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Evaluation of Some Physical, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Kasar Cheese and Its Processed and Analogue Types

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 63 - 75, 01.01.2017


The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in physical, chemical and sensory properties of the kasar cheese and its processed and analogue types during 90-day storage. Aroma-active compounds in the cheeses were identified by gas chromatography-olfactometry. Sensory properties of the cheeses were determined by descriptive sensory analysis. Differences in basic composition of the cheeses were found. There were also significant differences among the cheeses in terms of meltability, oil separation index, L* and a* values. Whey, cooked, creamy and fermented were the most intense sensory descriptors in the cheeses analyzed on days 1 and 30. However, waxy and animal intensities were much higher in analogue cheese than others. 18 aroma-active compounds were determined in the cheeses during 90 day storage. Diacetyl, acetic acid, butyric acid, 2-/3-methyl butyric acid, 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline, b-ionene, 2-phenylethyl alcohol, maltol, p-cresol, sotolon, d-decalactone and g-dodecalactone were some of the characteristic aroma-active compounds. Kasar cheese was the most liked cheese while analogue cheese was the least liked cheese by consumers


  • Adhikari K, Cole A, Grun I, Heyman H, Hsieh F H & Huff H (2009). Physical and sensory characteristics of process cheeses manufactured by extrusion technology. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89(8): 1428-1433
  • Altan A, Turhan M & Gunasekaran S (2005). Short communication: Comparison of covered and uncovered Schreiber test for cheese meltability evaluation. Journal of Dairy Science 88(3): 857-861
  • AOAC (2000). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC 17th ed. International. Gaithersburg, USA
  • Atasoy A F (2008). Evaluation of pH change kinetics during different stages of kashar cheese production from bovine, ovine and caprine milk. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
  • Avsar Y K, Karagul-Yuceer Y, Drake M A, Singh T K, Yoon Y & Cadwallader K R (2004). Characterization of nutty flavor in cheddar cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 87(7): 1999-2010
  • Awad R A, Abdel-Hamid L B, El-Shabrawy S A & Singh R K (2004). Physical and sensory properties of block processed cheese with formulated emulsifying salt mixtures. International Journal of Food Properties 7(7): 429-448
  • Bachmann H P (2001). Cheese analogues: A review. International Dairy Journal 11: 505-515
  • Balkir P & Metin M (2011). Physicochemical and textural properties of imitation fresh kasar cheeses prepared from casein, caseinates and soy protein. Gıda 36(1): 17-24
  • Bradley J R L, Arnold J E, Barbano D M, Semerad R G, Smith D E & Vines B K (1992). Chemical and physical methods. In: Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, ed: Marshall, RT. American Journal of Public Health, Washington DC, pp. 433-531
  • Bunka F, Kriz O, Velickova A, Bunkova L & Kracmar S (2009). Effect of acid hydrolysis time on amino acid determination in casein and processed cheese with different fat content. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 22(3): 224-232
  • Carunchia-Whetstine M E, Karagul-Yuceer Y, Avsar Y K & Drake M A (2003). Identification and quantification of aroma components in fresh chevre-style goat cheese. Journal of Food Science 68: 2441-2447
  • Curuk M (2006). Influence of the melting salts used on the some characteristics and ripening properties of kashar like cheese. PhD Thesis, Cukurova University (Unpublished), Adana
  • Delahunty & Drake (2004). Sensory character of cheese and its evaluation. Cheese Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology 1: 455-457
  • Dervisoglu M & Gul O (2011). Microbiological and chemical properties of vacuum packaged Kashar cheese produced in black sea region, Turkey. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Congresson Engineering and Food, 22-26 May, Athens, Greece, pp. 1295-1297
  • Dimitreli G, Thomareis A S & Smith P G (2005). Effect of emulsifying salts on casein peptization and apparent viscosity of processed cheese. International Journal of Food Engineering 1(4): 1-15
  • Guinee T P (2002). The functionality of cheese as an ingredient-a review. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 57: 79-91
  • Guneser O & Karagul-Yuceer Y (2011). Characterisation of aroma-active compounds, chemical and sensory properties of acid-coagulated cheese: Circassian cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 64(4): 517-525
  • Gursoy O (2000). Possible use of soy milk in kasar cheese production (Soya sütünün kaşar peyniri üretiminde kullanım olanakları). MSc Thesis, Pamukkale University (Unpublished), Denizli
  • Hayaloglu A A (2009). Volatile composition and proteolysis in traditionally produced mature kasar cheese. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 44(7): 1338-1394
  • ISO (2008). ISO-CIE Standard, 11664-4. Colorimetry, Part 4: CIE 1976 L* a* b* colour space
  • Kapoor R & Metzger L E (2008). Process cheese: Scientific and technological aspects-A review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 7(2): 194-214
