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Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 53 - 62, 01.01.2017


Winter yoghurt is one of the most popular dairy products in Van and Hatay region of Turkey. It is made of different kinds of milk, and known as “cooked yoghurt” or “salted yoghurt” due to its high solids content and long shelf life. In this study, two different concentration methods were used to produce traditional winter yoghurt. Some physical firmness and cohesiveness, L-, a- and b- values , chemical total solid, fat, protein, pH, lactic acid, salt and sensory analyses color, odor, consistent and flavor were made to determine the effect of production methods and storage on winter yoghurt samples at the 1st, 30th, 60th and 90th days. Significant differences were found between sensory, rheological properties and color values of winter yoghurts however no significant differences were found between physicochemical properties of the samples. Especially, winter yoghurts produced from 100% goat milk were the more appreciated samples


  • Akın M S & Konar A (1997). İnek ve keçi sütlerinden üretilen ve 15 gün süre ile depolanan sade yoğurtların fizikokimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerinin belirlenmesi üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Harran University Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 1(4): 1-8
  • Altuğ T & Elmacı Y (2011). Gıdalarda Duyusal Değerlendirme. 2. Baskı. Sidas Medya, s. 134, İzmir
  • AOAC (2003). Official Methods of Analysis. 17th ed. Washington, DC: Association Official Analytical Chemists
  • Atamer M, Sezgin E & Yetişmeyen A (1988). Some properties of torba yoghurts. Gıda 11(4): 283-288
  • Biçer O, Güler M B, Keskin M & Kaya S (1995). Goat production and some traditional goat milk products with special reference to Hatay region of Turkey. Seminar on Production and Utilization of Ewes and Goats Milk, pp. 72, 19-21 October, Crete, Greece
  • Coşkun H & Şimşek O (1994). A research on the effect of pasteurization methods and storage temperatures used in the making of in conserved yoghurt on the shelflife. Journal of Trakya University Tekirdağ Agriculture Faculty 3(1-2): 74-81
  • Ekinci F Y & Gürel M (2008). Effect of using propionic acid bacteria as an adjunct culture in yoghurt production. Journal of Dairy Science 91: 892-899
  • Ersöz E, Kınık O, Yerlikaya O & Açu M (2011). Effect of phenolic compounds on characteristics of strained yoghurt produced from sheep milk. African Journal of Agricultural Research 6(23): 5351-5359
  • Garcia-Perez F J, Lario Y, Fernández-López J, Sayas E, Pérez-Alvarez J A & Sendra E (2005). Effect of orange fiber addition on yoghurt color during fermentation and cold storage. Color Research and Application 30(6): 457-463
  • Gönç S & Oktar E (1973). Hatay bölgesinde yapılan kış yoğurdunun teknolojisi ve kimyasal bileşimi üzerine araştırmalar. The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 10(1): 97-110
  • Güler Z (2007). Level of 24 mineral elements in local goat milk, strained yoghurt and salted yoghurt (tuzlu yoghurt). Small Ruminant Research 71: 130-137
  • Güler Z & Park Y W (2009). Evaluation of chemical and color index characteristics of goat milk, its yoghurt and salted yoghurt. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 11: 37-39
  • Güler Z & Sanal H (2009). The essential mineral concentration of torba yoghurts and their wheys compared with yoghurt made with cow’, ewes’ and goats’ milk. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 60: 153-164
  • Kesenkaş H (2010). Effect of using different probiotic cultures on properties of torba (strained) yoghurt. Mljekarstvo 60(1): 19-29
  • Kırdar S & Gün I (2002). Microbiological, chemical and physical properties of strained yoghurt consumed in Burdur market. Gıda 27: 59-64
  • Köse S & Ocak E (2011). Changes occurring in plain, straining and winter yoghurt during the storage periods. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(9): 1646-1650
  • Mısırlılar F, Kınık Ö & Yerlikaya O (2012). Effect of protective culture and bio preservatives on strained yoghurt quality. African Journal of Microbiology Research 6(22): 4696-4701
  • Nergiz C & Seçkin A K (1998). The losses of nutrients during the production of strained (torba) yoghurt. Food Chemistry 61: 13-16
  • Ocak E, Özrenk E & Akyüz N (1998). Van ve yöresinde üretilen kış yoğurtlarının duyusal, mikrobiyolojik, fiziksel ve kimyasal nitelikleri üzerine bir araştırma. V. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu. Geleneksel Süt Ürünleri Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları No: 621, 21-22 Mayıs, Tekirdağ, s. 244-257
  • Queiroga R C R E, Santos B M , Gomes A M P, Monteiro M J, Teixeira S M, Souza E L, Pereira C J D & Pintado M M E (2013). Nutritional, textural and sensory properties of coalho cheese made of goats’, cows’ milk and their mixture. LWT-Food Science and Technology 50(2): 538-544
  • Say D & Şahan N (2002). The microbiological properties of labneh (concentrated yoghurt) stored with oil at room and refrigerator temperatures. Milchwissenschaft 57(9-10): 528-532
  • Seçkin A K & Özkılınç A Y (2011). Effect of some prebiotics usage on quality properties of concentrated yoghurt. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 10(9): 1117-1123
  • Şahan N & Say D (2003). A study on the production of salted yoghurt. Gıda 28(1): 31-37
  • Şenel E, Atamer M, Gürsoy A & Öztekin F S (2011). Changes in some properties of strained (süzme) goat’s yoghurt during storage. Small Ruminant Research 99: 171-177
  • Tamime A Y, Kalab M, Davies G & Mahdi H A (1991). Microstructure and firmness of labneh (high solid yoghurt) made from cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s milk by a traditional method or by ultrafiltration. Food Structure 10: 37-44
  • Tokatlı F (2011). The effect of storage on physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of traditional winter yoghurt. MSc. Thesis, Erciyes University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences (Unpublished), Kayseri
  • TSE (1999). Yoghurt. TS 1330. Turkish Standard Institution, Ankara, Turkey
  • TSE (2001). Cheese and Processed Cheese Products- Determination of Chloride Content-Potentiometric Titration Method. TS 4708. Turkish Standard Institution, Ankara, Turkey
  • Uysal H & Gönç S (1998). Vakum ve ultrafiltrasyonla (UF) koyulaştırılan sütlerden torba yoğurdu üretimi ve klasik yöntemle üretilen yoğurtla karşılaştırılması üzerine araştırmalar. V. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu. Geleneksel Süt Ürünleri Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları No: 621, 21-22 Mayıs, Tekirdağ, s. 220-229
  • Yazıcı F & Akgün A (2004). Effect of some protein based fat replacers on physical, chemical, textural, and sensory properties of strained yoghurt. Journal of Food Engineering 62: 245-254

