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Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm

Year 1999, Volume: 05 Issue: 02, 30 - 35, 01.05.1999


This research was conducted to determine the suitability of the Bat ı Pond inflow in terms of water quality standards for trout production and to evaluate its impact on the River Sakarya. For this purpose, several water quality parameters were measured in inflow and outflow of a land-based trout farm over a 12-month period. The results were compared with the literature data. With the exception of total ammonia nitrogen 0.487±0.15 mg/L and total phosphorus 461 .1±81.34 1.ıg/L. values, the measured some physical and chemical parameters water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, organic matter, total hardness, bicarbonate alkalinity of inflow were within the acceptable standard limits for trout production. In the outflow, total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, dissolved reactive phosphorus were within the standard effluent limits. The mean of total phosphorus concentration at the outflow was during the study period averaged 518.5±90.1 ug/L and the highest total phosphorus concentration was found in May 994.64±4.44 1. ıg/L . High value of total phosphorus was also observed in the inflow, suggesting that water quality control and management of inflow becomes an essential concern.


  • Anonymous, 1975. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 14th edition. John D. Ducas Co., 1193 pp. USA.
  • Anonymous, 1992. Türk çevre mevzuat ı . 1275 s, Ankara. Cripps, S. J. and Kelly, L. A. 1995. Effluent treatment to meet discharge consents. Trout News, 20, 15-24.
  • Erençin, C. 1978. Initial attempts at introducing carp (Cyptinus carpio ) into Turkish aquaculture. Animal Research and Development, 8, 113-135
  • Foy, R. and Rosell, R. 1991. Fractionation of phosphorus and nitrogen loadings from a Northern Ireland fish farm. Aquaculture, 96, 31-42.
  • Kendra, W. 1991. Quality of salmonid hatchery effluents during a summer low-flow season. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 120,43-51.
  • Lawson, T. B. 1995. Fundamentals of aquaculturai engineering. Chapman Hali New York, 355 pp.
  • Lee, G. F. 1973. Role of phosphorus in eutrophication and diffuse source control. Water Res.,7,111-128.
  • Meade, J. W. 1985. Allowable ammonia for fish culture. The Progressive Fish-Culturist. 47,(3), 135-145.
  • Mires, D. 1995. Aquaculture and the aquatic environment: mutual impact and preventive management. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 47,(3-4), 163-172.
  • Munsuz, N. and Ünver, I. 1983. Türkiye sular ı . A.G. Zir.Fak. Yay ı n ı :882. Ders Kitab ı 247, 392 s. Ankara
  • Neter, J., Wasserman, W. and Kurtner, M. H. 1990. Applied linear statistical models. 3rd Ed., Richard D. lrwin, Inc., New York, 1182 pp
  • Rad, F. and Köksal, G. 1996. Turkish aquaculture sector: with emphasis on the economical aspects of rainbow trout production. VIII. Conference Eafe Barcelona, 1-3 April.
  • Reddy, K. R. 1983. Fate of nitrogen and phosphorus in a wastewater retention reservoir containing aquatic macrophytes. J. Environ.Qual., 12,(1), 137-141
  • Solbe. J. 1988. Water quality. pp. 67-86. In: Laird L.M. and T. Needham (eds.). Salmon and trout farming. Ellis Harwood Lim. England.
  • Schwartz, M. F. and Boyd, C. E. 1994. Channel catfish pond affluents. The Progressive Fish-Culturist. 56, 273-281.
  • Tarazona, J. V., and Munoz, M. J. 1995. Water quality in salmonid culture. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 3,(2), 109-139.