  • Karademir-Sanli E (2006). Effect of pasteurization temperatures and of using exopolysaccharide- producing culture on some properties of low- fat kasar cheese. PhD Thesis, Ankara University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences (Unpublished), Ankara
  • Karagul-Yuceer Y, Drake M A & Cadwallader K R (2001). Aroma-active components of nonfat dry milk. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 49: 2948-2953
  • Karagül-Yüceer Y, Vlahovich K N, Drake M A & Cadwallader K R (2003). Characteristic aroma components of rennet casein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(23): 6797-6801
  • Karagul-Yuceer Y, Isleten M & Uysal-Pala C (2007). Sensory characteristics of Ezine cheese. Journal of Sensory Studies 22(1): 49-65
  • Karagul-Yuceer Y, Tuncel B, Guneser O, Engin B, Isleten M, Yasar K & Mendes M (2009). Characterization of aroma-active compounds, sensory properties and proteolysis in Ezine cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 92(9): 4146-4157
  • Koca N (2002). Bazı yağ ikame maddelerinin yağı azaltılmış taze kaşar peynirinin nitelikleri üzerine etkileri. Doktora tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Basılmamış), İzmir
  • Koca N & Metin M (2004). Textural, melting and sensory properties of low-fat fresh kasar cheeses produced by using fat replacers. International Dairy Journal 14(4): 365-373
  • Mahajan S S, Goddik L & Qian M C (2004). Aroma compounds in sweet whey powder. Journal of Dairy Science 87: 4057-4063
  • Meilgaard M, Civille G V & Carr B T (1999). Descriptive analysis techniques. In: M Meilgaard, G V Civille & B T Carr (Eds), Sensory Evaluation Techniques, 3rd ed, Boca Raton, FL: CRC, pp. 161-170
  • Metin M (2006). Milk Technology. Ege University Press, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 802
  • NEN (1969). Netherlands Standard 3059 (The Netherlands Standardization Institute), butyrometric determination of the fat content of cheese (Gerber- Van Gulik method). Netherland Milk Dairy Journal 23: 214-220
  • Okpala C O R, Piggott J R & Schaschke C J (2010). Influence of high-pressure processing (HPP) on physico-chemical properties of fresh cheese. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 11(1): 61-67
  • Oksuztepe G, Patir B, Dikici A & Ilhak O I (2009). Microbiological and chemical quality of vacuum packaged kasar cheese marketed in Elazıg. Fırat University Health Science Veterinary Journal 23(2): 89-94
  • Oztekin F S (2003). An investigation on general properties of processed cheese from white cheese of different fat content. PhD Thesis, Ankara University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences (Unpublished), Ankara
  • Pawliszyn J (2012). Solid-phase microexraction in perspective. In: J Pawliszyn (Ed), Handbook of Solid Phase Microextraction, Elsevier Inc., Waltham, MA, USA. pp. 1-12
  • Piska I & Stetina J (2004). Influence of cheese ripening and rate of cooling of the processed cheese mixture on rheological properties of processed cheese. Journal of Food Engineering 61(4): 551-555
  • Qian M & Reineccius G (2002). Identification of aroma compounds in parmigiano-reggiano cheese by gas chromatography/olfactometry. Journal of Dairy Science 85(6): 1362-1369
  • Sert D (2004). Determination of some properties of kashar cheese, produced from pasteurize and raw milk during ripening. Master Thesis, Selcuk University (Unpublished), Konya
  • Sheskin D J (2000). Parametric and Nonparametric Sta- tistical Procedures. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 669-684 pp. New York, USA
  • SPSS (2006). SPSS 15 for Windows. Release 15.0 ver., SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA
  • Tarakci Z & Kucukoner E (2006). Changes during ripening on Van herby cheeses produced with milk different fat contents. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agriculture Science 16(1): 19-24
  • Ucuncu M (2004). From A to Z Cheese Technology, Ege University Press, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 948-969
  • Urkek B (2008). Effect of homogenization and packaging on some chemical, biochemical, electrophoretic, sensorial and microbiological properties of kashar cheese. Master Thesis, Yuzuncu Yil University (Unpublished), Van
  • Van Del Dool H & Kratz P D (1963). A generalization of the retention index system including linear temperature programmed gas-liquid partition chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A
  • Van Ruth S M (2001). Methods for gas chromatography- olfactometry: A review. Biomolecular Engineering 17: 121-128
  • Var I, Erginkaya Z, Guven M & Kabak B (2006). Effect of antifungal agent and packaging material on microflora of kasar cheese during storage period. Food Control 17(2): 132-136
  • Vitova E, Loupancova B, Sklenarova K, Divisova R & Bunka F (2012). Identification of volatile aroma compounds in processed cheese analogues based on different of fat. Chemical Pap 66(10): 907-913
  • Yasar K (2007). Effects of different coagulants used and ripening period on properties of kasar cheese. PhD Thesis, Cukurova University (Unpublished), Adana
  • Yasar K & Guzeler N (2011). Effect of coagulant type on the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of kasar cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 64(3): 372-379