İnek ve Keçi Sütü Karışımlarından Üretilen Kış Yoğurtlarının Fizikokimyasal ve Duyusal Karakteristikleri

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 53 - 62, 01.01.2017


Kış yoğurdu Türkiye’nin Van ve Hatay illerinde en meşhur süt ürünlerinden biridir. Çeşitli sütlerden üretilen kış yoğurdu yüksek kurumadde içeriği ve uzun raf ömründen dolayı “pişmiş yoğurt” veya “tuzlu yoğurt” olarak bilinmektedir. Çalışmada kış yoğurdunun geleneksel olarak üretilmesi amacıyla iki farklı koyulaştırma yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Farklı üretim yöntemlerinin ve depolama süresinin kış yoğurdu örnekleri üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla 1., 30., 60. ve 90. günlerde bazı fiziksel sertlik ve yapışkanlık, L-, a- ve b- değerleri , kimyasal kurumadde, yağ, protein, pH, laktik asit, tuz ve duyusal renk, koku, kıvam ve lezzet analizler yapılmıştır. Kış yoğurdu örneklerinin duyusal ve reolojik özellikleri ile renk değerleri arasında önemli farklıklar bulunmuş, bununla birlikte örneklerin fizikokimyasal özellikleri arasındaki farklar önemsiz olarak tespit edilmiştir. Özellikle % 100 keçi sütünden üretilen kış yoğurtları daha çok beğenilmiştir


