

Year 2019, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 11 - 20, 13.03.2019


This study was carried out to evaluate quality, yield and phenology of some sweet cherry cultivars with different maturation periods in Isparta-Egirdir conditions. The study was carried out between 2000 and 2011, on Veysel, Précoce Bernard, Star, Venus, Mechlain Haimer, Summit, Techlovan, Fercer Arcina, Sylvia, Noire de Meched, Oktavia, Belge, 0900 Ziraat, Kordia, and Ferbolus. Venus, Bernard, Techlovan and Star cultivars were identified as the earliest blooming. Oktavia, Belge, Kordia and 0900 Ziraat cultivars were found to be the latest blooming cultivars. Generally; Veysel, Bernard and Star come to harvest maturity first. Venus, Mechlain Haimer, Summit, Techlovan, Fercer Arcina, Sylvia were found to be middle season cultivars, while N. De Meched, Oktavia, Belge, 0900 Ziraat, Kordia and Ferbolus were found to be the latest. Veysel early cherry cultivar were determined to be the most productive one, while late cultivar N. De Meched and mid-season cultivar Techlovan were also found to be very efficient. In terms of fruit sizes; early sweet cherry cultivar P. Bernard, mid-season cultivar Summit and late season cultivar 0900 Ziraat gave the biggest fruits. 


  • Anonymous (2012). Crop Production Statistics (online). Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara. Visited on February of 2017
  • Beyhan N & Karakaş B (2009). Investigation of the fertilization biology of some sweet cherry cultivars grown in The Central Northern Anatolian Region of Turkey. Scientia Horticulturae 121(3): 320-326
  • Chapman P J & Catlin G A (1976). Growth stages in fruit trees-from dormant to fruit set. Plant Science, New York's Food and Life Sciences Bulletin 58: 1-12.
  • Choi C & Andersen R L (2001). Variable fruit set in self-fertile sweet cherry. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 81: 753-760
  • Crisosto C H, Crisosto G M & Metheney P (2003). Consumer acceptance of ‘Brooks’ and ‘Bing’ cherries is mainly dependent on fruit SSC and visual skin color. Postharvest Biology and Technology 28: 159-167 Drake S R & Fellman J K (1987). Indicators of maturity and storage quality of Rainier sweet cherry Indicateurs de maturité et d'aptitude à l'entreposage des cerises douces Rainier. HortScience 22(2): 283-285
  • Drake S R & Elfving D C (2002). Indicators of maturity and storage quality of ‘Lapins’ sweet cherry. HortTechnology 12(4): 687-690
  • Ekinci N, Delice A, Gür E & Özdüven F (2007). Değişik dozlarda kalsiyum uygulamalarının 0900 Ziraat kiraz çeşidinin kalite kriterleri üzerine etkileri, Türkiye V. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi Bildiriler: 4-7 Eylül, Erzurum, s. 464-468
  • Fadón E, Herrero M & Rodrigo J (2015). Flower development in sweet cherry framed in the BBCH scale. Scientia Horticulturae 192: 141-147
  • FAO (2015). Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. Visited on February of 2017.
  • Fischer R R, Von Elbe J H, Schuler R T, Bruhn H D & Moore J D (1996). Some physical properties of sour cherries. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 175-179
  • Gonçalves B, Moutinho-Pereira J, Santos A, Silva A P, Bacelar E, Correia C & Rosa E (2006). Scion-rootstock interaction affects the physiology and fruit quality of sweet cherry. Tree Physiology 26(1): 93-104
  • Grzyb Z S & Rozpara E (2009). Effect of various rootstocks and tree spacing on the size of Vanda. Acta Horticulturae 814: 401-404
  • Ipek A, Gulen H, Akçay M E., Ipek M, Ergin S & Eris A (2011). Determination of self-incompatibility groups of Sweet Cherry Genotypes from Turkey. Genetics and Molecular Research 10(1): 253-260
  • Kappel F, Fisher–Fleming B & Hogue E (1996). Fruit characteristics and sensory attributes of an ideal sweet cherry. HortScience 31(3): 443-446
  • Kader A A (1983). Post-harvest quality maintenance of fruits and vegetables in developing countries. Post-Havest Physiology and Crop Production, Plenum, New York, pp. 455-470
  • Lichev V, Govedarov G & Tabakov S (2004). Evaluation of sweet cherry cultivars recently introduced into Bulgaria compared with two Bulgarian cultivars. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research 286(12): 281-286
  • O’Rourke D (2007). World Cherry Review, A Publication of Belros Inc. Ortega.
  • Oztürk P, Kacal E, Sarısu C, Karamursel D & Emre M (2009). Economic evaluation of preharvest and harvest losses in 0900 Ziraat sweet cherry cultivar: Isparta (Turkey) Province. 6th International Postharvest Symposium, 8-12 April, Antalya, Sarısu H C, Gür İ & Cengiz Ö Y (2016). 0900 Ziraat kiraz çeşidi için kaliteli tozlayıcı çeşitler. VII. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi Bildirileri Bahçe (Özel Sayı) Cilt I: Meyvecilik 45: 1234-1238
  • Sarısu H C, Karamürsel Ö F, Gür İ, Koçal H, Cengiz Ö Y, Demirtaş İ & Ozturk F P (2016). The performance of ‘0900 Ziraat’ sweet cherry cultivar on different rootstocks. Acta Horticultural Proceedings, III. Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing, 16-18 September, 167-172
  • Schick J L & Toivonen P M A (2000). Optimizing cherry stem quality. En:16th Annual Postharvest Conference, Yakima, WA, March 14-15 de marzo, pp. 4
  • Schuster M (2012). Incompatible (S-) genotypes of sweet cherry cultivars (Prunus avium L.). Scientia Horticulturae 148: 59-73
  • Stehr R (2008). Further experiences with dwarfing sweet cherry rootstocks in Northern Germany. Acta Horticulturae 148: 59-73
  • Stojanovic M, Milatovic D, Kulina M & Zlatka Alic-Dzanovic Z (2012). Pomological properties of sweet cherry cultivars on Gisela 5 rootstock in the region of Sarajevo. Third International Scientific Symposium "Agrosym Jahorina 2012". 10.7251/AGSY1203183S UDK 634.1/.7(497.15 Sarajevo) pp. 183-187
  • Usenik V, Fajt N, Mikulic-Petkovsek M, Slatner A, Stampar F & Veberic R (2010). Sweet cherry pomological and biochemical characteristics influenced by rootstock. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58: 4928-4933
  • Webster A D & Loney N E (1996). Cherries Crop Physiology, Production and Uses. (Ed: Webster AD, Looney NE), World Distribution of Sweet and Sour Cherry Production, National statistics. Cab International, USA, pp. 25-69
  • Wünsch A & Hormaza J I (2004). S-Allele Identification by PCR analysis in sweet cherry cultivars. Plant Breeding 123: 327-331
  • Younce F L & Davis D C (1985). A Dynamic sensor for cherry firmness. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 38(5): 1467-1476
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Hasan Sarısu

