Research Article
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Urease Activity and its Kinetics in Soil Treated with Tobacco Waste and Wheat Straw

Year 2007, Volume: 13 Issue: 03, 186 - 194, 01.08.2007


This research was conducted to determine the effects of tobacco waste and straw incorporated to soil on urease activity and kinetics by an incubation experiment. For this purpose, clay loam soil sample and organic wastes were mixed until reaching 5% dry weight and this mixture was incubated in 25±0.5°C temperature for 30 days. Following incubation period, urease activity and changing of kinetic parameters were searched in soil samples in different substrate concentrations 0,1,2,4,6,8,10 and 12% , incubation periods 0,1,2,3,4,5 and 6 hours and incubation temperatures 0,10,20,30,40 and 50°C . Research results showed that treatments of tobacco waste and wheat straw increased urease activity in soil. It was also determined that reaction velocity increased until the level of 8% substrate concentration for control and 10% for tobacco waste and wheat straw treatments. Then it did not change for both of them when exceeding these thresholds. The highest reaction velocity in all substrate concentrations was observed in 50°C incubation temperature for all soil samples including control. In all treatments, the highest Vmax and Km values were measured between 40-50°C. In addition, the highest Vmax/Km ratio for control and soil treated with organic wastes were observed in 50°C and 40°C, respectively