  • Akın M S & Konar A (1997). İnek ve keçi sütlerinden üretilen ve 15 gün süre ile depolanan sade yoğurtların fizikokimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerinin belirlenmesi üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Harran University Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 1(4): 1-8
  • Altuğ T & Elmacı Y (2011). Gıdalarda Duyusal Değerlendirme. 2. Baskı. Sidas Medya, s. 134, İzmir
  • AOAC (2003). Official Methods of Analysis. 17th ed. Washington, DC: Association Official Analytical Chemists
  • Atamer M, Sezgin E & Yetişmeyen A (1988). Some properties of torba yoghurts. Gıda 11(4): 283-288
  • Biçer O, Güler M B, Keskin M & Kaya S (1995). Goat production and some traditional goat milk products with special reference to Hatay region of Turkey. Seminar on Production and Utilization of Ewes and Goats Milk, pp. 72, 19-21 October, Crete, Greece
  • Coşkun H & Şimşek O (1994). A research on the effect of pasteurization methods and storage temperatures used in the making of in conserved yoghurt on the shelflife. Journal of Trakya University Tekirdağ Agriculture Faculty 3(1-2): 74-81
  • Ekinci F Y & Gürel M (2008). Effect of using propionic acid bacteria as an adjunct culture in yoghurt production. Journal of Dairy Science 91: 892-899
  • Ersöz E, Kınık O, Yerlikaya O & Açu M (2011). Effect of phenolic compounds on characteristics of strained yoghurt produced from sheep milk. African Journal of Agricultural Research 6(23): 5351-5359
  • Garcia-Perez F J, Lario Y, Fernández-López J, Sayas E, Pérez-Alvarez J A & Sendra E (2005). Effect of orange fiber addition on yoghurt color during fermentation and cold storage. Color Research and Application 30(6): 457-463
  • Gönç S & Oktar E (1973). Hatay bölgesinde yapılan kış yoğurdunun teknolojisi ve kimyasal bileşimi üzerine araştırmalar. The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture 10(1): 97-110
  • Güler Z (2007). Level of 24 mineral elements in local goat milk, strained yoghurt and salted yoghurt (tuzlu yoghurt). Small Ruminant Research 71: 130-137
  • Güler Z & Park Y W (2009). Evaluation of chemical and color index characteristics of goat milk, its yoghurt and salted yoghurt. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 11: 37-39
  • Güler Z & Sanal H (2009). The essential mineral concentration of torba yoghurts and their wheys compared with yoghurt made with cow’, ewes’ and goats’ milk. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 60: 153-164
  • Kesenkaş H (2010). Effect of using different probiotic cultures on properties of torba (strained) yoghurt. Mljekarstvo 60(1): 19-29
  • Kırdar S & Gün I (2002). Microbiological, chemical and physical properties of strained yoghurt consumed in Burdur market. Gıda 27: 59-64
  • Köse S & Ocak E (2011). Changes occurring in plain, straining and winter yoghurt during the storage periods. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(9): 1646-1650
  • Mısırlılar F, Kınık Ö & Yerlikaya O (2012). Effect of protective culture and bio preservatives on strained yoghurt quality. African Journal of Microbiology Research 6(22): 4696-4701
  • Nergiz C & Seçkin A K (1998). The losses of nutrients during the production of strained (torba) yoghurt. Food Chemistry 61: 13-16
  • Ocak E, Özrenk E & Akyüz N (1998). Van ve yöresinde üretilen kış yoğurtlarının duyusal, mikrobiyolojik, fiziksel ve kimyasal nitelikleri üzerine bir araştırma. V. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu. Geleneksel Süt Ürünleri Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları No: 621, 21-22 Mayıs, Tekirdağ, s. 244-257
  • Queiroga R C R E, Santos B M , Gomes A M P, Monteiro M J, Teixeira S M, Souza E L, Pereira C J D & Pintado M M E (2013). Nutritional, textural and sensory properties of coalho cheese made of goats’, cows’ milk and their mixture. LWT-Food Science and Technology 50(2): 538-544
  • Say D & Şahan N (2002). The microbiological properties of labneh (concentrated yoghurt) stored with oil at room and refrigerator temperatures. Milchwissenschaft 57(9-10): 528-532
  • Seçkin A K & Özkılınç A Y (2011). Effect of some prebiotics usage on quality properties of concentrated yoghurt. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 10(9): 1117-1123
  • Şahan N & Say D (2003). A study on the production of salted yoghurt. Gıda 28(1): 31-37
  • Şenel E, Atamer M, Gürsoy A & Öztekin F S (2011). Changes in some properties of strained (süzme) goat’s yoghurt during storage. Small Ruminant Research 99: 171-177
  • Tamime A Y, Kalab M, Davies G & Mahdi H A (1991). Microstructure and firmness of labneh (high solid yoghurt) made from cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s milk by a traditional method or by ultrafiltration. Food Structure 10: 37-44
  • Tokatlı F (2011). The effect of storage on physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of traditional winter yoghurt. MSc. Thesis, Erciyes University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences (Unpublished), Kayseri
  • TSE (1999). Yoghurt. TS 1330. Turkish Standard Institution, Ankara, Turkey
  • TSE (2001). Cheese and Processed Cheese Products- Determination of Chloride Content-Potentiometric Titration Method. TS 4708. Turkish Standard Institution, Ankara, Turkey
  • Uysal H & Gönç S (1998). Vakum ve ultrafiltrasyonla (UF) koyulaştırılan sütlerden torba yoğurdu üretimi ve klasik yöntemle üretilen yoğurtla karşılaştırılması üzerine araştırmalar. V. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu. Geleneksel Süt Ürünleri Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları No: 621, 21-22 Mayıs, Tekirdağ, s. 220-229
  • Yazıcı F & Akgün A (2004). Effect of some protein based fat replacers on physical, chemical, textural, and sensory properties of strained yoghurt. Journal of Food Engineering 62: 245-254
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Harun Kesenkaş This is me

