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The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 260 - 267, 01.03.2017


Excessive grazing pressure on rangeland vegetation reduces the basal area value of vegetation and also changes the botanic composition. This study examined the piosphere effects of livestock grazing on rangeland vegetation based on distance from a natural water source. The piosphere effects were evaluated around Karagöl Lake, which is a natural water-source in Mediterranean region of Turkey. The changes in vegetation were determined within three different sites where sample plots were located at 0-1000 m, 1000-3000 m and 3000-5000 m away from the lake. The mean values of basal area in the study area were 10.71%, 14.46%, and 22.16% for three sites, respectively. The average oven-dry hay yield was 639.0 kg ha-1, 1542.9 kg ha-1, and 2146.3 kg ha-1, respectively. The vegetation similarity indices of the sites indicated that the botanic composition changed with respect to increasing distance from the lake. The lowest similarity index was encountered between the site one and site three 30.31%


  • Andrew M H (1988). Grazing impact in relation to livestock watering points. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 3: 336-339
  • Bakır Ö (1970). Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Arazisinde Bir Mera Etüdü. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 382, Ankara
  • Brits J, Van Rooyen M W & Van Rooyen N (2002). Ecological impact of large herbivores on the woody vegetation at selected watering points on the eastern basaltic soils in the Kruger National Park. African Journal of Ecology 40(1): 53-60
  • Child G, Parris R & Riche E (1971). Use of mineralised water by Kalahari wildlife and its effects on habitats. East African Wildlife Journal 9: 125-142
  • FAO (2008). Food and Agriculture Organization, www.
  • Fusco M, Holochek J, Tempo A, Daniel A & Cardenas M (1995). Grazing influence on watering point vegetation in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Range Management 48: 32-38
  • Gemedo Dalle, Maass B L & Isselstein J (2006). Rangeland condition and trend in the semi-arid Borana lowlands, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia. African Journal of Range & Forage Science 23: 49-58
  • Gökkuş A & Koç A (2001). Mera ve Çayır Yönetimi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları: 228, Erzurum
  • Graetz R D & Ludwig J A (1978). A method for the analysis of piosphere data applicable to range assessment. Australian Rangland Journal 1: 117-125
  • Hart R H, Samuel M J, Waggoner J W & Smith M A (1989). Comparisons of grazing systems in Wyoming. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 44(4): 344- 347
  • Holechek J L, Pieper R D & Herbel C H (2004). Range Management: Principles and Practices. 5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, 607 pp
  • ICARDA (2002). Integrated feed and livestock production in the steppes of Central Asia. In: L Iñiguez (Ed), Annual Report: Natural Resource Management Program. Aleppo, ICARDA
  • James J D, Landsberg J & Morton S R (1999). Provision of watering points in the Australian arid zone: A review of effects on biota. Journal of Arid Enviroments 41: 87-121
  • Koç A (1995). Topoğrafya ile toprak nem ve sıcaklığının mera bitki örtülerinin bazı özelliklerine etkileri. Doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Basılmamış), Erzurum
  • Lange R T (1969). The Piosphere: Sheep track and dung patterns. Journal of Rangeland Management 22: 396- 400
  • Ludwig J A, Coughenour M B, Liedloff A C & Dyer R (2001). Modelling the resilience of Australian savanna systems to grazing impacts. Environment International 27: 167-172
  • Naveh Z & Whittaker R H (1979). Structural and floristic diversity of shrublands and woodlands in Northern Israel and other Mediterranean Areas. Vegetation 4: 171-190
  • Okatan A (1987). Trabzon-Meryemana Deresi yağış havzası Alpin Meralarının bazı fiziksel ve hidrolojik toprak özellikleri ı̇le vejetasyon yapısı üzerine araştırmalar. Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Orman Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Yayın No: 664, Seri No: 62, Ankara, 290 s
  • Parker K W & Harris R W (1959). The three-step method for measuring condition and trend of forest ranges: A resume of its history, development and use. In: Techniques and Methods of Measuring Understory Vegetation: Proceedings of a symposium; 1958 October; Tifton, GA. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station: 55-69
  • Perkins J S & Thomas D S G (1993). Spreading deserts or spatially confined environmental impacts? Land degradation and cattle ranching in the Kalahari desert of Botswana. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation 4: 179-194
  • Pickup G (1989). New land degradation survey techniques for arid Australia: Problems and Prospects. Australian Rangeland Journal 11: 74-82
  • Pickup G & Chewings V H (1994). A grazing gradient approach to land degradation assessment in arid areas from remotely sensed data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 15: 597-617
  • Pickup G, Bastin G N & Chewings V H (1998). Identifying trends in land degradation in non-equilibrium rangelands. Journal of Applied Ecology 35: 365-377
  • Solomon T, Snyman H A & Smit G N (2007). Rangeland dynamics in Ethiopia: (1) Botanical composition of grasses and soil characteristics in relation to land use and distance from water in semi-arid Borana Rangelands. Journal of Environmental Management 85: 429-442
  • Sorenson T (1948). A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species content. Acta K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Biol. Skr. 5: 1-34
  • SRM (2015). Rangeland Resources of North America. Lakewood, CO: Society for Range Management. Article accessed at
  • Stoddart L A, Smith A D & Box T W (1975). Range Management. 3rd Edition. Mcgraw-Hill, New York. 532 pp
  • Thrash I (1998). Impact of large herbivores at artificial watering points compared to that at natural watering points in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Journal of Arid Environment 38: 315-324
  • Thrash I (2000). Determinants of the extent of indigenous large herbivore impact on herbaceous vegetation at watering points in the North-eastern lowveld South Africa. Journal of Arid Environment 44: 61-72
  • Todd S W (2006). Gradients in vegetation cover, structure and species richness of Nama-Karoo shrubland in relation to distance from livestock watering points. Journal of Applied Ecology 43: 293-304
  • Tolsma D J, Erns W H O & Verwey R A (1987). Nutrients in soil and vegetation around two artificial water points in Eastern Botswana. Journal of Applied Ecology 24: 991-1000
  • Tongway D J, Sparrow A D & Friedel M H (2003). Degradation and recovery process in arid grazing lands of Central Australia, Part 1: Soil and land resources. Journal of Arid Environment 55: 301-326
  • TSI (2011). Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • TSMS (2012). Turkish State Meteorological Service. Kahramanmaras State Meteorological Service. Kahramanmaras Meteorological Station Data 1982- 2014, Kahramanmaras
  • Vallentine J F (1990). Grazing management. San Diego, CA, Academic press

