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Yerinde in situ Korunan Yabani Buğday Türleri, Eşlik Eden Bitkiler ve Toprak Özellikleri Arasındaki İlişkiler

Year 2009, Volume: 15 Issue: 02, 134 - 141, 01.05.2009


Buğdayın atalarının ekolojileri ve bunlara eşlik eden bitki türlerinin etraflıca bilinmesi, bitki bilimiyle uğraşan bilim adamları için önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışma Şanlıurfa’nın Ceylanpınar Tarım İşletmesinde bulunan 5 yabani buğday Aegilops spp. L. ve Triticum spp. L. akrabası ile bunların bulundukları yerlerin toprak tipleri, çevresel ve dış değişkenlerine yoğunlaşmak üzere uygulanan bir vaka çalışması niteliğindedir. Çalışmanın amacı, alanda bulunan hedef türlerin mevcudiyetini etkileyen temel fiziki koşulların ortaya konmasıdır. Modern buğdayların evrimiyle ilişkili olan aşağıdaki beş yabani buğday türü araştırma materyalini oluşturmuştur: Aegilops speltoides Tausch var. speltoides keçi otu , Aegilops speltoides Tausch var. ligustica Savign. Fiori keçi otu , Aegilops tauschii Coss. var. meyeri Griseb. ex Ledeb. Tausch keçi otu , Triticum monococcum L. ssp. aegilopoides Link Thell. yabani siyez ve Triticum turgidum L. ssp. dicoccoides Körn. ex Asch.& Graebn. yabani gernik . Hedef türler ile Poaceae familyası türleri ve eşlik eden otsu bitki türleri arasında ilişki bulunurken, çok yıllık bitkilerde benzer bir ilişki gözlenmemiştir. Taşlılıkla yabani gernik arasında kuvvetli bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Yabani siyezde hafif taşlılık ve hafif otlatmayla, Ae. speltoides ligustica türünde de çok taşlılık ve aşırı otlatma ile ilişkili bulunmuştur


