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Effect of Priming on Germination of Lagenaria siceraria Genotypes at Low Temperatures

Year 2007, Volume: 13 Issue: 03, 169 - 175, 01.08.2007


This work was carried out to test whether germination of fifteen Lagenaria siceraria genotypes which were collected from western and southern parts of Turkey were improved by KNO3 and NaCl treatments. The experiment was conducted in two consecutive years, 2004 and 2005. Germination tests were performed at 15 0C and 18 0C. Results indicated that the effect of the treatments varied between the genotypes, temperatures and solutions that were used. KNO3 treatment was better and effective in larger number of lots than NaCl in both years. NaCl promoted germination in a few but inhibitive in large number of lots at both temperatures. As germination temperature was reduced, the positive effect of the KNO3 became greater. As a conclusion, priming treatments, specifically KNO3, appears to be promising in enhancing germination percentages of Lagenaria siceraria particularly at 15 C that is the prevailing temperature in rootstock production for grafted watermelon seedling in unheated glasshouse conditions in early spring. 0C that is the prevailing temperature in rootstock production for grafted watermelon


  • Ashita, E. 1927. Grafting of watermelons’ Korea (Chosun) Agr. Newsletter 9. (in Japanese).
  • Ashraf, M. and M. R. Foolad. 2005. Pre-sowing seed treatment - A shotgun approach to improve germination plant growth and crop yield under saline and non-saline conditions. Advances in Agronomy 88: 223-267.
  • Bliss, D. R., Platt, K. A. Aloia,. and W. W. Thompson. 1986. Chnages in plazmalemma organization in cowpea radicle during imbibition in water and NaCl solutions. Plant Cell and Environment 9: 727-733.
  • Bradford, K. J. 1985. Seed priming improves germination and emergence of cantaloupe at low temperature. HortScience 20: 596.
  • Bradford, K. J., J. J Steiner and S. E Trawatha. 1990. Seed priming ınfluence on germination and emergence of pepper seed lots. Crop Science 30: 718-721.
  • Chang, Y. K., K. J. Hwa, Y.Y. Rog, and L. S. Ho. 1996. Effects of fruit maturity and afterripening period on the germination of gourd seeds. Journal Korean Society Horticulture Science 37: 197-200.
  • Demir, I. and C. Oztokat. 2003. Effect of salt priming on germination and seedling growth at low temperatures in watermelon seeds during development. Seed Science and Technology 31: 765-770.
  • Demir, I. and K. Mavi. 2004. The effect of priming on seedling emergence of differentially matured watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai) seeds. Scientia Horticulturae 102: 467-473.
  • Durrant, M.J., A. A. Payne, and J. S. Mclaren. 1983. The use of water and some inorganic salt solution to advance sugarbeet seed. I. Laboratory studies, Annals of Applied Biology 103: 507-515.
  • Heydecker, W. and P. Coolbear. 1977. Seed treatments for improved performance. Survey and attempted prognosis. Seed Science and Technology 5: 353-525.
  • ISTA, International Seed Testing Association 1996. International rules for seed testing. 1996. Seed Science and Technology 24, Supplement.
  • Korkmaz, A., N. Ozbay, I. Tiryaki and M. N. Nas. 2005. Combining priming and plant growth regulators improves muskmelon germination and emergence at low temperatures. Europe Journal HortScience Science 70 (1): 29-34.
  • Lee. J. M. 1994. Cultivation of grafted vegetables I. Current status, grafting methods and benefits. HortScience 29: 235-239.
  • Lin, J. M. and J. M Sung. 2001. Pre-sowing treatments for improving emergence of bitter gourd seedlings under optimal and suboptimal temperatures. Seed Science and Technology 29: 39-50.
  • Masuda M., T. Nakamura and K. Gomi. 1981. Studies on the caharacteristics of nutrient absorption of rootstocks in grafting of fruit vegetables. II. Effect of rootstock C. ficifolia on the growth and mineral composition of xylem sap in cucumber in relation to potassium concentration in culture system. ‘Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture Miyazaki University.
  • Motimoto, Y., P., H. Maundu and H. Fujimaki. 2005. Diversity of landraces of the white-flowered gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) and its wild relatives in Kenya: fruit and seed morphology. Genetic Research Crop Evolution (in press).
  • Nerson, H., H. S Paris, Z. Karchi and M. Sachs. 1985. Seed treatments for improved germination of tetraploid watermelon. HortScience 15: 253-254.
  • Oda, M. 1995. New grafting methods for fruit bearing vegetables in Japan. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 29: 187-198.
  • Pill, W. G. 1995. Low water potential and pre-sowing germination treatments to improve seed quality, p.319- 359. In: A. S. Basra (ed.). Seed quality. Food Products Press. Binghampton, NY, USA.
  • Sachs, M. 1977. Priming watermelon seeds for low temperature germination. Journal Amsterdam Society Horticulture Science. 102: 175-178.
  • Shik, B. M., J. Yeon Ok and J. Lai. 1999. Seed treatment to improve germinability of gourd (Lagenaria siceraria Standl.). Korean Journal Horticulture Science Technology 17: 747-749.
  • Sung, J. M. and K. Y. Chiu. 1995. Hydration effect on seedling emergence strength of watermelon seeds differing in ploidy. Plant Science 110: 21-26.
  • Taylor, A. G., P.S. Allen, M. A. Bennett, K. J. Bradford, J. S. Burris and M. K. Misra. 1998. Seed enhancements. Seed Science Research 8: 245-256.
  • Tindall, H.D. 1983. Vegetables in the Tropics. Macmillan International College Edition, Macmillan Press, 1983.
  • Vertucci, C. W. 1989.The kinetics of imbibition: Controlling factors and relevance to seedling vigor. p. 93-114. In: Seed Moisture, P.C. Stanwood and M. B. McDonald. (Eds), CSS special publication number 14. Wisc. USA.
  • Yetisir, H. and N. Sarı. 2003. Effect of different rootstock on plant growth yield and quality of watermelon. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 43: 1269-1274.

