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Lactation Curve Trail:s of Native Buffaloes

Year 1999, Volume: 05 Issue: 01, 1 - 8, 01.01.1999


In this study, traits of the lactation curves of N ıı tive Buffaloes raised at the Afyon Kocatepe State Farm were determined. The shape and type of lactation curves were d .scribed by the parameters of Gamma function of Y, = A tb e-ct. 10.4 percent of lactation curves were atypical. The dis:ributions of typical and atypical lactation curves ware depended upon the lactation season P0.05 depended upon the lactation number. Least squares means were found to be 2756.5±0.403 g for A parameters beginning yield , 0.713±0.128 for b parameters coefficient of rising , 0.15174t0.06033 for c pa •ameters coefficient of decreasing , 7.27±0.12 for S parameters persistency , 6086.75±146.77 g for Y,„a„ parameter. Average of maximum daily peak yield , 104.56±36.22 days for Ta,ax parameters average of daily peak yield length , respectively. Effect of calving year on Y,,,ax were highly significant F


  • Anonim, 1996. Tar ı msal Yap ı ve Üretim, DIE Ba şkanl ığı , Ankara. Cheema, J.S. and S.B. Basu, 1991. Factors Affecting the Components of Gamma Type Lactation Curve in Murrah Buffaloes. lndian Journal of Dairy Sci. 44 : 137-139.
  • Dhaka, S.S. and S.R. Chaudhary, 1994. Non-Genetic Factors influencing Persistency of Lactation in Murrah Buffaloes. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 28 : 117-121.
  • Draper, N. and Smith, N. 1966. Applied Regression Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, USA, vii+317 pp.
  • Duncan, D.B. 1955. Multiple Range and Multiple F Tests. Biometrics, 11 : 1-42.
  • Gajbhiye, P.U. and V.N. Tripathi, 1992. Factors Affecting Persistency of First Lactation in Murrah Buffaloes. Buffalo Journal, :109-116.
  • Godara, P. and S.B.S. Yadav, 1992. Factors Causing Fluctations in Progressive Milk Records of Murrah Buffaloes. Indian Journal of Dairy Sci. 45 : 70-75.
  • Gondal, K.Z. and P. Rowlinson, 1984. Characterization of the Lactation Curve in Pakistani Buffaloes. British Society of Animal Production. Winner Meeting. 26-28 March 1984, Grand Hotel, Scarborough.
  • Gondal. K.Z. 1987. Analysis of the Lactation Curve of Pakistani Dairy Buffaloes. Index to Thesis Accepted for Higher Degrees in the Universities of Great Britain and Ireland, 36 : 379.
  • Harvey, W.R. 1986. Least Squares Analysis of Data With Unequal Subclass, A.R.S. 20-28, USDA.
  • İ brahim, M.A.M. 1995. The Use of Gamma Type Function in Describing the Lactation Curve of Egyptian Buffaloes. Egyptian Journal of Animal Production, 32 : 113-123.
  • İ laslan, M., A. Karabulut, Y. Aş k ı n, ve A.N. Izgi, 1983. Yerli Mandalarda Vücut Yap ı s ı , Dal ve Süt Verimi Üzerinde Araşt ı rmalar. Afyon Zirai Ara şt ı rma Istasyonu, Yay ı n No : 14, Afyon.
  • İ laslan, M., F. Cengiz, ve Y. Aşk ı n. 1992. Ankara Ç ı nar Köyünde Yetiştirilen Yerli Mandalarda Süt Verimi ve Vücut Yap ı s ı ile ilgili Özellikler. C.Ü. Tokat Zir. Fak. Yay. 9 : 1-12.
  • Juma, K.H., S.I. Said, and C.A. Baghdasar, 1993. Iraqi Buffaloes. III. Persistency of Lactation. Buffalo Bulletin. 12 : 55-58.
  • Khan, F.H. and K.S. Johar, 1985. Persistency of First and Second Lactations in Murrah Buffaioes. Indian Journal of Animal Sci. 55 : 201-203.
  • Khan, M.Q., A.Z. Ali. and S.S. Pingle, 1983. Effect of Month Calving on Persistency of Lactations in Murrah Buffaloes. Livestock Adviser. 8 : 36-39.
  • Kumar, D., 0.P. Sharma and V.P., Manglik, 1992. A Stochastic Model to Describe the Milk Yield Buffaloes. lndian Journal of Dairy Sci. 62 : 591-592.
  • Kumar, D., 0.P. Sharma and V.P., Manglik, 1993. Lactation Curve Models Used for Different Age of Buffaloes. lndian Veterinery, 70 : 431-433.
  • Malhotra, P.K., 0.P. Dutta and J.C. Malhotra, 1984. Persistency of Mili< Yield of Murrah Buffaloes Registired in the Herdbook Under Village Conditions. lndian Journal of Animal Sci. 54 : 145-148.
  • Metry, G.H., K.A. Mourad, J.C. Wilk and B.T. McDaniel, 1994. Lactation Curves for First Lactat ı on Egyptian Buffalo. lndian Journal of Dairy Sci. 77 : 1306-1314.
  • Shanks, R.D., A.J. Berger, A.E. Freeman and F.N. Dickinson, 1981. Genetic Aspects of Lactation Curves. J. Dairy Sci. 64 : 1852-1860.
  • Shimuzu, H. and S. Umrod, 1976. An Application of the Weighed Regression Procedure for Constructing the Lactation Curve in Dairy cattle. Japan J. Zoot. Sci. 47 : 733-738.
  • Şahin, M. ve M. Büyükkebabc ı . 1997, Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de Mandac ı l ı k. Tar ı m ve Kayiş leri Bakanl ığı , Kocatepe Tanmsal Araşt ı rma Enstitüsü, Hizmet içi Eğ itim Semineri, 7 Ocak 1997, Afyon.
  • Uslu, N.T. 1970. Afyon Bölgesi Mandalann ı n Çeş itli Özellikleriyle Rasyonel ve Köy Şartlar ı nda Süt Verimleri Üzerinde Mukayeseli Ara şt ı rmalar. 81 sayfa, Birlik Matbaas ı , Bornova.
  • Vij, P.K., M.S. Tiwana ana M.S., Bhullar, 1985. Factors Affecting Shape of Lactation Curve in Buffaloes. Asian Journal of Dairy Research, 4 : 111-115.
  • Wood, P.D.P. 1967. Algebraic Model of Lactation Curve in Cattle. Nature 218 : 164-165.
  • Yarkin, İ . 1952. Anadolu Mandalar ı üzerinde Ara şt ı rmalar. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yı ll ığı , 1-3 : 1-21.

Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri

Year 1999, Volume: 05 Issue: 01, 1 - 8, 01.01.1999


Bu çal ışmada Afyon Kocatepe Tar ı msal Araşt ı rma Enstitüsünde yeti ştirilen yerli mandalann laktasyon e ğ risi özellikleri belirlenmi ştir. Laktasyon egrisi tipleri ve şekilleri Gamma fonksiyonu Y, = A tb parametreleriyle belirlenmi ştir. Incelenen laktasyonlar ı n % 10,4% tipik olmayan l ı ktasyon eğ risi karakterindedir A, b, c negatif . Tipik ve tipik olmayan laktasyonlann laktasyon s ı ras ı na göre dağı l ı mı «lemsiz P>0.05 , laktasyona ba şlama mevsimine göre dağı l ı m ı çok önemli P


  • Anonim, 1996. Tar ı msal Yap ı ve Üretim, DIE Ba şkanl ığı , Ankara. Cheema, J.S. and S.B. Basu, 1991. Factors Affecting the Components of Gamma Type Lactation Curve in Murrah Buffaloes. lndian Journal of Dairy Sci. 44 : 137-139.
  • Dhaka, S.S. and S.R. Chaudhary, 1994. Non-Genetic Factors influencing Persistency of Lactation in Murrah Buffaloes. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 28 : 117-121.
  • Draper, N. and Smith, N. 1966. Applied Regression Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, USA, vii+317 pp.
  • Duncan, D.B. 1955. Multiple Range and Multiple F Tests. Biometrics, 11 : 1-42.
  • Gajbhiye, P.U. and V.N. Tripathi, 1992. Factors Affecting Persistency of First Lactation in Murrah Buffaloes. Buffalo Journal, :109-116.
  • Godara, P. and S.B.S. Yadav, 1992. Factors Causing Fluctations in Progressive Milk Records of Murrah Buffaloes. Indian Journal of Dairy Sci. 45 : 70-75.
  • Gondal, K.Z. and P. Rowlinson, 1984. Characterization of the Lactation Curve in Pakistani Buffaloes. British Society of Animal Production. Winner Meeting. 26-28 March 1984, Grand Hotel, Scarborough.
  • Gondal. K.Z. 1987. Analysis of the Lactation Curve of Pakistani Dairy Buffaloes. Index to Thesis Accepted for Higher Degrees in the Universities of Great Britain and Ireland, 36 : 379.
  • Harvey, W.R. 1986. Least Squares Analysis of Data With Unequal Subclass, A.R.S. 20-28, USDA.
  • İ brahim, M.A.M. 1995. The Use of Gamma Type Function in Describing the Lactation Curve of Egyptian Buffaloes. Egyptian Journal of Animal Production, 32 : 113-123.
  • İ laslan, M., A. Karabulut, Y. Aş k ı n, ve A.N. Izgi, 1983. Yerli Mandalarda Vücut Yap ı s ı , Dal ve Süt Verimi Üzerinde Araşt ı rmalar. Afyon Zirai Ara şt ı rma Istasyonu, Yay ı n No : 14, Afyon.
  • İ laslan, M., F. Cengiz, ve Y. Aşk ı n. 1992. Ankara Ç ı nar Köyünde Yetiştirilen Yerli Mandalarda Süt Verimi ve Vücut Yap ı s ı ile ilgili Özellikler. C.Ü. Tokat Zir. Fak. Yay. 9 : 1-12.
  • Juma, K.H., S.I. Said, and C.A. Baghdasar, 1993. Iraqi Buffaloes. III. Persistency of Lactation. Buffalo Bulletin. 12 : 55-58.
  • Khan, F.H. and K.S. Johar, 1985. Persistency of First and Second Lactations in Murrah Buffaioes. Indian Journal of Animal Sci. 55 : 201-203.
  • Khan, M.Q., A.Z. Ali. and S.S. Pingle, 1983. Effect of Month Calving on Persistency of Lactations in Murrah Buffaloes. Livestock Adviser. 8 : 36-39.