Sakaryabaşi Alabal ı k Çiftliği Giri ş ve Çı kış Suyunun Kalite Özellikleri

Year 1999, Volume: 05 Issue: 02, 30 - 35, 01.05.1999


Bu araşt ı rma, Bat ı Göleti'nin giriş suyu alabal ı k üretimi için su kalite kriterleri aç ı s ı ndan uygun olup olmad ı 'g ı n ı belirlemek ve alabal ı k yetiştiricili ği ç ı kış suyunun Sakarya nehri üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmek için yap ı lm ışt ı r. Bu amaçla, bir alabal ı k çiftliğinin kara-isletmesi giri ş ve çik ış sular ı nda 12 ay süreyle, baz ı su kalite parametreleri tespit edilmi ştir. Sonuçlar, literatür verileriyle karşilaşt ı rı lmişt ı r. Toplam amonyak azotu 0.487 ± 0,15 mg/L ve toplam fosfor de ğerleri 461.1 ± 81.34 gg/L d ışı nda giriş suyunda ölçülen baz ı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikler su s ı cakl ığı , çözünmüş oksijen, pH, kondüktivite, organik madde, toplam sertlik, bikarbonat alkalinitesi alabal ı k üretimi için kabul edilebilir standart s ı n ı rlar içerisinde bulunmuştur. Çı kış suyunda ise, toplam amonyak azotu, nitrit-azotu, nitrat-azotu, çözünmü ş ortofosfat değerleri standart ç ı k ış suyu s ı n ı r değerleri içerisindedir. Ancak, çal ışma periyodu boyunca ç ı kış suyu toplam fosfor konsantrasyonu ortalama 518.5 ± 90.1 ji.g/L olarak tespit edilmi ş, en yüksek olarak May ı s ay ı nda 994.64 ± 4.44 pg/L bulunmu ştur. Giriş suyunda da belirlenen yüksek toplam fosfor de ğeri, giriş suyunun su kalitesinin kontrol ve yönetiminin üzerinde durulmas ı gereken esas konu oldu ğunu ortaya koymuştur.


  • Anonymous, 1975. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 14th edition. John D. Ducas Co., 1193 pp. USA.
  • Anonymous, 1992. Türk çevre mevzuat ı . 1275 s, Ankara. Cripps, S. J. and Kelly, L. A. 1995. Effluent treatment to meet discharge consents. Trout News, 20, 15-24.
  • Erençin, C. 1978. Initial attempts at introducing carp (Cyptinus carpio ) into Turkish aquaculture. Animal Research and Development, 8, 113-135
  • Foy, R. and Rosell, R. 1991. Fractionation of phosphorus and nitrogen loadings from a Northern Ireland fish farm. Aquaculture, 96, 31-42.
  • Kendra, W. 1991. Quality of salmonid hatchery effluents during a summer low-flow season. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 120,43-51.
  • Lawson, T. B. 1995. Fundamentals of aquaculturai engineering. Chapman Hali New York, 355 pp.
  • Lee, G. F. 1973. Role of phosphorus in eutrophication and diffuse source control. Water Res.,7,111-128.
  • Meade, J. W. 1985. Allowable ammonia for fish culture. The Progressive Fish-Culturist. 47,(3), 135-145.
  • Mires, D. 1995. Aquaculture and the aquatic environment: mutual impact and preventive management. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 47,(3-4), 163-172.
  • Munsuz, N. and Ünver, I. 1983. Türkiye sular ı . A.G. Zir.Fak. Yay ı n ı :882. Ders Kitab ı 247, 392 s. Ankara
  • Neter, J., Wasserman, W. and Kurtner, M. H. 1990. Applied linear statistical models. 3rd Ed., Richard D. lrwin, Inc., New York, 1182 pp
  • Rad, F. and Köksal, G. 1996. Turkish aquaculture sector: with emphasis on the economical aspects of rainbow trout production. VIII. Conference Eafe Barcelona, 1-3 April.
  • Reddy, K. R. 1983. Fate of nitrogen and phosphorus in a wastewater retention reservoir containing aquatic macrophytes. J. Environ.Qual., 12,(1), 137-141
  • Solbe. J. 1988. Water quality. pp. 67-86. In: Laird L.M. and T. Needham (eds.). Salmon and trout farming. Ellis Harwood Lim. England.
  • Schwartz, M. F. and Boyd, C. E. 1994. Channel catfish pond affluents. The Progressive Fish-Culturist. 56, 273-281.
  • Tarazona, J. V., and Munoz, M. J. 1995. Water quality in salmonid culture. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 3,(2), 109-139.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Serap Pulatsü This is me

Handan Çamdevıren This is me

Publication Date May 1, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 05 Issue: 02


APA Pulatsü, S., & Çamdevıren, H. (1999). Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 05(02), 30-35.
AMA Pulatsü S, Çamdevıren H. Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. May 1999;05(02):30-35.
Chicago Pulatsü, Serap, and Handan Çamdevıren. “Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05, no. 02 (May 1999): 30-35.
EndNote Pulatsü S, Çamdevıren H (May 1, 1999) Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05 02 30–35.
IEEE S. Pulatsü and H. Çamdevıren, “Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 05, no. 02, pp. 30–35, 1999.
ISNAD Pulatsü, Serap - Çamdevıren, Handan. “Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05/02 (May 1999), 30-35.
JAMA Pulatsü S, Çamdevıren H. Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1999;05:30–35.
MLA Pulatsü, Serap and Handan Çamdevıren. “Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 05, no. 02, 1999, pp. 30-35.
Vancouver Pulatsü S, Çamdevıren H. Water Quality Parameters in Inflow and Outflow of Sakaryaba şı Trout Farm. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1999;05(02):30-5.

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