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Yarı Nemli İklimde Farklı Gelişme Dönemlerinde Uygulanan Tam ve Kısıntılı Sulamanın Soya Fasulyesinin Verim ve Kalitesine Etkisi

Year 2016, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 129 - 144, 01.03.2016


Bu çalışmada, yarı nemli iklim koşulları altında iki yıl süreyle soya fasulyesinin farklı gelişme dönemlerinde uygulanan tam ve kısıntılı sulamaya verim ve kalite tepkileri araştırılmıştır. Deneme konularının oluşturulmasında soya fasulyesi bitkisinin dört kritik gelişme dönemi vejetatif; V, çiçeklenme; Ç, bakla oluşumu; B ve tane gelişimi; T dönemleri dikkate alınmıştır. Buna göre, 13 farklı sulama konusu 1 tam ve 12 kısıntılı sulama ve susuz konu olmak üzere 14 deneme konusu oluşturulmuştur. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre; kısıntılı sulama, soya fasulyesi tane verimi, yağ oranı, protein oranı ve belirli agronomik parametreler üzerine önemli düzeyde etki göstermiştir. En yüksek tane verimi 4004 kg ha-1 tam sulama konusundan VÇBT konusu, her 7 günde bir 0-90 cm derinliğindeki mevcut nemi tarla kapasitesine tamamlayacak miktarda sulama suyu uygulanması , en düşük tane verimi 1974 kg ha-1 , tam sulama konusu ile karşılaştırıldığında % 50.6 azalma ile susuz konudan elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, en düşük yağ oranı % 19.1 ve en yüksek protein oranı % 33.6 susuz konuda ölçülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, VÇBT konusunun yarı-nemli iklim koşulları altında en yüksek tane verimine ulaşmak için en iyi seçim olabileceği, ancak su ücreti yüksek ve/veya su kıt olduğunda, sulama programlarının tekrar ele alınmasının gerektiği, böyle koşullarda, vejetatif gelişme döneminde su kısıntısına yönelik bir sulama programının uygulanabileceği belirlenmiştir