Kaşar Peyniri, Eritme ve Taklit Tiplerinin Bazı Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Duyusal Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 63 - 75, 01.01.2017


Bu çalışmanın amacı, kaşar, eritme kaşar ve taklit kaşar peynirlerinin, 90 günlük depolama süresince fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerinde meydana gelen değişiklikleri değerlendirmektir. Peynirlerin aroma-aktif bileşenleri gaz kromatogrofi-olfaktometri ile saptanmıştır. Peynirlerin duyusal özellikleri tanımlayıcı duyusal analiz ile belirlenmiştir. Peynirlerin temel bileşenlerinde farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Peynirler arasında eriyebilirlik, yağ ayrılma indeksi, L* ve a* değerleri açısından önemli farklılıklar gözlenmiştir. Peynirlerde 1. ve 30. günde peynir altı suyu, pişmiş, kremamsı ve fermente en yoğun tanımlayıcı terimlerdir. Ancak taklit peynirde, mumsu ve hayvanımsı aroma yoğunlukları diğer peynirlerden daha fazladır. Peynirlerde 90 günlük depolama süresince 18 aroma-aktif bileşen belirlenmiştir. Karakteristik aroma-aktif bileşenlerin bazıları; diasetil, asetik asit, bütirik asit, 2-/3-metil bütirik asit, 2-asetil-2-tiazolin, b-iyonen, 2-feniletil alkol, maltol, p-kresol, sotolon, d-dekalakton ve g-dodekalakton’dur. Kaşar tüketiciler tarafından en çok sevilen peynir olurken, taklit Kaşar ise en az beğenilen peynir olmuştur.


