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The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato

Year 1998, Volume: 04 Issue: 02, 27 - 29, 01.05.1998


In this study, the effects of peat and sand amended spent mushroom compcst SMC on grov ı ing of tomato Lycopersicon escelantum Mili. cv.H 2274. were investigated, and 100% Peat and SMC, mixtures of SMC with 25%, 50%, 75% Peat, and 50% SMC + 25% Peat + 25% Sand and 50% Peat + 25% SMC + 25% Sand were used as growing media. Plant growing in SMC mixing with peat and sand was compared with 100 % Peat as control. 25% P + 75% SMC was ascertained the most appropriate mixture for plant growing in SMC mixtures. Shoot and root dry weights of control was found higher than other treatments. There was no statistical difference among 100% SMC, 50% Peat + 50% SMC and 75% Peat + 25% SMC whereas sand significantly negatively affected plant growth P< 0.01 .


  • Abak, K. and Çelikel, G. 1994. Comparison of some Turkish originated organic and inorganic substrates for tomato soilless culture. In: Second Symposium on protected cultivation of Solanacea in mild winter climates, Adana, Tur1
  • Baran, A. and Ataman, Y. 1995. TürkiyedekI baz ı peat mitlerinin fiziksel özellikleri ile ayr ışma dereceleri aras ı ndaki iliş ki. İ lhan Akalan Toprak ve Çevre Sempozyumu Tebliğ leri Cilt I, 132-141.
  • Baran, A., Çaycl, G. and İ nal,A. 1995. Some physical and chemical properties of different agricultural wastes. Pamukkale University Engineering College, J. Engineering Sciences. 2-3:169-172.
  • Böhm, W. 1979. Methods of studying root systems. Ecological studies. Vol.33. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  • Calvin, C., Cline, R.A. and Rinker, D.L. 1994. Bark-and peat amended spent mushroom compost for containerized culture of shrubs. Hort Science 29:761-784.
  • Çayc ı , G., Ünver, İ ., Ataman, Y. and Munsuz, N. 1989. Distribution and horticultural values of the peats in Anatoba. In: Symposium on substrates in horticulture other than soil in situ. Dublin, Ireland, 12-16 September 1988. Acta. Hortic., 238:189-196.
  • De Boodt, M., and Verdonck, O. 1972. The physical properties of the substrates in horticulture. Acta Hortic., 26:37-44.
  • De Boodt, M., Verdonck, O. and Cappaert, I. 1973. Method for release curve organic substrates. In: Proceeding Symposium Artificial Media irı Horticulture, pp 2054-2062.
  • DIN, 11542. Torf für Gartenbau und Landwirtshaft Kirven, D.M. 1986. An industry viewpoint: Horticultural testing-is our language cor ı fusing. Hort Sci., 21:215-217.
  • Lemaire, F., Dartiguese, A. and Riviere, L.M. 1985. Properties of substrate made with spent mushroom compost. Acta Hortic., 172:13-29.
  • Lohr, I.V., Wang, S.H. and Wolt, J.D. 1984a. Fhysical and chemical characteristics of fresh and aged spent mushroom compost. Hort Sci., 19:681-683.
  • Lohr, I.V., O'Brien, G. and Coffey, D.L. 1984b. Spent mushroom compost in soilless media and its effects on the yield and quality of transplants, J.Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 109:693-697.
  • Lohr, I.V., and Coffey D.L. 1987. Growth responses of seedlings to varying rates of fresh and aged spent mushroom compost. Hort Sci., 22:913-915.
  • Lucas, R.E., and Davis, J.F. 1961. Relationships between pH values of organic soils and availabilities of 12 plant nutrients. Soil Sci., 92:177-182.
  • Lucas, R. E., Rieke, P. E. and Doll, E. C. 1972. Soil saturated extract method for determining plant-nutrient levels in peat and other soil mixes. 4th Int. Peat Congr., 2:221-230.
  • Maher, M.J. 1988. Spent mushroom compost as an organic manure and potting compost component. In: Compost processes in waste managen ıent. Brussels., pp 71-82.
  • Maher, M.J. 1991. Spent mushroom compost as a nutrient source peat based potting substrates. In: M.J. Maher(Editor), Science am:I Cultivation of Edible Furgi. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 645-.650.
  • Sonneveld, C. 1992. Nutrient Solutions for Vegetables and Flowers Grown Water or Substrates, Proefstation Voor Tuinbouv Onder Glas Te Naaldwijk, Nederlans, No 8, 9`h ed Voedingsoplossingen glastuinbouw ser ı e.
  • Wang, S.H., Lohr, V.I. and Coffey, D.L. 1984. Spent mushroom compost as a soil amendment for vegetables. J.Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 109(5): 698-702.

Peat ve Kum Kar ıştı rı lm ış Atı k Mantar Kompostunun Domates Bitkisinin Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 1998, Volume: 04 Issue: 02, 27 - 29, 01.05.1998


Bu araşt ı rmada, peat ve kum kar ışt ı rı lmış atı k mantar kompostunun domates bitkisinin Lycopersicon escelantum Mili. cv.H 2274. geli ş imi üzerine etkisi ara şt ı rı lmışt ı r. Araştı rmada, yetiştirme ortam ı olarak %100 Peat ve % 100 AMK at ı k mantar kompostu , % 25, % 50 ve % 75 oranlar ı nda peat ile karışt ı rı lm ış AMK ve % 50 AMK+%25 Peat+%25 Kum, °/050 Peat+/o25 AMK+%25 Kum kar ışı mları kullan ı lm ışt ı r. Kontrol olarak % 100 Peat'teki bitki geli şimi esas al ı nmışt ı r. %25 Peat+%75 AMK n ı n at ı k mantar kompostlu kar ışı mlar içerinde en uygun kar ışı m olduğ u saptanm ışt ı r. Kontrolde, tepe ve kök kuru ağı rl ı kları diğer uygulamalardan daha yüksek bulunmu ştur. ' /0100 AMK, %50 Peat + %50 AMK ve % 75 Peat + % 25 AMK kar ışı mları aras ı nda istatistiksel olarak fark bulunamazken, kum ilavesi bitki gelişimini negatif olarak etkilemiştir P


