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Effects of Potassium Application on Photosynthetic Pigments, Osmotic Potential, K+ /Na+ Ratio and Plant Growth of Barley under Salinity

Year 2006, Volume: 12 Issue: 02, 188 - 194, 01.05.2006


A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to study the influence of potassium rates on cultivar of barley Hordeum vulgare, L. Cv Tokak 157/37 under salt stres and normal conditions. Potassium K2SO4 were added to soil at four levels 0, 200, 400, 600 mg K kg-1 under nonsaline and saline conditions. Soil salinity used in the experiment with salinity concentrations at 8 mmhos cm_1. NaCl affected adversely barley seedlings and significantly decreased dry shoot and root weights, leaf potassium to sodium ratio and osmotic potential, and photosynthetic pigments, compared to nonsalinity condition. Potassium applications significantly affected on dry shoot and dry root weights, osmotic potantial, leaf potassium to sodium ratio, and photosynthetic pigment contents in Tokak 157/37 variety. In the present study potassium application had positive effects on salinity and alleviated negative effects of salinity on barley seedling


  • Ahsan, M. and M. Khalid. 1999. Effects of selecting for K/Na and grain yield on salinity tolerance in spring wheat. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 2: 679-681.
  • Alpaslan, M., A. Güneş, S. Taban, İ. Erdal, ve C. Tarakcıoğlu. 1998. Tuz stresinde çeltik ve buğday çeşitlerinin kalsiyum, fosfor, demir, bakır, çinko, ve mangan içeriklerindeki değişmeler. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry 22: 227-233.
  • Arnon, D. I. 1949. Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts. Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology 24: 1–10.
  • Ashraf, M. 1994. Breeding for salinity tolerance in plant. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 13: 17–42.
  • Ashraf, M., K. Aasiya and A. Khanum. 1997. Relationship between ion accumulation and growth in two spring wheat lines differing in salt tolerance at different growth stages. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 178: 39-51.
  • Ashrafuzzaman, M., M. A. H. Khan, S. M. Shohidullah and M. S. Rahman. 2000. Effects of salinity the chlorophyll content, yield and yield components of QPM CV. Nutricta. Pakistan Jounal of Biological Sciences 3: 43- 46.
  • Bağcı, S.A. H. Ekiz and A. Yılmaz, 2003. Determination of the salt tolerance of some barley genotypes and the characteristics affecting tolerance. Tr. J. Agric. For. 27: 253-260
  • Blum, A. 1988. Plant Breeding for Stres Environments. CRC Press. Boca Raton. FL., pp: 223.
  • Bray, J. R. 1963. Root production and the estimation of net productivity. Canadian Journal of Botany 41:65–72.
  • Crawley, M. J. 1997. Life History and Environment. In: Plant Ecology. 2nd ed. (Ed. M.J. Crawley). Blackwell, U.K. pp: 73-131.
  • Din, C., S. M. Mehdi, M. Sarfraz, Hassan Ghulam and M. Sadiq, 2001. Comparative efficiency of foliar and soil application of K on salt tolerance in rice. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 4: 815-817
  • Epstein, E. 1966. Dual pattern of ion absorption by plant cells and by plants. Nature 212: 1324-1327.
  • Ergene, A. 1987. Toprak Biliminin Esasları. Atatürk Üniv. Yayınları. No:635, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 289, Ders Kitabı Serisi No:47. Erzurum.
  • Flowers, T. J., P. F. Troke and R. Yeo. 1977. The mechanism of salt tolerance in halophytes. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 28: 89- 121.
  • Flowers, T. J. and A. R. Yeo. 1981. Variability in the resistance of sodium chloride salinity within rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. New Phytol., 88, 363-373,.
  • Gorham, J. 1990. Salt tolerance in the Triticeae: Ion discrimination in rye and triticale. Journal of Experimental Botany 41: 609-614
  • Greenway, H. and R. Munns. 1980 Mechanisms of salt tolerance in nonhalophytes. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol 31: 149-190
  • Greenway, H. 1973. Salinity, plant growth, and meta-bolism. J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 39, 24D34.
  • Güneş, A., W. H. K. Post, E. A. Kirkby and M. Aktaş. 1994. Influence of partial replacement on nitrate by amino acid nitrogen or urea in the nutrient medium on nitrate accumulation in NFT grown winter lettuce. Journal of Plant Nutrition 17, 1929-1938, 1994.