Kahramanmaraş Yöresi Ahır Dağı Meralarında Piospher’in Vejetasyon Yapısı Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 260 - 267, 01.03.2017


Mera vejetasyonları üzerinde oluşan aşırı otlatma baskısı, vejetasyonun bitki ile kaplı alan değerinin azalmasına ve botanik kompozisyonun değişmesine neden olmaktadır. Yapılan bu araştırmada Türkiye’nin Akdeniz bölgesinde yer alan, doğal su kaynaklarından biri olan Karagöl gölüne olan mesafeye göre piosferin vejetasyon üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Bunun için çalışma alanında yer alan doğal su kaynaklarından biri olan Karagöl gölünün piosfer etkisi araştırılmıştır. Vejetasyonda meydana gelen değişiklikler Karagöl gölü çevresinden 0-1000 m, 1000-3000 m ve 3000-5000 m uzaklıkta seçilen üç deneme alanı alınarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma alanında ortalama bitki ile kaplı alan değerleri sırasıyla % 10.71, % 14.46 ve % 22.16 olarak belirlenmiştir. Göl çevresinde ortalama fırın kurusu ot


  • Andrew M H (1988). Grazing impact in relation to livestock watering points. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 3: 336-339
  • Bakır Ö (1970). Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Arazisinde Bir Mera Etüdü. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 382, Ankara
  • Brits J, Van Rooyen M W & Van Rooyen N (2002). Ecological impact of large herbivores on the woody vegetation at selected watering points on the eastern basaltic soils in the Kruger National Park. African Journal of Ecology 40(1): 53-60
  • Child G, Parris R & Riche E (1971). Use of mineralised water by Kalahari wildlife and its effects on habitats. East African Wildlife Journal 9: 125-142
  • FAO (2008). Food and Agriculture Organization, www.
  • Fusco M, Holochek J, Tempo A, Daniel A & Cardenas M (1995). Grazing influence on watering point vegetation in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Range Management 48: 32-38
  • Gemedo Dalle, Maass B L & Isselstein J (2006). Rangeland condition and trend in the semi-arid Borana lowlands, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia. African Journal of Range & Forage Science 23: 49-58
  • Gökkuş A & Koç A (2001). Mera ve Çayır Yönetimi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları: 228, Erzurum
  • Graetz R D & Ludwig J A (1978). A method for the analysis of piosphere data applicable to range assessment. Australian Rangland Journal 1: 117-125
  • Hart R H, Samuel M J, Waggoner J W & Smith M A (1989). Comparisons of grazing systems in Wyoming. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 44(4): 344- 347
  • Holechek J L, Pieper R D & Herbel C H (2004). Range Management: Principles and Practices. 5th Edition. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, 607 pp
  • ICARDA (2002). Integrated feed and livestock production in the steppes of Central Asia. In: L Iñiguez (Ed), Annual Report: Natural Resource Management Program. Aleppo, ICARDA
  • James J D, Landsberg J & Morton S R (1999). Provision of watering points in the Australian arid zone: A review of effects on biota. Journal of Arid Enviroments 41: 87-121
  • Koç A (1995). Topoğrafya ile toprak nem ve sıcaklığının mera bitki örtülerinin bazı özelliklerine etkileri. Doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Basılmamış), Erzurum
  • Lange R T (1969). The Piosphere: Sheep track and dung patterns. Journal of Rangeland Management 22: 396- 400
  • Ludwig J A, Coughenour M B, Liedloff A C & Dyer R (2001). Modelling the resilience of Australian savanna systems to grazing impacts. Environment International 27: 167-172
  • Naveh Z & Whittaker R H (1979). Structural and floristic diversity of shrublands and woodlands in Northern Israel and other Mediterranean Areas. Vegetation 4: 171-190
  • Okatan A (1987). Trabzon-Meryemana Deresi yağış havzası Alpin Meralarının bazı fiziksel ve hidrolojik toprak özellikleri ı̇le vejetasyon yapısı üzerine araştırmalar. Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Orman Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Yayın No: 664, Seri No: 62, Ankara, 290 s