Ömer Faruk Karamürsel This is me

Fatma Pınar Öztürk This is me

İsmail Demirtaş This is me

Hakkı Koçal This is me

İbrahim Gür This is me

Özlem Cengiz This is me

İsmail Şevik This is me

Publication Date March 13, 2019
Submission Date July 31, 2017
Acceptance Date January 2, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 25 Issue: 1


APA Sarısu, H., Karamürsel, Ö. F., Öztürk, F. P., Demirtaş, İ., et al. (2019). Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(1), 11-20.
AMA Sarısu H, Karamürsel ÖF, Öztürk FP, Demirtaş İ, Koçal H, Gür İ, Cengiz Ö, Şevik İ. Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2019;25(1):11-20. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.538981
Chicago Sarısu, Hasan, Ömer Faruk Karamürsel, Fatma Pınar Öztürk, İsmail Demirtaş, Hakkı Koçal, İbrahim Gür, Özlem Cengiz, and İsmail Şevik. “Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25, no. 1 (March 2019): 11-20.
EndNote Sarısu H, Karamürsel ÖF, Öztürk FP, Demirtaş İ, Koçal H, Gür İ, Cengiz Ö, Şevik İ (March 1, 2019) Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25 1 11–20.
IEEE H. Sarısu, Ö. F. Karamürsel, F. P. Öztürk, İ. Demirtaş, H. Koçal, İ. Gür, Ö. Cengiz, and İ. Şevik, “Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 11–20, 2019, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.538981.
ISNAD Sarısu, Hasan et al. “Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25/1 (March 2019), 11-20.
JAMA Sarısu H, Karamürsel ÖF, Öztürk FP, Demirtaş İ, Koçal H, Gür İ, Cengiz Ö, Şevik İ. Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25:11–20.
MLA Sarısu, Hasan et al. “Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 25, no. 1, 2019, pp. 11-20, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.538981.
Vancouver Sarısu H, Karamürsel ÖF, Öztürk FP, Demirtaş İ, Koçal H, Gür İ, Cengiz Ö, Şevik İ. Introducing Different Cherry Cultivars to Inner and Crossover Areas. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25(1):11-20.

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