  • Adıgüzel, N. and Z. Aytaç. 2001. Flora of Ceylanpinar State
  • Farm (Şanlıurfa-Turkey). Flora Mediterranea 11: 333- Adıgüzel, N. and Z. Aytaç. 2005. Ceylanpinar Steppes.
  • Editors: N. Özhatay, A, Byfield, S. Atay, 122 Important Plant Areas of Turkey. WWF, Turkey. 367-368. Anonymous. 1996. Convention on Biological Diversity.
  • Secreteriat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Montreal, Canada. Bilgiç, H. 2002. Genetic relationship of wild and primitive wheat species from Turkey based on microsatellite markers and ancient DNA Analysis, PhD. Thesis
  • Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Davis, P. H. 1985. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean
  • Islands. V. 9. Edinbourgh University Press. Diamond, J. 1997. Location, Location, Location: The First Farmers. Science 278: 1243-1244.
  • Dvorák, J. 1998. Genome analysis in the Triticum-Aegilops alliance. In: A. E. Slinkard. Ed. Proc. of the 9th Int.
  • Wheat Genetics Symp. Vol. 1, Univ. of Saskatchewan, 11. Eser, V., B. Göçmen, S. Erişen, İ. Baran, E. Dönmez, A.A. Barut and A. Karagöz. 1998. Determination of biochemical variation in an Aegilops squarrosa population collected from Ceylanpınar State Farm.
  • Editors: N. Zencirci, Z. Kaya, Y. Anikster, W.T. Adams, The Proceedings of the International Symposium on In situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Diversity. 93-97. CRIFC, Ankara, Turkey. Fahima, T., M.S. Röder, A. Grama and E. Nevo. 1998.
  • Microsatellite DNA polymorphism divergence in Triticum dicoccoides accessions highly resistant to yellow rust. Theorotical and Applied Genetics 96:187-195. Feinbrun-Dothan, N. 1986. Flora Palaestina. V. 4. Israel
  • Academy of Science & Humanities, Jerusalem, Israel. Gitte, P., O. Seberg, M. Yde and K. Berthelsen. 2006.
  • Phylogenetic relationships of Triticum and Aegilops and evidence for the origin of the A, B, and D genomes of common Phylogenetics and Evolution 39: 70-82. aestivum). Molecular Harlan, J. R. 1992. Crops and Man. American Society of
  • Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Hawkes, J. G. 1995. Centers of origin for agricultural diversity in the Mediterranean: From Vavilov to the present day. Diversity 11(1-2): 109-111.
  • Hegde, S.G. and J.G. Waines. 2004. Hybridization and introgression between bread wheat and wild and weedy relatives in North America. Crop Science 44:1145-1155.
  • Heun, M., R. Schafer-Pregl, D. Klawan, R. Castagna, M. Accerbi, B. Borghi and F. Salamini. 1997. Site of einkorn wheat domestication identified by DNA fingerprinting. Science 278:1312-1314.
  • KARAGÖZ, A., Ç. ARCAK and İ. H. GÜÇDEMİR, “Relationship between in situ conserved wild wheat species, 141 associated plants and soil characteristics” Hız, M.C., Y. Yeliz, B. Canher, A. Karagöz and M. Sayar. Classification of Turkish Wheat and Wild Relatives for Their Rust (Puccinia spp.) Resistance gene profile. Conference “Conventional and Molecular Breeding of Field and Vegetable November 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia. Conference Crops”. Proceedings 269. 27.
  • Karagöz, A. 1998. In situ conservation of plant genetic resources in Ceylanpınar State Farm. Editors: N. Zencirci
  • Z. Kaya, Y. Anikster, W.T. Adams, The Proceedings of the International Symposium on In situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Diversity. 87-91. CRIFC, Ankara, Turkey. Karagöz, A., M. Peşkircioğlu and A. Horan. 1998. In situ conservation of wheat genetic resources in Turkey: A case study. Editor: A. E. Slinkard, Proceedings of the 9th
  • International Wheat Genetics Symposium II:237-239. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Karagöz, A. 2006. Status of Plant Genetic Resources
  • Threats mand Their Conservation in Turkey. In: 18th International Soil Meeting (ISM) on “Soil Sustaining Life on Earth, Managing Soil and Technology” Proceedings, Vol. II, 816-823, Şanlıurfa, Turkey. Kimber, G. and M. Feldman. 1987. Wild Wheat. An
  • Introduction. Special Report 353, College of Agriculture University of Missouri-Columbia. Koksel, H., S. Celik, A. Karagoz and P.K.W. Ng. 2008. Partial characterization of starch in flours of ancient wheat and wild progenitor accessions. Italian Journal of Food Science 1: (20) 101-109.
  • Lev-Yadun, A. A., A. Gopher and S. Abbo. 2000. The cradle of agriculture. Science 288: 1602-1603.
  • Nesbit, M. and L. Samuel. 1998. Wheat domestication, archeobotanical evidence. Science 279: 1433.
  • Nevo, E., A. B. Korol, A. Beiles and T. Fahima. 2002.
  • Evolution of Wild Emmer and Wheat Improvement. Population Genetics, Genetic Resources and Genome Organization of Wheat’s Progenitor, Triticum dicoccoides. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York. Noy-Meir, I., M. Agami and Y. Anikster. 1991a. Changes in the population density of wild emmer (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides) in a Mediterranean grassland. Israel Journal of Botany 40:385-395.
  • Noy-Meir, I., M. Agami, E. Cohen and Y. Anikster. 1991b.
  • Floristic and ecological differentiation habitats within a wild a wild wheat population at Ammiad. Israel Journal of Botany 40: 363-394. Özkan, H., A. Brandolini, R. Schäfer-Pregl and F. Salamini. AFLP analysis of a collection of tetraploid wheats indicates the origin of emmer and hard wheat domestication in southeast Turkey. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19:1797-1801.
  • Sankary, M. N. N. 1990. Ecogeographical Survey of Aegilops in Syria. Editors: J. P. Srivastawa, A. B. Damania. Wheat
  • Genetic Resources: Meeting Diverse Needs. 147-159, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK. Soil Survey Staff. 1951. Soil Survey Manual. US Department of Agriculture. Handbook No:18, U S Government Printing Office, Washington.
  • Townsend, C. C., E. Guest and A. Al-Rawi. 1968. Flora of Iraq. V 9. Iraq.
  • Tüzüner, A. 1990. Soil and water analysis laboratory manual.
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Rural Services, Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish). Uzunoğlu, S. 1992. Soil texture and analysis methods. Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute, Publications No. 184
  • Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish). Valkoun, J., J. G. Waines and J. Konopka. 1997. Current geographical distribution and habitat of wild wheats and barley. In: Damania AB, Valkoun J, Wilcox G, Qualset
  • CO, eds. Proc. of Harlan Symposium. 10-14 May Aleppo. Part 6. van Slageren, M. W. 1994. Wild wheats: a monograph of
  • Aegilops L. and Amblyopyrum (Jaub. & Spach) Eig. (Poaceae). Wageningen Agricultural University & ICARDA. 7. Waines, J. G. 1997. In situ conservation of wild relatives of crop plants in relation to their history. Conservation of wild progenitors. Editors: A. B. Damania, J. Valkoun, G.
  • Wilcox, C. O. Qualset. Proc. of Harlan Symposium. 10-14 May Aleppo. Part 6. Walkley, A. 1946. A critical examination of a rapid method for determining organic carbon in soils. Soil Science 63: 251
  • Correspondance Address Alptekin KARAGÖZ Aksaray University, Faculty of Art and Science, Depertment of Biology, Aksaray, Türkiye Tel: + 90 382 4512070

