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A Research on the Eutrophication Level of the Sakaryaba ş: West Pond

Year 1999, Volume: 05 Issue: 01, 51 - 58, 01.01.1999


In this study, determination of the eutrophication state of the pond which supply water to the Sakaryabaşı Fish Culture and Research Station was aimed. In pond water. primarily phosphorus fractions total phosphorus, total orthophosphate,. total filtrable orthophosphate, particular inorganic phosphorus , and also nitrogen fractions ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen , chlorophyll-a concentration and some phsico-chemical characteristics water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, transparency, electrical conductivity, total hardness, calcium and magnesium hardness, organic matter, bicarbonate alkalinity were undertaken. Regarding the total phosphorus concentration, it was detected that trophic state of the pond was hypereutrophic, and especially the values of ammonianitrogen, are higher than the acceptable values for rainbow trout production. The management strategies ware recommended depending on the data obtained.


  • Anonim, 1992. Türk Çevre Mevzuat.. Türkiye Çevre Vakf ı Yay ı n ı . Cilt (Il), s.667-1275, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 1975. Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water. Ondördüncü bask ı . John D. Ducas Co., p.1-1193, USA.
  • Canfield, D.E., Shireman, D.E., Calle, W.T., Watkins, C.E., and Maceina, M.J. 1984. Prediction of chlorophyll a concentrations in Florida Lakes: Importance of aquatic macrophytes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 41: 497-501.
  • Cerco, C.F. 1989. Measured and modelled effects of temperature, dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentration on sediment-water nutrient exchange. Hydrobiologia, 174: 185-194.
  • Chambers, P.A., Prepas, E.E, Bothwell. M.L. and Hamilton, H.R. 1989. Roots versus shoots in nutrient uptake by aquatic macrophytes in flowing waters. Can. J. Aquat. Sci., 46: 435-439.
  • Düzgüneş , O., Kesici, T. ve Gürbüz, F. 1983. Istatistik Metotlar ı A.Ü.Zir.Fak.Yay ı nlar ı : 861, Ders Kitab ı , s. 1-229, Ankara.
  • Duarte, C.M. and Kalff, J. 1990. Patterns in the submerged macrophyte biomass of lakes and the importance of the scale of analysis in the interpretation. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 47: 357-363.
  • Erençin, C. ve Erençin, Z. 1978. Aynal ı sazan ı n (C. carpio) kültür bal ığı olarak Türkiye'de ilk defa yeti ştirilmesi ile ilgili araşt ı rmalar. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. XXV, No 1.
  • Erençin, Z. ve Köksal, G. 1981. İ çsular Temel Bilimleri. A.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yay ı nları :375, s.1-160, Ankara.
  • Lachavanne, J.B., Perfetta, J. and Juge, R. 1992. Influence of water eutrophication on the macrophytic vegetation of Lake Lugano. Aquatic Sciences, 54(3): 1015-1621.
  • McCauley, E., Downing, J.A. and Watson, S. 1989. A sigmoid relationships between nutrients and chlorophyll among lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 46: 1171-1175.
  • Mc Dougall, B.K. and Ho, G.E. 1991. A study of the eutrophication of the North Lake, Western Australia. Wat. Sci. Tech., 23: 163-173.
  • Moss, B. 1988. Ecology of Fresh Waters. Man and Medium. 2nd Edition, Oxford Blackwell Scientific Publications, p.1-417, London.
  • Nürnberg, G.K. 1984. The prediction of internal phosphorus load in lakes with anoxic hypolimnia. Limnol. Oceanogr., 29(1): 111-124.
  • Pitcairn, C.E.R. ve Hawkes, H.A. 1973. The role of phosphorus in the growth of Cladophora. Water Research Pergamon Press. 7, 159-173.
  • Round, F.E. 1981. The Ecology of Algae. Cambridge Univ. Press, p.1-653, Great Britain.
  • Seip, KI. 1994. Phosphorus and nitrogen limitation of algal biomass across trophic gradients. Aquatic Sciences. 56 (1), p. 16-28.
  • Simmonds, M.A. 1973. Experience with algal blooms and the removal of phosphorus from sewage. Water Research Pergamon Press. 7, 255-265.
  • Sollbe, J. 1988. Water quality. Pp. 67-86. In: Laird L.M. and T. Needham (eds). Salmon and trout farrning. Ellis Harwood Lim. England.
  • Strickland, J.D.H. and Parsons, T.R. 1972. A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis. 2nd Edition, Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can., 167, p.1-310.
  • Vollenweider, R.A. 1989. Global Problems of Eutrophication and its Control. Conservation and Management of Lakes. In: J. Salanki and S. Herodek (Editors), Symp. Biol. Hung. Akademiai Kiado, 38: 19-41, Budapest.
  • Wetzel, R.G. 1975. Limnology. W.B. Sounders Co., p.1-743, Philadelphia.
  • Wetzel, R.G. 1983. Limnology. W.B. Sounders Co., p.1- 767,Philadelphia

Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması

Year 1999, Volume: 05 Issue: 01, 51 - 58, 01.01.1999


Bu çal ışmada Sakaryabaşı Bal ı k Üretim ve Araştı rma Istasyon ıfna su sağlayan Batı Göleti'nin dtrofikasyon derecesinin belirlenmesi amaçlanm ışt ı r. Golet suyunda başta fosfor fraksiyonlan toplam fosfor, toplam ortofosfat, toplam filtre edilebilir ortofosfat, partiküler inc ı rganik fosfor olmak üzere azot fraksiyonlan amonyak azotu, nitrit azotu, nitrat azotu , klorofil-a konsantrasyonu ile baz ı fiziko-kimyasal özellikler su s ı caklığı , çözünmü ş oksijen, pH, ışı k geçirgenliğ i, elektrik iletkenliği, toplarn sertlik, kalsiyum ve magnezyum sertli ğ i, organik madde, bikarbonat alkalinitesi dikkate al ı nm ıştı r. Toplam fosfor konsantrasyonu baz al ı nd ığı nda, goletin bask ı düzeyi aç ı s ı ndan hiperdtrofik oldu ğ u ve özellikle amonyak-azotu değerinin bütün deneme periyodu boyunca alabal ı k yetiştiricili ğ i yap ı lan sular için izin verilen değerden yüksek olduğ u saptanmıştı r. Elde edilen veriler doğ rultusunda gölet yönetimine ili şkin önerilerde de bulunulmuştur