  • Ashley D A & Ethridge W J (1978). Irrigation effects on vegetative and reproductive development of three soybeans cultivars. Agronomy Journal 70: 467-471
  • Bellaloui N & Mengistu A (2008). Seed composition is influenced by irrigation regimes and cultivar differences in soybean. Irrigation Science 26: 261- 268
  • Bos M G (1980). Irrigation efficiencies at crop production level. ICID Bulletin 29: 18-25
  • Bos M G (1985). Summary of ICID definitions of irrigation efficiency. ICID Bulletin 34: 28-31
  • Boyer J S (1982). Plant productivity and environment. Science 218: 443-448
  • Brady R A, Stone L R, Nickell C D & Powers W L (1974). Water conservation through proper timing of soybean irrigation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 29: 266-268
  • Calpten J A (1986). Genetic variability for agronomic traits in population containing Glycine soja germplasm. Crop Science 26: 681-686
  • Cox W J & Jolliff G D (1986). Growth and yield of sunflower and soybean under soil water deficits. Agronomy Journal 78: 226-230
  • De Costa W A & Shanmugathasan K N (2002). Physiology of yield determination of soybean under different irrigation regimes in the sub-humid zone of Sri Lanka. Field Crops Research 75: 23-35
  • De Souza P I, Egli D B & Bruening W P (1997). Water stress during seed filling and leaf senescence in soybean. Agronomy Journal 89(5): 807-812
  • Dogan E, Kirnak H & Copur O (2007). Deficit irrigations during soybean reproductive stages and CROPGRO- soybean simulations under semi-arid climatic conditions. Field Crops Research 103: 154-159
  • Doorenbos J & Kassam A H (1979). Yield Response to Water. Irrigation and Drainage Paper No: 33, FAO, Rome
  • Doss B D, Pearson R W & Rogers H T (1974). Effect of soil water stress at various growth stages on soybean yield. Agronomy Journal 66(2): 297-299
  • Eck H V, Mathers A C & Musick J T (1987). Plant water stress at various growth stages and growth and yield of soybeans. Field Crops Research 17: 1-16
  • Evett S R, Howell T A, Schneider A D, Upchurch D R & Wanjura D F (2000). Automatic Drip Irrigation of Corn and Soybean. In: Proceedings of the 4th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium, 14-16 November, Phoenix, AZ, USA, pp. 401-408
  • Fageria N K, Baligar V C & Jones C A (1997). Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Field Crops. 2nd Ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York
  • Foroud N, Mundel H H, Saindon G & Entz T (1993). Effect of level and timing of moisture stress on soybean yield components. Irrigation Science 13: 149-155
  • Hartwig E E & Kilen T C (1991). Yield and composition of soybean seed from parents with different protein, similar yield. Crop Science 31(2): 290-292
  • Hodges H F & Heatherly L G (1983). Principles of water management for soybean production. Bull. 919, Mississippi State University, Starkville
  • Howell T A (2001). Enhancing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture. Agronomy Journal 93: 281-289
  • Ivanov P (1974). Biochemical differentiation of sunflower varieties as a result of breeding. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Sunflower Conference, 22-24 July, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 225-229
  • James L G (1993). Principles of Farm Irrigation System Design. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida
  • Kabalan R (1998). Consomation en eau et productivite´ d’une culture du soja a` la Be´kaa. DEA, AUPELF- UREF, Bureau du Monde Arabe, Beyrouth, pp. 25
  • Kadhem F A, Specht J E & Williams J H (1985). Soybean irrigation serially timed during stages R1 to R6. II. Yield component responses. Agronomy Journal 77: 299-304
  • Karam F, Masaad R, Sfeir T, Mounzer O & Rouphael Y (2005). Evapotranspiration and seed yield of field grown soybean under deficit irrigation conditions. Agricultural Water Management 75: 226-244
  • Kirda C (2002). Deficit irrigation scheduling based on plant growth stages showing water stress tolerance. Deficit Irrigation Practice, Water Report 22, FAO, Rome, pp. 3-10