Relationship Between in situ Conserved Wild Wheat Species, Associated Plants and Soil Characteristics

Year 2009, Volume: 15 Issue: 02, 134 - 141, 01.05.2009


A comprehensive knowledge of the ecology and associating plant species of wheat progenitors is important for plant scientists. This study was designed as a case study to focus on the relation between 5 wild relatives of wheat Aegilops spp. L. and Triticum spp. L. , their associated soil types and environmental and external variables in the Ceylanpınar State Farm of Şanlıurfa Province. The aim of the study was to explain the major physical factors affecting the existence of target species in the area. The following wild wheat species, which are all related with evalution of modern wheat were taken into consideration: Aegilops speltoides Tausch var. speltoides goat grass , Aegilops speltoides Tausch var. ligustica Savign. Fiori goat grass , Aegilops tauschii Coss. var. meyeri Griseb. ex Ledeb. Tausch's goat grass , Triticum monococcum L. ssp. aegilopoides Link Thell. einkorn and Triticum turgidum L. ssp. dicoccoides Körn. ex Asch.& Graebn. emmer . Association was observed between the target species, Poaceae species and herbaceous plants, while no association was noticed with perennial plants. Strong association was observed between rockiness and emmer. Einkorn was associated with slightly stoniness and slight grazing while Ae. speltoides ligustica was related with very stony areas and excessive grazing