  • Helal, M., K. Koch and K. Mengel. 1975. Effect of salinity and potassium on the uptake of nitrogen and nitrogen metabolism in young barley plants. Physiol Plant 35: 310-313.
  • Hsiao, T. C. and A. Läuchli. 1986 Role of Potassium in Plant- Water Relations. In: Advances in Plant Nutrition, Tinker, B. and Läuchli, A. (eds.), Vol. 2. Praeger Scientific, New York, pp. 281-312.
  • İnal, A., A. Güneş ve M. Aktaş. 1995. Effects of chloride and partial substitution of reduced forms of nitrogen for nitrate in nutrient solution of the nitrate, total nitrogen and chlorine contents of onion. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 18, 2219- 2227.
  • Jones, M. M. N. and C. Turner. 1978 Osmotic adjustment in leaves of Sorghum in response to water deficits. Plant Physiol. 61: 122–126.
  • Kacar, B. 1972. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri II. Bitki Analizleri. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat. Fak., Yayın No: 453. Ankara.
  • Kacar, B. 1995. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri III. Toprak Analizleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Eğitim Araştırma ve Geliştirme Vakfı Yayınları, No: 3, ss 705, Ankara.
  • Kirkby, E. A. and A. H. Knight. 1987. The influence of the level of nitrate nutrition on ion uptake and assimilation, organic acid accumulation and cation anion balance in whole tomato plants. Plant Physiology 60: 349-353
  • Leopold, A. C. and R. P. Willing. 1984. Evidence of Toxicity Effects of Salt on Membranes. In: Salinity Tolerance in Plants, (eds. R.C. Staples and G.H. Toenniessen), pp. 67-76. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Marschner, H. 1995. Mineral Nutrient of Higher Plant. 2.nd ed. London Acedemic, 889p.
  • Munsuz, N., G. Çaycı ve S. Sözüdoğru Ok. 2001. Toprak Islahı ve Düzenleyiciler (Tuzlu ve Alkali Toprakların Islahı). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları, No:1518, Ankara.
  • Poonia, S. R., S. M. Virmani and D. R. Bhumla. 1972. Effect of ESP (exchangeable sodium percentage) of soil on the yield, chemical composition and uptake of applied calcium. by wheat, Journal of Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 20:183-/185.
  • Rascio, A., C. Platani, G. Scalfati, A. Tonti and N. D. Fonzo. 1994. The accumulation of solutes and water binding strength in durum wheat. Physiol. Plant. 90: 715-721.
  • Rhoades, J. D., A. Kandiah and A. M. Mashali. 1992. The use of saline waters for crop production. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No.48,133pp, Rome.
  • SAS, 1989. SAS/STAT User's Guide, Version 6, Fourth Edition, Volume 2. SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA.
  • Shaaban, M. M., M. M. El-Fouly, El-Zanaty, A. A. Abou El- Nour, A. Abdel-Wahab and M. Abdel. 2004. Halophytes and foliar fertilization as a useful technique for growing processing tomatoes in the saline affected soils. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 7: 503-507.
  • Sherif M.A., T. R. El-Beshbeshy and C. Richter. 1998. Response of some Egyptian varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to salt stress through potassium application. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Cairo 49: 129-151.
  • Shirazi M.U., M. Y. Ashraf, M. A. Khan and M. H. Naqvi. 2005. Potassium induced salinity tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech. 2: 233- 236
  • Siegel, S. M., B. Z. Siegel, J. Massey, P. Lahne and J. Chen. 1980. Growth of Corn in Saline Waters. Physiol. Plant 50: 71-73
  • Tekinel, O. ve B. Çevik. 1983. Kültürteknik (Sulama ve Drenaj). Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Ders Notları. Yayın No: 166
  • Tisdale S. I., W. L. Nelson and J. D. Beaton. 1993. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Macmillan Pub. Co. New York, pp: 249-291.
  • Ueda A., A. Kathiresan, M. Inada, T. Y. Narita, T. Nakamura, W. Shi, T. Takabe and J. Bennett. 2004. Osmotic stress in barley regulates expression of a different set of genes than salt stress does. Journal of Experimental Botany 55: 2213-2218
  • Van Deer Paauw F. 1958. Relations between the potash requirements of crops and metereological conditions. Plant Soil 9: 254-258.
  • Witham, F. H., D. R. Blaydes and R. M. Devlin. 1971. Experiments in Plant Physiology. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.1-11.
  • Yeo, R. A. and J. T. Flowers. 1983. Vertical differences in toxicity of sodium ions in rice leaves. Plant Physiol. 59: 189-195.

