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Su Kültüründe Yeti ştirilen Domates Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Fidelerinin Çinko Dozlari ile Fosfor Beslenmesi/Fosfataz Enzirn Aktivitesi Aras ı ndaki Ilişki

Year 2000, Volume: 06 Issue: 01, 40 - 43, 01.01.2000


Moneymaker domates Lycopeısicon esculentum MilL çeşidi, çinko dozlar ı na bağl ı olarak yapraklardaki ve kökteki fosforla fosfataz enzimi aras ı ndaki ilişkiyi incelemek amac ı yla 25 günlük süreyle kontrollu ı s ı tmal ı odalarda yetiştirilmiştir. Besin çözeltisine 0.05, 0.5, 1 ve 2 mg/L dozunda çinko ilave edilmi ştir. 2 mg/L uygulamas ı diğer uygulamalarla karşı laşt ı r ı ld ığı nda kuru ağı rl ı klarda azalmaya sebep olmu ştur ancak kuru ağı rl ı k bak ı m ı ndan diğer uygulamalar aras ı nda önemli farkl ı l ı k yoktur. Bitkideki çinko konsantrasyonu çinkonun art ı r ı lmas ı yla artm ış ve 2 mg/L çinko uygulamas ı yla zararl ı seviyeye ç ı kmışt ı r. Ancak yapraktaki P konsantrasyonu çinkonun art ış lyla azalm ış birlikte azalmalar olmu ş ve fosfor, 2mg/L çinko uygulamas ı nda yetersiz düzeye dü şmüştür. Kökteki P seviyesi çinko konsantrasyonun artmas ı yla birlikte artm ışt ı r. Fosfataz enzim aktivitesi en yüksek düzeye 2 mg/L çinko dozunda ulaşm ış , ancak enzim aktivitesi diğer uygulamalarda önemli derecede degismemistir


  • Adams, P. 1986. Mineral nutrition, In: The Tomato Crop; eds., Atherton, J. G., Radich, J., Chapman and Hali, London, 281- 334.
  • Besford, R. T. 1979. Phosphorus nutrition and acid phosphatase activity in the leaves of seven plant species. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 30, 281-285.
  • Bieleski, R. L. 1973. Phosphate pools, phosphate transport and phosphorus availability. Annual Review of Plant Physiology, 24- 225
  • Chapman, H. D. and Pratt, P. F. 1982. Methods of Analysis for Soils, Seedlings and Water. Chapman Pub. California, 60- 193.
  • Clark, R. B. 1975. Characterisation of phosphatase of intact maize roots. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 23, 458- 460. Cottenie, A., Dhaese, and Camerlynck, R. 1976. Plant quality response to uptake of polluting elements. Qual. Plant.-Pl. Fds. Hum. Nutr. XXXVI 1/3, 293-319. Maclachan, K. D. 1976. Comperative phosphorgS responses in plants to .a range of available phOsPf:iörus situations. Australian Journal of Agriculture, 27,323£,341›.' . . Lepp, N, W. 1981. The effect of heavy metals on plants (2 vols), London, Applied Science Publishers.
  • Loneragan, J. F., Grunes, D. L., Welch, R. M., Aduayi, E. A., Tengah, A., Lazar, V. A. and Cary, E. E. 1982. Phosphorus accumulation and toxicity in leaves in relation to zinc supply, American Society Journal of Soil Science, 46, 345-352.
  • Parker, D. R., Aguilera, J.J. and Thomason, D.N. 1992. Zincphosphorus interaction in two cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) grown in chelator-buffered nutrient solutions, Planf and Salt, 143, 163-177.
  • Ruano, A., Arcelo, J. and Oschenrieder, C. H. 1988. Growth and biomass of zinc-toxic bush beans, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 11(5), 577-588.
  • Tomar, R. K., Gangwar, M. S. and Dwivedi, B. S. 1994. Phosphorus zinc interaction in sunflower in mollisols of Utter Pradesh. lndian Joumal of Agronomy, 39 (2), 270-273.
  • Van Assche, F. and Clijsters, H. 1990. Effects of metals on enzyme activity in plants. Planf, Cell and Enyironment, 13, 195-206.

