The aim of this research was to determine the adaptation ability of winter type German originated rapeseed cultivars under Ankara conditions. This study was carried out to determine the yield and yield components of eight rapeseed cultivars Ceres, Cobra, Diadem, NPZ 71, NPZ 74, NPZ 82, NPZ 66, NPZ 62 under Ankara conditions in 1993-1994. In both years, the sowing was done as early as possible to enable plants to enter winter conditions in rosette stage. Plant height, numbers of axillary branches, numbers of pods on the main stern; pod length, number of seeds per pod was observed in the field as yield components. Seed yields, thousand seed weights and oil ratio were also determined after harvesting. According to the results of the average of two years, the highest seed yield 322.01 kg/da was obtained from cv. NPZ 62 and the highest oil ratio 37.12 % was determined in cv. NPZ 66. Yields and oil ratio of these rapeseed cultivars were found to be high even though agricultural applications such as irrigation, hoeing and fertilization were not applied. The results indicated that these cultivars could be grown easily under Ankara conditions.
Bu araşt ı rman ı n amac ı ; Almanya kökenli k ış l ı k kolza çeşitlerinin Ankara koş ullar ı nda adaptasyon yeteneklerini saptamakt ı r. Araşt ı rma 1993-1994 y ı llar ı nda k ış l ı k 8 kolza çeş idinin Ceres, Cobra, Diadem, NPZ 71, NPZ 74; NPZ 82, NPZ 66, NPZ 62 verim ve verim komponentlerini belirlemek amac ı yla yürütülmü ştür. Denemenin yap ı ld ığı her iki y ı lda da bitkilerin k ış a rozet devresinde girmesini sa ğ lamak amac ı yla ekimler mümkün oldu ğ unca erken yap ı lm ışt ı r. Verim komponentleri olarak bitki boyu, anasapa ba ğ l ı yandal say ı s ı , anasaptaki kapsül say ı s ı . kapsül boyu ve kapsüldeki tohum say ı lar ı tarlada 'gözlenmi ştir. Tohum verimleri, bin tohum a ğı rl ı klar ı ve yağ oranlar ı hasattan sonra belirlenmi ştir. İ ki y ı l ı n ortalamalar ı na göre; en yüksek tohum verimi 322.01 kg/da ile NPZ 62 çe ş idinden, en yüksek yağ oran ı da % 37.12 ile NPZ 66 çe ş idinden al ı nm ışt ı r. Denenen bu çeşitlerin verim ve ya ğ oranlar ı sulama, çapalama, gübreleme gibi kültürel uygulamalar yap ı lmadan bile oldukça yüksek bulunmu ştur. Sonuçlar; bu çe şitlerin Ankara koş ullar ı nda rahatl ı kla yetiştirilebileceğ ini göstermektedir.
Primary Language | English |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | August 1, 1997 |
Submission Date | August 1, 1997 |
Published in Issue | Year 1997 Volume: 03 Issue: 03 |
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