  • Abak, K. and Çelikel, G. 1994. Comparison of some Turkish originated organic and inorganic substrates for tomato soilless culture. In: Second Symposium on protected cultivation of Solanacea in mild winter climates, Adana, Tur1
  • Baran, A. and Ataman, Y. 1995. TürkiyedekI baz ı peat mitlerinin fiziksel özellikleri ile ayr ışma dereceleri aras ı ndaki iliş ki. İ lhan Akalan Toprak ve Çevre Sempozyumu Tebliğ leri Cilt I, 132-141.
  • Baran, A., Çaycl, G. and İ nal,A. 1995. Some physical and chemical properties of different agricultural wastes. Pamukkale University Engineering College, J. Engineering Sciences. 2-3:169-172.
  • Böhm, W. 1979. Methods of studying root systems. Ecological studies. Vol.33. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  • Calvin, C., Cline, R.A. and Rinker, D.L. 1994. Bark-and peat amended spent mushroom compost for containerized culture of shrubs. Hort Science 29:761-784.
  • Çayc ı , G., Ünver, İ ., Ataman, Y. and Munsuz, N. 1989. Distribution and horticultural values of the peats in Anatoba. In: Symposium on substrates in horticulture other than soil in situ. Dublin, Ireland, 12-16 September 1988. Acta. Hortic., 238:189-196.
  • De Boodt, M., and Verdonck, O. 1972. The physical properties of the substrates in horticulture. Acta Hortic., 26:37-44.
  • De Boodt, M., Verdonck, O. and Cappaert, I. 1973. Method for release curve organic substrates. In: Proceeding Symposium Artificial Media irı Horticulture, pp 2054-2062.
  • DIN, 11542. Torf für Gartenbau und Landwirtshaft Kirven, D.M. 1986. An industry viewpoint: Horticultural testing-is our language cor ı fusing. Hort Sci., 21:215-217.
  • Lemaire, F., Dartiguese, A. and Riviere, L.M. 1985. Properties of substrate made with spent mushroom compost. Acta Hortic., 172:13-29.
  • Lohr, I.V., Wang, S.H. and Wolt, J.D. 1984a. Fhysical and chemical characteristics of fresh and aged spent mushroom compost. Hort Sci., 19:681-683.
  • Lohr, I.V., O'Brien, G. and Coffey, D.L. 1984b. Spent mushroom compost in soilless media and its effects on the yield and quality of transplants, J.Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 109:693-697.
  • Lohr, I.V., and Coffey D.L. 1987. Growth responses of seedlings to varying rates of fresh and aged spent mushroom compost. Hort Sci., 22:913-915.
  • Lucas, R.E., and Davis, J.F. 1961. Relationships between pH values of organic soils and availabilities of 12 plant nutrients. Soil Sci., 92:177-182.
  • Lucas, R. E., Rieke, P. E. and Doll, E. C. 1972. Soil saturated extract method for determining plant-nutrient levels in peat and other soil mixes. 4th Int. Peat Congr., 2:221-230.
  • Maher, M.J. 1988. Spent mushroom compost as an organic manure and potting compost component. In: Compost processes in waste managen ıent. Brussels., pp 71-82.
  • Maher, M.J. 1991. Spent mushroom compost as a nutrient source peat based potting substrates. In: M.J. Maher(Editor), Science am:I Cultivation of Edible Furgi. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 645-.650.
  • Sonneveld, C. 1992. Nutrient Solutions for Vegetables and Flowers Grown Water or Substrates, Proefstation Voor Tuinbouv Onder Glas Te Naaldwijk, Nederlans, No 8, 9`h ed Voedingsoplossingen glastuinbouw ser ı e.
  • Wang, S.H., Lohr, V.I. and Coffey, D.L. 1984. Spent mushroom compost as a soil amendment for vegetables. J.Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 109(5): 698-702.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Gökhan Çaycı This is me

Abdullah Bara This is me

Damla Bender This is me

Publication Date May 1, 1998
Published in Issue Year 1998 Volume: 04 Issue: 02


APA Çaycı, G., Bara, A., & Bender, D. (1998). The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 04(02), 27-29.
AMA Çaycı G, Bara A, Bender D. The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. May 1998;04(02):27-29.
Chicago Çaycı, Gökhan, Abdullah Bara, and Damla Bender. “The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 04, no. 02 (May 1998): 27-29.
EndNote Çaycı G, Bara A, Bender D (May 1, 1998) The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 04 02 27–29.
IEEE G. Çaycı, A. Bara, and D. Bender, “The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 04, no. 02, pp. 27–29, 1998.
ISNAD Çaycı, Gökhan et al. “The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 04/02 (May 1998), 27-29.
JAMA Çaycı G, Bara A, Bender D. The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1998;04:27–29.
MLA Çaycı, Gökhan et al. “The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 04, no. 02, 1998, pp. 27-29.
Vancouver Çaycı G, Bara A, Bender D. The Effects of Peat and Sand Amended Spent Mushroom Compost on Growing of Tomato. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1998;04(02):27-9.

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