  • Adhikari K, Cole A, Grun I, Heyman H, Hsieh F H & Huff H (2009). Physical and sensory characteristics of process cheeses manufactured by extrusion technology. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89(8): 1428-1433
  • Altan A, Turhan M & Gunasekaran S (2005). Short communication: Comparison of covered and uncovered Schreiber test for cheese meltability evaluation. Journal of Dairy Science 88(3): 857-861
  • AOAC (2000). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC 17th ed. International. Gaithersburg, USA
  • Atasoy A F (2008). Evaluation of pH change kinetics during different stages of kashar cheese production from bovine, ovine and caprine milk. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
  • Avsar Y K, Karagul-Yuceer Y, Drake M A, Singh T K, Yoon Y & Cadwallader K R (2004). Characterization of nutty flavor in cheddar cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 87(7): 1999-2010
  • Awad R A, Abdel-Hamid L B, El-Shabrawy S A & Singh R K (2004). Physical and sensory properties of block processed cheese with formulated emulsifying salt mixtures. International Journal of Food Properties 7(7): 429-448
  • Bachmann H P (2001). Cheese analogues: A review. International Dairy Journal 11: 505-515
  • Balkir P & Metin M (2011). Physicochemical and textural properties of imitation fresh kasar cheeses prepared from casein, caseinates and soy protein. Gıda 36(1): 17-24
  • Bradley J R L, Arnold J E, Barbano D M, Semerad R G, Smith D E & Vines B K (1992). Chemical and physical methods. In: Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, ed: Marshall, RT. American Journal of Public Health, Washington DC, pp. 433-531
  • Bunka F, Kriz O, Velickova A, Bunkova L & Kracmar S (2009). Effect of acid hydrolysis time on amino acid determination in casein and processed cheese with different fat content. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 22(3): 224-232
  • Carunchia-Whetstine M E, Karagul-Yuceer Y, Avsar Y K & Drake M A (2003). Identification and quantification of aroma components in fresh chevre-style goat cheese. Journal of Food Science 68: 2441-2447
  • Curuk M (2006). Influence of the melting salts used on the some characteristics and ripening properties of kashar like cheese. PhD Thesis, Cukurova University (Unpublished), Adana
  • Delahunty & Drake (2004). Sensory character of cheese and its evaluation. Cheese Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology 1: 455-457
  • Dervisoglu M & Gul O (2011). Microbiological and chemical properties of vacuum packaged Kashar cheese produced in black sea region, Turkey. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Congresson Engineering and Food, 22-26 May, Athens, Greece, pp. 1295-1297
  • Dimitreli G, Thomareis A S & Smith P G (2005). Effect of emulsifying salts on casein peptization and apparent viscosity of processed cheese. International Journal of Food Engineering 1(4): 1-15
  • Guinee T P (2002). The functionality of cheese as an ingredient-a review. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 57: 79-91
  • Guneser O & Karagul-Yuceer Y (2011). Characterisation of aroma-active compounds, chemical and sensory properties of acid-coagulated cheese: Circassian cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 64(4): 517-525
  • Gursoy O (2000). Possible use of soy milk in kasar cheese production (Soya sütünün kaşar peyniri üretiminde kullanım olanakları). MSc Thesis, Pamukkale University (Unpublished), Denizli
  • Hayaloglu A A (2009). Volatile composition and proteolysis in traditionally produced mature kasar cheese. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 44(7): 1338-1394
  • ISO (2008). ISO-CIE Standard, 11664-4. Colorimetry, Part 4: CIE 1976 L* a* b* colour space
  • Kapoor R & Metzger L E (2008). Process cheese: Scientific and technological aspects-A review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 7(2): 194-214
  • Karademir-Sanli E (2006). Effect of pasteurization temperatures and of using exopolysaccharide- producing culture on some properties of low- fat kasar cheese. PhD Thesis, Ankara University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences (Unpublished), Ankara
  • Karagul-Yuceer Y, Drake M A & Cadwallader K R (2001). Aroma-active components of nonfat dry milk. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 49: 2948-2953
  • Karagül-Yüceer Y, Vlahovich K N, Drake M A & Cadwallader K R (2003). Characteristic aroma components of rennet casein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(23): 6797-6801
  • Karagul-Yuceer Y, Isleten M & Uysal-Pala C (2007). Sensory characteristics of Ezine cheese. Journal of Sensory Studies 22(1): 49-65
  • Karagul-Yuceer Y, Tuncel B, Guneser O, Engin B, Isleten M, Yasar K & Mendes M (2009). Characterization of aroma-active compounds, sensory properties and proteolysis in Ezine cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 92(9): 4146-4157
