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Farkl ı Depo Koşulları ve Ambalaj Büyüklü ğünün Havucun Muhafaza Süresine Etkisi

Year 1999, Volume: 05 Issue: 03, 1 - 6, 01.08.1999


Araşt ı rmada Nandor F1 havuç çeşidinin muhafaza suresine depo s ı cakl ığı ve ambalaj büyüklü ğünün etkileri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla havuçlar hasattan sonra y ı kanarak 2, 5, 10 ve 20 kg.l ı k delikli polietilen torbalar, içerisine konularak 0°, 5°C sicakl ı ktaki soğutuculu depolar ile soğutucusuz depoya yerleştirilmiştir. Kontrol amac ı ile kullan ı lan örnekler ayn ı depo ortamlar ı nda aç ı kta plastik kaseler içerisinde muhafaza edilmişlerdir. Ayl ı k aral ı klarla depodan al ı nan örneklerde; sUda eriyebilir toplam kuru madde, karoten miktar ı , ağı rl ı k kayb ı , köklenme ve filizlenme oranlar ı ile duyusal kalite de ğerlendirmesi yap ı lm ışt ı r. Sonuçlar 5°C'de kontrol grubunun 2 ay muhafaza edilebilece ğini, bu sürenin soğutucusuz 0°C'deki soğ utuculu depoda 3 aya ç ı kt ığı n ı göstermi ştir. Soğutucusuz depo ile 0°C.deki soğutuculu depoda PE'torbalarda muhafaza edilen havuçlar ise s ı ras ı ile 4 ve 6 ay süresince önemli bir kalite kayb ı na uğ ramam ışlard ı r. Sonuçlar- depo s ı caklığı yükseldikçe filizlenme ve a ğı rl ı k kayb ı n ı n artt ığ' ı n ı , suda eriyebilir toplam kuru madde miktar ı n ı n ise azald ığı n ı ortaya koymuştur. Karoten miktar ı tüm depo koşullar ı nda ambalajl ı örneklerde depolama süresi sonunda hasat zamantna,göre art ış göstermiştir


  • Carlton, B. C., C. E. Peterson and N. E. Tolbert, 1961. Effect of ethylene and oxygen on production of bitter compound by carrot roots. Plant Physiology, 36:550-552.
  • Chan, H. T. and C. G. Caveletto, 1982. Aseptically packaged papaya and guava puree: Changes in chemical and sensory quality during processing and storage. Journal of Food Science, 47:1164-1174.
  • Debner, H. G., K. J. Blacker, B. J. Redding and J, B. Watkins, 1980. Handling and Storage Practices for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Queesland Department of Primary lndustries AUF.
  • Düzgüneş, O., 1963. Bilimsel Araşt ı rmalarda istatistik Prensipleri ve Metotlar ı . Ege Only. Matbaas ı , İ zmir, 368 s.
  • Embrechts, A. and J. Schoneveld, 1988. Flavour of carrots is better with storage with moist cooling. Horticultural Abstracts 59:6691.
  • Geeson, J., 1985. Improved long-term storage of winter white cabbage and carrot. Horticultural Abstracts 55(4):2595.
  • Gnaegiu, F., G. Perraudin and J. F. Schopfer, 1978. Storage and quality of home-grown carrots. Horticultural Abstracts 48(2):1527.
  • Gorkovenko, V. S., 1992. Carrot rots during storage. Postharvest News and Information 3(3):1290.
  • Hardenburg, E. R., E. A. Watada and Y. W. Chien, 1986. The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook Nıımber 66, 136 p.
  • Kader, A. A., F. R. Kasmire, F. G. Mitchell, M. S. Reid, N. F. Sommer and J. F. Thompson, 1985. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops. Cooperative Extension University of Califomia, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Special Publication 3311, USA, 193 p.
  • Kozukue, N., E. Kozukue, T. Hirose and S. Mizuno, 1985. Accumulation of alanine in chilling-sensitive crops. Horticultural Abstracts 55(1):207.
  • Lafuente, M. T., M. Cantwell, S. F. Yang and V. Rubatzky, 1989. Isocoumarin content of carrots as influenced by ethylene concentration, storage temperature and stress conditions. Postharvest News and Infomıation .1:2667.
  • Ram, H. B., V. K. Trippathi and F. Surjeet-Singh, 1981. A note on the storage studies on carrot var. Deshi Red. Horticultural Abstracts 54(1):979.
  • Richard, P., 1985. Carrot coverings help to fili gap. Grower, 103(1):21-23. Ryall, A. L. and W. J. Lipton, 1972. Handling, Transportation, and Storage of Fruits and Vegetables. Volume I, Vegetables and Melons. The AVI Publishing Company, Inc., Westport, Connecticut, 473 p.
  • Salunkhe, D. K. and B. B. Desai, 1984. Postharvest Biotechnology of Vegetables, Volume CRC Press, INC, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. 90-96.
  • Snowdon, A. L., 1991. A colour atlas of post-harvest diseases and disorders of fruits and vegetables. Vol. 2: Vegetables. Wolfe Scientific Ltd. ISBN O 7234 1636 2, 416 p.
  • Yanmaz, R., N. Halloran, Y. S. A ğaoğlu ve M. U. Kas ı m, 1995. Doğal muhafaza yöntemlerinin havucun muhafaza süresine etkisi. Il. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, 3-6 Ekim 1995, Adana, p:350-354