  • Kumar, D., 0.P. Sharma and V.P., Manglik, 1992. A Stochastic Model to Describe the Milk Yield Buffaloes. lndian Journal of Dairy Sci. 62 : 591-592.
  • Kumar, D., 0.P. Sharma and V.P., Manglik, 1993. Lactation Curve Models Used for Different Age of Buffaloes. lndian Veterinery, 70 : 431-433.
  • Malhotra, P.K., 0.P. Dutta and J.C. Malhotra, 1984. Persistency of Mili< Yield of Murrah Buffaloes Registired in the Herdbook Under Village Conditions. lndian Journal of Animal Sci. 54 : 145-148.
  • Metry, G.H., K.A. Mourad, J.C. Wilk and B.T. McDaniel, 1994. Lactation Curves for First Lactat ı on Egyptian Buffalo. lndian Journal of Dairy Sci. 77 : 1306-1314.
  • Shanks, R.D., A.J. Berger, A.E. Freeman and F.N. Dickinson, 1981. Genetic Aspects of Lactation Curves. J. Dairy Sci. 64 : 1852-1860.
  • Shimuzu, H. and S. Umrod, 1976. An Application of the Weighed Regression Procedure for Constructing the Lactation Curve in Dairy cattle. Japan J. Zoot. Sci. 47 : 733-738.
  • Şahin, M. ve M. Büyükkebabc ı . 1997, Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de Mandac ı l ı k. Tar ı m ve Kayiş leri Bakanl ığı , Kocatepe Tanmsal Araşt ı rma Enstitüsü, Hizmet içi Eğ itim Semineri, 7 Ocak 1997, Afyon.
  • Uslu, N.T. 1970. Afyon Bölgesi Mandalann ı n Çeş itli Özellikleriyle Rasyonel ve Köy Şartlar ı nda Süt Verimleri Üzerinde Mukayeseli Ara şt ı rmalar. 81 sayfa, Birlik Matbaas ı , Bornova.
  • Vij, P.K., M.S. Tiwana ana M.S., Bhullar, 1985. Factors Affecting Shape of Lactation Curve in Buffaloes. Asian Journal of Dairy Research, 4 : 111-115.
  • Wood, P.D.P. 1967. Algebraic Model of Lactation Curve in Cattle. Nature 218 : 164-165.
  • Yarkin, İ . 1952. Anadolu Mandalar ı üzerinde Ara şt ı rmalar. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yı ll ığı , 1-3 : 1-21.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ali Kaygısı This is me

Publication Date January 1, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 05 Issue: 01


APA Kaygısı, A. (1999). Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 05(01), 1-8.
AMA Kaygısı A. Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 1999;05(01):1-8.
Chicago Kaygısı, Ali. “Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05, no. 01 (January 1999): 1-8.
EndNote Kaygısı A (January 1, 1999) Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05 01 1–8.
IEEE A. Kaygısı, “Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 05, no. 01, pp. 1–8, 1999.
ISNAD Kaygısı, Ali. “Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05/01 (January 1999), 1-8.
JAMA Kaygısı A. Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1999;05:1–8.
MLA Kaygısı, Ali. “Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 05, no. 01, 1999, pp. 1-8.
Vancouver Kaygısı A. Yerli Mandaların Laktasyon Eğrisi Özellikleri. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1999;05(01):1-8.

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