  • Koca N (2002). Bazı yağ ikame maddelerinin yağı azaltılmış taze kaşar peynirinin nitelikleri üzerine etkileri. Doktora tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Basılmamış), İzmir
  • Koca N & Metin M (2004). Textural, melting and sensory properties of low-fat fresh kasar cheeses produced by using fat replacers. International Dairy Journal 14(4): 365-373
  • Mahajan S S, Goddik L & Qian M C (2004). Aroma compounds in sweet whey powder. Journal of Dairy Science 87: 4057-4063
  • Meilgaard M, Civille G V & Carr B T (1999). Descriptive analysis techniques. In: M Meilgaard, G V Civille & B T Carr (Eds), Sensory Evaluation Techniques, 3rd ed, Boca Raton, FL: CRC, pp. 161-170
  • Metin M (2006). Milk Technology. Ege University Press, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 802
  • NEN (1969). Netherlands Standard 3059 (The Netherlands Standardization Institute), butyrometric determination of the fat content of cheese (Gerber- Van Gulik method). Netherland Milk Dairy Journal 23: 214-220
  • Okpala C O R, Piggott J R & Schaschke C J (2010). Influence of high-pressure processing (HPP) on physico-chemical properties of fresh cheese. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 11(1): 61-67
  • Oksuztepe G, Patir B, Dikici A & Ilhak O I (2009). Microbiological and chemical quality of vacuum packaged kasar cheese marketed in Elazıg. Fırat University Health Science Veterinary Journal 23(2): 89-94
  • Oztekin F S (2003). An investigation on general properties of processed cheese from white cheese of different fat content. PhD Thesis, Ankara University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences (Unpublished), Ankara
  • Pawliszyn J (2012). Solid-phase microexraction in perspective. In: J Pawliszyn (Ed), Handbook of Solid Phase Microextraction, Elsevier Inc., Waltham, MA, USA. pp. 1-12
  • Piska I & Stetina J (2004). Influence of cheese ripening and rate of cooling of the processed cheese mixture on rheological properties of processed cheese. Journal of Food Engineering 61(4): 551-555
  • Qian M & Reineccius G (2002). Identification of aroma compounds in parmigiano-reggiano cheese by gas chromatography/olfactometry. Journal of Dairy Science 85(6): 1362-1369
  • Sert D (2004). Determination of some properties of kashar cheese, produced from pasteurize and raw milk during ripening. Master Thesis, Selcuk University (Unpublished), Konya
  • Sheskin D J (2000). Parametric and Nonparametric Sta- tistical Procedures. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 669-684 pp. New York, USA
  • SPSS (2006). SPSS 15 for Windows. Release 15.0 ver., SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA
  • Tarakci Z & Kucukoner E (2006). Changes during ripening on Van herby cheeses produced with milk different fat contents. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agriculture Science 16(1): 19-24
  • Ucuncu M (2004). From A to Z Cheese Technology, Ege University Press, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 948-969
  • Urkek B (2008). Effect of homogenization and packaging on some chemical, biochemical, electrophoretic, sensorial and microbiological properties of kashar cheese. Master Thesis, Yuzuncu Yil University (Unpublished), Van
  • Van Del Dool H & Kratz P D (1963). A generalization of the retention index system including linear temperature programmed gas-liquid partition chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A
  • Van Ruth S M (2001). Methods for gas chromatography- olfactometry: A review. Biomolecular Engineering 17: 121-128
  • Var I, Erginkaya Z, Guven M & Kabak B (2006). Effect of antifungal agent and packaging material on microflora of kasar cheese during storage period. Food Control 17(2): 132-136
  • Vitova E, Loupancova B, Sklenarova K, Divisova R & Bunka F (2012). Identification of volatile aroma compounds in processed cheese analogues based on different of fat. Chemical Pap 66(10): 907-913
  • Yasar K (2007). Effects of different coagulants used and ripening period on properties of kasar cheese. PhD Thesis, Cukurova University (Unpublished), Adana
  • Yasar K & Guzeler N (2011). Effect of coagulant type on the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of kasar cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 64(3): 372-379
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Musa Yalman This is me

Onur Güneşer This is me

Yonca Karagül Yüceer This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Yalman, M., Güneşer, O., & Karagül Yüceer, Y. (2017). Evaluation of Some Physical, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Kasar Cheese and Its Processed and Analogue Types. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(1), 63-75.

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