The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots

Year 1999, Volume: 05 Issue: 03, 1 - 6, 01.08.1999


The effects of different storage temperatures and packing size on the storage period of the Nandor Pi carrot cultivar are reported. Storage temperatures were at a controlled O° and 5° C and at ambient temperature with assisted ventilation. Product was stored in 2-, 5-, 10-, and 20-kg perforated polyethylene PE bags for these experiments; control carrots were placed in each of the three temperatures but were not packed . At monthly intervals the stored carrots were evaluated for the following; total soluble solids, carotene content. weight loss, sprouting, rooting, and sensory quality. Results show that the unpacked carrots placed in 5°C refrigeration could be stored for up to two months. Unpacked controls stored in ventilated conditions or at O° C could be stored for as long as three months. Carrots packed in PE bags and placed in ventilated conditions could be stored for up to four months, while plastic-packed product placed in O° C refrigeration lasted for as long as six months. Sprouting and weight loss were found to increase as storage temperat ırre increased, whereas TSS was observed to decrease in contrast. For all storage conditions the carotene content of carrots stored in PE bags was uniformly higher at the end of the storage period than at the beginning of the storage period.


  • Carlton, B. C., C. E. Peterson and N. E. Tolbert, 1961. Effect of ethylene and oxygen on production of bitter compound by carrot roots. Plant Physiology, 36:550-552.
  • Chan, H. T. and C. G. Caveletto, 1982. Aseptically packaged papaya and guava puree: Changes in chemical and sensory quality during processing and storage. Journal of Food Science, 47:1164-1174.
  • Debner, H. G., K. J. Blacker, B. J. Redding and J, B. Watkins, 1980. Handling and Storage Practices for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Queesland Department of Primary lndustries AUF.
  • Düzgüneş, O., 1963. Bilimsel Araşt ı rmalarda istatistik Prensipleri ve Metotlar ı . Ege Only. Matbaas ı , İ zmir, 368 s.
  • Embrechts, A. and J. Schoneveld, 1988. Flavour of carrots is better with storage with moist cooling. Horticultural Abstracts 59:6691.
  • Geeson, J., 1985. Improved long-term storage of winter white cabbage and carrot. Horticultural Abstracts 55(4):2595.
  • Gnaegiu, F., G. Perraudin and J. F. Schopfer, 1978. Storage and quality of home-grown carrots. Horticultural Abstracts 48(2):1527.
  • Gorkovenko, V. S., 1992. Carrot rots during storage. Postharvest News and Information 3(3):1290.
  • Hardenburg, E. R., E. A. Watada and Y. W. Chien, 1986. The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook Nıımber 66, 136 p.
  • Kader, A. A., F. R. Kasmire, F. G. Mitchell, M. S. Reid, N. F. Sommer and J. F. Thompson, 1985. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops. Cooperative Extension University of Califomia, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Special Publication 3311, USA, 193 p.