Lagenaria siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi

Year 2007, Volume: 13 Issue: 03, 169 - 175, 01.08.2007


Bu çalışmada; Türkiye’nin batı ve güney bölgelerinden toplanan, 15 adet Lagenaria siceraria genotipine ait tohumlar KNO ve NaCl uygulamasına tabi tutularak çimlenme oranları araştırılmıştır. Araştırma, 2004-2005 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Çimlendirme testleri, 15 C ve 18 0C sıcaklılarda yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar, uygulamaların etkisinin genotipler, sıcaklıklar ve kullanılan solüsyonlar arasında fark olduğunu göstermiştir. Birçok genotipte her iki yılda da, KNOuygulaması NaCl uygulamasına göre daha etkili ve iyi sonuç vermiştir. Her iki sıcaklıkta, NaCl az da olsa çimlenmeyi olumlu etkilemiştir; fakat, birçok genotipte çimlenmeyi engellemiştir. Çimlenme sıcaklığı düştükçe KNOuygulamasının pozitif etkisi daha iyi gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; uygulamalar, özellikle de KNO3 uygulaması ile 15 0C sıcaklıkta, Lagenaria siceraria tohumlarının çimlenme yüzdesi arttırılmıştır. Belirtilen uygulama, erken ilkbahar döneminde ısıtmasız sera koşullarında aşılı karpuz fidesi için anaç üretiminde etkili şekilde kullanılabilir


