Research Article
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The Cluster of Urban Agriculture: Case of Bartın-Turkey

Year 2009, Volume: 15 Issue: 04, 348 - 357, 01.11.2009


Urban agriculture UA can certainly play an important role and occupy a considerable amount of space and people's endeavours in the cities of the future. This research is concerned to examine UA activities in Bartın whether they are organized as a cluster by using the theory of Growth Cluster, and then tries to explore the cluster characteristics of UA as a part of the project: TR-26 Bartın Regional Development. Finally, it makes an argument about the environmental, societal and economic impacts of UA in Bartın City. Research has confirmed that “the UA is a cluster in Bartın, and it holds promises for future growth”. However, to develop the cluster further, its strength needs to be enhanced. Many problems have appeared, among which weak coordination and collaboration among the stakeholders involved are of fundamental importance. It is therefore perceived that the development a particular organization of UA marketing public-private partnership together with knowledge institutes is necessary to particularly improve a better coordination and the situation of UA cluster in Bartın. In this study, a model of UA activities is proposed for “Bartın City Initiative” in terms of city-level actions for growth cluster of UA in Bartın


  • Breault, R. 2000. Examples of well-known industry clusters include Valley. Available
  • Davidson, F. 2005. Environment of Policy and Planning. Handouts of Master Course on Urban Management and Development, IHS, Rotterdam.
  • Dubbeling, M. 2002. Appropriate Methodologies for Development of a Facilitating Framework for Planning and Policy in Urban Agriculture. RUAF-SIUPA E- conference February. Available
  • ETC. 2005. ETC Urban Agriculture Programme: an overview, ETC International- Consultancies Urban Agriculture Brochure.htm, Available:
  • Feenstra, G., McGrew S. and D. Campbell. 1999. Entrepreneurial Community Gardens: Growing Food, Skills, Available
  • Gibeault, V. A., Davis, T. D. and J. S. Brenner. 2002. Interactive Group Session Summary and Conclusions of the Symposium, Proceedings of the Symposium Urban Agriculture: Emerging Opportunities in Science, Education, and Policy, 19-22 May, Dallas, Texas. Available:
  • Holmer, R. J. 2002. Methods for Microenterprise Development in Urban Agriculture. RUAF-SIUPA E- conference February. Available
  • Jordan Ministry of Planning. 2005. Agriculture Cluster in the Jordan Valley. Jordan National Competitiveness Team, Jordan. Available:
  • Lawson, L. J. 2005. City Bountiful: A Century of Community Gardening in America, University of California Press, London, England.
  • Mougeot, L. J. A. 2000. The hidden significance of urban agriculture, 2020 Focus 3: Achieving urban food and nutrition security in the developing world. Available:
  • Özcan, U. 2001. Sustainable Development Plan of Bartın, Phase II Action Plan, the Main Strategies for the Economic and Human Development of Bartın, Bartın Municipality, Bartın.
  • PRO INNO EUROPE. 2005. Trendchart on Innovation in Europe. TR-26: General presentation of the measure/ scheme/ regulation, Available
  • Smit, J., A. Ratta and J. Nasr. 1996. Urban Agriculture: Food, Jobs and Sustainable Cities. United Nations Development Programme, New York.
  • UNDP. 1996. Urban agriculture, food, jobs and sustainable cities, Publication Series for Habitat II, Volume one, New York.
  • Van den Berg, L. 2000. UPA and Urban Planning, Paper for the CGIAR SIUPA Action Plan Development Workshop South East Asia Pilot Site, Hanoi, 6-9 June, ALTERRA Wageningen-UR. Available:
  • Van den Berg, L., E. Braun and W. Van Winden. 2001a. Growth Clusters in European Metropolitan Cities, Euricur (European Institute for Comparative Urban Research), Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
  • Van den Berg, L., E. Braun and W. Van Winden. 2001b. Growth Clusters in European Cities: an Integral Approach, the Editors of Urban Studies, Urban and Regional Economics Syllabus-2005, IHS, Rotterdam.
  • Van den Berg, L., P. Pol, W. Van Winden and P. Weets. 2004. European Cities in the Knowledge Economy. Euricur (European Institute for Comparative Urban Research), Rotterdam.
  • Varquez, A. P. and S. Anderson. 2005. A Methodological Review of Research into Urban Agriculture, (homepage of RUAF), Available:
  • Yılmaz, B., C. Özden, A. O. Benli and O. Çatalbaş. 2005. Clusters and the Cluster Development Policies in Turkey, Competitiveness through Export Clustering: Strategic Considerations, 2005 Consultative Cycle, 11- 13 April, Tiripur, India.

