Fasulye horoz oturak ve şeker , barbunya ve mercimeğ in pul Il iki paralel plaka aras ı nda yük alt ı nda mekanik davran ışı incelenmiştir. Denemelerden önce ürünlerin boyutlar ı ölçülmü ş ve geometrik ortalama çap ı , küreselliğ i, deformasyonu, birim deformasyonu, kopma kuvveti ve kopma enerjisi belirlenmi ştir. Denemeler 10 tekerrürlü, 3 farkl ı nem ve iki farkl ı yükleme ekseninde x-x, y-y yap ı lm ış , kuvvetin uygulanma h ı z ı 40,2 mm/mi n al ı nm ıştı r. Deneme sonuçları istatistiksel aç ı dan da değerlendirilmi ştir. Fasülye horoz oturakda en büyük birim deformasyon, kopma kuvveti ve kopma enerjisi x-x ekseninde elde edilmi ştir. Nemin artmas ı yla birim deformasyon ve kopma kuvveti azalm ış , kopma enerjisi önce artm ış sonra azalmıştı r. Fasülye şekerde en büyük birim deformasyon x-x ekseninde, en büyük kopma kuvveti ve kopma enerjisi ise y-y ekseninde bulunmu ştur. Barbunyada en büyük birim deformasyon ve kopma enerjisi y-y ekseninde, en büyük kopma kuvveti ise x-x ekseninde elde edilmi ştir. Barbunyada nem artt ı kça birim deformasyon, kopma kuvveti ve kopma enerjisi azalm ıştı r. Mercimekte ortalama deformasyon 0,307±0,0201 mm, birim deformasyon %12,9±0,938, kopma kuvveti 190,6±15,7 N ve kopma enerjisi 180,6±21,1 Nmm bulunmuştur.
This paper examines mechanical behaviour of bean horoz oturak and şeker varieties , reddish bean and lentil pul Il variety under compression bad between two paralel plates. At the beginning of every test three major perpendicular dimensions of the seeds were measured and the geometric mean diameter, sphericity, deformation, specific deformation, initial rupture force and initial rupture energy were determined The tests were made at three moisture contents and two compression positions x-x, y-y . Seeds were compressed at an applied force speed of 40,2 mm/min between two parallel plates. For each combination of moisture content and bad position, a sample of 10 seeds was tested. In addition, statistical analysis were made. For bean of horoz oturak variety; the maximum specific deformation, rupture force and energy were obtained at x-x bad position. With increasing moisture content specific deformation and rupture force decreased and rupture energy increased to a value of moisture and then decreased. For bean of şeker variety; the maximum specific deformation occurred at x-x load position and the maximum rupture force and energy were obtained at y-y bad position. For reddish bean; at the y-y bad position the specific deformation and rupture energy, and at the x-x bad position the maximum rupture force were obtained. The specific deformation, rupture force and energy decreased as the moisture content increased for reddish been. The average deformation, specific deformation, rupture force and energy for lentil pul 11 variety were 0,307±0,0201 mm, %12,9±0,938, 190,6±15,7 N and 180,6±21,1 Nmm respectively.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | May 1, 2003 |
Submission Date | May 1, 2003 |
Published in Issue | Year 2003 Volume: 09 Issue: 02 |
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