  • Albiach, R., R. Canet, F.Pomares and F. Ingelmo. 2000. Microbial biomass content and enzymatic activities after the application of organic amendments to a horticultural soil. Bioresource Technology 75: 43- 48.
  • Alexander, M. 1977. Introduction to soil microbiology, Second Edition John Wiley. Sons. Inc. New York, USA.
  • Aliev S. A., D. A. Gadgiev and F. D. Mikailov. 1984. Kinetic and thermodinamic characteristcs of enzymes – invertasa and ureaza in Azerbaijan soils. Soviet Soil Science 11: 55-66.
  • Aliev, S. A., D. A. Gadzhiyev and F. D. Mikaylov. 1981. Kinetic indexes of catalase activity in the main soil groups of Azerbaijan. Soviet Soil Science 13: 29-35.
  • Atkins, P. W. 1998. Physical Chemistry, Sixth Edition. Oxford University Press. UK.
  • Bremner, J. M. and R. L. Mulvaney. 1978. Urease activity in soils. In: Burns, R.G. (Ed.), Soil enzymes. Academic Press, New York, USA. pp. 149-196.
  • Cervelli S., P. Nannipieri and B. Ceccanti. 1973. Michaelis constant of acid phosphatase. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 5: 251-293.
  • Coşkan, A., M. Gök, I. Onaç, İ. İnal and T. Sağlamtimur. 2002. The effect of wheat straw, corn straw and tobacco residues on denitrification losses in a field planted with wheat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 26:349-353.
  • Ekberli, İ. and R. Kızılkaya. 2006. Catalase enzyme and its kinetic parameters in earthworm L.terrestris casts and surrounding soil. Asian Journal of Chemistry 18(3): 2321 - 2328.
  • Ekberli, İ., R. Kızılkaya and N. Kars. 2006. Urease enzyme and ıts kinetic and thermodynamic parameters in clay loam soil. Asian Journal of Chemistry 18(4): 3097-3105.
  • García, C., T. Hernández, C. Costa, B. Ceccanti, G. Masciandaro and C. Ciardi. 1993. A study of biochemical parameters of composted and fresh municipal wastes. Bioresource Technology 44: 17-23.
  • Graham, M. H., R. J. Haynes and J. H. Meyer. 2002. Soil organic matter content and soil quality: effects of fertilizer applications, burning and trash retention on a long-term sugarcane experiment in South Africa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34: 93-102.
  • Guan, S. Y. 1989. Studies on the factors influencing soil enzyme activities: I. Effects of organic manures on soil enzyme activities and N and P transformations. Acta Pedologica Sinica 26: 72-78.
  • Güçdemir, İ. H. 2006. Türkiye Gübre ve Gübreleme Rehberi. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Toprak ve Gübre Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Ankara. 424 s.
  • Hadas, A., L. Kautsky, M. Goek and E. E. Kara. 2004. Rates of decomposition of plant residues and available nitrogen in soil, related to residue composition through simulation of carbon and nitrogen turnover. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36: 255-266.
  • Hoffmann, G. G. und K. Teicher. 1961. Ein Kolorimetrisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Urease Aktivitat in Böden. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 91: 55–63.
  • Joergensen, R. G. and M. Potthoff. 2005. Microbial reaction in activity, biomass, and community structure after long- term continuous mixing of a grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 1249-1258.
  • Kacar, B. 1972. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri. I. Bitki Analizleri. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları No.453 Ankara
  • Kaur, K., K. K. Kapoor and A. P. Gupta. 2005. Impact of organic manures with and without mineral fertilizers on soil chemical and biological properties under tropical conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences 168: 117-162.
  • Khaziev F. Kh., 1982. Ecological researh of soil enzyme activity. Nauka Press, Moscow. 203pp
  • Khaziev F. Kh. and Y. M. Agafarova. 1976. Michaelis constant of soil enzymes. Soviet Soil Science 8: 150- 157.
  • Kızılkaya, R., and Ş. Hepşen. 2004. Effect of biosolid amendment on enzyme activities in earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) casts. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 167: 202-208.
  • Kızılkaya, R., and B. Bayraklı. 2005. Effects of N-enriched sewage sludge on soil enzyme activities. Applied Soil Ecology 30: 192-202.
  • Özdemir,N., R. Kızılkaya and A. Sürücü. 2000. Farklı organik atıkların toprakların üreaz enzim aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. Ekoloji Çevre Dergisi 10 (37):23-26.
  • Palmer, T. 1981. Understanding enzymes. Chichester, Ellis Horwood, USA.
  • Parfitt, R. L., G. W. Yeates, D. J. Ross, A. D. Mackay and P. J. Budding. 2005. Relationships between soil biota, nitrogen and phosphorus availability, and pasture growth under organic and conventional management. Applied Soil Ecology 28: 1-13.
  • Paulson K. N. and L. T. Kurts. 1970. Michaelis constant of soil urease. Soil Science Society America Proceedings 34: 70-72
  • Ramirez-Martinez, J. R. 1968. Organic phosphorus mineralization and phosphatase activity in soil. Follia Microbiology 13 (2): 161-174.
  • Rowell, D. L. 1996. Soil Science: Methods and Applications.
  • rd Edition Longman. London, UK.
  • Sajjad, M. H., A. Lodhi and F. Azam. 2002. Changes in Enzyme Activity During the Decomposition of Plant Residues in Soil. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 5: 952-955.
  • Smith, J. L. R. I., Papendick D. F. Besdicek and J. M. Lynch. 1993. Soil organic matter dynamics and crop residue management. In: Soil Microbial Ecology, Meeting, F.B.Jr. (Ed.) Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, USA. pp. 65-95.
  • Tabatabai, M. A. and J. M. Bremner. 1971. Michaelis constants of soil enzymes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 3: 317-323.
  • Tabatabai, M. A. 1973. Michaelis contants of urease in soil and soil fractions. Soil Science Society America Proceedings 37: 707-710.
  • Velikanov, L. L., N. L Velikanov and D. G. Zvyaginçev. 1971. The effects of temperature on free and adsorbed enzyme activity. Soviet Soil Science 3: 62-68.

Tütün Atığı ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi ve Kinetiği

Year 2007, Volume: 13 Issue: 03, 186 - 194, 01.08.2007


Bu araştırmada, topraklara %5 düzeyinde uygulanan tütün atığı ve buğday samanının üreaz aktivitesi ve kinetiği üzerine etkisi bir inkübasyon denemesi ile saptanmıştır. Bu amaçla, killi tın bünyeli deneme toprağına organik atıklar, kuru ağırlık üzerinden %5 oranında karıştırılmış ve 30 gün süre ile 25±0.5 C’de inkübasyona bırakılmıştır. İnkübasyon sonunda alınan örneklerin, farklı substrat konsantrasyonları %0, %1, %2, %4, %6, %8, %10 ve %12 , inkübasyon periyotları 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ve 6 saat ve sıcaklıklarındaki 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 ve 0C üreaz aktivitesi ve kinetik parametrelerindeki değişimler araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, topraklara tütün atığı ve buğday samanı uygulamasının üreaz aktivitesini artırdığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, reaksiyon hızının kontrolde %8’lik substrat düzeyine, tütün atığı ve buğday samanı uygulamasında ise %10’luk düzeyine kadar artış gösterdiği ve bu düzeylerden sonra değişmediği belirlenmiştir. Hem kontrol hem de organik atık uygulanmış topraklarda tüm substrat konsantrasyonlarındaki en yüksek reaksiyon hızları 500C’lik inkübasyon sıcaklığında saptanmıştır. Tüm uygulamalarda en yüksek Vmax ve Km değerleri 40 ve 500C’de, en yüksek Vmax/Km oranları kontrol uygulamasında 50 0C’de, tütün atığı ve buğday samanı uygulamasında ise 0C’de belirlenmiştir