  • Adıgüzel, N. and Z. Aytaç. 2001. Flora of Ceylanpinar State
  • Farm (Şanlıurfa-Turkey). Flora Mediterranea 11: 333- Adıgüzel, N. and Z. Aytaç. 2005. Ceylanpinar Steppes.
  • Editors: N. Özhatay, A, Byfield, S. Atay, 122 Important Plant Areas of Turkey. WWF, Turkey. 367-368. Anonymous. 1996. Convention on Biological Diversity.
  • Secreteriat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Montreal, Canada. Bilgiç, H. 2002. Genetic relationship of wild and primitive wheat species from Turkey based on microsatellite markers and ancient DNA Analysis, PhD. Thesis
  • Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Davis, P. H. 1985. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean
  • Islands. V. 9. Edinbourgh University Press. Diamond, J. 1997. Location, Location, Location: The First Farmers. Science 278: 1243-1244.
  • Dvorák, J. 1998. Genome analysis in the Triticum-Aegilops alliance. In: A. E. Slinkard. Ed. Proc. of the 9th Int.
  • Wheat Genetics Symp. Vol. 1, Univ. of Saskatchewan, 11. Eser, V., B. Göçmen, S. Erişen, İ. Baran, E. Dönmez, A.A. Barut and A. Karagöz. 1998. Determination of biochemical variation in an Aegilops squarrosa population collected from Ceylanpınar State Farm.
  • Editors: N. Zencirci, Z. Kaya, Y. Anikster, W.T. Adams, The Proceedings of the International Symposium on In situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Diversity. 93-97. CRIFC, Ankara, Turkey. Fahima, T., M.S. Röder, A. Grama and E. Nevo. 1998.
  • Microsatellite DNA polymorphism divergence in Triticum dicoccoides accessions highly resistant to yellow rust. Theorotical and Applied Genetics 96:187-195. Feinbrun-Dothan, N. 1986. Flora Palaestina. V. 4. Israel
  • Academy of Science & Humanities, Jerusalem, Israel. Gitte, P., O. Seberg, M. Yde and K. Berthelsen. 2006.
  • Phylogenetic relationships of Triticum and Aegilops and evidence for the origin of the A, B, and D genomes of common Phylogenetics and Evolution 39: 70-82. aestivum). Molecular Harlan, J. R. 1992. Crops and Man. American Society of
  • Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Hawkes, J. G. 1995. Centers of origin for agricultural diversity in the Mediterranean: From Vavilov to the present day. Diversity 11(1-2): 109-111.
  • Hegde, S.G. and J.G. Waines. 2004. Hybridization and introgression between bread wheat and wild and weedy relatives in North America. Crop Science 44:1145-1155.
  • Heun, M., R. Schafer-Pregl, D. Klawan, R. Castagna, M. Accerbi, B. Borghi and F. Salamini. 1997. Site of einkorn wheat domestication identified by DNA fingerprinting. Science 278:1312-1314.
  • KARAGÖZ, A., Ç. ARCAK and İ. H. GÜÇDEMİR, “Relationship between in situ conserved wild wheat species, 141 associated plants and soil characteristics” Hız, M.C., Y. Yeliz, B. Canher, A. Karagöz and M. Sayar. Classification of Turkish Wheat and Wild Relatives for Their Rust (Puccinia spp.) Resistance gene profile. Conference “Conventional and Molecular Breeding of Field and Vegetable November 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia. Conference Crops”. Proceedings 269. 27.
  • Karagöz, A. 1998. In situ conservation of plant genetic resources in Ceylanpınar State Farm. Editors: N. Zencirci
  • Z. Kaya, Y. Anikster, W.T. Adams, The Proceedings of the International Symposium on In situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Diversity. 87-91. CRIFC, Ankara, Turkey. Karagöz, A., M. Peşkircioğlu and A. Horan. 1998. In situ conservation of wheat genetic resources in Turkey: A case study. Editor: A. E. Slinkard, Proceedings of the 9th
  • International Wheat Genetics Symposium II:237-239. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Karagöz, A. 2006. Status of Plant Genetic Resources
  • Threats mand Their Conservation in Turkey. In: 18th International Soil Meeting (ISM) on “Soil Sustaining Life on Earth, Managing Soil and Technology” Proceedings, Vol. II, 816-823, Şanlıurfa, Turkey. Kimber, G. and M. Feldman. 1987. Wild Wheat. An
  • Introduction. Special Report 353, College of Agriculture University of Missouri-Columbia. Koksel, H., S. Celik, A. Karagoz and P.K.W. Ng. 2008. Partial characterization of starch in flours of ancient wheat and wild progenitor accessions. Italian Journal of Food Science 1: (20) 101-109.
  • Lev-Yadun, A. A., A. Gopher and S. Abbo. 2000. The cradle of agriculture. Science 288: 1602-1603.
  • Nesbit, M. and L. Samuel. 1998. Wheat domestication, archeobotanical evidence. Science 279: 1433.
  • Nevo, E., A. B. Korol, A. Beiles and T. Fahima. 2002.
  • Evolution of Wild Emmer and Wheat Improvement. Population Genetics, Genetic Resources and Genome Organization of Wheat’s Progenitor, Triticum dicoccoides. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York. Noy-Meir, I., M. Agami and Y. Anikster. 1991a. Changes in the population density of wild emmer (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides) in a Mediterranean grassland. Israel Journal of Botany 40:385-395.
  • Noy-Meir, I., M. Agami, E. Cohen and Y. Anikster. 1991b.
  • Floristic and ecological differentiation habitats within a wild a wild wheat population at Ammiad. Israel Journal of Botany 40: 363-394. Özkan, H., A. Brandolini, R. Schäfer-Pregl and F. Salamini. AFLP analysis of a collection of tetraploid wheats indicates the origin of emmer and hard wheat domestication in southeast Turkey. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19:1797-1801.
  • Sankary, M. N. N. 1990. Ecogeographical Survey of Aegilops in Syria. Editors: J. P. Srivastawa, A. B. Damania. Wheat
  • Genetic Resources: Meeting Diverse Needs. 147-159, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK. Soil Survey Staff. 1951. Soil Survey Manual. US Department of Agriculture. Handbook No:18, U S Government Printing Office, Washington.
  • Townsend, C. C., E. Guest and A. Al-Rawi. 1968. Flora of Iraq. V 9. Iraq.
  • Tüzüner, A. 1990. Soil and water analysis laboratory manual.
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Rural Services, Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish). Uzunoğlu, S. 1992. Soil texture and analysis methods. Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute, Publications No. 184
  • Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish). Valkoun, J., J. G. Waines and J. Konopka. 1997. Current geographical distribution and habitat of wild wheats and barley. In: Damania AB, Valkoun J, Wilcox G, Qualset
  • CO, eds. Proc. of Harlan Symposium. 10-14 May Aleppo. Part 6. van Slageren, M. W. 1994. Wild wheats: a monograph of
  • Aegilops L. and Amblyopyrum (Jaub. & Spach) Eig. (Poaceae). Wageningen Agricultural University & ICARDA. 7. Waines, J. G. 1997. In situ conservation of wild relatives of crop plants in relation to their history. Conservation of wild progenitors. Editors: A. B. Damania, J. Valkoun, G.
  • Wilcox, C. O. Qualset. Proc. of Harlan Symposium. 10-14 May Aleppo. Part 6. Walkley, A. 1946. A critical examination of a rapid method for determining organic carbon in soils. Soil Science 63: 251
  • Correspondance Address Alptekin KARAGÖZ Aksaray University, Faculty of Art and Science, Depertment of Biology, Aksaray, Türkiye Tel: + 90 382 4512070
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Alptekin Karagöz This is me

Çetin Arcak This is me

İbrahim Hakkı Güçdemir This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2009
Submission Date January 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 15 Issue: 02


APA Karagöz, A., Arcak, Ç., & Güçdemir, İ. H. (2009). Relationship Between in situ Conserved Wild Wheat Species, Associated Plants and Soil Characteristics. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(02), 134-141.

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