Bu araşt ı rmada sar ı 85 keten Linum usitatissimum L. tohumlar ı na 10, 20, 30, 40 ve 50 kRad dozlarda gamma radyasyonu verilmi ştir. Radyasyonun M igenerasyonuna ait bitki boyu, bin tohum a ğı rl ığı , yağ oran ı , bitki ba şı na kapsül say ı s ı ve kapsül içindeki tohum say ı s ı gibi verim ögeleri üzerindeki etkisi ara şt ı rı lm ışt ı r. Genellikle düşük radyasyon dozlar ı n ı n yüksek radyasyon dozlar ı na oranla daha çok etkili oldu ğ u bulunmuştur.
Gamma radiation with different doses of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 kRad was applied on yellow 85 flax Linum usitatissimum L. seeds in this study. The effect of radiation on yield components of M igeneration such as plant height, weight per thousand seeds, oil percentage, number of capsules per plant and number of seeds in capsule was investigated. In general, the low doses of radiation were found to be much effective with respect to high radiation doses.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Engineering |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | January 1, 1998 |
Submission Date | January 1, 1998 |
Published in Issue | Year 1998 Volume: 04 Issue: 01 |
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