Potasyum Uygulamasının Tuz Stresindeki Arpanın Fotosentetik Pigment İçeriği, Ozmotik Potansiyel, K+/Na+ Oranı ile Bitki Büyümesindeki Etkileri

Year 2006, Volume: 12 Issue: 02, 188 - 194, 01.05.2006


Bu saksı çalışmasında, Tokak 157/37 arpa çeşidinde Hordeum vulgare L. potasyum uygulamasının K2SO4 tuzlu ve tuzsuz koşullarda etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Saksılarda 4 farklı 0, 200, 400, ve 600 mg K kg-1 saksı potasyum dozu, tuzlu ve tuzsuz ortamlarda uygulanmıştır. Denemede tuzluluk düzeyi 8 mmhos cm_1 olarak belirlenmiştir. Tuz stresi şartlarında Tokak 157/37 arpa çeşidinin toprak altı ve toprak üstü kuru ağırlıkları, ozmotik potansiyeli, fotosentetik pigment içerikleri ve K+/Na+ oranında tuzsuz şartlara göre kıyaslandığında azalma belirlenmiştir. Toprağa uygulanan potasyumun Tokak 157/37 çeşidinin toprak altı ve üstü kuru ağırlıklarını, ozmotik potansiyeli, fotosentetik pigment içeriklerini ve K+/Na+ oranlarını arttırmıştır. Potasyum uygulaması bitki gelişimini önemli derecede etkileyerek tuzun negatif etkisini azaltmıştır