Cem Karagözlü This is me

Oktay Yerlikaya This is me

Elif Özer This is me

Aslı Akpınar This is me

Necati Akbulut This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Kesenkaş, H., Karagözlü, C., Yerlikaya, O., Özer, E., et al. (2017). Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(1), 53-62.
AMA Kesenkaş H, Karagözlü C, Yerlikaya O, Özer E, Akpınar A, Akbulut N. Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2017;23(1):53-62.
Chicago Kesenkaş, Harun, Cem Karagözlü, Oktay Yerlikaya, Elif Özer, Aslı Akpınar, and Necati Akbulut. “Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23, no. 1 (January 2017): 53-62.
EndNote Kesenkaş H, Karagözlü C, Yerlikaya O, Özer E, Akpınar A, Akbulut N (January 1, 2017) Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23 1 53–62.
IEEE H. Kesenkaş, C. Karagözlü, O. Yerlikaya, E. Özer, A. Akpınar, and N. Akbulut, “Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 53–62, 2017.
ISNAD Kesenkaş, Harun et al. “Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23/1 (January 2017), 53-62.
JAMA Kesenkaş H, Karagözlü C, Yerlikaya O, Özer E, Akpınar A, Akbulut N. Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23:53–62.
MLA Kesenkaş, Harun et al. “Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 1, 2017, pp. 53-62.
Vancouver Kesenkaş H, Karagözlü C, Yerlikaya O, Özer E, Akpınar A, Akbulut N. Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Winter Yoghurt Produced from Mixtures of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23(1):53-62.

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