  • Kırnak H, Doğan E, Çopur O & Gökalp Z (2013). Irrigation and yield parameters of soybean as effected by irrigation management, soil compaction and nitrogen fertilization. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 19(4): 297-309
  • Korte L L, Williams J H, Specht J E & Sorensen R C (1983a). Irrigation of soybean genotypes during reproductive ontogeny. I. Agronomic responses. Crop Science 23: 521-527
  • Korte L L, Williams J H, Specht J E & Sorensen R C (1983b). Irrigation of soybean genotypes during reproductive ontogeny. II. Yield component responses. Crop Science 23: 528-533
  • O’Shaughnessy S A, Evett S R, Colaizzi P D & Howell T A (2011). Using radiation thermography and thermometry to evaluate crop water stress in soybean and cotton. Agricultural Water Management 98: 1523-1535
  • Pala M, Ryan J, Zhang H, Singh M & Harris H C (2007). Water-use efficiency of wheat-based rotation systems in a Mediterranean environment. Agricultural Water Management 93: 136-144
  • Paltineanu I C, Negrila C, Craciun M & Craciun I (1994). Long term trials on irrigated field crops in semiarid area of Romania. Romania Agricultural Research 1: 85-92
  • Petit J R, Jouzel J, Raynaud D, Barkov N I, Barnola J M, Basile I, Bender M, Chappellaz J, Davis M, Delaygue G, Delmotte M, Kotlyakov V M, Legrand M, Lipenkov V Y, Lorius C, Pepin L, Ritz C, Saltzman E & Stievenard M (1999). Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica. Nature 399: 429-436
  • Pomeranz Y & Clifton E (1994). Food Analysis Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed. Kluwer Academic Publisher, San Diego
  • Rosadi R A B, Afandi M S, Senge M, Ito K & Adomako J T (2005). Critical water content and water stress coefficient of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) under deficit irrigation. Paddy and Water Environment 3: 219-223
  • Salassi M E, Musick J A, Heatherly L G & Hamill J G (1984). An economic analysis of soybean yield response to irrigation of Mississippi River Delta soils. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 60: 928-935
  • Schoner C S & Fehr W R (1979). Utilization of plant introduction in soybean breeding population. Crop Science 11: 185-188
  • Scott H D, Ferguson J A & Wood L S (1987). Water use, yield, and dry matter accumulation by determinate soybean grown in a humid region. Agronomy Journal 79: 870-875
  • Shafii F, Ebadi A, Golloje K S & Eshghi-Gharib A (2011). Soybean response to nitrogen fertilizer under water deficit conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(16): 3112-3120
  • Smiciklas K D, Mullen R E, Carlson R E & Knapp A D (1992). Soybean seed quality response to drought- stress and pod position. Agronomy Journal 84(2): 166-170
  • Specht J E, Elmore R W, Eisenhauer D E & Klocke N W (1989). Growth stage scheduling criteria for sprinkler- irrigated soybeans. Irrigation Science 10: 99-111
  • Steel R G D & Torrie J H (1980). Principles and Procedures of Statistics, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, New York
  • Sweeney D W, Long J H & Kirkham M B (2003). A single irrigation to improve early maturing soybean yield and quality. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67: 235-240
  • Ul-Haq A & Brown D A (1985). Effect of soil moisture deficit in the upper root zone on growth and yield of soybeans. Arkansas Farm Research 34(3): 4
  • Xiaobing L, Herbert S J, Jin J, Zhang Q & Wang G (2004). Responses of photosynthetic rates and yield/quality of main crops to irrigation and manure application in the black soil area of Northeast China. Plant and Soil 261(1-2): 55-60
  • Xu X B & Zhang X T (1995). Density and fertilizer doses in relation to soybean yield. Tillage and Culture (in Chinese) 2: 18-19
  • Yazar A, Çevik B, Tekinel O, Tülücü K, Başbuğ R & Kanber R (1989). Çukurova Koşullarında Yağmurlama Yöntemiyle Sulanan Ikinci Ürün Soyada ET-Verim Ilişkisinin Belirlenmesi, TÜBİTAK-TOAG-551
  • Zhang H, Wang X, You M Z & Liu C M (1999). Water- yield relations and water-use efficiency of winter wheat in the North China Plain. Irrigation Science 19: 37-45

Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions

Year 2016, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 129 - 144, 01.03.2016


This study investigated the yield and quality response of soybean [Glycine max L. Merr.] to full and deficit irrigation applied at different growth stages under sub-humid climate conditions over a two-year period. A rain-fed non-irrigated treatment and 13 different irrigation treatments 1 full and 12 deficit irrigations were applied to soybeans at four critical development stages: vegetative V , flowering F , pod formation P and seed enlargement S . Deficit irrigation had a significant effect on seed yield, crude oil content, crude protein content and various agronomic parameters. The highest seed yield 4004 kg ha-1 was obtained with full irrigation based on the replenishment of 100% of soil water depletion from a soil depth of 90 cm at 7-day intervals throughout the development period and the lowest 1974 kg ha-1 with the rain-fed treatment, with a 50.6% difference in average yield between full irrigation VFPS and rain-fed treatments. The rain-fed treatment also resulted in the lowest crude oil content 19.1% and the highest crude protein content 33.6% . As a result, it may be concluded that while VFPS treatment may be the best choice for maximum yield under local conditions, irrigation schedules should be reconsidered when water cost is high and/or water is scarce; in such cases, an irrigation schedule that includes water deficit at the vegetative development stage can be applied


  • Ashley D A & Ethridge W J (1978). Irrigation effects on vegetative and reproductive development of three soybeans cultivars. Agronomy Journal 70: 467-471
  • Bellaloui N & Mengistu A (2008). Seed composition is influenced by irrigation regimes and cultivar differences in soybean. Irrigation Science 26: 261- 268
  • Bos M G (1980). Irrigation efficiencies at crop production level. ICID Bulletin 29: 18-25
  • Bos M G (1985). Summary of ICID definitions of irrigation efficiency. ICID Bulletin 34: 28-31
  • Boyer J S (1982). Plant productivity and environment. Science 218: 443-448
  • Brady R A, Stone L R, Nickell C D & Powers W L (1974). Water conservation through proper timing of soybean irrigation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 29: 266-268
  • Calpten J A (1986). Genetic variability for agronomic traits in population containing Glycine soja germplasm. Crop Science 26: 681-686
  • Cox W J & Jolliff G D (1986). Growth and yield of sunflower and soybean under soil water deficits. Agronomy Journal 78: 226-230
  • De Costa W A & Shanmugathasan K N (2002). Physiology of yield determination of soybean under different irrigation regimes in the sub-humid zone of Sri Lanka. Field Crops Research 75: 23-35
  • De Souza P I, Egli D B & Bruening W P (1997). Water stress during seed filling and leaf senescence in soybean. Agronomy Journal 89(5): 807-812
  • Dogan E, Kirnak H & Copur O (2007). Deficit irrigations during soybean reproductive stages and CROPGRO- soybean simulations under semi-arid climatic conditions. Field Crops Research 103: 154-159
  • Doorenbos J & Kassam A H (1979). Yield Response to Water. Irrigation and Drainage Paper No: 33, FAO, Rome
  • Doss B D, Pearson R W & Rogers H T (1974). Effect of soil water stress at various growth stages on soybean yield. Agronomy Journal 66(2): 297-299
  • Eck H V, Mathers A C & Musick J T (1987). Plant water stress at various growth stages and growth and yield of soybeans. Field Crops Research 17: 1-16
  • Evett S R, Howell T A, Schneider A D, Upchurch D R & Wanjura D F (2000). Automatic Drip Irrigation of Corn and Soybean. In: Proceedings of the 4th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium, 14-16 November, Phoenix, AZ, USA, pp. 401-408
  • Fageria N K, Baligar V C & Jones C A (1997). Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Field Crops. 2nd Ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York
  • Foroud N, Mundel H H, Saindon G & Entz T (1993). Effect of level and timing of moisture stress on soybean yield components. Irrigation Science 13: 149-155
  • Hartwig E E & Kilen T C (1991). Yield and composition of soybean seed from parents with different protein, similar yield. Crop Science 31(2): 290-292
  • Hodges H F & Heatherly L G (1983). Principles of water management for soybean production. Bull. 919, Mississippi State University, Starkville
  • Howell T A (2001). Enhancing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture. Agronomy Journal 93: 281-289
  • Ivanov P (1974). Biochemical differentiation of sunflower varieties as a result of breeding. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Sunflower Conference, 22-24 July, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 225-229
  • James L G (1993). Principles of Farm Irrigation System Design. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida
  • Kabalan R (1998). Consomation en eau et productivite´ d’une culture du soja a` la Be´kaa. DEA, AUPELF- UREF, Bureau du Monde Arabe, Beyrouth, pp. 25
  • Kadhem F A, Specht J E & Williams J H (1985). Soybean irrigation serially timed during stages R1 to R6. II. Yield component responses. Agronomy Journal 77: 299-304
  • Karam F, Masaad R, Sfeir T, Mounzer O & Rouphael Y (2005). Evapotranspiration and seed yield of field grown soybean under deficit irrigation conditions. Agricultural Water Management 75: 226-244
  • Kirda C (2002). Deficit irrigation scheduling based on plant growth stages showing water stress tolerance. Deficit Irrigation Practice, Water Report 22, FAO, Rome, pp. 3-10