  • Anonim, 1992. Türk Çevre Mevzuat.. Türkiye Çevre Vakf ı Yay ı n ı . Cilt (Il), s.667-1275, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 1975. Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water. Ondördüncü bask ı . John D. Ducas Co., p.1-1193, USA.
  • Canfield, D.E., Shireman, D.E., Calle, W.T., Watkins, C.E., and Maceina, M.J. 1984. Prediction of chlorophyll a concentrations in Florida Lakes: Importance of aquatic macrophytes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 41: 497-501.
  • Cerco, C.F. 1989. Measured and modelled effects of temperature, dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentration on sediment-water nutrient exchange. Hydrobiologia, 174: 185-194.
  • Chambers, P.A., Prepas, E.E, Bothwell. M.L. and Hamilton, H.R. 1989. Roots versus shoots in nutrient uptake by aquatic macrophytes in flowing waters. Can. J. Aquat. Sci., 46: 435-439.
  • Düzgüneş , O., Kesici, T. ve Gürbüz, F. 1983. Istatistik Metotlar ı A.Ü.Zir.Fak.Yay ı nlar ı : 861, Ders Kitab ı , s. 1-229, Ankara.
  • Duarte, C.M. and Kalff, J. 1990. Patterns in the submerged macrophyte biomass of lakes and the importance of the scale of analysis in the interpretation. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 47: 357-363.
  • Erençin, C. ve Erençin, Z. 1978. Aynal ı sazan ı n (C. carpio) kültür bal ığı olarak Türkiye'de ilk defa yeti ştirilmesi ile ilgili araşt ı rmalar. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. XXV, No 1.
  • Erençin, Z. ve Köksal, G. 1981. İ çsular Temel Bilimleri. A.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yay ı nları :375, s.1-160, Ankara.
  • Lachavanne, J.B., Perfetta, J. and Juge, R. 1992. Influence of water eutrophication on the macrophytic vegetation of Lake Lugano. Aquatic Sciences, 54(3): 1015-1621.
  • McCauley, E., Downing, J.A. and Watson, S. 1989. A sigmoid relationships between nutrients and chlorophyll among lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 46: 1171-1175.
  • Mc Dougall, B.K. and Ho, G.E. 1991. A study of the eutrophication of the North Lake, Western Australia. Wat. Sci. Tech., 23: 163-173.
  • Moss, B. 1988. Ecology of Fresh Waters. Man and Medium. 2nd Edition, Oxford Blackwell Scientific Publications, p.1-417, London.
  • Nürnberg, G.K. 1984. The prediction of internal phosphorus load in lakes with anoxic hypolimnia. Limnol. Oceanogr., 29(1): 111-124.
  • Pitcairn, C.E.R. ve Hawkes, H.A. 1973. The role of phosphorus in the growth of Cladophora. Water Research Pergamon Press. 7, 159-173.
  • Round, F.E. 1981. The Ecology of Algae. Cambridge Univ. Press, p.1-653, Great Britain.
  • Seip, KI. 1994. Phosphorus and nitrogen limitation of algal biomass across trophic gradients. Aquatic Sciences. 56 (1), p. 16-28.
  • Simmonds, M.A. 1973. Experience with algal blooms and the removal of phosphorus from sewage. Water Research Pergamon Press. 7, 255-265.
  • Sollbe, J. 1988. Water quality. Pp. 67-86. In: Laird L.M. and T. Needham (eds). Salmon and trout farrning. Ellis Harwood Lim. England.
  • Strickland, J.D.H. and Parsons, T.R. 1972. A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis. 2nd Edition, Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can., 167, p.1-310.
  • Vollenweider, R.A. 1989. Global Problems of Eutrophication and its Control. Conservation and Management of Lakes. In: J. Salanki and S. Herodek (Editors), Symp. Biol. Hung. Akademiai Kiado, 38: 19-41, Budapest.
  • Wetzel, R.G. 1975. Limnology. W.B. Sounders Co., p.1-743, Philadelphia.
  • Wetzel, R.G. 1983. Limnology. W.B. Sounders Co., p.1- 767,Philadelphia
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Fikri Aydın This is me

Serap Pulatsü This is me

Publication Date January 1, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 05 Issue: 01


APA Aydın, F., & Pulatsü, S. (1999). Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 05(01), 51-58.
AMA Aydın F, Pulatsü S. Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 1999;05(01):51-58.
Chicago Aydın, Fikri, and Serap Pulatsü. “Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05, no. 01 (January 1999): 51-58.
EndNote Aydın F, Pulatsü S (January 1, 1999) Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05 01 51–58.
IEEE F. Aydın and S. Pulatsü, “Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 05, no. 01, pp. 51–58, 1999.
ISNAD Aydın, Fikri - Pulatsü, Serap. “Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05/01 (January 1999), 51-58.
JAMA Aydın F, Pulatsü S. Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1999;05:51–58.
MLA Aydın, Fikri and Serap Pulatsü. “Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 05, no. 01, 1999, pp. 51-58.
Vancouver Aydın F, Pulatsü S. Sakaryabaşı Batı Göletinin Ötrofikasyon Derecesinin Araştırılması. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1999;05(01):51-8.

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