  • Parker K W & Harris R W (1959). The three-step method for measuring condition and trend of forest ranges: A resume of its history, development and use. In: Techniques and Methods of Measuring Understory Vegetation: Proceedings of a symposium; 1958 October; Tifton, GA. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station: 55-69
  • Perkins J S & Thomas D S G (1993). Spreading deserts or spatially confined environmental impacts? Land degradation and cattle ranching in the Kalahari desert of Botswana. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation 4: 179-194
  • Pickup G (1989). New land degradation survey techniques for arid Australia: Problems and Prospects. Australian Rangeland Journal 11: 74-82
  • Pickup G & Chewings V H (1994). A grazing gradient approach to land degradation assessment in arid areas from remotely sensed data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 15: 597-617
  • Pickup G, Bastin G N & Chewings V H (1998). Identifying trends in land degradation in non-equilibrium rangelands. Journal of Applied Ecology 35: 365-377
  • Solomon T, Snyman H A & Smit G N (2007). Rangeland dynamics in Ethiopia: (1) Botanical composition of grasses and soil characteristics in relation to land use and distance from water in semi-arid Borana Rangelands. Journal of Environmental Management 85: 429-442
  • Sorenson T (1948). A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species content. Acta K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Biol. Skr. 5: 1-34
  • SRM (2015). Rangeland Resources of North America. Lakewood, CO: Society for Range Management. Article accessed at
  • Stoddart L A, Smith A D & Box T W (1975). Range Management. 3rd Edition. Mcgraw-Hill, New York. 532 pp
  • Thrash I (1998). Impact of large herbivores at artificial watering points compared to that at natural watering points in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Journal of Arid Environment 38: 315-324
  • Thrash I (2000). Determinants of the extent of indigenous large herbivore impact on herbaceous vegetation at watering points in the North-eastern lowveld South Africa. Journal of Arid Environment 44: 61-72
  • Todd S W (2006). Gradients in vegetation cover, structure and species richness of Nama-Karoo shrubland in relation to distance from livestock watering points. Journal of Applied Ecology 43: 293-304
  • Tolsma D J, Erns W H O & Verwey R A (1987). Nutrients in soil and vegetation around two artificial water points in Eastern Botswana. Journal of Applied Ecology 24: 991-1000
  • Tongway D J, Sparrow A D & Friedel M H (2003). Degradation and recovery process in arid grazing lands of Central Australia, Part 1: Soil and land resources. Journal of Arid Environment 55: 301-326
  • TSI (2011). Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • TSMS (2012). Turkish State Meteorological Service. Kahramanmaras State Meteorological Service. Kahramanmaras Meteorological Station Data 1982- 2014, Kahramanmaras
  • Vallentine J F (1990). Grazing management. San Diego, CA, Academic press
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Mahmut Reis This is me

Nurşen Şen This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Reis, M., & Şen, N. (2017). The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(2), 260-267.
AMA Reis M, Şen N. The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2017;23(2):260-267.
Chicago Reis, Mahmut, and Nurşen Şen. “The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23, no. 2 (March 2017): 260-67.
EndNote Reis M, Şen N (March 1, 2017) The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23 2 260–267.
IEEE M. Reis and N. Şen, “The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 260–267, 2017.
ISNAD Reis, Mahmut - Şen, Nurşen. “The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23/2 (March 2017), 260-267.
JAMA Reis M, Şen N. The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23:260–267.
MLA Reis, Mahmut and Nurşen Şen. “The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 2, 2017, pp. 260-7.
Vancouver Reis M, Şen N. The Piosphere Effects of Livestock Grazing on Rangeland Vegetation in Ahir Mountain of Kahramanmaras Region. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23(2):260-7.

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