  • Albiach, R., R. Canet, F.Pomares and F. Ingelmo. 2000. Microbial biomass content and enzymatic activities after the application of organic amendments to a horticultural soil. Bioresource Technology 75: 43- 48.
  • Alexander, M. 1977. Introduction to soil microbiology, Second Edition John Wiley. Sons. Inc. New York, USA.
  • Aliev S. A., D. A. Gadgiev and F. D. Mikailov. 1984. Kinetic and thermodinamic characteristcs of enzymes – invertasa and ureaza in Azerbaijan soils. Soviet Soil Science 11: 55-66.
  • Aliev, S. A., D. A. Gadzhiyev and F. D. Mikaylov. 1981. Kinetic indexes of catalase activity in the main soil groups of Azerbaijan. Soviet Soil Science 13: 29-35.
  • Atkins, P. W. 1998. Physical Chemistry, Sixth Edition. Oxford University Press. UK.
  • Bremner, J. M. and R. L. Mulvaney. 1978. Urease activity in soils. In: Burns, R.G. (Ed.), Soil enzymes. Academic Press, New York, USA. pp. 149-196.
  • Cervelli S., P. Nannipieri and B. Ceccanti. 1973. Michaelis constant of acid phosphatase. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 5: 251-293.
  • Coşkan, A., M. Gök, I. Onaç, İ. İnal and T. Sağlamtimur. 2002. The effect of wheat straw, corn straw and tobacco residues on denitrification losses in a field planted with wheat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 26:349-353.
  • Ekberli, İ. and R. Kızılkaya. 2006. Catalase enzyme and its kinetic parameters in earthworm L.terrestris casts and surrounding soil. Asian Journal of Chemistry 18(3): 2321 - 2328.
  • Ekberli, İ., R. Kızılkaya and N. Kars. 2006. Urease enzyme and ıts kinetic and thermodynamic parameters in clay loam soil. Asian Journal of Chemistry 18(4): 3097-3105.
  • García, C., T. Hernández, C. Costa, B. Ceccanti, G. Masciandaro and C. Ciardi. 1993. A study of biochemical parameters of composted and fresh municipal wastes. Bioresource Technology 44: 17-23.
  • Graham, M. H., R. J. Haynes and J. H. Meyer. 2002. Soil organic matter content and soil quality: effects of fertilizer applications, burning and trash retention on a long-term sugarcane experiment in South Africa. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34: 93-102.
  • Guan, S. Y. 1989. Studies on the factors influencing soil enzyme activities: I. Effects of organic manures on soil enzyme activities and N and P transformations. Acta Pedologica Sinica 26: 72-78.
  • Güçdemir, İ. H. 2006. Türkiye Gübre ve Gübreleme Rehberi. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Toprak ve Gübre Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Ankara. 424 s.
  • Hadas, A., L. Kautsky, M. Goek and E. E. Kara. 2004. Rates of decomposition of plant residues and available nitrogen in soil, related to residue composition through simulation of carbon and nitrogen turnover. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36: 255-266.
  • Hoffmann, G. G. und K. Teicher. 1961. Ein Kolorimetrisches Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Urease Aktivitat in Böden. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 91: 55–63.
  • Joergensen, R. G. and M. Potthoff. 2005. Microbial reaction in activity, biomass, and community structure after long- term continuous mixing of a grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 1249-1258.
  • Kacar, B. 1972. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri. I. Bitki Analizleri. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları No.453 Ankara
  • Kaur, K., K. K. Kapoor and A. P. Gupta. 2005. Impact of organic manures with and without mineral fertilizers on soil chemical and biological properties under tropical conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences 168: 117-162.
  • Khaziev F. Kh., 1982. Ecological researh of soil enzyme activity. Nauka Press, Moscow. 203pp
  • Khaziev F. Kh. and Y. M. Agafarova. 1976. Michaelis constant of soil enzymes. Soviet Soil Science 8: 150- 157.
  • Kızılkaya, R., and Ş. Hepşen. 2004. Effect of biosolid amendment on enzyme activities in earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) casts. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 167: 202-208.
  • Kızılkaya, R., and B. Bayraklı. 2005. Effects of N-enriched sewage sludge on soil enzyme activities. Applied Soil Ecology 30: 192-202.
  • Özdemir,N., R. Kızılkaya and A. Sürücü. 2000. Farklı organik atıkların toprakların üreaz enzim aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. Ekoloji Çevre Dergisi 10 (37):23-26.
  • Palmer, T. 1981. Understanding enzymes. Chichester, Ellis Horwood, USA.
  • Parfitt, R. L., G. W. Yeates, D. J. Ross, A. D. Mackay and P. J. Budding. 2005. Relationships between soil biota, nitrogen and phosphorus availability, and pasture growth under organic and conventional management. Applied Soil Ecology 28: 1-13.
  • Paulson K. N. and L. T. Kurts. 1970. Michaelis constant of soil urease. Soil Science Society America Proceedings 34: 70-72
  • Ramirez-Martinez, J. R. 1968. Organic phosphorus mineralization and phosphatase activity in soil. Follia Microbiology 13 (2): 161-174.
  • Rowell, D. L. 1996. Soil Science: Methods and Applications.
  • rd Edition Longman. London, UK.
  • Sajjad, M. H., A. Lodhi and F. Azam. 2002. Changes in Enzyme Activity During the Decomposition of Plant Residues in Soil. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 5: 952-955.
  • Smith, J. L. R. I., Papendick D. F. Besdicek and J. M. Lynch. 1993. Soil organic matter dynamics and crop residue management. In: Soil Microbial Ecology, Meeting, F.B.Jr. (Ed.) Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, USA. pp. 65-95.
  • Tabatabai, M. A. and J. M. Bremner. 1971. Michaelis constants of soil enzymes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 3: 317-323.
  • Tabatabai, M. A. 1973. Michaelis contants of urease in soil and soil fractions. Soil Science Society America Proceedings 37: 707-710.
  • Velikanov, L. L., N. L Velikanov and D. G. Zvyaginçev. 1971. The effects of temperature on free and adsorbed enzyme activity. Soviet Soil Science 3: 62-68.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Rıdvan Kızılkaya This is me