  • Kırnak H, Doğan E, Çopur O & Gökalp Z (2013). Irrigation and yield parameters of soybean as effected by irrigation management, soil compaction and nitrogen fertilization. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 19(4): 297-309
  • Korte L L, Williams J H, Specht J E & Sorensen R C (1983a). Irrigation of soybean genotypes during reproductive ontogeny. I. Agronomic responses. Crop Science 23: 521-527
  • Korte L L, Williams J H, Specht J E & Sorensen R C (1983b). Irrigation of soybean genotypes during reproductive ontogeny. II. Yield component responses. Crop Science 23: 528-533
  • O’Shaughnessy S A, Evett S R, Colaizzi P D & Howell T A (2011). Using radiation thermography and thermometry to evaluate crop water stress in soybean and cotton. Agricultural Water Management 98: 1523-1535
  • Pala M, Ryan J, Zhang H, Singh M & Harris H C (2007). Water-use efficiency of wheat-based rotation systems in a Mediterranean environment. Agricultural Water Management 93: 136-144
  • Paltineanu I C, Negrila C, Craciun M & Craciun I (1994). Long term trials on irrigated field crops in semiarid area of Romania. Romania Agricultural Research 1: 85-92
  • Petit J R, Jouzel J, Raynaud D, Barkov N I, Barnola J M, Basile I, Bender M, Chappellaz J, Davis M, Delaygue G, Delmotte M, Kotlyakov V M, Legrand M, Lipenkov V Y, Lorius C, Pepin L, Ritz C, Saltzman E & Stievenard M (1999). Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica. Nature 399: 429-436
  • Pomeranz Y & Clifton E (1994). Food Analysis Theory and Practice, 3rd Ed. Kluwer Academic Publisher, San Diego
  • Rosadi R A B, Afandi M S, Senge M, Ito K & Adomako J T (2005). Critical water content and water stress coefficient of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) under deficit irrigation. Paddy and Water Environment 3: 219-223
  • Salassi M E, Musick J A, Heatherly L G & Hamill J G (1984). An economic analysis of soybean yield response to irrigation of Mississippi River Delta soils. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 60: 928-935
  • Schoner C S & Fehr W R (1979). Utilization of plant introduction in soybean breeding population. Crop Science 11: 185-188
  • Scott H D, Ferguson J A & Wood L S (1987). Water use, yield, and dry matter accumulation by determinate soybean grown in a humid region. Agronomy Journal 79: 870-875
  • Shafii F, Ebadi A, Golloje K S & Eshghi-Gharib A (2011). Soybean response to nitrogen fertilizer under water deficit conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(16): 3112-3120
  • Smiciklas K D, Mullen R E, Carlson R E & Knapp A D (1992). Soybean seed quality response to drought- stress and pod position. Agronomy Journal 84(2): 166-170
  • Specht J E, Elmore R W, Eisenhauer D E & Klocke N W (1989). Growth stage scheduling criteria for sprinkler- irrigated soybeans. Irrigation Science 10: 99-111
  • Steel R G D & Torrie J H (1980). Principles and Procedures of Statistics, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, New York
  • Sweeney D W, Long J H & Kirkham M B (2003). A single irrigation to improve early maturing soybean yield and quality. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67: 235-240
  • Ul-Haq A & Brown D A (1985). Effect of soil moisture deficit in the upper root zone on growth and yield of soybeans. Arkansas Farm Research 34(3): 4
  • Xiaobing L, Herbert S J, Jin J, Zhang Q & Wang G (2004). Responses of photosynthetic rates and yield/quality of main crops to irrigation and manure application in the black soil area of Northeast China. Plant and Soil 261(1-2): 55-60
  • Xu X B & Zhang X T (1995). Density and fertilizer doses in relation to soybean yield. Tillage and Culture (in Chinese) 2: 18-19
  • Yazar A, Çevik B, Tekinel O, Tülücü K, Başbuğ R & Kanber R (1989). Çukurova Koşullarında Yağmurlama Yöntemiyle Sulanan Ikinci Ürün Soyada ET-Verim Ilişkisinin Belirlenmesi, TÜBİTAK-TOAG-551
  • Zhang H, Wang X, You M Z & Liu C M (1999). Water- yield relations and water-use efficiency of winter wheat in the North China Plain. Irrigation Science 19: 37-45
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Burak Nazmi Candoğan This is me

Senih Yazgan This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Candoğan, B. N., & Yazgan, S. (2016). Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(2), 129-144.
AMA Candoğan BN, Yazgan S. Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2016;22(2):129-144. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001375
Chicago Candoğan, Burak Nazmi, and Senih Yazgan. “Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 2 (March 2016): 129-44.
EndNote Candoğan BN, Yazgan S (March 1, 2016) Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 2 129–144.
IEEE B. N. Candoğan and S. Yazgan, “Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 129–144, 2016, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001375.
ISNAD Candoğan, Burak Nazmi - Yazgan, Senih. “Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/2 (March 2016), 129-144.
JAMA Candoğan BN, Yazgan S. Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:129–144.
MLA Candoğan, Burak Nazmi and Senih Yazgan. “Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 2, 2016, pp. 129-44, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001375.
Vancouver Candoğan BN, Yazgan S. Yield and Quality Response of Soybean to Full and Deficit Irrigation at Different Growth Stages under Sub-Humid Climatic Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(2):129-44.

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