  • Ashita, E. 1927. Grafting of watermelons’ Korea (Chosun) Agr. Newsletter 9. (in Japanese).
  • Ashraf, M. and M. R. Foolad. 2005. Pre-sowing seed treatment - A shotgun approach to improve germination plant growth and crop yield under saline and non-saline conditions. Advances in Agronomy 88: 223-267.
  • Bliss, D. R., Platt, K. A. Aloia,. and W. W. Thompson. 1986. Chnages in plazmalemma organization in cowpea radicle during imbibition in water and NaCl solutions. Plant Cell and Environment 9: 727-733.
  • Bradford, K. J. 1985. Seed priming improves germination and emergence of cantaloupe at low temperature. HortScience 20: 596.
  • Bradford, K. J., J. J Steiner and S. E Trawatha. 1990. Seed priming ınfluence on germination and emergence of pepper seed lots. Crop Science 30: 718-721.
  • Chang, Y. K., K. J. Hwa, Y.Y. Rog, and L. S. Ho. 1996. Effects of fruit maturity and afterripening period on the germination of gourd seeds. Journal Korean Society Horticulture Science 37: 197-200.
  • Demir, I. and C. Oztokat. 2003. Effect of salt priming on germination and seedling growth at low temperatures in watermelon seeds during development. Seed Science and Technology 31: 765-770.
  • Demir, I. and K. Mavi. 2004. The effect of priming on seedling emergence of differentially matured watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai) seeds. Scientia Horticulturae 102: 467-473.
  • Durrant, M.J., A. A. Payne, and J. S. Mclaren. 1983. The use of water and some inorganic salt solution to advance sugarbeet seed. I. Laboratory studies, Annals of Applied Biology 103: 507-515.
  • Heydecker, W. and P. Coolbear. 1977. Seed treatments for improved performance. Survey and attempted prognosis. Seed Science and Technology 5: 353-525.
  • ISTA, International Seed Testing Association 1996. International rules for seed testing. 1996. Seed Science and Technology 24, Supplement.
  • Korkmaz, A., N. Ozbay, I. Tiryaki and M. N. Nas. 2005. Combining priming and plant growth regulators improves muskmelon germination and emergence at low temperatures. Europe Journal HortScience Science 70 (1): 29-34.
  • Lee. J. M. 1994. Cultivation of grafted vegetables I. Current status, grafting methods and benefits. HortScience 29: 235-239.
  • Lin, J. M. and J. M Sung. 2001. Pre-sowing treatments for improving emergence of bitter gourd seedlings under optimal and suboptimal temperatures. Seed Science and Technology 29: 39-50.
  • Masuda M., T. Nakamura and K. Gomi. 1981. Studies on the caharacteristics of nutrient absorption of rootstocks in grafting of fruit vegetables. II. Effect of rootstock C. ficifolia on the growth and mineral composition of xylem sap in cucumber in relation to potassium concentration in culture system. ‘Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture Miyazaki University.
  • Motimoto, Y., P., H. Maundu and H. Fujimaki. 2005. Diversity of landraces of the white-flowered gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) and its wild relatives in Kenya: fruit and seed morphology. Genetic Research Crop Evolution (in press).
  • Nerson, H., H. S Paris, Z. Karchi and M. Sachs. 1985. Seed treatments for improved germination of tetraploid watermelon. HortScience 15: 253-254.
  • Oda, M. 1995. New grafting methods for fruit bearing vegetables in Japan. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 29: 187-198.
  • Pill, W. G. 1995. Low water potential and pre-sowing germination treatments to improve seed quality, p.319- 359. In: A. S. Basra (ed.). Seed quality. Food Products Press. Binghampton, NY, USA.
  • Sachs, M. 1977. Priming watermelon seeds for low temperature germination. Journal Amsterdam Society Horticulture Science. 102: 175-178.
  • Shik, B. M., J. Yeon Ok and J. Lai. 1999. Seed treatment to improve germinability of gourd (Lagenaria siceraria Standl.). Korean Journal Horticulture Science Technology 17: 747-749.
  • Sung, J. M. and K. Y. Chiu. 1995. Hydration effect on seedling emergence strength of watermelon seeds differing in ploidy. Plant Science 110: 21-26.
  • Taylor, A. G., P.S. Allen, M. A. Bennett, K. J. Bradford, J. S. Burris and M. K. Misra. 1998. Seed enhancements. Seed Science Research 8: 245-256.
  • Tindall, H.D. 1983. Vegetables in the Tropics. Macmillan International College Edition, Macmillan Press, 1983.
  • Vertucci, C. W. 1989.The kinetics of imbibition: Controlling factors and relevance to seedling vigor. p. 93-114. In: Seed Moisture, P.C. Stanwood and M. B. McDonald. (Eds), CSS special publication number 14. Wisc. USA.
  • Yetisir, H. and N. Sarı. 2003. Effect of different rootstock on plant growth yield and quality of watermelon. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 43: 1269-1274.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Burcu Begüm Kenanoğlu This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 13 Issue: 03


APA Kenanoğlu, B. B. (2007). Lagenaria siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(03), 169-175.
AMA Kenanoğlu BB. Lagenaria siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 2007;13(03):169-175.
Chicago Kenanoğlu, Burcu Begüm. “Lagenaria Siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13, no. 03 (August 2007): 169-75.
EndNote Kenanoğlu BB (August 1, 2007) Lagenaria siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13 03 169–175.
IEEE B. B. Kenanoğlu, “Lagenaria siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 13, no. 03, pp. 169–175, 2007.
ISNAD Kenanoğlu, Burcu Begüm. “Lagenaria Siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 13/03 (August 2007), 169-175.
JAMA Kenanoğlu BB. Lagenaria siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2007;13:169–175.
MLA Kenanoğlu, Burcu Begüm. “Lagenaria Siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 13, no. 03, 2007, pp. 169-75.
Vancouver Kenanoğlu BB. Lagenaria siceraria Genotiplerinin Düşük Sıcaklıkta Çimlenmesi Üzerine Ekim Öncesi Uygulamaların Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2007;13(03):169-75.

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