In this study, traits of the lactation curves of N ıı tive Buffaloes raised at the Afyon Kocatepe State Farm were determined. The shape and type of lactation curves were d .scribed by the parameters of Gamma function of Y, = A tb e-ct. 10.4 percent of lactation curves were atypical. The dis:ributions of typical and atypical lactation curves ware depended upon the lactation season P0.05 depended upon the lactation number. Least squares means were found to be 2756.5±0.403 g for A parameters beginning yield , 0.713±0.128 for b parameters coefficient of rising , 0.15174t0.06033 for c pa •ameters coefficient of decreasing , 7.27±0.12 for S parameters persistency , 6086.75±146.77 g for Y,„a„ parameter. Average of maximum daily peak yield , 104.56±36.22 days for Ta,ax parameters average of daily peak yield length , respectively. Effect of calving year on Y,,,ax were highly significant F
Bu çal ışmada Afyon Kocatepe Tar ı msal Araşt ı rma Enstitüsünde yeti ştirilen yerli mandalann laktasyon e ğ risi özellikleri belirlenmi ştir. Laktasyon egrisi tipleri ve şekilleri Gamma fonksiyonu Y, = A tb parametreleriyle belirlenmi ştir. Incelenen laktasyonlar ı n % 10,4% tipik olmayan l ı ktasyon eğ risi karakterindedir A, b, c negatif . Tipik ve tipik olmayan laktasyonlann laktasyon s ı ras ı na göre dağı l ı mı «lemsiz P>0.05 , laktasyona ba şlama mevsimine göre dağı l ı m ı çok önemli P
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | January 1, 1999 |
Published in Issue | Year 1999 Volume: 05 Issue: 01 |
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