Kentsel Tarım Kümesi: Türkiye-Bartın Örneği

Year 2009, Volume: 15 Issue: 04, 348 - 357, 01.11.2009


Gelecekte kentsel tarım KT , kentlerde önemli bir mekânsal yer işgal edecek ve insanların uğraşı alanları içinde yer alarak önemli bir rol oynayacaktır. Bu araştırmada, Küme Büyüme Teorisi’ne göre Bartın’daki KT aktivitelerinin bir küme olarak organize edilip edilemeyeceği araştırılmış; daha sonra TR-26 Bartın Bölgesel Kalkınma Projesi’nin bir parçası olarak KT’ın küme özellikleri incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Bartın Kenti’ndeki KT’ın çevresel, sosyal ve ekonomik etkileri tartışılmıştır. Buna göre “KT’ın Bartın’da küme özelliği taşıdığı ve gelecekte büyüme potansiyeline sahip olduğu” saptanmıştır. Ancak, kümenin gelecekteki gelişimi için, güçlü yönlerinin geliştirilmesine gereksinim duyulmaktadır. Pek çok sorun bulunmakla beraber, temel sorun paydaşlar arasında zayıf eşgüdüm ve işbirliği olarak ifade edilebilir. Bu nedenle, özel bir KT piyasasının organizasyonunu üniversiteler ile birlikte kamu ve özel sektör ortaklığı geliştirmek için, özellikle Bartın’daki KT kümesinin durumunu iyileştirmek amacıyla, paydaşlar arasında daha iyi bir eşgüdüm oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Bartın’daki KT kümesinin gelişimi için kent seviyesinde “Bartın Kent Girişimi” için bir KT aktiviteleri modeli önerilmiştir


  • Breault, R. 2000. Examples of well-known industry clusters include Valley. Available
  • Davidson, F. 2005. Environment of Policy and Planning. Handouts of Master Course on Urban Management and Development, IHS, Rotterdam.
  • Dubbeling, M. 2002. Appropriate Methodologies for Development of a Facilitating Framework for Planning and Policy in Urban Agriculture. RUAF-SIUPA E- conference February. Available
  • ETC. 2005. ETC Urban Agriculture Programme: an overview, ETC International- Consultancies Urban Agriculture Brochure.htm, Available:
  • Feenstra, G., McGrew S. and D. Campbell. 1999. Entrepreneurial Community Gardens: Growing Food, Skills, Available
  • Gibeault, V. A., Davis, T. D. and J. S. Brenner. 2002. Interactive Group Session Summary and Conclusions of the Symposium, Proceedings of the Symposium Urban Agriculture: Emerging Opportunities in Science, Education, and Policy, 19-22 May, Dallas, Texas. Available:
  • Holmer, R. J. 2002. Methods for Microenterprise Development in Urban Agriculture. RUAF-SIUPA E- conference February. Available
  • Jordan Ministry of Planning. 2005. Agriculture Cluster in the Jordan Valley. Jordan National Competitiveness Team, Jordan. Available:
  • Lawson, L. J. 2005. City Bountiful: A Century of Community Gardening in America, University of California Press, London, England.
  • Mougeot, L. J. A. 2000. The hidden significance of urban agriculture, 2020 Focus 3: Achieving urban food and nutrition security in the developing world. Available:
  • Özcan, U. 2001. Sustainable Development Plan of Bartın, Phase II Action Plan, the Main Strategies for the Economic and Human Development of Bartın, Bartın Municipality, Bartın.
  • PRO INNO EUROPE. 2005. Trendchart on Innovation in Europe. TR-26: General presentation of the measure/ scheme/ regulation, Available
  • Smit, J., A. Ratta and J. Nasr. 1996. Urban Agriculture: Food, Jobs and Sustainable Cities. United Nations Development Programme, New York.
  • UNDP. 1996. Urban agriculture, food, jobs and sustainable cities, Publication Series for Habitat II, Volume one, New York.
  • Van den Berg, L. 2000. UPA and Urban Planning, Paper for the CGIAR SIUPA Action Plan Development Workshop South East Asia Pilot Site, Hanoi, 6-9 June, ALTERRA Wageningen-UR. Available:
  • Van den Berg, L., E. Braun and W. Van Winden. 2001a. Growth Clusters in European Metropolitan Cities, Euricur (European Institute for Comparative Urban Research), Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
  • Van den Berg, L., E. Braun and W. Van Winden. 2001b. Growth Clusters in European Cities: an Integral Approach, the Editors of Urban Studies, Urban and Regional Economics Syllabus-2005, IHS, Rotterdam.
  • Van den Berg, L., P. Pol, W. Van Winden and P. Weets. 2004. European Cities in the Knowledge Economy. Euricur (European Institute for Comparative Urban Research), Rotterdam.
  • Varquez, A. P. and S. Anderson. 2005. A Methodological Review of Research into Urban Agriculture, (homepage of RUAF), Available:
  • Yılmaz, B., C. Özden, A. O. Benli and O. Çatalbaş. 2005. Clusters and the Cluster Development Policies in Turkey, Competitiveness through Export Clustering: Strategic Considerations, 2005 Consultative Cycle, 11- 13 April, Tiripur, India.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Sebahat Açıksöz This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2009
Submission Date November 6, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 15 Issue: 04


APA Açıksöz, S. (2009). Kentsel Tarım Kümesi: Türkiye-Bartın Örneği. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(04), 348-357.

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