Relationship Between Zinc Supply and Phosphorus Nutrition/ Phosphatase Enzyme Activity in a Hydroponically Grown Tomato Seedlings

Year 2000, Volume: 06 Issue: 01, 40 - 43, 01.01.2000


Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum MIK cultivar Moneymaker, was grown hydroponically in controlled temperature C.T. room for 25 days to investigate relationships between phosphorus concentration in leaves and roots with phosphatase enzyme activity in relation to zinc supply. Zinc was added at concentrations of 0.05, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/L in complete nutrient solution. The 2 mg/L zinc treatment resulted in a reduction in dry weights compared with other treatments, but there were no signifı cant differences in dry weights of seedlings between the other treatments. Zinc concentration in the plant increased with increasing zinc supply and reached a detrimental level with 2 mg/L Zn. However, there were signif ı cant decreases in P concentration in the leaves with increasing Zn supply and this decreased to an inadequate level in 2 mg/L Zn treatment. Phosphorus concentration in root increased with increasing Zn supply. Phosphatase enzyme activity was highest in the highest zinc treatment, with no significant differences in the activity in the other treatments.


  • Adams, P. 1986. Mineral nutrition, In: The Tomato Crop; eds., Atherton, J. G., Radich, J., Chapman and Hali, London, 281- 334.
  • Besford, R. T. 1979. Phosphorus nutrition and acid phosphatase activity in the leaves of seven plant species. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 30, 281-285.
  • Bieleski, R. L. 1973. Phosphate pools, phosphate transport and phosphorus availability. Annual Review of Plant Physiology, 24- 225
  • Chapman, H. D. and Pratt, P. F. 1982. Methods of Analysis for Soils, Seedlings and Water. Chapman Pub. California, 60- 193.
  • Clark, R. B. 1975. Characterisation of phosphatase of intact maize roots. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 23, 458- 460. Cottenie, A., Dhaese, and Camerlynck, R. 1976. Plant quality response to uptake of polluting elements. Qual. Plant.-Pl. Fds. Hum. Nutr. XXXVI 1/3, 293-319. Maclachan, K. D. 1976. Comperative phosphorgS responses in plants to .a range of available phOsPf:iörus situations. Australian Journal of Agriculture, 27,323£,341›.' . . Lepp, N, W. 1981. The effect of heavy metals on plants (2 vols), London, Applied Science Publishers.
  • Loneragan, J. F., Grunes, D. L., Welch, R. M., Aduayi, E. A., Tengah, A., Lazar, V. A. and Cary, E. E. 1982. Phosphorus accumulation and toxicity in leaves in relation to zinc supply, American Society Journal of Soil Science, 46, 345-352.
  • Parker, D. R., Aguilera, J.J. and Thomason, D.N. 1992. Zincphosphorus interaction in two cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) grown in chelator-buffered nutrient solutions, Planf and Salt, 143, 163-177.
  • Ruano, A., Arcelo, J. and Oschenrieder, C. H. 1988. Growth and biomass of zinc-toxic bush beans, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 11(5), 577-588.
  • Tomar, R. K., Gangwar, M. S. and Dwivedi, B. S. 1994. Phosphorus zinc interaction in sunflower in mollisols of Utter Pradesh. lndian Joumal of Agronomy, 39 (2), 270-273.
  • Van Assche, F. and Clijsters, H. 1990. Effects of metals on enzyme activity in plants. Planf, Cell and Enyironment, 13, 195-206.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Cengiz Kaya This is me

David Hıggs This is me

Agneta Burton This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2000
Submission Date January 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Volume: 06 Issue: 01


APA Kaya, C., Hıggs, D., & Burton, A. (2000). Relationship Between Zinc Supply and Phosphorus Nutrition/ Phosphatase Enzyme Activity in a Hydroponically Grown Tomato Seedlings. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 06(01), 40-43.

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