  • Ahsan, M. and M. Khalid. 1999. Effects of selecting for K/Na and grain yield on salinity tolerance in spring wheat. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 2: 679-681.
  • Alpaslan, M., A. Güneş, S. Taban, İ. Erdal, ve C. Tarakcıoğlu. 1998. Tuz stresinde çeltik ve buğday çeşitlerinin kalsiyum, fosfor, demir, bakır, çinko, ve mangan içeriklerindeki değişmeler. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry 22: 227-233.
  • Arnon, D. I. 1949. Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts. Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology 24: 1–10.
  • Ashraf, M. 1994. Breeding for salinity tolerance in plant. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 13: 17–42.
  • Ashraf, M., K. Aasiya and A. Khanum. 1997. Relationship between ion accumulation and growth in two spring wheat lines differing in salt tolerance at different growth stages. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 178: 39-51.
  • Ashrafuzzaman, M., M. A. H. Khan, S. M. Shohidullah and M. S. Rahman. 2000. Effects of salinity the chlorophyll content, yield and yield components of QPM CV. Nutricta. Pakistan Jounal of Biological Sciences 3: 43- 46.
  • Bağcı, S.A. H. Ekiz and A. Yılmaz, 2003. Determination of the salt tolerance of some barley genotypes and the characteristics affecting tolerance. Tr. J. Agric. For. 27: 253-260
  • Blum, A. 1988. Plant Breeding for Stres Environments. CRC Press. Boca Raton. FL., pp: 223.
  • Bray, J. R. 1963. Root production and the estimation of net productivity. Canadian Journal of Botany 41:65–72.
  • Crawley, M. J. 1997. Life History and Environment. In: Plant Ecology. 2nd ed. (Ed. M.J. Crawley). Blackwell, U.K. pp: 73-131.
  • Din, C., S. M. Mehdi, M. Sarfraz, Hassan Ghulam and M. Sadiq, 2001. Comparative efficiency of foliar and soil application of K on salt tolerance in rice. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 4: 815-817
  • Epstein, E. 1966. Dual pattern of ion absorption by plant cells and by plants. Nature 212: 1324-1327.
  • Ergene, A. 1987. Toprak Biliminin Esasları. Atatürk Üniv. Yayınları. No:635, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 289, Ders Kitabı Serisi No:47. Erzurum.
  • Flowers, T. J., P. F. Troke and R. Yeo. 1977. The mechanism of salt tolerance in halophytes. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 28: 89- 121.
  • Flowers, T. J. and A. R. Yeo. 1981. Variability in the resistance of sodium chloride salinity within rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. New Phytol., 88, 363-373,.
  • Gorham, J. 1990. Salt tolerance in the Triticeae: Ion discrimination in rye and triticale. Journal of Experimental Botany 41: 609-614
  • Greenway, H. and R. Munns. 1980 Mechanisms of salt tolerance in nonhalophytes. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol 31: 149-190
  • Greenway, H. 1973. Salinity, plant growth, and meta-bolism. J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 39, 24D34.
  • Güneş, A., W. H. K. Post, E. A. Kirkby and M. Aktaş. 1994. Influence of partial replacement on nitrate by amino acid nitrogen or urea in the nutrient medium on nitrate accumulation in NFT grown winter lettuce. Journal of Plant Nutrition 17, 1929-1938, 1994.
  • Helal, M., K. Koch and K. Mengel. 1975. Effect of salinity and potassium on the uptake of nitrogen and nitrogen metabolism in young barley plants. Physiol Plant 35: 310-313.
  • Hsiao, T. C. and A. Läuchli. 1986 Role of Potassium in Plant- Water Relations. In: Advances in Plant Nutrition, Tinker, B. and Läuchli, A. (eds.), Vol. 2. Praeger Scientific, New York, pp. 281-312.
  • İnal, A., A. Güneş ve M. Aktaş. 1995. Effects of chloride and partial substitution of reduced forms of nitrogen for nitrate in nutrient solution of the nitrate, total nitrogen and chlorine contents of onion. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 18, 2219- 2227.
  • Jones, M. M. N. and C. Turner. 1978 Osmotic adjustment in leaves of Sorghum in response to water deficits. Plant Physiol. 61: 122–126.
  • Kacar, B. 1972. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri II. Bitki Analizleri. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat. Fak., Yayın No: 453. Ankara.
  • Kacar, B. 1995. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri III. Toprak Analizleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Eğitim Araştırma ve Geliştirme Vakfı Yayınları, No: 3, ss 705, Ankara.
  • Kirkby, E. A. and A. H. Knight. 1987. The influence of the level of nitrate nutrition on ion uptake and assimilation, organic acid accumulation and cation anion balance in whole tomato plants. Plant Physiology 60: 349-353
  • Leopold, A. C. and R. P. Willing. 1984. Evidence of Toxicity Effects of Salt on Membranes. In: Salinity Tolerance in Plants, (eds. R.C. Staples and G.H. Toenniessen), pp. 67-76. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Marschner, H. 1995. Mineral Nutrient of Higher Plant. 2.nd ed. London Acedemic, 889p.
  • Munsuz, N., G. Çaycı ve S. Sözüdoğru Ok. 2001. Toprak Islahı ve Düzenleyiciler (Tuzlu ve Alkali Toprakların Islahı). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları, No:1518, Ankara.
  • Poonia, S. R., S. M. Virmani and D. R. Bhumla. 1972. Effect of ESP (exchangeable sodium percentage) of soil on the yield, chemical composition and uptake of applied calcium. by wheat, Journal of Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 20:183-/185.
  • Rascio, A., C. Platani, G. Scalfati, A. Tonti and N. D. Fonzo. 1994. The accumulation of solutes and water binding strength in durum wheat. Physiol. Plant. 90: 715-721.
  • Rhoades, J. D., A. Kandiah and A. M. Mashali. 1992. The use of saline waters for crop production. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No.48,133pp, Rome.
  • SAS, 1989. SAS/STAT User's Guide, Version 6, Fourth Edition, Volume 2. SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA.
  • Shaaban, M. M., M. M. El-Fouly, El-Zanaty, A. A. Abou El- Nour, A. Abdel-Wahab and M. Abdel. 2004. Halophytes and foliar fertilization as a useful technique for growing processing tomatoes in the saline affected soils. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 7: 503-507.
  • Sherif M.A., T. R. El-Beshbeshy and C. Richter. 1998. Response of some Egyptian varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to salt stress through potassium application. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Cairo 49: 129-151.
  • Shirazi M.U., M. Y. Ashraf, M. A. Khan and M. H. Naqvi. 2005. Potassium induced salinity tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech. 2: 233- 236
  • Siegel, S. M., B. Z. Siegel, J. Massey, P. Lahne and J. Chen. 1980. Growth of Corn in Saline Waters. Physiol. Plant 50: 71-73
  • Tekinel, O. ve B. Çevik. 1983. Kültürteknik (Sulama ve Drenaj). Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Ders Notları. Yayın No: 166
  • Tisdale S. I., W. L. Nelson and J. D. Beaton. 1993. Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Macmillan Pub. Co. New York, pp: 249-291.
  • Ueda A., A. Kathiresan, M. Inada, T. Y. Narita, T. Nakamura, W. Shi, T. Takabe and J. Bennett. 2004. Osmotic stress in barley regulates expression of a different set of genes than salt stress does. Journal of Experimental Botany 55: 2213-2218
  • Van Deer Paauw F. 1958. Relations between the potash requirements of crops and metereological conditions. Plant Soil 9: 254-258.
  • Witham, F. H., D. R. Blaydes and R. M. Devlin. 1971. Experiments in Plant Physiology. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.1-11.
  • Yeo, R. A. and J. T. Flowers. 1983. Vertical differences in toxicity of sodium ions in rice leaves. Plant Physiol. 59: 189-195.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Yağmur This is me

Diğdem Kaydan This is me

Neşe Okut This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 12 Issue: 02


APA Yağmur, M., Kaydan, D., & Okut, N. (2006). Potasyum Uygulamasının Tuz Stresindeki Arpanın Fotosentetik Pigment İçeriği, Ozmotik Potansiyel, K+/Na+ Oranı ile Bitki Büyümesindeki Etkileri. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12(02), 188-194.

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