İmanverdi Ekberli This is me

Nalan Kars This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2007
Submission Date January 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 13 Issue: 03


APA Kızılkaya, R., Ekberli, İ., & Kars, N. (2007). Tütün Atığı ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi ve Kinetiği. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(03), 186-194.
AMA Kızılkaya R, Ekberli İ, Kars N. Tütün Atığı ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi ve Kinetiği. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 2007;13(03):186-194. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000535
Chicago Kızılkaya, Rıdvan, İmanverdi Ekberli, and Nalan Kars. “Tütün Atığı Ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi Ve Kinetiği”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13, no. 03 (August 2007): 186-94.
EndNote Kızılkaya R, Ekberli İ, Kars N (August 1, 2007) Tütün Atığı ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi ve Kinetiği. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13 03 186–194.
IEEE R. Kızılkaya, İ. Ekberli, and N. Kars, “Tütün Atığı ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi ve Kinetiği”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 13, no. 03, pp. 186–194, 2007, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000535.
ISNAD Kızılkaya, Rıdvan et al. “Tütün Atığı Ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi Ve Kinetiği”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13/03 (August 2007), 186-194.
JAMA Kızılkaya R, Ekberli İ, Kars N. Tütün Atığı ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi ve Kinetiği. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2007;13:186–194.
MLA Kızılkaya, Rıdvan et al. “Tütün Atığı Ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi Ve Kinetiği”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 13, no. 03, 2007, pp. 186-94, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000535.
Vancouver Kızılkaya R, Ekberli İ, Kars N. Tütün Atığı ve Buğday Samanı Uygulanmış Toprakta Üreaz Aktivitesi ve Kinetiği. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2007;13(03):186-94.

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