  • Kozukue, N., E. Kozukue, T. Hirose and S. Mizuno, 1985. Accumulation of alanine in chilling-sensitive crops. Horticultural Abstracts 55(1):207.
  • Lafuente, M. T., M. Cantwell, S. F. Yang and V. Rubatzky, 1989. Isocoumarin content of carrots as influenced by ethylene concentration, storage temperature and stress conditions. Postharvest News and Infomıation .1:2667.
  • Ram, H. B., V. K. Trippathi and F. Surjeet-Singh, 1981. A note on the storage studies on carrot var. Deshi Red. Horticultural Abstracts 54(1):979.
  • Richard, P., 1985. Carrot coverings help to fili gap. Grower, 103(1):21-23. Ryall, A. L. and W. J. Lipton, 1972. Handling, Transportation, and Storage of Fruits and Vegetables. Volume I, Vegetables and Melons. The AVI Publishing Company, Inc., Westport, Connecticut, 473 p.
  • Salunkhe, D. K. and B. B. Desai, 1984. Postharvest Biotechnology of Vegetables, Volume CRC Press, INC, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. 90-96.
  • Snowdon, A. L., 1991. A colour atlas of post-harvest diseases and disorders of fruits and vegetables. Vol. 2: Vegetables. Wolfe Scientific Ltd. ISBN O 7234 1636 2, 416 p.
  • Yanmaz, R., N. Halloran, Y. S. A ğaoğlu ve M. U. Kas ı m, 1995. Doğal muhafaza yöntemlerinin havucun muhafaza süresine etkisi. Il. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, 3-6 Ekim 1995, Adana, p:350-354
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Ruhsar Yanmaz This is me

Nilgün Halloran This is me

M.ufuk Kasım This is me

Y.sabit Ağaoğlu This is me

Publication Date August 1, 1999
Submission Date August 1, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 05 Issue: 03


APA Yanmaz, R., Halloran, N., Kasım, M., Ağaoğlu, Y. (1999). The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 05(03), 1-6.
AMA Yanmaz R, Halloran N, Kasım M, Ağaoğlu Y. The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 1999;05(03):1-6. doi:10.1501/10.501/Tarimbil_0000000035
Chicago Yanmaz, Ruhsar, Nilgün Halloran, M.ufuk Kasım, and Y.sabit Ağaoğlu. “The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05, no. 03 (August 1999): 1-6.
EndNote Yanmaz R, Halloran N, Kasım M, Ağaoğlu Y (August 1, 1999) The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05 03 1–6.
IEEE R. Yanmaz, N. Halloran, M. Kasım, and Y. Ağaoğlu, “The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 05, no. 03, pp. 1–6, 1999, doi: 10.1501/10.501/Tarimbil_0000000035.
ISNAD Yanmaz, Ruhsar et al. “The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 05/03 (August 1999), 1-6.
JAMA Yanmaz R, Halloran N, Kasım M, Ağaoğlu Y. The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1999;05:1–6.
MLA Yanmaz, Ruhsar et al. “The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 05, no. 03, 1999, pp. 1-6, doi:10.1501/10.501/Tarimbil_0000000035.
Vancouver Yanmaz R, Halloran N, Kasım M, Ağaoğlu Y. The Effect of Different Storage Conditions and Package Size on Storage Duration of Carrots. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1999;05(03):1-6.

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